Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook, Airframe, VOL 1 (2024)

Source: http://www.doksinet Source: http://www.doksinet Aviation Maintenance Technician HandbookAirframe Volume 1 2012 U.S Department of Transportation FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Flight Standards Service Source: http://www.doksinet Volume Contents Volume 1 Volume 2 Preface.v Chapter 10 Acknowledgments.vii Aircraft Instrument .10-1 Table of Contents.xiii Chapter 11 Communication and Navigation.11-1 Chapter 1 Aircraft Structures.1-1 Chapter 12 Hydraulic and Pneumatic .12-1 Chapter 2 Aerodynamics, Aircraft Assembly, and Rigging.2-1 Chapter 13 Aircraft Landing . 13-1 Chapter 3 Aircraft Fabric Covering.3-1 Chapter 4 Aircraft Metal Structural Repair.4-1 Chapter 5 Aircraft Welding.5-1 Chapter 6 Aircraft Wood . 6-1 Chapter 7 Advanced Composite Materials.7-1 Chapter 14 Aircraft Fuel System.14-1 Chapter 15 Ice and Rain Protection.15-1 Chapter 16 Cabin Environmental .16-1 Chapter 17 Fire Protection Systems.17-1 Glossary.G-1 Index.I-1 Chapter 8 Aircraft Painting and

Finishing.8-1 Chapter 9 Aircraft Electrical System.9-1 Glossary.G-1 Index.I-1 iii Source: http://www.doksinet Preface The Aviation Maintenance Technician HandbookAirframe (FAA-H-8083-31) is one of a series of three handbooks for persons preparing for certification as an airframe or powerplant mechanic. It is intended that this handbook provide the basic information on principles, fundamentals, and technical procedures in the subject matter areas relating to the airframe rating. It is designed to aid students enrolled in a formal course of instruction, as well as the individual who is studying on his or her own. Since the knowledge requirements for the airframe and powerplant ratings closely parallel each other in some subject areas, the chapters which discuss fire protection systems and electrical systems contain some material which is also duplicated in the Aviation Maintenance Technician HandbookPowerplant (FAA-H-8083-32). This volume contains information on airframe construction

features, assembly and rigging, fabric covering, structural repairs, and aircraft welding. The handbook also contains an explanation of the units that make up the various airframe systems Because there are so many different types of aircraft in use today, it is reasonable to expect that differences exist in airframe components and systems. To avoid undue repetition, the practice of using representative systems and units is carried out throughout the handbook. Subject matter treatment is from a generalized point of view and should be supplemented by reference to manufacturers manuals or other textbooks if more detail is desired. This handbook is not intended to replace, substitute for, or supersede official regulations or the manufacturer’s instructions. Occasionally the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal

Regulations (14 CFR). This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from www.faagov The subject of Human Factors is contained in the Aviation Maintenance Technician HandbookGeneral (FAA-H-8083-30). This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address: AFS630comments@faa.gov v Source: http://www.doksinet Acknowledgments The Aviation Maintenance Technician HandbookAirframe (FAA-H-8083-31) was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA). The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors: Mr. Chris Brady (wwwb737orguk) for images used throughout this handbook Captain Karl Eiríksson for image used in Chapter 1 Cessna Aircraft Company for image used in Chapter 1 Mr.

Andy Dawson (wwwmossieorg) for images used throughout Chapter 1 Mr. Bill Shemley for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Bruce R Swanson for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Burkhard Domke (wwwb-domkede) for images used throughout Chapter 1 and 2 Mr. Chris Wonnacott (wwwfromtheflightdeckcom) for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Christian Tremblay (wwwzodiac640com) for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. John Bailey (wwwknots2ucom) for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Rich Guerra (wwwrguerracom) for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Ronald Lane for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Tom Allensworth (wwwavsimcom) for image used in Chapter 1 Navion Pilots Association’s Tech Note 001 (www.navionpilotsorg) for image used in Chapter 1 U.S Coast Guard for image used in Chapter 1 Mr. Tony Bingelis and the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) for images used throughout Chapter 2 Mr. Benoit Viellefon (wwwjohnjohncouk/compare-tigermothflights/html/tigermoth bio aozhhtml) for image used in Chapter 3 Mr. Paul Harding of Safari

Seaplanes–Bahamas (wwwsafariseaplanescom) for image used in Chapter 3 Polyfiber/Consolidated Aircraft Coatings for images used throughout Chapter 3 Stewart Systems for images used throughout Chapter 3 Superflite for images used throughout Chapter 3 Cherry Aerospace (www.cherryaerospacecom) for images used in Chapters 4 and 7 Raytheon Aircraft (Structural Inspection and Repair Manual) for information used in Chapter 4 Mr. Scott Allen of Kalamazoo Industries, Inc (wwwkalamazooindcom) for image used in Chapter 4 Miller Electric Mfg. Co (wwwmillerweldscom) for images used in Chapter 5 Mr. Aaron Novak, contributing engineer, for charts used in Chapter 5 Mr. Bob Hall (wwwpro-fusiononlinecom) for image used in Chapter 5 vii Source: http://www.doksinet Mr. Kent White of TM Technologies, Inc for image used in Chapter 5 Safety Supplies Canada (www.safetysuppliescanadacom) for image used in Chapter 5 Smith Equipment (www.smithequipmentcom) for images used in Chapter 5 Alcoa (www.alcoacom)

for images used in Chapter 7 Mr. Chuck Scott (wwwitwifcom) for images used throughout Chapter 8 Mr. John Lagerlof of Paasche Airbrush Co (paascheairbrushcom) for image used in Chapter 8 Mr. Philip Love of Turbine Products, LLC (wwwturbineproductscom) for image used in Chapter 8 Consolidated Aircraft Coatings for image used in Chapter 8 Tianjin Yonglida Material Testing Machine Co., Ltd for image used in Chapter 8 Mr. Jim Irwin of Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co (wwwaircraftsprucecom) for images used in Chapters 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 Mr. Kevan Hashemi for image used in Chapter 9 Mr. Michael Leasure, Aviation Multimedia Library (www2techpurdueedu/at/courses/aeml) for images used in Chapters 9, 13, 14 Cobra Systems Inc. (wwwcobrasyscom) for image used in Chapter 10 www.free-online-private-pilot-ground-schoolcom for image used in Chapters 10, 16 DAC International (www.dacintcom) for image used in Chapter 10 Dawson Aircraft Inc. (wwwaircraftpartsandsalvagecom) for images used throughout

Chapter 10 Mr. Kent Clingaman for image used in Chapter 10 TGH Aviation-FAA Instrument Repair Station (www.tghaviationcom) for image used in Chapter 10 The Vintage Aviator Ltd. (wwwthevintageaviatorconz) for image used in Chapter 10 ACK Technologies Inc. (wwwackavionicscom) for image used in Chapter 11 ADS-B Technologies, LLC (www.ads-bcom) for images used in Chapter 11 Aviation Glossary (www.aviationglossarycom) for image used in Chapter 11 AT&T Archives and History Center for image used in Chapter 11 Electronics International Inc. (wwwbuy-eicom) for image used in Chapter 11 Excelitas Technologies (www.excelitascom) for image used in Chapter 11 Freestate Electronics, Inc. (wwwfse-inccom) for image used in Chapter 11 AirTrafficAtlanta.com for image used in Chapter 11 Western Historic Radio Museum, Virginia City, Nevada (www.radioblvdcom) for image used in Chapter 11 Avidyne Corporation (www.avidynecom) for image used in Chapter 11 Kintronic Laboratories (www.kintroniccom) for image

used in Chapter 11 Mr. Dan Wolfe (wwwflyboysalvagecom) for image used in Chapter 11 Mr. Ken Shuck (wwwcessna150net) for image used in Chapter 11 Mr. Paul Tocknell (wwwaskacficom) for image used in Chapter 11 Mr. Stephen McGreevy (wwwauroralchoruscom) for image used in Chapter 11 Mr. Todd Bennett (wwwbennettavionicscom) for image used in Chapter 11 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S Department of Commerce for image used in Chapter 11 RAMI (www.ramicom) for image used in Chapter 11 Rockwell Collins (www.rockwellcollinscom) for image used in Chapter 11 viii Source: http://www.doksinet Sarasota Avionics International (www.sarasotaavionicscom) for images used in Chapter 11 Southeast Aerospace, Inc. (wwwseaerospacecom) for image used in Chapter 11 Sporty’s Pilot Shop (www.sportyscom) for image used in Chapter 11 Watts Antenna Company (www.wattsantennacom) for image used in Chapter 11 Wings and Wheels (www.wingsandwheelscom) for image used in Chapter 11 Aeropin, Inc.

(wwwaeropincom) for image used in Chapter 13 Airplane Mart Publishing (www.airplanemartcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Alberth Aviation (www.alberthaviationcom) for image used in Chapter 13 AVweb (www.avwebcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Belle Aire Aviation, Inc. (wwwbelleaireaviationcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Cold War Air Museum (www.coldwarairmuseumorg) for image used in Chapter 13 Comanche Gear (www.comanchegearcom) for image used in Chapter 13 CSOBeech (www.csobeechcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Desser Tire & Rubber Co., Inc (wwwdessercom) for image used in Chapter 13 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH (www.dg-flugzeugbaude) for image used in Chapter 13 Expedition Exchange Inc. (wwwexpeditionexchangecom) for image used in Chapter 13 Fiddlers Green (www.fiddlersgreennet) for image used in Chapter 13 Hitchcock Aviation (hitchcockaviation.com) for image used in Chapter 13 KUNZ GmbH aircraft equipment (www.kunz-aircraftcom) for images used in Chapter 13 Little Flyers

(www.littleflyerscom) for images used in Chapter 13 Maple Leaf Aviation Ltd. (wwwaircraftspeedmodsca) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. Budd Davisson (Airbumcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. C Jeff Dyrek (wwwyellowairplanecom) for images used in Chapter 13 Mr. Jason Schappert (wwwm0acom) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. John Baker (wwwhangar9aeroworkscom) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. Mike Schantz (wwwtrailer411com) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. Robert Hughes (wwwescapadebuildcouk) for image used in Chapter 13 Mr. Ron Blachut for image used in Chapter 13 Owls Head Transportation Museum (www.owlsheadorg) for image used in Chapter 13 PPI Aerospace (www.ppiaerospacecom) for image used in Chapter 13 Protective Packaging Corp. (wwwprotectivepackagingnet, 1-800-945-2247) for image used in Chapter 13 Ravenware Industries, LLC (www.ravenwarecom) for image used in Chapter 13 Renold (www.renoldcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Rotor F/X, LLC (www.rotorfxcom) for image used in Chapter 13

SkyGeek (www.skygeekcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Taigh Ramey (www.twinbeechcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Texas Air Salvage (www.texasairsalvagecom) for image used in Chapter 13 The Bogert Group (www.bogert-avcom) for image used in Chapter 13 W. B Graham, Welded Tube Pros LLC (wwwthefabricatorcom) for image used in Chapter 13 ix Source: http://www.doksinet Zinko Hydraulic Jack (www.zinkojackcom) for image used in Chapter 13 Aviation Institute of Maintenance (www.aimschoolcom) for image used in Chapter 14 Aviation Laboratories (www.avlabcom) for image used in Chapter 14 AVSIM (www.avsimcom) for image used in Chapter 14 Eggenfellner (www.eggenfellneraircraftcom) for image used in Chapter 14 FlightSim.Com, Inc (wwwflightsimcom) for image used in Chapter 14 Fluid Components International LLC (www.fluidcomponentscom) for image used in Chapter 14 Fuel Quality Services, Inc. (wwwfqsinccom) for image used in Chapter 14 Hammonds Fuel Additives, Inc. (wwwbioborcom) for image used in

Chapter 14 Jeppesen (www.jeppesencom) for image used in Chapter 14 MGL Avionics (www.mglavionicscom) for image used in Chapter 14 Mid-Atlantic Air Museum (www.maamorg) for image used in Chapter 14 MISCO Refractometer (www.miscocom) for image used in Chapter 14 Mr. Gary Brossett via the Aircraft Engine Historical Society (wwwenginehistoryorg) for image used in Chapter 14 Mr. Jeff McCombs (wwwheyengcom) for image used in Chapter 14 NASA for image used in Chapter 14 On-Track Aviation Limited (www.ontrackaviationcom) for image used in Chapter 14 Stewart Systems for image used in Chapter 14 Prist Aerospace Products (www.pristaerospacecom) for image used in Chapter 14 The Sundowners, Inc. (wwwsdpleecountyorg) for image used in Chapter 14 Velcon Filters, LLC (www.velconcom) for image used in Chapter 14 Aerox Aviation Oxygen Systems, Inc. (wwwaeroxcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Biggles Software (www.biggles-softwarecom) for image used in Chapter 16 C&D Associates, Inc.

(wwwaircraftheatercom) for image used in Chapter 16 Cobham (Carleton Technologies Inc.) (wwwcobhamcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Cool Africa (www.coolafricacoza) for image used in Chapter 16 Cumulus Soaring, Inc. (wwwcumulus-soaringcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Essex Cryogenics of Missouri, Inc. (wwwessexindcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Flightline AC, Inc. (wwwflightlineaccom) for image used in Chapter 16 IDQ Holdings (www.idqusacom) for image used in Chapter 16 Manchester Tank & Equipment (www.mantankcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Mountain High E&S Co. (wwwMHoxygencom) for images used throughout Chapter 16 Mr. Bill Sherwood (wwwbillzillaorg) for image used in Chapter 16 Mr. Boris Comazzi (wwwflightgearch) for image used in Chapter 16 Mr. Chris Rudge (wwwwarbirdsitecom) for image used in Chapter 16 Mr. Richard Pfiffner (wwwcraggyaerocom) for image used in Chapter 16 Mr. Stephen Sweet (wwwstephensweetcom) for image used in Chapter 16 Precise Flight, Inc.

(wwwpreciseflightcom) for image used in Chapter 16 SPX Service Solutions (www.spxcom) for image used in Chapter 16 x Source: http://www.doksinet SuperFlash Compressed Gas Equipment (www.oxyfuelsafetycom) Mr. Tim Mara (wwwwingsandwheelscom) for images used in Chapter 16 Mr. Bill Abbott for image used in Chapter 17 Additional appreciation is extended to Dr. Ronald Sterkenburg, Purdue University; Mr Bryan Rahm, Dr Thomas K Eismain, Purdue University; Mr. George McNeill, Mr Thomas Forenz, Mr Peng Wang, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their technical support and input. xi Source: http://www.doksinet Table of Contents Volume Contents.iii Preface.v Acknowledgments.vii Table of Contents.xiii Chapter 1 Aircraft Structures.1-1 A Brief History of Aircraft Structures.1-1 General.1-5 Major Structural Stresses.1-6 Fixed-Wing Aircraft.1-8 Fuselage.1-8 Truss Type.1-8 Monocoque Type.1-9 Semimonocoque Type.1-9 Pressurization .1-10 Wings.1-10 Wing

Configurations.1-10 Wing Structure.1-11 Wing Spars.1-13 Wing Ribs.1-15 Wing Skin.1-17 Nacelles.1-19 Empennage .1-22 Flight Control Surfaces.1-24 Primary Flight Control Surfaces.1-24 Ailerons.1-26 Elevator.1-27 Rudder .1-27 Dual Purpose Flight Control Surfaces.1-27 Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces .1-28 Flaps.1-28 Slats .1-30 Spoilers and Speed Brakes.1-30 Tabs .1-31 Other Wing Features.1-34 Landing Gear.1-35 Tail Wheel Gear Configuration.1-37 Tricycle Gear.1-38 Maintaining the Aircraft.1-38 Location Numbering Systems.1-39 Access and Inspection Panels.1-40 Helicopter Structures.1-40 Airframe.1-40 Fuselage.1-42 Landing Gear or Skids.1-42 Powerplant and Transmission.1-42 Turbine Engines.1-42 Transmission.1-43 Main Rotor System.1-43 Rigid Rotor System.1-44 Semirigid Rotor System.1-44 Fully Articulated Rotor System.1-44 Antitorque System.1-45 Controls.1-46 Chapter 2 Aerodynamics, Aircraft Assembly, and Rigging.2-1 Introduction.2-1 Basic Aerodynamics .2-2 The Atmosphere.2-2

Pressure.2-2 Density.2-3 Humidity.2-3 Aerodynamics and the Laws of Physics.2-3 Velocity and Acceleration.2-3 Newton’s Laws of Motion.2-4 Bernoulli’s Principle and Subsonic Flow.2-4 Airfoil.2-5 Shape of the Airfoil.2-5 Angle of Incidence.2-6 Angle of Attack (AOA).2-6 Boundary Layer.2-7 Thrust and Drag.2-7 Center of Gravity (CG).2-9 The Axes of an Aircraft .2-9 xiii Source: http://www.doksinet Stability and Control .2-9 Static Stability.2-9 Dynamic Stability.2-11 Longitudinal Stability.2-11 Directional Stability.2-11 Lateral Stability.2-11 Dutch Roll.2-11 Primary Flight Controls.2-12 Trim Controls.2-12 Auxiliary Lift Devices.2-13 Winglets.2-14 Canard Wings.2-14 Wing Fences .2-14 Control Systems for Large Aircraft.2-14 Mechanical Control.2-14 Hydromechanical Control.2-15 Fly-By-Wire Control .2-15 High-Speed Aerodynamics.2-15 Rotary-Wing Aircraft Assembly and Rigging.2-16 Configurations of Rotary-Wing Aircraft.2-18 Autogyro.2-18 Single Rotor Helicopter.2-18 Dual Rotor

Helicopter.2-18 Types of Rotor Systems.2-18 Fully Articulated Rotor.2-18 Semirigid Rotor.2-19 Rigid Rotor.2-19 Forces Acting on the Helicopter.2-19 Torque Compensation.2-19 Gyroscopic Forces.2-20 Helicopter Flight Conditions .2-22 Hovering Flight.2-22 Translating Tendency or Drift.2-22 Ground Effect.2-23 Coriolis Effect (Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum) .2-23 Vertical Flight.2-24 Forward Flight.2-24 Translational Lift.2-24 Effective Translational Lift (ETL).2-25 Dissymmetry of Lift.2-26 Autorotation.2-28 Rotorcraft Controls.2-29 Swash Plate Assembly.2-29 Collective Pitch Control.2-29 Throttle Control.2-30 Governor/Correlator .2-30 Cyclic Pitch Control.2-30 Antitorque Pedals.2-31 Stabilizer Systems.2-31 Bell Stabilizer Bar System.2-31 xiv Offset Flapping Hinge.2-32 Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS).2-32 Helicopter Vibration.2-32 Extreme Low Frequency Vibration.2-32 Low Frequency Vibration.2-32 Medium Frequency Vibration.2-32 High Frequency Vibration.2-32 Rotor Blade

Tracking.2-32 Flag and Pole.2-32 Electronic Blade Tracker.2-33 Tail Rotor Tracking.2-34 Marking Method.2-34 Electronic Method.2-34 Rotor Blade Preservation and Storage.2-35 Helicopter Power Systems.2-35 Powerplant.2-35 Reciprocating Engine.2-35 Turbine Engine.2-36 Transmission System.2-36 Main Rotor Transmission.2-36 Clutch.2-37 Centrifugal Clutch.2-37 Belt Drive Clutch.2-37 Freewheeling Unit.2-38 Airplane Assembly and Rigging.2-38 Rebalancing of Control Surfaces.2-38 Static Balance.2-38 Dynamic Balance.2-38 Rebalancing Procedures .2-39 Rebalancing Methods.2-40 Aircraft Rigging.2-41 Rigging Specifications.2-41 Type Certificate Data Sheet.2-41 Maintenance Manual.2-41 Structural Repair Manual (SRM).2-41 Manufacturer’s Service Information.2-41 Airplane Assembly .2-41 Aileron Installation .2-41 Flap Installation.2-41 Empennage Installation.2-41 Control Operating Systems.2-41 Cable Systems.2-41 Cable Inspection.2-44 Cable System Installation.2-44 Push Rods (Control Rods).2-47 Torque

Tubes.2-48 Cable Drums.2-48 Rigging Checks.2-48 Structural Alignment.2-48 Source: http://www.doksinet Cable Tension.2-52 Control Surface Travel.2-53 Checking and Safetying the System.2-55 Biplane Assembly and Rigging.2-58 Aircraft Inspection.2-60 Purpose of Inspection Programs . 2-60 Perform an Airframe Conformity and Airworthiness Inspection.2-61 Required Inspections.2-61 Preflight.2-61 Periodic Maintenance Inspections:.2-61 Altimeter and Static System Inspections.2-63 Air Traffic Control (ATC) Transponder Inspections.2-63 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Operational and Maintenance Practices in Accordance With Advisory Circular (AC) 91-44 .2-64 Annual and 100-Hour Inspections.2-64 Preparation.2-64 Other Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Programs.2-66 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP).2-68 Title 14 CFR part 125, section 125.247, Inspection Programs and Maintenance.2-68 Helicopter Inspections, Piston-Engine and Turbine-Powered.2-69 Light-Sport Aircraft,

Powered Parachute, and Weight-Shift Control Aircraft .2-69 Chapter 3 Aircraft Fabric Covering.3-1 General History.3-1 Fabric Terms.3-3 Legal Aspects of Fabric Covering.3-3 Approved Materials .3-4 Fabric . 3-4 Other Fabric Covering Materials.3-5 Anti-Chafe Tape.3-5 Reinforcing Tape.3-5 Rib Bracing.3-5 Surface Tape.3-5 Rib Lacing Cord.3-5 Sewing Thread.3-6 Special Fabric Fasteners.3-6 Grommets.3-6 Inspection Rings.3-6 Primer.3-7 Fabric Cement.3-7 Fabric Sealer.3-8 Fillers.3-8 Topcoats.3-8 Available Covering Processes.3-8 Determining Fabric ConditionRepair or Recover?.3-9 Fabric Strength.3-9 How Fabric Breaking Strength is Determined.3-10 Fabric Testing Devices.3-11 General Fabric Covering Process.3-11 Blanket Method vs. Envelope Method 3-12 Preparation for Fabric Covering Work.3-12 Removal of Old Fabric Coverings.3-13 Preparation of the Airframe Before Covering.3-14 Attaching Polyester Fabric to the Airframe.3-15 Seams.3-16 Fabric Cement.3-16 Fabric Heat Shrinking.3-17 Attaching Fabric

to the Wing Ribs.3-18 Rib Lacing.3-18 Rings, Grommets, and Gussets . 3-21 Finishing Tapes.3-21 Coating the Fabric.3-22 Polyester Fabric Repairs .3-23 Applicable Instructions.3-23 Repair Considerations.3-23 Cotton-Covered Aircraft.3-23 Fiberglass Coverings.3-24 Chapter 4 Aircraft Metal Structural Repair.4-1 Aircraft Metal Structural Repair.4-1 Stresses in Structural Members.4-2 Tension.4-2 Compression.4-3 Shear.4-3 Bearing.4-3 Torsion . 4-3 Bending . 4-4 Tools for Sheet Metal Construction and Repair.4-4 Layout Tools.4-4 Scales.4-4 Combination Square.4-4 Dividers.4-4 Rivet Spacers.4-4 Marking Tools.4-4 Pens.4-4 Scribes.4-5 Punches.4-5 Prick Punch.4-6 xv Source: http://www.doksinet Center Punch.4-6 Automatic Center Punch.4-6 Transfer Punch.4-6 Drive Punch.4-6 Pin Punch.4-7 Chassis Punch.4-7 Awl.4-7 Hole Duplicator.4-8 Cutting Tools.4-8 Circular-Cutting Saws.4-8 Kett Saw .4-8 Pneumatic Circular Cutting Saw.4-8 Reciprocating Saw.4-9 Cut-off Wheel.4-9 Nibblers.4-9 Shop Tools.4-9 Squaring

Shear.4-9 Throatless Shear .4-10 Scroll Shears.4-10 Rotary Punch Press.4-10 Band Saw.4-11 Disk Sander.4-11 Belt Sander.4-11 Notcher.4-12 Grinding Wheels.4-13 Hand Cutting Tools.4-13 Straight Snips.4-13 Aviation Snips.4-13 Files.4-13 Die Grinder.4-14 Burring Tool.4-14 Hole Drilling.4-14 Portable Power Drills.4-15 Pneumatic Drill Motors.4-15 Right Angle and 45° Drill Motors.4-15 Two Hole .4-15 Drill Press.4-15 Drill Extensions and Adapters .4-16 Extension Drill Bits.4-16 Straight Extension.4-16 Angle Adapters .4-16 Snake Attachment.4-16 Types of Drill Bits . 4-17 Step Drill Bits.4-17 Cobalt Alloy Drill Bits.4-17 Twist Drill Bits.4-17 Drill Bit Sizes.4-18 Drill Lubrication.4-18 xvi Reamers.4-19 Drill Stops.4-19 Drill Bushings and Guides.4-19 Drill Bushing Holder Types.4-19 Hole Drilling Techniques.4-20 Drilling Large Holes.4-20 Chip Chasers.4-20 Forming Tools.4-21 Bar Folding Machine.4-21 Cornice Brake.4-22 Box and Pan Brake (Finger Brake).4-22 Press Brake.4-22 Slip Roll Former.4-23

Rotary Machine.4-24 Stretch Forming.4-24 Drop Hammer.4-24 Hydropress Forming.4-24 Spin Forming.4-25 Forming With an English Wheel.4-26 Piccolo Former.4-26 Shrinking and Stretching Tools.4-26 Shrinking Tools.4-26 Stretching Tools.4-27 Manual Foot-Operated Sheet Metal Shrinker.4-27 Hand-Operated Shrinker and Stretcher.4-27 Hardwood Form Blocks.4-27 V-Blocks.4-27 Shrinking Blocks.4-28 Sandbags.4-28 Sheet Metal Hammers and Mallets.4-28 Sheet Metal Holding Devices.4-28 Clamps and Vises .4-28 C-Clamps.4-28 Vises.4-29 Reusable Sheet Metal Fasteners.4-29 Cleco Fasteners.4-29 Hex Nut and Wing Nut Temporary Sheet Fasteners.4-30 Aluminum Alloys.4-30 Structural Fasteners . 4-31 Solid Shank Rivet . 4-31 Description.4-31 Installation of Rivets.4-32 Rivet Installation Tools.4-36 Riveting Procedure .4-40 Countersunk Rivets.4-41 Evaluating the Rivet.4-44 Removal of Rivets.4-45 Replacing Rivets.4-46 Source: http://www.doksinet National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Method of Double Flush

Riveting.4-46 Special Purpose Fasteners.4-47 Blind Rivets.4-47 Pin Fastening Systems (High-Shear Fasteners) . 4-50 Lockbolt Fastening Systems .4-52 Blind Bolts.4-54 Rivet Nut.4-56 Blind Fasteners (Nonstructural).4-57 Forming Process.4-57 Forming Operations and Terms.4-58 Stretching.4-58 Shrinking.4-58 Bumping.4-59 Crimping.4-59 Folding Sheet Metal.4-59 Layout and Forming.4-59 Terminology .4-59 Layout or Flat Pattern Development.4-60 Making Straight Line Bends.4-61 Bending a U-Channel.4-62 Using a J-Chart To Calculate Total Developed Width.4-67 How To Find the Total Developed Width Using a J-Chart.4-67 Using a Sheet Metal Brake to Fold Metal.4-68 Step 1: Adjustment of Bend Radius.4-68 Step 2: Adjusting Clamping Pressure.4-70 Step 3: Adjusting the Nose Gap.4-71 Folding a Box.4-71 Relief Hole Location.4-73 Layout Method.4-73 Open and Closed Bends.4-74 Open End Bend (Less Than 90°).4-74 Closed End Bend (More Than 90°).4-74 Hand Forming.4-74 Straight Line Bends.4-75 Formed or Extruded

Angles.4-75 Flanged Angles.4-76 Shrinking.4-76 Stretching.4-77 Curved Flanged Parts.4-77 Forming by Bumping.4-80 Joggling.4-81 Lightening Holes.4-82 Working Stainless Steel.4-83 Working Inconel® Alloys 625 and 718.4-83 Working Magnesium.4-84 Working Titanium.4-85 Description of Titanium.4-85 Basic Principles of Sheet Metal Repair.4-86 Maintaining Original Strength.4-87 Shear Strength and Bearing Strength.4-88 Maintaining Original Contour.4-89 Keeping Weight to a Minimum.4-89 Flutter and Vibration Precautions.4-89 Inspection of Damage .4-90 Types of Damage and Defects.4-90 Classification of Damage.4-91 Negligible Damage.4-91 Damage Repairable by Patching.4-91 Damage Repairable by Insertion.4-92 Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts.4-92 Repairability of Sheet Metal Structure.4-92 Structural Support During Repair.4-92 Assessment of Damage.4-92 Inspection of Riveted Joints.4-92 Inspection for Corrosion.4-93 Damage Removal.4-93 Repair Material Selection.4-93 Repair Parts Layout .4-93

Rivet Selection . 4-94 Rivet Spacing and Edge Distance.4-94 Corrosion Treatment . 4-94 Approval of Repair.4-94 Repair of Stressed Skin Structure .4-95 Patches .4-95 Typical Repairs for Aircraft Structures .4-97 Floats.4-97 Corrugated Skin Repair.4-97 Replacement of a Panel.4-97 Outside the Member .4-97 Inside the Member.4-97 Edges of the Panel .4-97 Repair of Lightening Holes.4-100 Repairs to a Pressurized Area.4-100 Stringer Repair.4-100 Former or Bulkhead Repair.4-102 Longeron Repair.4-103 Spar Repair.4-103 Rib and Web Repair.4-104 Leading Edge Repair.4-105 Trailing Edge Repair.4-105 Specialized Repairs.4-108 Inspection Openings.4-108 xvii Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 5 Aircraft Welding.5-1 Introduction.5-1 Types of Welding.5-2 Gas Welding.5-2 Electric Arc Welding.5-2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW).5-2 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).5-3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW).5-3 Electric Resistance Welding .5-5 Spot Welding.5-6 Seam Welding.5-6 Plasma Arc Welding (PAW).5-6

Plasma Arc Cutting .5-7 Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment.5-7 Welding Gases .5-7 Acetylene.5-7 Argon.5-7 Helium.5-7 Hydrogen.5-7 Oxygen.5-7 Pressure Regulators.5-7 Welding Hose.5-8 Check Valves and Flashback Arrestors.5-8 Torches.5-9 Equal Pressure Torch.5-9 Injector Torch.5-9 Cutting Torch.5-9 Torch Tips.5-9 Welding Eyewear.5-9 Filler Rod.5-10 Equipment Setup.5-10 Gas Cylinders.5-10 Regulators.5-11 Hoses.5-11 Connecting Torch.5-11 Select the Tip Size.5-11 Adjusting the Regulator Working Pressure.5-13 Lighting and Adjusting the Torch .5-13 Different Flames.5-13 Neutral Flame.5-13 Carburizing Flame.5-13 Oxidizing Flame.5-13 Soft or Harsh Flames.5-13 Handling of the Torch.5-14 Oxy-acetylene Cutting.5-14 Shutting Down the Gas Welding Equipment.5-15 Gas Welding Procedures and Techniques.5-15 xviii Correct Forming of a Weld.5-16 Characteristics of a Good Weld.5-16 Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Ferrous Metals . 5-16 Steel (Including SAE 4130).5-16 Chrome Molybdenum.5-17 Stainless Steel.5-17

Oxy-Acetylene Welding of Nonferrous Metals.5-18 Aluminum Welding.5-18 Magnesium Welding .5-19 Brazing and Soldering.5-20 Torch Brazing of Steel.5-20 Torch Brazing of Aluminum.5-21 Soldering.5-21 Aluminum Soldering.5-21 Silver Soldering.5-22 Gas Metal Arc Welding (TIG Welding).5-22 TIG Welding 4130 Steel Tubing. . 5-23 TIG Welding Stainless Steel.5-23 TIG Welding Aluminum.5-24 TIG Welding Magnesium.5-24 TIG Welding Titanium.5-24 Arc Welding Procedures, Techniques, and Welding Safety Equipment.5-25 Multiple Pass Welding.5-27 Techniques of Position Welding.5-28 Flat Position Welding.5-28 Bead Weld.5-28 Groove Weld.5-28 Fillet Weld.5-28 Lap Joint Weld.5-29 Vertical Position Welding .5-29 Overhead Position Welding.5-29 Expansion and Contraction of Metals.5-30 Welded Joints Using Oxy-Acetylene Torch.5-31 Butt Joints.5-31 Tee Joints.5-31 Edge Joints.5-31 Corner Joints.5-32 Lap Joints.5-32 Repair of Steel Tubing Aircraft Structure by Welding.5-32 Dents at a Cluster Weld.5-32 Dents Between

Clusters.5-32 Tube Splicing with Inside Sleeve Reinforcement.5-33 Tube Splicing with Outer Split Sleeve Reinforcement.5-34 Landing Gear Repairs.5-35 Engine Mount Repairs.5-36 Rosette Welding.5-37 Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 6 Aircraft Wood and Structural Repair.6-1 Aircraft Wood and Structural Repair.6-1 Wood Aircraft Construction and Repairs.6-2 Inspection of Wood Structures.6-3 External and Internal Inspection.6-3 Glued Joint Inspection.6-4 Wood Condition .6-5 Repair of Wood Aircraft Structures.6-7 Materials.6-7 Suitable Wood.6-7 Defects Permitted.6-9 Defects Not Permitted.6-9 Glues (Adhesives).6-10 Definition of Terms Used in the Glue Process.6-10 Preparation of Wood for Gluing.6-11 Preparing Glues for Use.6-12 Applying the Glue/Adhesive .6-12 Pressure on the Joint.6-12 Testing Glued Joints .6-13 Repair of Wood Aircraft Components.6-13 Wing Rib Repairs .6-13 Wing Spar Repairs . 6-15 Bolt and Bushing Holes.6-20 Plywood Skin Repairs.6-20 Fabric patch .6-20 Splayed

Patch.6-20 Surface Patch.6-20 Plug Patch.6-21 Scarf Patch.6-24 The Back of the Skin is Accessible for Repair .6-25 The Back of the Skin Is Not Accessible for Repair.6-25 Chapter 7 Advanced Composite Materials.7-1 Description of Composite Structures.7-1 Introduction.7-1 Laminated Structures.7-2 Major Components of a Laminate.7-2 Strength Characteristics.7-2 Fiber Orientation.7-2 Warp Clock.7-3 Fiber Forms.7-3 Roving.7-3 Unidirectional (Tape) .7-3 Bidirectional (Fabric).7-3 Nonwoven (Knitted or Stitched).7-4 Types of Fiber.7-4 Fiberglass.7-4 Kevlar®.7-4 Carbon/Graphite.7-6 Boron.7-6 Ceramic Fibers.7-6 Lightning Protection Fibers.7-6 Matrix Materials.7-7 Thermosetting Resins.7-7 Curing Stages of Resins.7-8 Pre-Impregnated Products (Prepregs).7-8 Dry Fiber Material.7-9 Thixotropic Agents.7-9 Adhesives.7-9 Film Adhesives.7-9 Paste Adhesives.7-9 Foaming Adhesives.7-10 Description of Sandwich Structures.7-10 Properties.7-11 Facing Materials.7-11 Core Materials.7-11 Honeycomb.7-11 Foam.7-12

Balsa Wood.7-13 Manufacturing and In-Service Damage.7-13 Manufacturing Defects.7-13 Fiber Breakage.7-13 Matrix Imperfections .7-13 Delamination and Debonds.7-14 Combinations of Damages.7-14 Flawed Fastener Holes.7-14 In-Service Defects.7-14 Corrosion.7-15 Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) of Composites.7-15 Visual Inspection.7-15 Audible Sonic Testing (Coin Tapping) .7-16 Automated Tap Test.7-16 Ultrasonic Inspection.7-17 Through Transmission Ultrasonic Inspection.7-17 Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Inspection.7-18 Ultrasonic Bondtester Inspection.7-18 Phased Array Inspection.7-18 Radiography.7-19 Thermography.7-19 Neutron Radiography.7-19 Moisture Detector . 7-19 Composite Repairs.7-19 Layup Materials.7-19 Hand Tools.7-19 Air Tools.7-20 xix Source: http://www.doksinet Caul Plate . 7-20 Support Tooling and Molds.7-20 Vacuum Bag Materials . 7-21 Release Agents.7-21 Bleeder Ply.7-21 Peel Ply.7-21 Layup Tapes.7-21 Perforated Release Film.7-21 Solid Release Film.7-21 Breather Material.7-21 Vacuum

Bag .7-21 Vacuum Equipment.7-22 Vacuum Compaction Table.7-22 Heat Sources . 7-22 Oven.7-22 Autoclave.7-23 Heat Bonder and Heat Lamps.7-23 Thermocouples.7-25 Types of Layups.7-26 Wet Layups . 7-26 Prepreg.7-27 Co-curing.7-28 Secondary Bonding.7-28 Co-bonding.7-28 Layup Process (Typical Laminated Wet Layup).7-28 Layup Techniques.7-28 Bleedout Technique.7-29 No Bleedout.7-29 Ply Orientation Warp Clock.7-29 Mixing Resins .7-30 Saturation Techniques.7-30 Fabric Impregnation With a Brush or Squeegee.7-30 Fabric Impregnation Using a Vacuum Bag.7-30 Vacuum Bagging Techniques.7-31 Single Side Vacuum Bagging.7-31 Envelope Bagging.7-31 Alternate Pressure Application.7-32 Shrink Tape.7-32 C-Clamps.7-32 Shotbags and Weights.7-32 Curing of Composite Materials.7-32 Room Temperature Curing.7-32 Elevated Temperature Curing.7-32 Composite Honeycomb Sandwich Repairs.7-33 Damage Classification.7-34 Sandwich Structures.7-34 Minor Core Damage (Filler and Potting Repairs).7-34 xx Damage Requiring Core

Replacement and Repair to One or Both Faceplates.7-34 Solid Laminates.7-37 Bonded Flush Patch Repairs.7-37 Trailing Edge and Transition Area Patch Repairs.7-40 Resin Injection Repairs.7-40 Composite Patch Bonded to Aluminum Structure.7-40 Fiberglass Molded Mat Repairs.7-41 Radome Repairs.7-41 External Bonded Patch Repairs.7-41 Bolted Repairs.7-44 Fasteners Used with Composite Laminates.7-46 Corrosion Precautions.7-46 Fastener Materials . 7-46 Fastener System for Sandwich Honeycomb Structures (SPS Technologies Comp Tite).7-46 Hi-Lok® and Huck-Spin® Lockbolt Fasteners.7-46 Eddie-Bolt® Fasteners.7-46 Cherry’s E-Z Buck® (CSR90433) Hollow Rivet.7-47 Blind Fasteners.7-47 Blind Bolts .7-48 Fiberlite.7-48 Screws and Nutplates in Composite Structures.7-48 Machining Processes and Equipment.7-49 Drilling.7-49 Countersinking.7-52 Cutting Processes and Precautions.7-52 Cutting Equipment.7-52 Repair Safety.7-53 Eye Protection.7-53 Respiratory Protection.7-53 Skin Protection.7-53 Fire

Protection.7-53 Transparent Plastics.7-54 Optical Considerations.7-54 Identification.7-54 Storage and Handling.7-54 Forming Procedures and Techniques.7-54 Heating.7-54 Forms.7-55 Forming Methods.7-55 Sawing and Drilling.7-55 Sawing.7-55 Drilling.7-55 Cementing.7-56 Application of Cement.7-56 Source: http://www.doksinet Repairs.7-56 Cleaning.7-57 Polishing.7-57 Windshield Installation.7-57 Installation Procedures.7-57 Chapter 8 Aircraft Painting and Finishing.8-1 Introduction . 8-1 Finishing Materials .8-2 Acetone.8-2 Alcohol.8-2 Benzene.8-2 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK).8-2 Methylene Chloride.8-2 Toluene.8-2 Turpentine.8-3 Mineral Spirits.8-3 Naphtha.8-3 Linseed Oil.8-3 Thinners.8-3 Varnish.8-3 Primers.8-3 Wash Primers.8-3 Red Iron Oxide.8-3 Gray Enamel Undercoat.8-4 Urethane .8-4 Epoxy.8-4 Zinc Chromate.8-4 Identification of Paints.8-4 Dope.8-4 Synthetic Enamel.8-4 Lacquers.8-4 Polyurethane.8-5 Urethane Coating.8-5 Acrylic Urethanes.8-5 Methods of Applying Finish.8-5 Dipping.8-5

Brushing.8-5 Spraying.8-5 Finishing Equipment.8-6 Paint Booth.8-6 Air Supply.8-6 Spray Equipment.8-6 Air Compressors.8-6 Large Coating Containers.8-7 System Air Filters.8-7 Miscellaneous Painting Tools and Equipment.8-7 Spray Guns.8-7 Fresh Air Breathing Systems.8-8 Viscosity Measuring Cup.8-9 Mixing Equipment.8-9 Preparation .8-10 Surfaces.8-10 Primer and Paint.8-10 Spray Gun Operation.8-11 Adjusting the Spray Pattern.8-11 Applying the Finish.8-11 Common Spray Gun Problems.8-12 Sequence for Painting a Single-Engine or Light Twin Airplane.8-13 Common Paint Troubles.8-13 Poor Adhesion.8-13 Blushing.8-13 Pinholes.8-14 Sags and Runs.8-14 Orange Peel.8-14 Fisheyes.8-15 Sanding Scratches.8-15 Wrinkling.8-15 Spray Dust.8-16 Painting Trim and Identification Marks.8-16 Masking and Applying the Trim.8-16 Masking Materials.8-16 Masking for the Trim.8-16 Display of Nationality and Registration Marks .8-17 Display of Marks.8-17 Location and Placement of Marks.8-17 Size Requirements for Different

Aircraft.8-18 Decals.8-18 Paper Decals.8-18 Metal Decals with Cellophane Backing.8-18 Metal Decals With Paper Backing.8-18 Metal Decals with No Adhesive.8-18 Vinyl Film Decals.8-18 Removal of Decals .8-19 Paint System Compatibility.8-19 Paint Touchup.8-19 Identification of Paint Finishes.8-19 Surface Preparation for Touchup.8-20 Stripping the Finish.8-20 Chemical Stripping.8-21 Plastic Media Blasting (PMB).8-21 New Stripping Methods.8-21 Safety in the Paint Shop.8-21 Storage of Finishing Materials.8-21 Protective Equipment for Personnel.8-22 xxi Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 9 Aircraft Electrical System.9-1 Introduction.9-1 Ohm’s Law.9-2 Current.9-2 Conventional Current Theory and Electron Theory . 9-3 Electromotive Force (Voltage).9-4 Resistance.9-4 Factors Affecting Resistance.9-4 Electromagnetic Generation of Power.9-5 Alternating Current (AC) Introduction .9-9 Definitions.9-9 Opposition to Current Flow of AC.9-12 Resistance.9-12 Inductive Reactance.9-12 Capacitive

Reactance.9-14 Impedance . 9-15 Parallel AC Circuits.9-18 Power in AC Circuits.9-20 True Power.9-20 Apparent Power .9-20 Power Factor .9-20 Aircraft Batteries.9-21 Type of Batteries.9-21 Lead-Acid Batteries.9-21 NiCd Batteries.9-22 Capacity.9-22 Aircraft Battery Ratings by Specification.9-23 Storing and Servicing Facilities.9-23 Battery Freezing.9-23 Temperature Correction.9-23 Battery Charging . 9-24 Battery Maintenance.9-24 Battery and Charger Characteristics.9-25 Aircraft Battery Inspection.9-26 Ventilation Systems.9-26 Installation Practices.9-26 Troubleshooting.9-27 DC Generators and Controls.9-27 Generators.9-27 Construction Features of DC Generators.9-29 Types of DC Generators.9-32 Generator Ratings.9-33 DC Generator Maintenance.9-33 Generator Controls.9-34 Theory of Generator Control.9-34 Functions of Generator Control Systems.9-35 xxii Generator Controls for High Output Generators.9-35 Generator Controls for Low-Output Generators.9-36 DC Alternators and Controls.9-38 DC

Alternators . 9-39 Alternator Voltage Regulators . 9-40 Solid-State Regulators.9-40 Power Systems.9-41 AC Alternators .9-41 Alternator Drive .9-42 AC Alternators Control Systems . 9-45 Aircraft Electrical Systems.9-47 Small Single-Engine Aircraft.9-47 Battery Circuit.9-47 Generator Circuit.9-48 Alternator Circuit.9-48 External Power Circuit.9-50 Starter Circuit.9-50 Avionics Power Circuit.9-51 Landing Gear Circuit.9-52 AC Supply.9-55 Light Multiengine Aircraft.9-57 Paralleling Alternators or Generators.9-57 Power Distribution on Multiengine Aircraft .9-58 Large Multiengine Aircraft.9-60 AC Power Systems.9-60 Wiring Installation.9-65 Wiring Diagrams .9-65 Block Diagrams.9-65 Pictorial Diagrams.9-65 Schematic Diagrams.9-65 Wire Types.9-65 Conductor.9-67 Plating.9-68 Insulation.9-68 Wire Shielding.9-68 Wire Substitutions.9-69 Areas Designated as Severe Wind and Moisture Problem (SWAMP) .9-69 Wire Size Selection.9-69 Current Carrying Capacity.9-71 Allowable Voltage Drop.9-75 Wire

Identification.9-77 Placement of Identification Markings.9-77 Types of Wire Markings . 9-77 Wire Installation and Routing.9-78 Open Wiring.9-78 Source: http://www.doksinet Wire Groups and Bundles and Routing.9-78 Conduit.9-83 Wire Shielding.9-85 Lacing and Tying Wire Bundles.9-88 Tying.9-89 Wire Termination.9-90 Stripping Wire .9-90 Terminal Strips.9-91 Terminal Lugs.9-91 Emergency Splicing Repairs.9-92 Junction Boxes . 9-92 AN/MS Connectors.9-93 Coaxial Cable.9-96 Wire Inspection.9-96 Electrical System Components.9-96 Switches.9-96 Type of Switches.9-98 Toggle and Rocker Switches.9-98 Rotary Switches.9-99 Precision (Micro) Switches.9-99 Relays and Solenoids (Electromagnetic Switches).9-99 Solenoids.9-99 Relays.9-99 Current Limiting Devices.9-100 Fuses.9-100 Circuit Breakers.9-100 Aircraft Lighting Systems.9-101 Exterior Lights.9-101 Position Lights.9-101 Anticollision Lights.9-102 Landing and Taxi Lights.9-103 Wing Inspection Lights.9-104 Interior Lights.9-104 Maintenance and

Inspection of Lighting Systems.9-105 Glossary.G-1 Index.I-1 xxiii Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 1 Aircraft Structures A Brief History of Aircraft Structures The history of aircraft structures underlies the history of aviation in general. Advances in materials and processes used to construct aircraft have led to their evolution from simple wood truss structures to the sleek aerodynamic flying machines of today. Combined with continuous powerplant development, the structures of “flying machines” have changed significantly. The key discovery that “lift” could be created by passing air over the top of a curved surface set the development of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft in motion. George Cayley developed an efficient cambered airfoil in the early 1800s, as well as successful manned gliders later in that century. He established the principles of flight, including the existence of lift, weight, thrust, and drag. It was Cayley who first stacked wings and created a tri-wing

glider that flew a man in 1853. 1-1 Source: http://www.doksinet Earlier, Cayley studied the center of gravity of flying machines, as well as the effects of wing dihedral. Furthermore, he pioneered directional control of aircraft by including the earliest form of a rudder on his gliders. [Figure 1-1] In the late 1800s, Otto Lilienthal built upon Cayley’s discoveries. He manufactured and flew his own gliders on over 2,000 flights. His willow and cloth aircraft had wings designed from extensive study of the wings of birds. Lilienthal also made standard use of vertical and horizontal fins behind the wings and pilot station. Above all, Lilienthal proved that man could fly. [Figure 1-2] Octave Chanute, a retired railroad and bridge engineer, was active in aviation during the 1890s. [Figure 1-3] His interest was so great that, among other things, he published a definitive work called “Progress in Flying Machines.” This was the culmination of his effort to gather and study all the

Figure 1-2. Master of gliding and wing study, Otto Lilienthal (top) and one of his more than 2,000 glider flights (bottom). information available on aviation. With the assistance of others, he built gliders similar to Lilienthal’s and then his own. In addition to his publication, Chanute advanced aircraft structure development by building a glider with stacked wings incorporating the use of wires as wing supports. Figure 1-1. George Cayley, the father of aeronautics (top) and a flying replica of his 1853 glider (bottom). 1-2 The work of all of these men was known to the Wright Brothers when they built their successful, powered airplane in 1903. The first of its kind to carry a man aloft, the Wright Flyer had thin, cloth-covered wings attached to what was primarily truss structures made of wood. The wings contained forward and rear spars and were supported with both struts and wires. Stacked wings (two sets) were also part of the Wright Flyer. [Figure 1-4] Source:

http://www.doksinet still supported by wires, but a mast extending above the fuselage enabled the wings to be supported from above, as well as underneath. This made possible the extended wing length needed to lift an aircraft with a single set of wings. Bleriot used a Pratt truss-type fuselage frame. [Figure 1-5] Figure 1-5. The world’s first mono-wing by Louis Bleriot Figure 1-3. Octave Chanute gathered and published all of the aeronautical knowledge known to date in the late 1890s. Many early aviators benefited from this knowledge. Powered heavier-than-air aviation grew from the Wright design. Inventors and fledgling aviators began building their own aircraft. Early on, many were similar to that constructed by the Wrights using wood and fabric with wires and struts to support the wing structure. In 1909, Frenchman Louis Bleriot produced an aircraft with notable design differences. He built a successful mono-wing aircraft. The wings were More powerful engines were developed and

airframe structures changed to take advantage of the benefits. As early as 1910, German Hugo Junkers was able to build an aircraft with metal truss construction and metal skin due to the availability of stronger powerplants to thrust the plane forward and into the sky. The use of metal instead of wood for the primary structure eliminated the need for external wing braces and wires. His J-1 also had a single set of wings (a monoplane) instead of a stacked set. [Figure 1-6] Figure 1-4. The Wright Flyer was the first successful powered aircraft It was made primarily of wood and fabric 1-3 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-6. The Junker J-1 all metal construction in 1910 Leading up to World War I (WWI), stronger engines also allowed designers to develop thicker wings with stronger spars. Wire wing bracing was no longer needed Flatter, lower wing surfaces on high-camber wings created more lift. WWI expanded the need for large quantities of reliable aircraft. Used mostly for

reconnaissance, stacked-wing tail draggers with wood and metal truss frames with mostly fabric skin dominated the wartime sky. [Figure 1-7] The Red Baron’s Fokker DR-1 was typical. Figure 1-7. World War I aircraft were typically stacked-wing fabriccovered aircraft like this Breguet 14 (circa 1917) In the 1920s, the use of metal in aircraft construction increased. Fuselages able to carry cargo and passengers were developed. The early flying boats with their hull-type construction from the shipbuilding industry provided the blueprints for semimonocoque construction of fuselages. [Figure 1-8] Truss-type designs faded. A tendency toward cleaner monowing designs prevailed. Into the 1930s, all-metal aircraft accompanied new lighter and more powerful engines. Larger semimonocoque fuselages were complimented with stress-skin wing designs. Fewer truss and fabric aircraft were built. World War II (WWII) brought about a myriad of aircraft designs using all metal technology. Deep fuel-carrying

wings were the norm, but the desire for higher flight speeds prompted the development of thin-winged aircraft in which fuel was carried in the fuselage. The first composite structure aircraft, the De Havilland Mosquito, used a balsa wood sandwich material in the 1-4 Figure 1-8. The flying boat hull was an early semimonocoque design like this Curtiss HS-2L. construction of the fuselage. [Figure 1-9] The fiberglass radome was also developed during this period. After WWII, the development of turbine engines led to higher altitude flight. The need for pressurized aircraft pervaded aviation. Semimonocoque construction needed to be made even stronger as a result. Refinements to the all-metal semimonocoque fuselage structure were made to increase strength and combat metal fatigue caused by the pressurization-depressurization cycle. Rounded windows and door openings were developed to avoid weak areas where cracks could form. Integrally machined copper alloy aluminum skin resisted cracking

and allowed thicker skin and controlled tapering. Chemical milling of wing skin structures provided great strength and smooth high performance surfaces. Variable contour wings became easier Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-9. The DeHavilland Mosquito, the first aircraft with foam core honeycomb in the fuselage. Figure 1-10. The nearly all composite Cessna Citation Mustang to construct. Increases in flight speed accompanying jet travel brought about the need for thinner wings. Wing loading also increased greatly. Multispar and box beam wing designs were developed in response. very light jet (VLJ). In the 1960s, ever larger aircraft were developed to carry passengers. As engine technology improved, the jumbo jet was engineered and built. Still primarily aluminum with a semimonocoque fuselage, the sheer size of the airliners of the day initiated a search for lighter and stronger materials from which to build them. The use of honeycomb constructed panels in Boeing’s airline

series saved weight while not compromising strength. Initially, aluminum core with aluminum or fiberglass skin sandwich panels were used on wing panels, flight control surfaces, cabin floor boards, and other applications. A steady increase in the use of honeycomb and foam core sandwich components and a wide variety of composite materials characterizes the state of aviation structures from the 1970s to the present. Advanced techniques and material combinations have resulted in a gradual shift from aluminum to carbon fiber and other strong, lightweight materials. These new materials are engineered to meet specific performance requirements for various components on the aircraft. Many airframe structures are made of more than 50 percent advanced composites, with some airframes approaching 100 percent. The term “very light jet” (VLJ) has come to describe a new generation of jet aircraft made almost entirely of advanced composite materials. [Figure 1-10] It is possible that noncomposite

aluminum aircraft structures will become obsolete as did the methods and materials of construction used by Cayley, Lilienthal, and the Wright Brothers. General An aircraft is a device that is used for, or is intended to be used for, flight in the air. Major categories of aircraft are airplane, rotorcraft, glider, and lighter-than-air vehicles. [Figure 1-11] Each of these may be divided further by major distinguishing features of the aircraft, such as airships and balloons. Both are lighter-than-air aircraft but have differentiating features and are operated differently. The concentration of this handbook is on the airframe of aircraft; specifically, the fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, fairings, airfoil surfaces, and landing gear. Also included are the various accessories and controls that accompany these structures. Note that the rotors of a helicopter are considered part of the airframe since they are actually rotating wings. By contrast, propellers and rotating airfoils of an

engine on an airplane are not considered part of the airframe. The most common aircraft is the fixed-wing aircraft. As the name implies, the wings on this type of flying machine are attached to the fuselage and are not intended to move independently in a fashion that results in the creation of lift. One, two, or three sets of wings have all been successfully utilized. [Figure 1-12] Rotary-wing aircraft such as helicopters are also widespread. This handbook discusses features and maintenance aspects common to both fixedwing and rotary-wing categories of aircraft. Also, in certain cases, explanations focus on information specific to only one or the other. Glider airframes are very similar to fixedwing aircraft Unless otherwise noted, maintenance practices described for fixed-wing aircraft also apply to gliders. The same is true for lighter-than-air aircraft, although thorough 1-5 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-11. Examples of different categories of aircraft, clockwise from top

left: lighter-than-air, glider, rotorcraft, and airplane coverage of the unique airframe structures and maintenance practices for lighter-than-air flying machines is not included in this handbook. The airframe of a fixed-wing aircraft consists of five principal units: the fuselage, wings, stabilizers, flight control surfaces, and landing gear. [Figure 1-13] Helicopter airframes consist of the fuselage, main rotor and related gearbox, tail rotor (on helicopters with a single main rotor), and the landing gear. Airframe structural components are constructed from a wide variety of materials. The earliest aircraft were constructed primarily of wood. Steel tubing and the most common material, aluminum, followed. Many newly certified aircraft are built from molded composite materials, such as carbon fiber. Structural members of an aircraft’s fuselage include stringers, longerons, ribs, bulkheads, and more. The main structural member in a wing is called the wing spar. The skin of aircraft

can also be made from a variety of materials, ranging from impregnated fabric to plywood, aluminum, or composites. Under the skin and attached to the structural fuselage are the many components that support airframe function. The entire airframe and its components are joined by rivets, bolts, screws, and other fasteners. Welding, adhesives, and special bonding techniques are also used. Major Structural Stresses Figure 1-12. A monoplane (top), biplane (middle), and tri-wing aircraft (bottom). 1-6 Aircraft structural members are designed to carry a load or to resist stress. In designing an aircraft, every square inch of wing and fuselage, every rib, spar, and even each metal fitting must be considered in relation to the physical characteristics of the material of which it is made. Every part of the aircraft must be planned to carry the load to be imposed upon it. Source: http://www.doksinet Wings Flight controls Powerplant Fuselage Stabilizers Flight controls Landing gear

Figure 1-13. Principal airframe units The determi­nation of such loads is called stress analysis. Al­ though planning the design is not the function of the aircraft technician, it is, nevertheless, important that the technician understand and appreciate the stresses in­volved in order to avoid changes in the original design through improper repairs. The term “stress” is often used interchangeably with the word “strain.” While related, they are not the same thing External loads or forces cause stress. Stress is a material’s internal resistance, or counterforce, that opposes deformation. The degree of deformation of a material is strain. When a material is subjected to a load or force, that material is deformed, regardless of how strong the material is or how light the load is. There are five major stresses [Figure 1-14] to which all aircraft are subjected: • Tension • Compression • Torsion • Shear • Bending Tension is the stress that resists a force

that tends to pull something apart. [Figure 1-14A] The engine pulls the aircraft forward, but air resistance tries to hold it back. The result is tension, which stretches the aircraft. The tensile strength of a material is measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and is calculated by dividing the load (in pounds) re­quired to pull the material apart by its cross-sec­tional area (in square inches). Compression is the stress that res­ists a crushing force. [Figure 1-14B] The compressive strength of a material is also measured in psi. Compression is the stress that tends to shorten or squeeze aircraft parts. Torsion is the stress that produces twisting. [Figure 1-14C] While moving the aircraft forward, the en­gine also tends to twist it to one side, but other aircraft components hold it on course. Thus, torsion is created The torsion strength of a material is its resistance to twisting or torque. Shear is the stress that resists the force tending to cause one layer of a material to

slide over an adjacent layer. [Figure 1-14D] Two riveted plates in tension subject the rivets to a shearing force. Usually, the shearing strength of a material is either equal to or less than its tensile or compressive strength. Aircraft parts, especially screws, bolts, and rivets, are often subject to a shearing force. Bending stress is a combination of compression and tension. The rod in Figure 1-14E has been short­ened (compressed) on the inside of the bend and stretched on the outside of the bend. 1-7 Source: http://www.doksinet A. Tension B. Compression C. Torsional D. Shear Tension outside of bend Bent structural member Shear along imaginary line (dotted) Compression inside of bend E. Bending (the combination stress) Figure 1-14. The five stresses that may act on an aircraft and its parts A single member of the structure may be subjected to a combination of stresses. In most cases, the struc­tural members are designed to carry end loads rather than side loads. They

are designed to be subjected to tension or compression rather than bending. Strength or resistance to the external loads imposed during operation may be the principal requirement in cer­tain structures. However, there are numerous other characteristics in addition to designing to control the five major stresses that engineers must consider. For example, cowling, fairings, and simi­lar parts may not be subject to significant loads requiring a high degree of strength. However, these parts must have streamlined shapes to meet aerodynamic requirements, such as reducing drag or directing airflow. 1-8 Fixed-Wing Aircraft Fuselage The fuselage is the main structure or body of the fixed-wing aircraft. It provides space for cargo, controls, acces­sories, passengers, and other equipment. In single-engine aircraft, the fuselage houses the powerplant. In multiengine aircraft, the engines may be either in the fuselage, attached to the fuselage, or suspended from the wing structure. There are

two general types of fuselage construc­tion: truss and monocoque. Truss Type A truss is a rigid framework made up of members, such as beams, struts, and bars to resist deforma­tion by applied loads. The truss-framed fuselage is generally covered with fabric. Source: http://www.doksinet The truss-type fuselage frame is usually constructed of steel tubing welded together in such a manner that all members of the truss can carry both tension and compression loads. [Figure 1-15] In some aircraft, principally the light, singleengine models, truss fuselage frames may be constructed of aluminum alloy and may be riveted or bolted into one piece, with cross-bracing achieved by using solid rods or tubes. Skin Former Longeron Diagonal web members Bulkhead Figure 1-16. An airframe using monocoque construction Vertical web members fuselage. A Warren Figure 1-15. A truss-type Figure 1-2. The Warren truss. truss uses mostly diagonal bracing. Monocoque Type The monocoque (single shell)

fuselage relies largely on the strength of the skin or covering to carry the primary loads. The design may be di­vided into two classes: 1. Monocoque 2. Semi­monocoque Different por­tions of the same fuselage may belong to either of the two classes, but most modern aircraft are considered to be of semimonocoque type construction. design but, additionally, the skin is reinforced by longitudinal members called longerons. Longerons usually extend across several frame members and help the skin support primary bending loads. They are typically made of aluminum alloy either of a single piece or a built-up construction. Stringers are also used in the semimonocoque fuselage. These longitudinal members are typically more numerous and lighter in weight than the longerons. They come in a variety of shapes and are usually made from single piece aluminum alloy extrusions or formed aluminum. Stringers have some rigidity but are chiefly used for giving shape and for attachment of the skin.

Stringers and longerons together prevent tension and compression from bending the fuselage. [Figure 1-17] Longeron Skin The true monocoque construction uses formers, frame assemblies, and bulkheads to give shape to the fuselage. [Figure 1-16] The heaviest of these structural members are located at intervals to carry concentrated loads and at points where fittings are used to attach other units such as wings, powerplants, and stabilizers. Since no other bracing members are present, the skin must carry the primary stresses and keep the fuselage rigid. Thus, the biggest problem involved in mono­coque construction is maintaining enough strength while keeping the weight within allowable limits. Stringer Semimonocoque Type To overcome the strength/weight problem of monocoque construction, a modification called semi­m onocoque construction was devel­o ped. It also consists of frame assemblies, bulkheads, and formers as used in the monocoque Bulkhead Figure 1-17. The most common

airframe construction is semimonocoque. 1-9 Source: http://www.doksinet Other bracing between the longerons and stringers can also be used. Often referred to as web members, these additional support pieces may be installed vertically or diagonally. It must be noted that manufacturers use different nomenclature to describe structural members. For example, there is often little difference between some rings, frames, and formers. One manufacturer may call the same type of brace a ring or a frame. Manufacturer instructions and specifications for a specific aircraft are the best guides. The semimonocoque fuselage is constructed primarily of alloys of aluminum and magnesium, although steel and titanium are sometimes found in areas of high temperatures. Individually, no one of the aforementioned components is strong enough to carry the loads imposed during flight and landing. But, when combined, those components form a strong, rigid framework. This is accomplished with gussets, rivets,

nuts and bolts, screws, and even friction stir welding. A gusset is a type of connection bracket that adds strength. [Figure 1-18] construction, may with­stand considerable damage and still be strong enough to hold together. Fuselages are generally constructed in two or more sections. On small aircraft, they are generally made in two or three sections, while larger aircraft may be made up of as many as six sections or more before being assembled. Pressurization Many aircraft are pressurized. This means that air is pumped into the cabin after takeoff and a difference in pressure between the air inside the cabin and the air outside the cabin is established. This differential is regulated and maintained In this manner, enough oxygen is made available for passengers to breathe normally and move around the cabin without special equipment at high altitudes. Pressurization causes significant stress on the fuselage structure and adds to the complexity of design. In addition to withstanding

the difference in pressure between the air inside and outside the cabin, cycling from unpressurized to pressurized and back again each flight causes metal fatigue. To deal with these impacts and the other stresses of flight, nearly all pressurized aircraft are semimonocoque in design. Pressurized fuselage structures undergo extensive periodic inspections to ensure that any damage is discovered and repaired. Repeated weakness or failure in an area of structure may require that section of the fuselage be modified or redesigned. Wings Figure 1-18. Gussets are used to increase strength To summarize, in semimonocoque fuselages, the strong, heavy longerons hold the bulkheads and formers, and these, in turn, hold the stringers, braces, web members, etc. All are designed to be attached together and to the skin to achieve the full strength benefits of semimonocoque design. It is important to recognize that the metal skin or covering carries part of the load. The fuselage skin thickness can

vary with the load carried and the stresses sustained at a particular location. The advantages of the semimonocoque fuselage are many. The bulkheads, frames, stringers, and longerons facilitate the de­sign and construction of a streamlined fuselage that is both rigid and strong. Spreading loads among these structures and the skin means no single piece is failure critical. This means that a semimonocoque fuselage, because of its stressed-skin 1-10 Wing Configurations Wings are airfoils that, when moved rapidly through the air, create lift. They are built in many shapes and sizes Wing design can vary to provide certain desirable flight characteristics. Control at various operating speeds, the amount of lift generated, balance, and stability all change as the shape of the wing is altered. Both the leading edge and the trailing edge of the wing may be straight or curved, or one edge may be straight and the other curved. One or both edges may be tapered so that the wing is narrower at the

tip than at the root where it joins the fuselage. The wing tip may be square, rounded, or even pointed. Figure 1-19 shows a number of typical wing leading and trailing edge shapes. The wings of an aircraft can be attached to the fuselage at the top, mid-fuselage, or at the bottom. They may extend perpendicular to the horizontal plain of the fuselage or can angle up or down slightly. This angle is known as the wing dihedral. The dihedral angle affects the lateral stability of the aircraft. Figure 1-20 shows some common wing attach points and dihedral angle. Source: http://www.doksinet Tapered leading edge, straight trailing edge Tapered leading and trailing edges Delta wing Sweptback wings Straight leading and trailing edges Straight leading edge, tapered trailing edge Figure 1-19. Various wing design shapes yield different performance Low wing Dihedral High wing Mid wing Gull wing Inverted gull Figure 1-20. Wing attach points and wing dihedrals Wing Structure The wings

of an aircraft are designed to lift it into the air. Their particular design for any given aircraft depends on a number of factors, such as size, weight, use of the aircraft, desired speed in flight and at landing, and desired rate of climb. The wings of aircraft are designated left and right, corresponding to the left and right sides of the operator when seated in the cockpit. [Figure 1-21] Often wings are of full cantilever design. This means they are built so that no external bracing is needed. They are supported internally by structural members assisted by the skin of the aircraft. Other aircraft wings use external struts or wires to assist in supporting the wing and carrying the aerodynamic and landing loads. Wing support cables and struts are generally made from steel. Many struts and their 1-11 Source: http://www.doksinet Left wing Right wing Figure 1-21. “Left” and “right” on an aircraft are oriented to the perspective of a pilot sitting in the cockpit attach

fittings have fairings to reduce drag. Short, nearly vertical supports called jury struts are found on struts that attach to the wings a great distance from the fuselage. This serves to subdue strut movement and oscillation caused by the air flowing around the strut in flight. Figure 1-22 shows samples of wings using external bracing, also known as semicantilever wings. Cantilever wings built with no external bracing are also shown. bulkheads running chordwise (leading edge to trailing edge). The spars are the principle structural members of a wing. They support all distributed loads, as well as concentrated weights such as the fuselage, landing gear, and engines. The skin, which is attached to the wing structure, carries part of the loads imposed during flight. It also transfers the stresses to the wing ribs. The ribs, in turn, transfer the loads to the wing spars. [Figure 1-23] Aluminum is the most common material from which to construct wings, but they can be wood covered with

fabric, and occasionally a magnesium alloy has been used. Moreover, modern aircraft are tending toward lighter and stronger materials throughout the airframe and in wing construction. Wings made entirely of carbon fiber or other composite materials exist, as well as wings made of a combination of materials for maximum strength to weight performance. In general, wing construction is based on one of three fundamental designs: Modification of these basic designs may be adopted by various manufacturers. The internal structures of most wings are made up of spars and stringers running spanwise and ribs and formers or The monospar wing incorporates only one main spanwise or longitudinal member in its construction. Ribs or bulkheads Full cantilever 1. Monospar 2. Multispar 3. Box beam Semicantilever Wire braced biplane Long struts braced with jury struts Figure 1-22. Externally braced wings, also called semicantilever wings, have wires or struts to support the wing Full

cantilever wings have no external bracing and are supported internally. 1-12 Source: http://www.doksinet Rear spar Ribs Stringer Nose rib Ribs Front spar Skin Figure 1-23. Wing structure nomenclature supply the necessary contour or shape to the airfoil. Although the strict monospar wing is not common, this type of design modified by the addition of false spars or light shear webs along the trailing edge for support of control surfaces is sometimes used. The multispar wing incorporates more than one main longitudinal member in its construction. To give the wing contour, ribs or bulkheads are often included. The box beam type of wing construction uses two main longitudinal members with connecting bulkheads to furnish additional strength and to give contour to the wing. [Figure 1-24] A corrugated sheet may be placed between the bulkheads and the smooth outer skin so that the wing can better carry tension and compression loads. In some cases, heavy longitudinal stiffeners are

substituted for the corrugated sheets. A combination of corrugated sheets on the upper surface of the wing and stiffeners on the lower surface is sometimes used. Air transport category aircraft often utilize box beam wing construction. Wing Spars Spars are the principal structural members of the wing. They correspond to the longerons of the fuse­lage. They run parallel to the lateral axis of the aircraft, from the fuselage toward the tip of the wing, and are usually attached to the fuselage by wing fittings, plain beams, or a truss. Spars may be made of metal, wood, or composite materials depending on the design criteria of a specific aircraft. Wooden spars are usually made from spruce. They can be generally classified into four different types by their crosssectional configu­ration. As shown in Figure 1-25, they may be (A) solid, (B) box shaped, (C) partly hollow, or (D) in the form of an I-beam. Lamination of solid wood spars is Figure 1-24. Box beam construction 1-13 Source:

http://www.doksinet A B C D E Figure 1-25. Typical wooden wing spar cross-sections often used to increase strength. Laminated wood can also be found in box shaped spars. The spar in Figure 1-25E has had material removed to reduce weight but retains the strength of a rectangular spar. As can be seen, most wing spars are basically rectangular in shape with the long dimension of the cross-section oriented up and down in the wing. Currently, most manufactured aircraft have wing spars made of solid extruded aluminum or aluminum extrusions riveted together to form the spar. The increased use of composites and the combining of materials should make airmen vigilant for wings spars made from a variety of materials. Figure 1-26 shows examples of metal wing spar cross-sections. In an I–beam spar, the top and bottom of the I–beam are called the caps and the vertical section is called the web. The entire spar can be extruded from one piece of metal but often it is built up from multiple

extrusions or formed angles. The web forms the principal depth portion of the spar and the cap strips (extrusions, formed angles, or milled sections) are attached to it. Together, these members carry the loads caused by wing bending, with the caps providing a Figure 1-26. Examples of metal wing spar shapes 1-14 foundation for attaching the skin. Although the spar shapes in Figure 1-26 are typi­cal, actual wing spar configura­tions assume many forms. For example, the web of a spar may be a plate or a truss as shown in Figure 1-27. It could be built up from light weight materials with vertical stiffeners employed for strength. [Figure 1-28] Upper cap member Vertical tube Lower cap member Figure 1-27. A truss wing spar Diagonal tube Source: http://www.doksinet Upper spar cap Upper spar cap Stiffener Rivets Splice Up pe Lo we rs Rib attach angle rs pa pa rw eb rw eb Lower spar cap Lower spar cap Figure 1-28. A plate web wing spar with vertical stiffeners

Figure 1-30. A fail-safe spar with a riveted spar web It could also have no stiffeners but might contain flanged holes for reducing weight but maintaining strength. Some metal and composite wing spars retain the I-beam concept but use a sine wave web. [Figure 1-29] False spars are commonly used in wing design. They are longitudinal members like spars but do not extend the entire spanwise length of the wing. Often, they are used as hinge attach points for control surfaces, such as an aileron spar. Sine wave web Caps Figure 1-29. A sine wave wing spar can be made from aluminum or composite materials. Additionally, fail-safe spar web design exists. Fail-safe means that should one member of a complex structure fail, some other part of the structure assumes the load of the failed member and permits continued operation. A spar with failsafe construction is shown in Figure 1-30 This spar is made in two sections. The top section consists of a cap riveted to the upper web plate. The

lower section is a single extrusion consisting of the lower cap and web plate. These two sections are spliced together to form the spar. If either section of this type of spar breaks, the other section can still carry the load. This is the fail-safe feature. As a rule, a wing has two spars. One spar is usually located near the front of the wing, and the other about two-thirds of the distance toward the wing’s trailing edge. Regardless of type, the spar is the most important part of the wing. When other structural members of the wing are placed under load, most of the resulting stress is passed on to the wing spar. Wing Ribs Ribs are the structural crosspieces that combine with spars and stringers to make up the framework of the wing. They usually extend from the wing leading edge to the rear spar or to the trailing edge of the wing. The ribs give the wing its cambered shape and transmit the load from the skin and stringers to the spars. Similar ribs are also used in ailerons,

elevators, rudders, and stabilizers. Wing ribs are usually manufactured from either wood or metal. Aircraft with wood wing spars may have wood or metal ribs while most aircraft with metal spars have metal ribs. Wood ribs are usually manufactured from spruce The three most common types of wooden ribs are the plywood web, the lightened plywood web, and the truss types. Of these three, the truss type is the most efficient because it is strong and lightweight, but it is also the most complex to construct. Figure 1-31 shows wood truss web ribs and a lightened plywood web rib. Wood ribs have a rib cap or cap strip fastened around the entire perimeter of the rib. It is usually made of the same material as the rib itself. The rib cap stiffens and strengthens the rib and provides an attaching surface for the wing covering. In Figure 1-31A, the cross-section of a wing rib with a truss-type web is illustrated. The dark rectangular sections are the front and rear wing spars. Note that to reinforce

the truss, gussets are used. In Figure 1-31B, a truss web rib is shown with a continuous gusset. It provides greater support throughout the entire rib with very little additional weight. A continuous gusset stiffens the cap strip in the plane of the rib. This aids in preventing buckling and helps to obtain better rib/skin joints where nail-gluing is used. Such a rib can resist the driving force of nails better than the other types. 1-15 Source: http://www.doksinet the trailing edge of the wing. Wing butt ribs may be found at the inboard edge of the wing where the wing attaches to the fuselage. Depending on its location and method of attachment, a butt rib may also be called a bulkhead rib or a compression rib if it is designed to receive compression loads that tend to force the wing spars together. A B Since the ribs are laterally weak, they are strengthened in some wings by tapes that are woven above and below rib sections to prevent sidewise bending of the ribs. Drag and

anti-drag wires may also be found in a wing. In Figure 1-32, they are shown criss­crossed between the spars to form a truss to resist forces acting on the wing in the direction of the wing chord. These tension wires are also referred to as tie rods. The wire designed to resist the back­ward forces is called a drag wire; the anti-drag wire resists the forward forces in the chord direction. Figure 1-32 illustrates the structural components of a basic wood wing. C Figure 1-31. Examples of wing ribs constructed of wood Continuous gussets are also more easily handled than the many small separate gussets otherwise required. Figure 1-31C shows a rib with a lighten plywood web. It also contains gussets to support the web/cap strip interface. The cap strip is usually laminated to the web, especially at the leading edge. At the inboard end of the wing spars is some form of wing attach fitting as illustrated in Figure 1-32. These provide a strong and secure method for attaching the wing to

the fuselage. The interface between the wing and fuselage is often covered with a fairing to achieve smooth airflow in this area. The fairing(s) can be removed for access to the wing attach fittings. [Figure 1-33] A wing rib may also be referred to as a plain rib or a main rib. Wing ribs with specialized locations or functions are given names that reflect their uniqueness. For example, ribs that are located entirely forward of the front spar that are used to shape and strengthen the wing leading edge are called nose ribs or false ribs. False ribs are ribs that do not span the entire wing chord, which is the distance from the leading edge to Leading edge strip Wing tip Nose rib or false rib Front spar Anti-drag wire or tire rod False spar or aileron spar Aileron Rear spar Aileron hinge Figure 1-32. Basic wood wing structure and components 1-16 Drag wire or tire rod Wing attach fittings Wing rib or plain rib Wing butt rib (or compression rib or bulkhead rib) Source:

http://www.doksinet to the tip with countersunk screws and is secured to the interspar structure at four points with ¼-inch diameter bolts. To prevent ice from forming on the leading edge of the wings of large aircraft, hot air from an engine is often channeled through the leading edge from wing root to wing tip. A louver on the top surface of the wingtip allows this warm air to be exhausted overboard. Wing position lights are located at the center of the tip and are not directly visible from the cockpit. As an indication that the wing tip light is operating, some wing tips are equipped with a Lucite rod to transmit the light to the leading edge. Figure 1-33. Wing root fairings smooth airflow and hide wing attach fittings. The wing tip is often a removable unit, bolted to the outboard end of the wing panel. One reason for this is the vulnerability of the wing tips to damage, especially during ground handling and taxiing. Figure 1-34 shows a removable wing tip for a large aircraft

wing. Others are different The wing tip assembly is of aluminum alloy construction. The wing tip cap is secured Wing Skin Often, the skin on a wing is designed to carry part of the flight and ground loads in combination with the spars and ribs. This is known as a stressed-skin design The all-metal, full cantilever wing section illustrated in Figure 1-35 shows the structure of one such design. The lack of extra internal or external bracing requires that the skin share some of the load. Notice the skin is stiffened to aid with this function Access panel Upper skin Points of attachment to front and rear spar fittings (2 upper, 2 lower) Louver Wing tip navigation light Leading edge outer skin Corrugated inner skin Reflector rod Heat duct Wing cap Figure 1-34. A removable metal wing tip 1-17 Source: http://www.doksinet Fuel is often carried inside the wings of a stressed-skin aircraft. The joints in the wing can be sealed with a special fuel resistant sealant enabling fuel to

be stored directly inside the structure. This is known as wet wing design Alternately, a fuel-carrying bladder or tank can be fitted inside a wing. Figure 1-36 shows a wing section with a box beam structural design such as one that might be found in a transport category aircraft. This structure increases strength while reducing weight. Proper sealing of the structure allows fuel to be stored in the box sections of the wing. The wing skin on an aircraft may be made from a wide variety of materials such as fabric, wood, or aluminum. But a single thin sheet of material is not always employed. Chemically milled aluminum skin can provide skin of varied thicknesses. On aircraft with stressed-skin wing design, honeycomb structured wing panels are often used as skin. A honeycomb structure is built up from a core material resembling a bee hive’s honeycomb which is laminated or sandwiched between thin outer skin sheets. Figure 1-37 illustrates honeycomb panes and their components. Panels

formed like this are lightweight and very strong. They have a variety of uses on the aircraft, such as floor panels, bulkheads, and control surfaces, as well as wing skin panels. Figure 1-38 shows the locations of honeycomb construction wing panels on a jet transport aircraft. A honeycomb panel can be made from a wide variety of materials. Aluminum core honeycomb with an outer skin of aluminum is common. But honeycomb in which the core is Figure 1-35. The skin is an integral load carrying part of a stressed skin design Sealed structure fuel tankwet wing Figure 1-36. Fuel is often carried in the wings 1-18 Source: http://www.doksinet an Arimid® fiber and the outer sheets are coated Phenolic® is common as well. In fact, a myriad of other material combinations such as those using fiberglass, plastic, Nomex®, Kevlar ®, and carbon fiber all exist. Each honeycomb structure possesses unique characteristics depending upon the materials, dimensions, and manufacturing techniques

employed. Figure 1-39 shows an entire wing leading edge formed from honeycomb structure. Nacelles Nacelles (sometimes called “pods”) are streamlined enclosures used primarily to house the engine and its components. They usually present a round or elliptical profile to the wind thus reducing aerodynamic drag. On most single-engine aircraft, the engine and nacelle are at the forward end of the fuselage. On multiengine aircraft, engine nacelles are built into the wings or attached to the fuselage at the empennage (tail section). Occasionally, a multiengine aircraft is designed with a nacelle in line with the fuselage aft of the passenger compartment. Regardless of its location, a nacelle contains the engine and accessories, engine mounts, structural members, a firewall, and skin and cowling on the exterior to fare the nacelle to the wind. Some aircraft have nacelles that are designed to house the landing gear when retracted. Retracting the gear to reduce wind resistance is standard

procedure on high-performance/ high-speed aircraft. The wheel well is the area where the landing gear is attached and stowed when retracted. Wheel wells can be located in the wings and/or fuselage when not part of the nacelle. Figure 1-40 shows an engine nacelle incorporating the landing gear with the wheel well extending into the wing root. Core Skin A Skin Constant thickness Core Skin B Skin Tapered core Figure 1-37. The honeycomb panel is a staple in aircraft construction Cores can be either constant thickness (A) or tapered (B) Tapered core honeycomb panels are frequently used as flight control surfaces and wing trailing edges. 1-19 Source: http://www.doksinet Trailing edge sandwich panels constant-thickness core Wing leading edge Spoiler sandwich panel tapered core, solid wedge Trailing edge sandwich panels constant-thickness core Inboard flap Spoiler sandwich panel Outboard flap Aileron tab sandwich panel tapered core, Phenolic wedge tapered core, solid wedge

Aileron tab sandwich panel constant-thickness core Trailing edge wedge sandwich panel tapered core, cord wedge Figure 1-38. Honeycomb wing construction on a large jet transport aircraft The framework of a nacelle usually consists of structural members similar to those of the fuselage. Lengthwise members, such as longerons and stringers, combine with horizontal/vertical members, such as rings, formers, and bulkheads, to give the nacelle its shape and structural integrity. A firewall is incorporated to isolate the engine compartment from the rest of the aircraft. This is basically a stainless steel or titanium bulkhead that contains a fire in the confines of the nacelle rather than letting it spread throughout the airframe. [Figure 1-41] components inside. Both are usually made of sheet aluminum or magnesium alloy with stainless steel or titanium alloys being used in high-temperature areas, such as around the exhaust exit. Regardless of the material used, the skin is typically

attached to the framework with rivets. Engine mounts are also found in the nacelle. These are the structural assemblies to which the engine is fastened. They are usually constructed from chrome/molybdenum steel tubing in light aircraft and forged chrome/nickel/ molybdenum assemblies in larger aircraft. [Figure 1-42] Cowling refers to the detachable panels covering those areas into which access must be gained regularly, such as the engine and its accessories. It is designed to provide a smooth airflow over the nacelle and to protect the engine from damage. Cowl panels are generally made of aluminum alloy construction. However, stainless steel is often used as the inner skin aft of the power section and for cowl flaps and near cowl flap openings. It is also used for oil cooler ducts Cowl flaps are moveable parts of the nacelle cowling that open and close to regulate engine temperature. The exterior of a nacelle is covered with a skin or fitted with a cowling which can be opened to

access the engine and There are many engine cowl designs. Figure 1-43 shows an exploded view of the pieces of cowling for a horizontally 1-20 Source: http://www.doksinet Metal wing spar Metal member bonded to sandwich Honeycomb sandwich core Wooden members spanwise and chordwise Glass reinforced plastics sandwich the core Figure 1-39. A wing leading edge formed from honeycomb material bonded to the aluminum spar structure Figure 1-40. Wheel wells in a wing engine nacelle with gear coming down (inset) 1-21 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-41. An engine nacelle firewall. opposed engine on a light aircraft. It is attached to the nacelle by means of screws and/or quick release fasteners. Some large reciprocating engines are enclosed by “orange peel” cowlings which provide excellent access to components inside the nacelle. [Figure 1-44] These cowl panels are attached to the forward firewall by mounts which also serve as hinges for opening the cowl. The lower cowl

mounts are secured to the hinge brackets by quick release pins. The side and top panels are held open by rods and the lower panel is retained in the open position by a spring and a cable. All of the cowling panels are locked in the closed position by overcenter steel latches which are secured in the closed position by spring-loaded safety catches. An example of a turbojet engine nacelle can be seen in Figure 1-45. The cowl panels are a combination of fixed and easily removable panels which can be opened and closed during maintenance. A nose cowl is also a feature on a jet engine nacelle. It guides air into the engine Empennage The empennage of an aircraft is also known as the tail section. Most empennage designs consist of a tail cone, fixed aerodynamic surfaces or stabilizers, and movable aerodynamic surfaces. 1-22 Figure 1-42. Various aircraft engine mounts Figure 1-43. Typical cowling for a horizontally opposed reciprocating engine. The tail cone serves to close and streamline

the aft end of most fuselages. The cone is made up of structural members like those of the fuselage; however, cones are usually of lighter con­struction since they receive less stress than the fuselage. [Figure 1-46] Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-44. Orange peel cowling for large radial reciprocating engine Figure 1-45. Cowling on a transport category turbine engine nacelle 1-23 Source: http://www.doksinet Frame Longeron Skin Stringer Rib Stringer Bulkhead Spars Figure 1-46. The fuselage terminates at the tail cone with similar Skin but more lightweight construction. Figure 1-48. Vertical stabilizer The other components of the typical empennage are of heavier construction than the tail cone. These members include fixed surfaces that help stabilize the aircraft and movable surfaces that help to direct an aircraft during flight. The fixed surfaces are the horizon­tal stabilizer and vertical stabilizer. The movable surfaces are usually a rudder located at the aft

edge of the vertical stabilizer and an elevator located at the aft edge the horizontal stabilizer. [Figure 1-47] any overloads to the fuselage. A horizontal stabilizer is built the same way. Vertical stabilizer Horizontal stabilizer Rudder Trim tabs Elevator Figure 1-47. Components of a typical empennage The structure of the stabilizers is very similar to that which is used in wing construction. Figure 1-48 shows a typical vertical stabilizer. Notice the use of spars, ribs, stringers, and skin like those found in a wing. They perform the same functions shaping and supporting the stabilizer and transferring stresses. Bending, torsion, and shear created by air loads in flight pass from one structural member to another. Each member absorbs some of the stress and passes the remainder on to the others. Ultimately, the spar transmits 1-24 The rudder and elevator are flight control surfaces that are also part of the empennage discussed in the next section of this chapter. Flight

Control Surfaces The directional control of a fixed-wing aircraft takes place around the lateral, longitudinal, and vertical axes by means of flight control surfaces designed to create movement about these axes. These control devices are hinged or movable surfaces through which the attitude of an aircraft is controlled during takeoff, flight, and landing. They are usually divided into two major groups: 1) pri­mary or main flight control surfaces and 2) secondary or auxiliary control surfaces. Primary Flight Control Surfaces The primary flight control surfaces on a fixed-wing aircraft include: ailerons, elevators, and the rudder. The ailerons are attached to the trailing edge of both wings and when moved, rotate the aircraft around the longitudinal axis. The elevator is attached to the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer. When it is moved, it alters aircraft pitch, which is the attitude about the horizontal or lateral axis. The rudder is hinged to the trailing edge of the

vertical stabilizer. When the rudder changes position, the aircraft rotates about the vertical axis (yaw). Figure 1-49 shows the primary flight controls of a light aircraft and the movement they create relative to the three axes of flight. Primary control surfaces are usually similar in construc­tion to one another and vary only in size, shape, and methods of Source: http://www.doksinet El RudderYaw ev at La or t (lo era Pit stangi l ax ch bil tud is ity ina ) l Vertical axis (directional stability) Roll on Ailer al itudin Long(lateral axis ity) stabil Primary Control Surface Airplane Movement Axes of Rotation Type of Stability Aileron Roll Longitudinal Lateral Elevator/ Stabilator Pitch Lateral Longitudinal Rudder Yaw Vertical Directional Primary control surfaces constructed from composite materials are also commonly used. These are found on many heavy and high-performance aircraft, as well as gliders, home-built, and light-sport aircraft. The weight and

strength advantages over traditional construction can be significant. A wide variety of materials and construction techniques are employed. Figure 1-51 shows examples of aircraft that use composite technology on primary flight control surfaces. Note that the control surfaces of fabric-covered aircraft often have fabric-covered surfaces just as aluminum-skinned (light) aircraft typically have all-aluminum control surfaces. There is a critical need for primary control surfaces to be balanced so they do not vibrate or flutter in the wind. Figure 1-49. Flight control surfaces move the aircraft around the three axes of flight. attachment. On aluminum light aircraft, their structure is often similar to an all-metal wing. This is appropriate because the primary control surfaces are simply smaller aerodynamic devices. They are typically made from an aluminum alloy structure built around a sin­gle spar member or torque tube to which ribs are fitted and a skin is attached. The lightweight

ribs are, in many cases, stamped out from flat aluminum sheet stock. Holes in the ribs lighten the assembly An aluminum skin is attached with rivets. Figure 1-50 illustrates this type of structure, which can be found on the primary control surfaces of light aircraft as well as on medium and heavy aircraft. Aileron hinge-pin fitting Actuating horn Spar Lightning hole Figure 1-51. Composite control surfaces and some of the many Figure 1-50. Typical structure of an aluminum flight control surface aircraft that utilize them. 1-25 Source: http://www.doksinet Performed to manufacturer’s instructions, balancing usually consists of assuring that the center of gravity of a particular device is at or forward of the hinge point. Failure to properly balance a control surface could lead to catastrophic failure. Figure 1-52 illustrates several aileron configurations with their hinge points well aft of the leading edge. This is a common design feature used to prevent flutter. Up aileron

Down aileron Figure 1-54. Differential aileron control movement When one aileron is moved down, the aileron on the opposite wing is deflected upward. Figure 1-52. Aileron hinge locations are very close to but aft of the center of gravity to prevent flutter. Ailerons Ailerons are the primary flight control surfaces that move the aircraft about the longitudinal axis. In other words, movement of the ailerons in flight causes the aircraft to roll. Ailerons are usually located on the outboard trailing edge of each of the wings. They are built into the wing and are calculated as part of the wing’s surface area. Figure 1-53 shows aileron locations on various wing tip designs. The pilot’s request for aileron movement and roll are transmitted from the cockpit to the actual control surface in a variety of ways depending on the aircraft. A system of control cables and pulleys, push-pull tubes, hydraulics, electric, or a combination of these can be employed. [Figure 1-55] Stop Elevator

cables Tether stop Stop To ailerons Note pivots not on center of shaft Figure 1-55. Transferring control surface inputs from the cockpit Figure 1-53. Aileron location on various wings Ailerons are controlled by a side-to-side motion of the control stick in the cockpit or a rotation of the control yoke. When the aileron on one wing deflects down, the aileron on the opposite wing deflects upward. This amplifies the movement of the aircraft around the longitudinal axis. On the wing on which the aileron trailing edge moves downward, camber is increased and lift is increased. Conversely, on the other wing, the raised aileron decreases lift. [Figure 1-54] The result is a sensitive response to the control input to roll the aircraft. 1-26 Simple, light aircraft usually do not have hydraulic or electric fly-by-wire aileron control. These are found on heavy and high-performance aircraft. Large aircraft and some highperformance aircraft may also have a second set of ailerons located inboard

on the trailing edge of the wings. These are part of a complex system of primary and secondary control surfaces used to provide lateral control and stability in flight. At low speeds, the ailerons may be augmented by the use of flaps and spoilers. At high speeds, only inboard aileron deflection is required to roll the aircraft while the other control surfaces are locked out or remain stationary. Figure 1-56 Source: http://www.doksinet illustrates the location of the typical flight control surfaces found on a transport category aircraft. Elevator The elevator is the primary flight control surface that moves the aircraft around the horizontal or lateral axis. This causes the nose of the aircraft to pitch up or down. The elevator is hinged to the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer and typically spans most or all of its width. It is controlled in the cockpit by pushing or pulling the control yoke forward or aft. Light aircraft use a system of control cables and pulleys or push

pull tubes to transfer cockpit inputs to the movement of the elevator. High performance and large aircraft typically employ more complex systems. Hydraulic power is commonly used to move the elevator on these aircraft. On aircraft equipped with fly-by-wire controls, a combination of electrical and hydraulic power is used. Rudder The rudder is the primary control surface that causes an aircraft to yaw or move about the vertical axis. This provides directional control and thus points the nose of the aircraft in the direction desired. Most aircraft have a single rudder hinged to the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer. It is controlled by a pair of foot-operated rudder pedals in the cockpit. When the right pedal is pushed forward, it deflects the rudder to the right which moves the nose of the aircraft to the right. The left pedal is rigged to simultaneously move aft. When the left pedal is pushed forward, the nose of the aircraft moves to the left. As with the other primary flight

controls, the transfer of the movement of the cockpit controls to the rudder varies with the complexity of the aircraft. Many aircraft incorporate the directional movement of the nose or tail wheel into the rudder control system for ground operation. This allows the operator to steer the aircraft with the rudder pedals during taxi when the airspeed is not high enough for the control surfaces to be effective. Some large aircraft have a split rudder arrangement This is actually two rudders, one above the other. At low speeds, both rudders deflect in the same direction when the pedals are pushed. At higher speeds, one of the rudders becomes inoperative as the deflection of a single rudder is aerodynamically sufficient to maneuver the aircraft. Dual Purpose Flight Control Surfaces The ailerons, elevators, and rudder are considered conventional primary control surfaces. However, some aircraft are designed with a control surface that may serve a dual purpose. For example, elevons perform the

combined functions of the ailerons and the elevator. [Figure 1-57] A movable horizontal tail section, called a stabilator, is a control surface that combines the action of both the horizontal stabilizer and the elevator. [Figure 1-58] Basically, a Flight spoilers Outboard aileron Inboard aileron Figure 1-56. Typical flight control surfaces on a transport category aircraft 1-27 Source: http://www.doksinet Elevons edge. Movement of the ruddervators can alter the movement of the aircraft around the horizontal and/or vertical axis. Additionally, some aircraft are equipped with flaperons. [Figure 1-60] Flaperons are ailerons which can also act as flaps. Flaps are secondary control surfaces on most wings, discussed in the next section of this chapter. Flaperons Figure 1-57. Elevons Figure 1-60. Flaperons Secondary or Auxiliary Control Surfaces There are several secondary or auxiliary flight control surfaces. Their names, locations, and functions of those for most large aircraft

are listed in Figure 1-61. Figure 1-58. A stabilizer and index marks on a transport category aircraft. stabilator is a horizontal stabilizer that can also be rotated about the horizontal axis to affect the pitch of the aircraft. A ruddervator combines the action of the rudder and elevator. [Figure 1-59] This is possible on aircraft with V–tail empennages where the traditional horizontal and vertical stabilizers do not exist. Instead, two stabilizers angle upward and outward from the aft fuselage in a “V” configuration. Each contains a movable ruddervator built into the trailing Ruddervator Flaps Flaps are found on most aircraft. They are usually inboard on the wings’ trailing edges adjacent to the fuselage. Leading edge flaps are also common. They extend forward and down from the inboard wing leading edge. The flaps are lowered to increase the camber of the wings and provide greater lift and control at slow speeds. They enable landing at slower speeds and shorten the amount

of runway required for takeoff and landing. The amount that the flaps extend and the angle they form with the wing can be selected from the cockpit. Typically, flaps can extend up to 45–50°. Figure 1-62 shows various aircraft with flaps in the extended position. Flaps are usually constructed of materials and with techniques used on the other airfoils and control surfaces of a particular aircraft. Aluminum skin and structure flaps are the norm on light aircraft. Heavy and high-performance aircraft flaps may also be aluminum, but the use of composite structures is also common. There are various kinds of flaps. Plain flaps form the trailing edge of the wing when the flap is in the retracted position. [Figure 1-63A] The airflow over the wing continues over the upper and lower surfaces of the flap, making the trailing edge of the flap essentially the trailing edge of the wing. The plain Figure 1-59. Ruddervator 1-28 Source: http://www.doksinet Secondary/Auxiliary Flight Control

Surfaces Name Location Function Flaps Inboard trailing edge of wings Extends the camber of the wing for greater lift and slower flight. Allows control at low speeds for short field takeoffs and landings. Trim tabs Trailing edge of primary flight control surfaces Reduces the force needed to move a primary control surface. Balance tabs Trailing edge of primary flight control surfaces Reduces the force needed to move a primary control surface. Anti-balance tabs Trailing edge of primary flight control surfaces Increases feel and effectiveness of primary control surface. Servo tabs Trailing edge of primary flight control surfaces Assists or provides the force for moving a primary flight control. Spoilers Upper and/or trailing edge of wing Decreases (spoils) lift. Can augment aileron function Slats Mid to outboard leading edge of wing Extends the camber of the wing for greater lift and slower flight. Allows control at low speeds for short field takeoffs and landings.

Slots Outer leading edge of wing forward of ailerons Directs air over upper surface of wing during high angle of attack. Lowers stall speed and provides control during slow flight. Leading edge flap Inboard leading edge of wing Extends the camber of the wing for greater lift and slower flight. Allows control at low speeds for short field takeoffs and landings. NOTE: An aircraft may possess none, one, or a combination of the above control surfaces. Figure 1-61. Secondary or auxiliary control surfaces and respective locations for larger aircraft Figure 1-62. Various aircraft with flaps in the extended position A B Plain flap Split p flap C Fowler flap Figure 1-63. Various types of flaps 1-29 Source: http://www.doksinet flap is hinged so that the trailing edge can be lowered. This increases wing camber and provides greater lift. A split flap is normally housed under the trailing edge of the wing. [Figure 1-63B] It is usually just a braced flat metal plate hinged at

several places along its leading edge. The upper surface of the wing extends to the trailing edge of the flap. When deployed, the split flap trailing edge lowers away from the trailing edge of the wing. Airflow over the top of the wing remains the same. Airflow under the wing now follows the camber created by the lowered split flap, increasing lift. Fowler flaps not only lower the trailing edge of the wing when deployed but also slide aft, effectively increasing the area of the wing. [Figure 1-63C] This creates more lift via the increased surface area, as well as the wing camber. When stowed, the fowler flap typically retracts up under the wing trailing edge similar to a split flap. The sliding motion of a fowler flap can be accomplished with a worm drive and flap tracks. An enhanced version of the fowler flap is a set of flaps that actually contains more than one aerodynamic surface. Figure 1-64 shows a triple-slotted flap. In this configuration, the flap consists of a fore flap, a

mid flap, and an aft flap. When deployed, each flap section slides aft on tracks as it lowers. The flap sections also separate leaving an open slot between the wing and the fore flap, as well as between each of the flap sections. Air from the underside of the wing flows through these slots. The result is that the laminar flow on the upper surfaces is enhanced. The greater camber and effective wing area increase overall lift. Retracted Hinge point Actuator Flap extended Flap retracted Retractable nose Figure 1-65. Leading edge flaps The differing designs of leading edge flaps essentially provide the same effect. Activation of the trailing edge flaps automatically deploys the leading edge flaps, which are driven out of the leading edge and downward, extending the camber of the wing. Figure 1-66 shows a Krueger flap, recognizable by its flat mid-section. Slats Another leading-edge device which extends wing camber is a slat. Slats can be operated independently of the flaps with their

own switch in the cockpit. Slats not only extend out of the leading edge of the wing increasing camber and lift, but most often, when fully deployed leave a slot between their trailing edges and the leading edge of the wing. [Figure 1-67] This increases the angle of attack at which the wing will maintain its laminar airflow, resulting in the ability to fly the aircraft slower and still maintain control. Spoilers and Speed Brakes Fore flap Mid flap Aft flap Figure 1-64. Triple slotted flap Heavy aircraft often have leading edge flaps that are used in conjunction with the trailing edge flaps. [Figure 1-65] They can be made of machined magnesium or can have an aluminum or composite structure. While they are not installed or operate independently, their use with trailing edge flaps can greatly increase wing camber and lift. When stowed, leading edge flaps retract into the leading edge of the wing. 1-30 A spoiler is a device found on the upper surface of many heavy and high-performance

aircraft. It is stowed flush to the wing’s upper surface. When deployed, it raises up into the airstream and disrupts the laminar airflow of the wing, thus reducing lift. Spoilers are made with similar construction materials and techniques as the other flight control surfaces on the aircraft. Often, they are honeycomb-core flat panels. At low speeds, spoilers are rigged to operate when the ailerons operate to assist with the lateral movement and stability of the aircraft. On the wing where the aileron is moved up, the spoilers also raise thus amplifying the reduction of lift on that wing. [Figure 1-68] On the wing with downward aileron deflection, the spoilers remain stowed. As the speed of the aircraft Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-66. Side view (left) and front view (right) of a Krueger flap on a Boeing 737 Figure 1-68. Spoilers deployed upon landing on a transport category Figure 1-67. Air passing through the slot aft of the slat promotes boundary layer airflow on the

upper surface at high angles of attack. increases, the ailerons become more effective and the spoiler interconnect disengages. Spoilers are unique in that they may also be fully deployed on both wings to act as speed brakes. The reduced lift and increased drag can quickly reduce the speed of the aircraft in flight. Dedicated speed brake panels similar to flight spoilers in construction can also be found on the upper surface of the wings of heavy and high-performance aircraft. They are designed specifically to increase drag and reduce the speed of the aircraft when deployed. These speed brake panels do not operate differentially with the ailerons at low speed. aircraft. The speed brake control in the cockpit can deploy all spoiler and speed brake surfaces fully when operated. Often, these surfaces are also rigged to deploy on the ground automatically when engine thrust reversers are activated. Tabs The force of the air against a control surface during the high speed of flight can

make it difficult to move and hold that control surface in the deflected position. A control surface might also be too sensitive for similar reasons. Several different tabs are used to aid with these types of problems. The table in Figure 1-69 summarizes the various tabs and their uses. 1-31 Source: http://www.doksinet Flight Control Tabs Type Direction of Motion (in relation to control surface) Trim Opposite Set by pilot from cockpit. Uses independent linkage. Statically balances the aircraft in flight. Allows “hands off” maintenance of flight condition. Balance Opposite Moves when pilot moves control surface. Coupled to control surface linkage. Aids pilot in overcoming the force needed to move the control surface. Servo Opposite Directly linked to flight control input device. Can be primary or back-up means of control. Aerodynamically positions control surfaces that require too much force to move manually. Anti-balance or Anti-servo Same Directly linked to

flight control input device. Increases force needed by pilot to change flight control position. De-sensitizes flight controls. Spring Opposite Located in line of direct linkage to servo tab. Spring assists when control forces become too high in high-speed flight. Enables moving control surface when forces are high. Inactive during slow flight. Activation Effect Figure 1-69. Various tabs and their uses While in flight, it is desirable for the pilot to be able to take his or her hands and feet off of the controls and have the aircraft maintain its flight condition. Trims tabs are designed to allow this. Most trim tabs are small movable surfaces located on the trailing edge of a primary flight control surface. A small movement of the tab in the direction opposite of the direction the flight control surface is deflected, causing air to strike the tab, in turn producing a force that aids in maintaining the flight control surface in the desired position. Through linkage set from the

cockpit, the tab can be positioned so that it is actually holding the control surface in position rather than the pilot. Therefore, elevator tabs are used to maintain the speed of the aircraft since they assist in maintaining the selected pitch. Rudder tabs can be set to hold yaw in check and maintain heading. Aileron tabs can help keep the wings level Occasionally, a simple light aircraft may have a stationary metal plate attached to the trailing edge of a primary flight control, usually the rudder. This is also a trim tab as shown in Figure 1-70. It can be bent slightly on the ground to trim the aircraft in flight to a hands-off condition when flying straight and level. The correct amount of bend can be determined only by flying the aircraft after an adjustment. Note that a small amount of bending is usually sufficient. The aerodynamic phenomenon of moving a trim tab in one direction to cause the control surface to experience a force moving in the opposite direction is exactly what

occurs with the use of balance tabs. [Figure 1-71] Often, it is difficult to move a primary control surface due to its surface area and the speed of the air rushing over it. Deflecting a balance tab hinged at the trailing edge of the control surface in the opposite 1-32 Ground adjustable rudder trim Figure 1-70. Example of a trim tab direction of the desired control surface movement causes a force to position the surface in the proper direction with reduced force to do so. Balance tabs are usually linked directly to the control surface linkage so that they move automatically when there is an input for control surface movement. They also can double as trim tabs, if adjustable in the flight deck. A servo tab is similar to a balance tab in location and effect, but it is designed to operate the primary flight control surface, not just reduce the force needed to do so. It is usually used as a means to back up the primary control of the flight control surfaces. [Figure 1-72] Source:

http://www.doksinet Lift surfaces are signaled by electric input. In the case of hydraulic system failure(s), manual linkage to a servo tab can be used to deflect it. This, in turn, provides an aerodynamic force that moves the primary control surface. Tab geared to deflect proportionally to the control deflection, but in the opposite direction Fixed surface A control surface may require excessive force to move only in the final stages of travel. When this is the case, a spring tab can be used. This is essentially a servo tab that does not activate until an effort is made to move the control surface beyond a certain point. When reached, a spring in line of the control linkage aids in moving the control surface through the remainder of its travel. [Figure 1-73] Con trol tab Figure 1-71. Balance tabs assist with forces needed to position control surfaces. Control stick Spring Free link Control stick Free link Figure 1-73. Many tab linkages have a spring tab that kicks in as

the forces needed to deflect a control increase with speed and the angle of desired deflection. Control surface hinge line surfaces in case of hydraulic failure. Figure 1-74 shows another way of assisting the movement of an aileron on a large aircraft. It is called an aileron balance panel. Not visible when approaching the aircraft, it is positioned in the linkage that hinges the aileron to the wing. On heavy aircraft, large control surfaces require too much force to be moved manually and are usually deflected out of the neutral position by hydraulic actuators. These power control units are signaled via a system of hydraulic valves connected to the yoke and rudder pedals. On fly-by-wire aircraft, the hydraulic actuators that move the flight control Balance panels have been constructed typically of aluminum skin-covered frame assemblies or aluminum honeycomb structures. The trailing edge of the wing just forward of the leading edge of the aileron is sealed to allow controlled

airflow in and out of the hinge area where the balance panel is located. Figure 1-72. Servo tabs can be used to position flight control Hinge Balance panel Vent gap Control tab AILERON WING Vent gap Lower pressure Figure 1-74. An aileron balance panel and linkage uses varying air pressure to assist in control surface positioning 1-33 Source: http://www.doksinet [Figure 1-75] When the aileron is moved from the neutral position, differential pressure builds up on one side of the balance panel. This differential pressure acts on the balance panel in a direction that assists the aileron movement. For slight movements, deflecting the control tab at the trailing edge of the aileron is easy enough to not require significant assistance from the balance tab. (Moving the control tab moves the ailerons as desired.) But, as greater deflection is requested, the force resisting control tab and aileron movement becomes greater and augmentation from the balance tab is needed. The seals

and mounting geometry allow the differential pressure of airflow on the balance panel to increase as deflection of the ailerons is increased. This makes the resistance felt when moving the aileron controls relatively constant. Antiservo tab Stabilator pivot point Figure 1-76. An antiservo tab moves in the same direction as the control tab. Shown here on a stabilator, it desensitizes the pitch control. Balance panel Figure 1-75. The trailing edge of the wing just forward of the leading edge of the aileron is sealed to allow controlled airflow in and out of the hinge area where the balance panel is located. Antiservo tabs, as the name suggests, are like servo tabs but move in the same direction as the primary control surface. On some aircraft, especially those with a movable horizontal stabilizer, the input to the control surface can be too sensitive. An antiservo tab tied through the control linkage creates an aerodynamic force that increases the effort needed to move the

control surface. This makes flying the aircraft more stable for the pilot. Figure 1-76 shows an antiservo tab in the near neutral position. Deflected in the same direction as the desired stabilator movement, it increases the required control surface input. Other Wing Features There may be other structures visible on the wings of an aircraft that contribute to performance. Winglets, vortex generators, stall fences, and gap seals are all common wing features. Introductory descriptions of each are given in the following paragraphs. A winglet is an obvious vertical upturn of the wing’s tip resembling a vertical stabilizer. It is an aerodynamic device designed to reduce the drag created by wing tip vortices in flight. Usually made from aluminum or composite materials, winglets can be designed to optimize performance at a desired speed. [Figure 1-77] 1-34 Figure 1-77. A winglet reduces aerodynamic drag caused by air spilling off of the wing tip. Vortex generators are small airfoil

sections usually attached to the upper surface of a wing. [Figure 1-78] They are designed to promote positive laminar airflow over the wing and control surfaces. Usually made of aluminum and installed in a spanwise line or lines, the vortices created by these devices swirl downward assisting maintenance of the boundary layer of air flowing over the wing. They can also be found on the fuselage and empennage. Figure 1-79 shows the unique vortex generators on a Symphony SA-160 wing. A chordwise barrier on the upper surface of the wing, called a stall fence, is used to halt the spanwise flow of air. During low speed flight, this can maintain proper chordwise airflow reducing the tendency for the wing to stall. Usually made of aluminum, the fence is a fixed structure most common on swept wings, which have a natural spanwise tending boundary air flow. [Figure 1-80] Source: http://www.doksinet Stall fence Figure 1-78. Vortex generators Figure 1-80. A stall fence aids in maintaining

chordwise airflow over the wing. and disrupt the upper wing surface airflow, which in turn reduces lift and control surface responsiveness. The use of gap seals is common to promote smooth airflow in these gap areas. Gap seals can be made of a wide variety of materials ranging from aluminum and impregnated fabric to foam and plastic. Figure 1-81 shows some gap seals installed on various aircraft. Landing Gear Figure 1-79. The Symphony SA-160 has two unique vortex generators on its wing to ensure aileron effectiveness through the stall. Often, a gap can exist between the stationary trailing edge of a wing or stabilizer and the movable control surface(s). At high angles of attack, high pressure air from the lower wing surface can be disrupted at this gap. The result can be turbulent airflow, which increases drag. There is also a tendency for some lower wing boundary air to enter the gap The landing gear supports the aircraft during landing and while it is on the ground. Simple

aircraft that fly at low speeds generally have fixed gear. This means the gear is stationary and does not retract for flight. Faster, more complex aircraft have retractable landing gear. After takeoff, the landing gear is retracted into the fuselage or wings and out of the airstream. This is important because extended gear create significant parasite drag which reduces performance. Parasite drag is caused by the friction of the air flowing over the gear. It increases with speed. On very light, slow aircraft, the Aileron gap seal Tab gap seal Figure 1-81. Gap seals promote the smooth flow of air over gaps between fixed and movable surfaces 1-35 Source: http://www.doksinet extra weight that accompanies a retractable landing gear is more of a detriment than the drag caused by the fixed gear. Lightweight fairings and wheel pants can be used to keep drag to a minimum. Figure 1-82 shows examples of fixed and retractable gear. Landing gear must be strong enough to withstand the forces

of landing when the aircraft is fully loaded. In addition to strength, a major design goal is to have the gear assembly be as light as possible. To accomplish this, landing gear are made from a wide range of materials including steel, aluminum, and magnesium. Wheels and tires are designed specifically for aviation use and have unique operating characteristics. Main wheel assemblies usually have a braking system. To aid with the potentially high impact of landing, most landing gear have a means of either absorbing shock or accepting shock and distributing it so that the structure is not damaged. Not all aircraft landing gear are configured with wheels. Helicopters, for example, have such high maneuverability and low landing speeds that a set of fixed skids is common and quite functional with lower maintenance. The same is true for free balloons which fly slowly and land on wood skids affixed to the floor of the gondola. Other aircraft landing gear are equipped with pontoons or floats

for operation on water. A large amount of drag accompanies this type of gear, but an aircraft that can land and take off on water can be very useful in certain environments. Even skis can be found under some aircraft for operation on snow and ice. Figure 1-83 shows some of these alternative landing gear, the majority of which are the fixed gear type. Figure 1-83. Aircraft landing gear without wheels 1-36 Figure 1-82. Landing gear can be fixed (top) or retractable (bottom) Amphibious aircraft are aircraft than can land either on land or on water. On some aircraft designed for such dual usage, the bottom half of the fuselage acts as a hull. Usually, it is accompanied by outriggers on the underside of the wings near the tips to aid in water landing and taxi. Main gear that retract into the fuselage are only extended when landing on Source: http://www.doksinet the ground or a runway. This type of amphibious aircraft is sometimes called a flying boat. [Figure 1-84] by rigging cables

attached to the rudder pedals. Other conventional gear have no tail wheel at all using just a steel skid plate under the aft fuselage instead. The small tail wheel or skid plate allows the fuselage to incline, thus giving clearance for the long propellers that prevailed in aviation through WWII. It also gives greater clearance between the propeller and loose debris when operating on an unpaved runway. But the inclined fuselage blocks the straight ahead vision of the pilot during ground operations. Until up to speed where the elevator becomes effective to lift the tail wheel off the ground, the pilot must lean his head out the side of the cockpit to see directly ahead of the aircraft. Figure 1-84. An amphibious aircraft is sometimes called a flying boat because the fuselage doubles as a hull. Many aircraft originally designed for land use can be fitted with floats with retractable wheels for amphibious use. [Figure 1-85] Typically, the gear retracts into the float when not needed.

Sometimes a dorsal fin is added to the aft underside of the fuselage for longitudinal stability during water operations. It is even possible on some aircraft to direct this type of fin by tying its control into the aircraft’s rudder pedals. Skis can also be fitted with wheels that retract to allow landing on solid ground or on snow and ice. Figure 1-86. An aircraft with tail wheel gear The use of tail wheel gear can pose another difficulty. When landing, tail wheel aircraft can easily ground loop. A ground loop is when the tail of the aircraft swings around and comes forward of the nose of the aircraft. The reason this happens is due to the two main wheels being forward of the aircraft’s center of gravity. The tail wheel is aft of the center of gravity If the aircraft swerves upon landing, the tail wheel can swing out to the side of the intended path of travel. If far enough to the side, the tail can pull the center of gravity out from its desired location slightly aft of but

between the main gear. Once the center of gravity is no longer trailing the mains, the tail of the aircraft freely pivots around the main wheels causing the ground loop. Figure 1-85. Retractable wheels make this aircraft amphibious Tail Wheel Gear Configuration There are two basic configurations of airplane landing gear: conventional gear or tail wheel gear and the tricycle gear. Tail wheel gear dominated early aviation and therefore has become known as conventional gear. In addition to its two main wheels which are positioned under most of the weight of the aircraft, the conventional gear aircraft also has a smaller wheel located at the aft end of the fuselage. [Figure 1-86] Often this tail wheel is able to be steered Conventional gear is useful and is still found on certain models of aircraft manufactured today, particularly aerobatic aircraft, crop dusters, and aircraft designed for unpaved runway use. It is typically lighter than tricycle gear which requires a stout, fully shock

absorbing nose wheel assembly. The tail wheel configuration excels when operating out of unpaved runways. With the two strong main gear forward providing stability and directional control during takeoff roll, the lightweight tail wheel does little more than keep the aft end of the fuselage from striking the ground. As mentioned, at a certain speed, the air flowing over the elevator is sufficient for it to raise the 1-37 Source: http://www.doksinet tail off the ground. As speed increases further, the two main wheels under the center of gravity are very stable. Tricycle Gear Tricycle gear is the most prevalent landing gear configuration in aviation. In addition to the main wheels, a shock absorbing nose wheel is at the forward end of the fuselage. Thus, the center of gravity is then forward of the main wheels. The tail of the aircraft is suspended off the ground and clear view straight ahead from the cockpit is given. Ground looping is nearly eliminated since the center of gravity

follows the directional nose wheel and remains between the mains. Light aircraft use tricycle gear, as well as heavy aircraft. Twin nose wheels on the single forward strut and massive multistrut/ multiwheel main gear may be found supporting the world’s largest aircraft, but the basic configuration is still tricycle. The nose wheel may be steered with the rudder pedals on small aircraft. Larger aircraft often have a nose wheel steering wheel located off to the side of the cockpit. Figure 1-87 shows aircraft with tricycle gear. Chapter 13, Aircraft Landing Gear Systems, discusses landing gear in detail. used information required to maintain the aircraft properly. The Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) for an aircraft also contains critical information. Complex and large aircraft require several manuals to convey correct maintenance procedures adequately. In addition to the maintenance manual, manufacturers may produce such volumes as structural repair manuals, overhaul manuals, wiring

diagram manuals, component manuals, and more. Note that the use of the word “manual” is meant to include electronic as well as printed information. Also, proper maintenance extends to the use of designated tools and fixtures called out in the manufacturer’s maintenance documents. In the past, not using the proper tooling has caused damage to critical components, which subsequently failed and led to aircraft crashes and the loss of human life. The technician is responsible for sourcing the correct information, procedures, and tools needed to perform airworthy maintenance or repairs. Maintenance of an aircraft is of the utmost importance for safe flight. Licensed technicians are committed to perform timely maintenance functions in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and under the 14 CFR. At no time is an act of aircraft maintenance taken lightly or improvised. The consequences of such action could be fatal and the technician could lose his or her license and face

criminal charges. Standard aircraft maintenance procedures do exist and can be used by the technician when performing maintenance or a repair. These are found in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved advisory circulars (AC) 43.13-2 and AC 43.13-1 If not addressed by the manufacturer’s literature, the technician may use the procedures outlined in these manuals to complete the work in an acceptable manner. These procedures are not specific to any aircraft or component and typically cover methods used during maintenance of all aircraft. Note that the manufacturer’s instructions supersede the general procedures found in AC 43.13-2 and AC 4313-1 Airframe, engine, and aircraft component manufacturers are responsible for documenting the maintenance procedures that guide managers and technicians on when and how to perform maintenance on their products. A small aircraft may only require a few manuals, including the aircraft maintenance manual. This volume usually contains the

most frequently All maintenance related actions on an aircraft or component are required to be documented by the performing technician in the aircraft or component logbook. Light aircraft may have only one logbook for all work performed. Some aircraft may have a separate engine logbook for any work performed on the engine(s). Other aircraft have separate propeller logbooks Maintaining the Aircraft Figure 1-87. Tricycle landing gear is the most predominant landing gear configuration in aviation 1-38 Source: http://www.doksinet Large aircraft require volumes of maintenance documentation comprised of thousands of procedures performed by hundreds of technicians. Electronic dispatch and recordkeeping of maintenance performed on large aircraft such as airliners is common. The importance of correct maintenance recordkeeping should not be overlooked. Location Numbering Systems Even on small, light aircraft, a method of precisely locating each structural component is required. Various

numbering systems are used to facilitate the location of specific wing frames, fuselage bulkheads, or any other structural members on an aircraft. Most manufacturers use some system of station marking. For example, the nose of the air­craft may be designated “zero station,” and all other stations are located at measured distances in inches behind the zero station. Thus, when a blueprint reads “fuselage frame station 137,” that particular frame station can be located 137 inches behind the nose of the aircraft. To locate structures to the right or left of the center line of an aircraft, a similar method is employed. Many manufacturers con­sider the center line of the aircraft to be a zero station from which measurements can be taken to the right or left to locate an airframe member. This is often used on the horizontal stabilizer and wings. The applicable manufacturer’s numbering system and abbreviated designations or symbols should al­ways be reviewed before attempting to

locate a structural member. They are not always the same. The following list includes loca­t ion designations typical of those used by many manufacturers. • Fuselage stations (Fus. Sta or FS) are numbered in inches from a reference or zero point known as the reference datum. [Figure 1-88] The reference datum is an imaginary ver­tical plane at or near the nose of the aircraft from which all fore and aft dis­tances are measured. The distance to a given point is measured in inches paral­lel to a center line extending through the aircraft from the nose through the center of the tail cone. Some manufacturers may call the fuselage station a body sta­tion, abbreviated BS. • Buttock line or butt line (BL) is a vertical reference plane down the center of the aircraft from which measurements left or right can be made. [Figure 1-89] • Water line (WL) is the measurement of height in inches perpendicular from a horizontal plane usually located at the ground, cabin floor, or some

other easily referenced location. [Figure 1-90] • Aileron station (AS) is measured out­board from, and parallel to, the inboard edge of the aileron, perpendicular to the rear beam of the wing. • Flap station (KS) is measured perpendicular to the rear beam of the wing and parallel to, and outboard from, the in­board edge of the flap. • Nacelle station (NC or Nac. Sta) is measured either forward of or behind the front spar of the wing and perpendic­ular to a designated water line. In addition to the location stations listed above, other measurements are used, especially on large aircraft. Thus, there may be horizontal stabilizer stations (HSS), vertical stabilizer stations (VSS) or powerplant stations (PPS). [Figure 1-91] In every case, the manufacturer’s terminology and station lo­cation system should be consulted before locating a point on a particular aircraft. Another method is used to facilitate the location of aircraft components on air transport aircraft. This

involves dividing the aircraft into zones. These large areas or major zones are further divided into sequentially numbered zones and subzones. The digits of the zone number are reserved and WL 0.00 FS −97.0 FS −85.20 FS −80.00 FS −59.06 FS −48.50 FS −31.00 FS −16.25 FS 0.00 FS 20.20 FS 37.50 FS 58.75 FS 69.203 FS 234.00 FS 224.00 FS 214.00 FS 200.70 FS 189.10 FS 177.50 FS 154.75 FS 132.00 FS 109.375 FS 89.25 FS 273.52 Figure 1-88. The various body stations relative to a single point of origin illustrated in inches or some other measurement (if of foreign development). 1-39 Source: http://www.doksinet BL 21.50 BL 47.50 BL 47.50 BL 76.50 BL 61.50 BL 47.27 BL 34.5 BL 96.62 BL 86.56 BL 96.50 BL 86.56 BL 96.50 BL 96.62 better laminar airflow, which causes lift. On large aircraft, walkways are sometimes designated on the wing upper surface to permit safe navigation by mechanics and inspectors to critical structures and components located along the wing’s

leading and trailing edges. Wheel wells and special component bays are places where numerous components and accessories are grouped together for easy maintenance access. BL 21.50 BL 76.50 BL 61.50 BL 47.27 BL 34.5 BL 23.25 BL 16.00 Figure 1-89. Butt line diagram of a horizontal stabilizer indexed to indicate the location and type of system of which the component is a part. Figure 1-92 illustrates these zones and subzones on a transport category aircraft. Access and Inspection Panels Knowing where a particular structure or component is located on an aircraft needs to be combined with gaining access to that area to perform the required inspections or maintenance. To facilitate this, access and inspection panels are located on most surfaces of the aircraft. Small panels that are hinged or removable allow inspection and servicing. Large panels and doors allow components to be removed and installed, as well as human entry for maintenance purposes. The underside of a wing, for example,

sometimes contains dozens of small panels through which control cable components can be monitored and fittings greased. Various drains and jack points may also be on the underside of the wing. The upper surface of the wings typically have fewer access panels because a smooth surface promotes WL 123.483 WL 97.5 WL 79.5 WL 7.55 Figure 1-90. Water line diagram 1-40 WL 73.5 Ground line WL 9.55 Panels and doors on aircraft are numbered for positive identification. On large aircraft, panels are usually numbered sequentially containing zone and subzone information in the panel number. Designation for a left or right side location on the aircraft is often indicated in the panel number. This could be with an “L” or “R,” or panels on one side of the aircraft could be odd numbered and the other side even numbered. The manufacturer’s maintenance manual explains the panel numbering system and often has numerous diagrams and tables showing the location of various components and

under which panel they may be found. Each manufacturer is entitled to develop its own panel numbering system. Helicopter Structures The structures of the helicopter are designed to give the helicopter its unique flight characteristics. A simplified explanation of how a helicopter flies is that the rotors are rotating airfoils that provide lift similar to the way wings provide lift on a fixed-wing aircraft. Air flows faster over the curved upper surface of the rotors, causing a negative pressure and thus, lifting the aircraft. Changing the angle of attack of the rotating blades increases or decreases lift, respectively raising or lowering the helicopter. Tilting the rotor plane of rotation causes the aircraft to move horizontally. Figure 1-93 shows the major components of a typical helicopter. Airframe The airframe, or fundamental structure, of a helicopter can be made of either metal or wood composite materials, or some combination of the two. Typically, a composite component 943

903 886 863 843.8 652.264 568.5 585 536 511.21 437 411 379 Source: http://www.doksinet CL FUS-WING STA 0 16.5 25.7 41.3 56.9 72.5 88.1 15.2 NAC C L 65.7 76.5 85.5 BL 86.179 2° 106.4 FS 652.264 FS 625.30 177.0 148 163 178 15° 199 FUS CL 220 WGLTS 49.89 242 258 264 274 282 294.5 NAC C L 353 371 BL 86.179 200 218.17 230.131 100.72 4° 177 185 2° 315.5 329.5 343.5 353 371 135.845 151.14 155.315 WGLTS 0.00 104.1 122 FS 674.737 111 127.2 Figure 1-91. Wing stations are often referenced off the butt line, which bisects the center of the fuselage longitudinally Horizontal stabilizer stations referenced to the butt line and engine nacelle stations are also shown. ZONE E 300Empennage 326 ZONE 300Empennage 324 344 343 341 345 342 335 334 351 322 321 323 325 333 312 332 331 311 Zone 600Right wing ZONE 800 800Doors Doors Zone 400Engine nacelles 824 Zone 200Upper half of fuselage 825 822 823 811 821 82 Zone 700Landing gear and

landing gear doors ZONE 100Lower half of fuselage 133 123 132 143 146 Zone 500Left wing 145 131 134 112 144 141 122 111 142 135 Zones Z Subzones Su 121 Figure 1-92. Large aircraft are divided into zones and subzones for identifying the location of various components 1-41 Source: http://www.doksinet consists of many layers of fiber-impregnated resins, bonded to form a smooth panel. Tubular and sheet metal substructures are usually made of aluminum, though stainless steel or titanium are sometimes used in areas subject to higher stress or heat. Airframe design encompasses engineering, aerodynamics, materials technology, and manufacturing methods to achieve favorable balances of performance, reliability, and cost. Fuselage As with fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter fuselages and tail booms are often truss-type or semimonocoque structures of stress-skin design. Steel and aluminum tubing, formed aluminum, and aluminum skin are commonly used. Modern helicopter fuselage

design includes an increasing utilization of advanced composites as well. Firewalls and engine decks are usually stainless steel. Helicopter fuselages vary widely from those with a truss frame, two seats, no doors, and a monocoque shell flight compartment to those with fully enclosed airplane-style cabins as found on larger twin-engine helicopters. The multidirectional nature of helicopter flight makes wide-range visibility from the cockpit essential. Large, formed polycarbonate, glass, or plexiglass windscreens are common. Landing Gear or Skids As mentioned, a helicopter’s landing gear can be simply a set of tubular metal skids. Many helicopters do have landing gear with wheels, some retractable. Powerplant and Transmission The two most common types of engine used in helicopters are the reciprocating engine and the turbine engine. Reciprocating engines, also called piston engines, are generally used in smaller helicopters. Most training helicopters use reciprocating engines because

they are relatively simple and inexpensive to operate. Refer to the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge for a detailed explanation and illustrations of the piston engine. Turbine Engines Turbine engines are more powerful and are used in a wide variety of helicopters. They produce a tremendous amount of power for their size but are generally more expensive to operate. The turbine engine used in helicopters operates differently than those used in airplane applications. In most applications, the exhaust outlets simply release expended gases and do not contribute to the forward motion of the helicopter. Because the airflow is not a straight line pass through as in jet engines and is not used for propulsion, the Tail rotor Tail boom Main rotor hub assembly Stabilizer Main rotor blades Pylon Tail skid Powerplant Airframe Fuselage Transmission Landing gear or skid Figure 1-93. The major components of a helicopter are the airframe, fuselage, landing gear,

powerplant/transmission, main rotor system, and antitorque system. 1-42 Source: http://www.doksinet cooling effect of the air is limited. Approximately 75 percent of the incoming airflow is used to cool the engine. The gas turbine engine mounted on most helicopters is made up of a compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and accessory gearbox assembly. The compressor draws filtered air into the plenum chamber and compresses it. Common type filters are centrifugal swirl tubes where debris is ejected outward and blown overboard prior to entering the compressor, or engine barrier filters (EBF), similar to the K&N filter element used in automotive applications. This design significantly reduces the ingestion of foreign object debris (FOD). The compressed air is directed to the combustion section through discharge tubes where atomized fuel is injected into it. The fuel/air mixture is ignited and allowed to expand. This combustion gas is then forced through a series of turbine

wheels causing them to turn. These turbine wheels provide power to both the engine compressor and the accessory gearbox. Depending on model and manufacturer, the rpm range can vary from a range low of 20,000 to a range high of 51,600. Power is provided to the main rotor and tail rotor systems through the freewheeling unit which is attached to the accessory gearbox power output gear shaft. The combustion gas is finally expelled through an exhaust outlet. The temperature of gas is measured at different locations and is referenced differently by each manufacturer. Some common terms are: inter-turbine temperature (ITT), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), or turbine outlet temperature (TOT). TOT is used throughout this discussion for simplicity purposes. [Figure 1-94] Compression Section Gearbox Section Exhaust air outlet Transmission The transmission system transfers power from the engine to the main rotor, tail rotor, and other accessories during normal flight conditions. The main

components of the transmission system are the main rotor transmission, tail rotor drive system, clutch, and freewheeling unit. The freewheeling unit, or autorotative clutch, allows the main rotor transmission to drive the tail rotor drive shaft during autorotation. Helicopter transmissions are normally lubricated and cooled with their own oil supply. A sight gauge is provided to check the oil level. Some transmissions have chip detectors located in the sump. These detectors are wired to warning lights located on the pilot’s instrument panel that illuminate in the event of an internal problem. Some chip detectors on modern helicopters have a “burn off” capability and attempt to correct the situation without pilot action. If the problem cannot be corrected on its own, the pilot must refer to the emergency procedures for that particular helicopter. Main Rotor System The rotor system is the rotating part of a helicopter which generates lift. The rotor consists of a mast, hub, and

rotor blades. The mast is a cylindrical metal shaft that extends upwards from and is driven, and sometimes supported, by the transmission. At the top of the mast is the attachment point for the rotor blades called the hub. The rotor blades are then attached to the hub by any number of different methods. Main rotor systems are classified according to how the main rotor blades are attached and move relative to the main rotor hub. There are three basic classifications: rigid, semirigid, or fully articulated. Turbine Section N2 Rotor Stator Combustion Section N1 Rotor Compressor rotor Igniter plug Air inlet Fuel nozzle Inlet air Compressor discharge air Combustion gases Exhaust gases Gear Output Shaft Combustion liner Figure 1-94. Many helicopters use a turboshaft engine to drive the main transmission and rotor systems The main difference between a turboshaft and a turbojet engine is that most of the energy produced by the expanding gases is used to drive a turbine rather than

producing thrust through the expulsion of exhaust gases. 1-43 Source: http://www.doksinet Rigid Rotor System The simplest is the rigid rotor system. In this system, the rotor blades are rigidly attached to the main rotor hub and are not free to slide back and forth (drag) or move up and down (flap). The forces tending to make the rotor blades do so are absorbed by the flexible properties of the blade. The pitch of the blades, however, can be adjusted by rotation about the spanwise axis via the feathering hinges. [Figure 1-95] Static stops the blades to flap up and down. With this hinge, when one blade flaps up, the other flaps down. Flapping is caused by a phenomenon known as dissymmetry of lift. As the plane of rotation of the rotor blades is tilted and the helicopter begins to move forward, an advancing blade and a retreating blade become established (on two-bladed systems). The relative windspeed is greater on an advancing blade than it is on a retreating blade. This causes

greater lift to be developed on the advancing blade, causing it to rise up or flap. When blade rotation reaches the point where the blade becomes the retreating blade, the extra lift is lost and the blade flaps downward. [Figure 1-97] Teetering hinge Direction of Flight Pitch horn Advancing Side tion Blade tip speed minus helicopter speed (200 knots) Blade tip speed plus helicopter speed (400 knots) io at rot n Feathering Feathering hinge hinge a rot de Relative wind Relative wind Bl a Retreating Side Figure 1-95. The teetering hinge allows the main rotor hub to tilt, and the feathering hinge enables the pitch angle of the blades to change. Semirigid Rotor System The semirigid rotor system in Figure 1-96 makes use of a teetering hinge at the blade attach point. While held in check from sliding back and forth, the teetering hinge does allow Coning hinge Blade grip Blade grip Coning hinge Swash plate Figure 1-96. The semirigid rotor system of the Robinson R22 1-44

Forward Flight 100 knots Figure 1-97. The blade tip speed of this helicopter is approximately 300 knots. If the helicopter is moving forward at 100 knots, the relative windspeed on the advancing side is 400 knots. On the retreating side, it is only 200 knots. This difference in speed causes a dissymetry of lift. Teetering hinge Blade pitch change horn Pitch link Blade Fully Articulated Rotor System Fully articulated rotor blade systems provide hinges that allow the rotors to move fore and aft, as well as up and down. This lead-lag, drag, or hunting movement as it is called is in response to the Coriolis effect during rotational speed changes. When first starting to spin, the blades lag until centrifugal force is fully developed. Once rotating, a reduction in speed causes the blades to lead the main rotor hub until forces come into balance. Constant fluctuations in rotor blade speeds cause the blades to “hunt.” They are free to do so in a fully articulating system due to being

mounted on the vertical drag hinge. One or more horizontal hinges provide for flapping on a fully articulated rotor system. Also, the feathering hinge allows blade pitch changes by permitting rotation about the spanwise axis. Various dampers and stops can be found on different designs to reduce shock and limit travel in certain Source: http://www.doksinet directions. Figure 1-98 shows a fully articulated main rotor system with the features discussed. Pitch change axis (feathering) Pitch horn Flap hinge Drag hinge Damper Figure 1-99. Five-blade articulated main rotor with elastomeric bearings by changing the pitch of the tail rotor blades. This, in turn, changes the amount of countertorque, and the aircraft can be rotated about its vertical axis, allowing the pilot to control the direction the helicopter is facing. Figure 1-98. Fully articulated rotor system d Bla Numerous designs and variations on the three types of main rotor systems exist. Engineers continually search for

ways to reduce vibration and noise caused by the rotating parts of the helicopter. Toward that end, the use of elastomeric bearings in main rotor systems is increasing. These polymer bearings have the ability to deform and return to their original shape. As such, they can absorb vibration that would normally be transferred by steel bearings. They also do not require regular lubrication, which reduces maintenance. Antitorque System Ordinarily, helicopters have between two and seven main rotor blades. These rotors are usually made of a composite structure. The large rotating mass of the main rotor blades of a helicopter produce torque. This torque increases with engine power and tries to spin the fuselage in the opposite direction. The tail boom and tail rotor, or antitorque rotor, counteract this torque effect. [Figure 1-100] Controlled with foot pedals, the countertorque of the tail rotor must be modulated as engine power levels are changed. This is done Tor qu e Some modern

helicopter main rotors have been designed with flextures. These are hubs and hub components that are made out of advanced composite materials. They are designed to take up the forces of blade hunting and dissymmetry of lift by flexing. As such, many hinges and bearings can be eliminated from the tradition main rotor system. The result is a simpler rotor mast with lower maintenance due to fewer moving parts. Often designs using flextures incorporate elastomeric bearings. [Figure 1-99] ation e rot Resultant torque from main rotor blades Tor qu e tion Blade rota Tail rotor thrust Figure 1-100. A tail rotor is designed to produce thrust in a direction opposite to that of the torque produced by the rotation of the main rotor blades. It is sometimes called an antitorque rotor Similar to a vertical stabilizer on the empennage of an airplane, a fin or pylon is also a common feature on rotorcraft. Normally, it supports the tail rotor assembly, although some tail rotors are mounted on

the tail cone of the boom. Additionally, a horizontal member called a stabilizer is often constructed at the tail cone or on the pylon. A Fenestron® is a unique tail rotor design which is actually a multiblade ducted fan mounted in the vertical pylon. It works the same way as an ordinary tail rotor, providing sideways thrust to counter the torque produced by the main rotors. [Figure 1-101] 1-45 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 1-101. A Fenestron or “fan-in-tail” antitorque system Controls The controls of a helicopter differ slightly from those found in an aircraft. The collective, operated by the pilot with the left hand, is pulled up or pushed down to increase or decrease the angle of attack on all of the rotor blades simultaneously. This increases or decreases lift and moves the aircraft up or down. The engine throttle control is located on the hand grip at the end of the collective. The cyclic is the control “stick” located between the pilot’s legs. It can be moved

in any direction to tilt the plane of rotation of the rotor blades. This causes the helicopter to move in the direction that the cyclic is moved. As stated, the foot pedals control the pitch of the tail rotor blades thereby balancing main rotor torque. Figures 1-103 and 1-104 illustrate the controls found in a typical helicopter. This design provides an improved margin of safety during ground operations. A NOTAR® antitorque system has no visible rotor mounted on the tail boom. Instead, an engine-driven adjustable fan is located inside the tail boom. NOTAR® is an acronym that stands for “no tail rotor.” As the speed of the main rotor changes, the speed of the NOTAR® fan changes. Air is vented out of two long slots on the right side of the tail boom, entraining main rotor wash to hug the right side of the tail boom, in turn causing laminar flow and a low pressure (Coanda Effect). This low pressure causes a force counter to the torque produced by the main rotor. Additionally, the

remainder of the air from the fan is sent through the tail boom to a vent on the aft left side of the boom where it is expelled. This action to the left causes an opposite reaction to the right, which is the direction needed to counter the main rotor torque. [Figures 1-102] Downwash Air jet Main rotor wake Air intake Lift Rotating nozzle Figure 1-102. While in a hover, Coanda Effect supplies approximately two-thirds of the lift necessary to maintain directional control. The rest is created by directing the thrust from the controllable rotating nozzle. 1-46 Throttle control Collective Figure 1-103. The collective changes the pitch of all of the rotor blades simultaneously and by the same amount, thereby increasing or decreasing lift. Source: http://www.doksinet Swash plate Sideware flight Cyclic control stick moved sideways Forward flight Cyclic control stick moved forward Figure 1-104. The cyclic changes the angle of the swash plate which changes the plane of

rotation of the rotor blades. This moves the aircraft horizontally in any direction depending on the positioning of the cyclic. 1-47 Source: http://www.doksinet 1-48 Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 2 Aerodynamics, Aircraft Assembly, and Rigging Introduction Three topics that are directly related to the manufacture, operation, and repair of aircraft are: aerodynamics, aircraft assembly, and rigging. Each of these subject areas, though studied separately, eventually connect to provide a scientific and physical understanding of how an aircraft is prepared for flight. A logical place to start with these three topics is the study of basic aerodynamics. By studying aerodynamics, a person becomes familiar with the fundamentals of aircraft flight. 2-1 Source: http://www.doksinet Aerodynamics is the study of the dynamics of gases, the interaction between a moving object and the atmosphere being of primary interest for this handbook. The movement of an object and its reaction to

the air flow around it can be seen when watching water passing the bow of a ship. The major difference between water and air is that air is compressible and water is incompressible. The action of the airflow over a body is a large part of the study of aerodynamics. Some common aircraft terms, such as rudder, hull, water line, and keel beam, were borrowed from nautical terms. Many textbooks have been written about the aerodynamics of aircraft flight. It is not necessary for an airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic to be as knowledgeable as an aeronautical engineer about aerodynamics. The mechanic must be able to understand the relationships between how an aircraft performs in flight and its reaction to the forces acting on its structural parts. Understanding why aircraft are designed with particular types of primary and secondary control systems and why the surfaces must be aerodynamically smooth becomes essential when maintaining today’s complex aircraft. The theory of flight

should be described in terms of the laws of flight because what happens to an aircraft when it flies is not based upon assumptions, but upon a series of facts. Aerodynamics is a study of laws which have been proven to be the physical reasons why an airplane flies. The term aerodynamics is derived from the combination of two Greek words: “aero,” meaning air, and “dyne,” meaning force of power. Thus, when “aero” joins “dynamics” the result is “aerodynamics”the study of objects in motion through the air and the forces that produce or change such motion. Aerodynamically, an aircraft can be defined as an object traveling through space that is affected by the changes in atmospheric conditions. To state it another way, aerodynamics covers the relationships between the aircraft, relative wind, and atmosphere. the definition of a substance that has the ability to flow or assume the shape of the container in which it is enclosed. If the container is heated, pressure

increases; if cooled, the pressure decreases. The weight of air is heaviest at sea level where it has been compressed by all of the air above. This compression of air is called atmospheric pressure. Pressure Atmospheric pressure is usually defined as the force exerted against the earth’s surface by the weight of the air above that surface. Weight is force applied to an area that results in pressure. Force (F) equals area (A) times pressure (P), or F = AP. Therefore, to find the amount of pressure, divide area into force (P = F/A). A column of air (one square inch) extending from sea level to the top of the atmosphere weighs approximately 14.7 pounds; therefore, atmospheric pressure is stated in pounds per square inch (psi). Thus, atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7 psi Atmospheric pressure is measured with an instrument called a barometer, composed of mercury in a tube that records atmospheric pressure in inches of mercury ("Hg). [Figure 2-1] The standard measurement in

aviation altimeters and U.S weather reports has been "Hg However, world-wide weather maps and some non-U.S manufactured aircraft instruments indicate pressure in millibars (mb), a metric unit. Standard Sea Level Pressure 29.92"Hg Inches of Mercury 30 Vacuum Basic Aerodynamics Millibars 1016 25 847 20 677 15 508 10 339 Standard Sea Level Pressure 1013 mb 5 170 Atmospheric Pressure 0 0 1" The Atmosphere The air in the earth’s atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Air is considered a fluid because it fits 2-2 1" 1" Before examining the fundamental laws of flight, several basic facts must be considered, namely that an aircraft operates in the air. Therefore, those properties of air that affect the control and performance of an aircraft must be understood. 0.491 lb Mercury Figure 2-1. Barometer used to measure atmospheric pressure Source: http://www.doksinet At sea level, when the average atmospheric pressure is 14.7

psi, the barometric pressure is 2992 "Hg, and the metric measurement is 1013.25 mb An important consideration is that atmospheric pressure varies with altitude. As an aircraft ascends, atmospheric pressure drops, oxygen content of the air decreases, and temperature drops. The changes in altitude affect an aircraft’s performance in such areas as lift and engine horsepower. The effects of temperature, altitude, and density of air on aircraft performance are covered in the following paragraphs. Density Density is weight per unit of volume. Since air is a mixture of gases, it can be compressed. If the air in one container is under half as much pressure as an equal amount of air in an identical container, the air under the greater pressure weighs twice as much as that in the container under lower pressure. The air under greater pressure is twice as dense as that in the other container. For the equal weight of air, that which is under the greater pressure occupies only half the volume

of that under half the pressure. The density of gases is governed by the following rules: 1. Density varies in direct proportion with the pressure. 2. Density varies inversely with the temperature Thus, air at high altitudes is less dense than air at low altitudes, and a mass of hot air is less dense than a mass of cool air. Changes in density affect the aerodynamic performance of aircraft with the same horsepower. An aircraft can fly faster at a high altitude where the density is low than at a low altitude where the density is greater. This is because air offers less resistance to the aircraft when it contains a smaller number of air particles per unit of volume. Humidity Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. The maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold varies with the temperature. The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor it can absorb. 1. Absolute humidity is the weight of water vapor in a unit volume of air. 2. Relative humidity is the

ratio, in percent, of the moisture actually in the air to the moisture it would hold if it were saturated at the same temperature and pressure. Assuming that the temperature and pressure remain the same, the density of the air varies inversely with the humidity. On damp days, the air density is less than on dry days. For this reason, an aircraft requires a longer runway for takeoff on damp days than it does on dry days. By itself, water vapor weighs approximately five-eighths as much as an equal amount of perfectly dry air. Therefore, when air contains water vapor, it is not as heavy as dry air containing no moisture. Aerodynamics and the Laws of Physics The law of conservation of energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. Motion is the act or process of changing place or position. An object may be in motion with respect to one object and motionless with respect to another. For example, a person sitting quietly in an aircraft flying at 200 knots is at rest or

motionless with respect to the aircraft; however, the person and the aircraft are in motion with respect to the air and to the earth. Air has no force or power, except pressure, unless it is in motion. When it is moving, however, its force becomes apparent. A moving object in motionless air has a force exerted on it as a result of its own motion. It makes no difference in the effect then, whether an object is moving with respect to the air or the air is moving with respect to the object. The flow of air around an object caused by the movement of either the air or the object, or both, is called the relative wind. Velocity and Acceleration The terms “speed” and “velocity” are often used interchangeably, but they do not have the same meaning. Speed is the rate of motion in relation to time, and velocity is the rate of motion in a particular direction in relation to time. An aircraft starts from New York City and flies 10 hours at an average speed of 260 miles per hour (mph). At

the end of this time, the aircraft may be over the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, or, if its flight were in a circular path, it may even be back over New York City. If this same aircraft flew at a velocity of 260 mph in a southwestward direction, it would arrive in Los Angeles in about 10 hours. Only the rate of motion is indicated in the first example and denotes the speed of the aircraft. In the last example, the particular direction is included with the rate of motion, thus, denoting the velocity of the aircraft. 2-3 Source: http://www.doksinet Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. An aircraft increasing in velocity is an example of positive acceleration, while another aircraft reducing its velocity is an example of negative acceleration, or deceleration. If an aircraft is flying against a headwind, it is slowed down. If the wind is coming from either side of the aircraft’s heading, the aircraft is pushed off course unless the pilot takes

corrective action against the wind direction. Newton’s Laws of Motion The fundamental laws governing the action of air about a wing are known as Newton’s laws of motion. Newton’s third law is the law of action and reaction. This law states that for every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force). This law can be illustrated by the example of firing a gun. The action is the forward movement of the bullet while the reaction is the backward recoil of the gun. Newton’s first law is normally referred to as the law of inertia. It simply means that a body at rest does not move unless force is applied to it. If a body is moving at uniform speed in a straight line, force must be applied to increase or decrease the speed. According to Newton’s law, since air has mass, it is a body. When an aircraft is on the ground with its engines off, inertia keeps the aircraft at rest. An aircraft is moved from its state of rest by the thrust force created by a propeller, or

by the expanding exhaust, or both. When an aircraft is flying at uniform speed in a straight line, inertia tends to keep the aircraft moving. Some external force is required to change the aircraft from its path of flight. Newton’s second law states that if a body moving with uniform speed is acted upon by an external force, the change of motion is proportional to the amount of the force, and motion takes place in the direction in which the force acts. This law may be stated mathematically as follows: The three laws of motion that have been discussed apply to the theory of flight. In many cases, all three laws may be operating on an aircraft at the same time. Bernoulli’s Principle and Subsonic Flow Bernoulli’s principle states that when a fluid (air) flowing through a tube reaches a constriction, or narrowing, of the tube, the speed of the fluid flowing through that constriction is increased and its pressure is decreased. The cambered (curved) surface of an airfoil (wing) affects

the airflow exactly as a constriction in a tube affects airflow. [Figure 2-2] Diagram A of Figure 2-2 illustrates the effect of air passing through a constriction in a tube. In B, air is flowing past a cambered surface, such as an airfoil, and the effect is similar to that of air passing through a restriction. Force = mass × acceleration (F = ma) A Mass of air Same mass of air Normal pressure Velocity increased Pressure decreased (Compared to original) Normal pressure B Normal flow Figure 2-2. Bernoulli’s Principle 2-4 Increased flow Normal flow Source: http://www.doksinet As the air flows over the upper surface of an airfoil, its velocity increases and its pressure decreases; an area of low pressure is formed. There is an area of greater pressure on the lower surface of the airfoil, and this greater pressure tends to move the wing upward. The difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is called lift. Three-fourths of the total lift of an

airfoil is the result of the decrease in pressure over the upper surface. The impact of air on the under surface of an airfoil produces the other one-fourth of the total lift. Airfoil An airfoil is a surface designed to obtain lift from the air through which it moves. Thus, it can be stated that any part of the aircraft that converts air resistance into lift is an airfoil. The profile of a conventional wing is an excellent example of an airfoil. [Figure 2-3] Notice that the top surface of the wing profile has greater curvature than the lower surface. 115 mph 100 mph 14.7 lb/in2 105 mph 14.54 lb/in2 14.67 lb/in2 Figure 2-3. Airflow over a wing section The difference in curvature of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing builds up the lift force. Air flowing over the top surface of the wing must reach the trailing edge of the wing in the same amount of time as the air flowing under the wing. To do this, the air passing over the top surface moves at a greater velocity than the

air passing below the wing because of the greater distance it must travel along the top surface. This increased velocity, according to Bernoulli’s Principle, means a corresponding decrease in pressure on the surface. Thus, a pressure differential is created between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing, forcing the wing upward in the direction of the lower pressure. Within limits, lift can be increased by increasing the angle of attack (AOA), wing area, velocity, density of the air, or by changing the shape of the airfoil. When the force of lift on an aircraft’s wing equals the force of gravity, the aircraft maintains level flight. Shape of the Airfoil Individual airfoil section properties differ from those properties of the wing or aircraft as a whole because of the effect of the wing planform. A wing may have various airfoil sections from root to tip, with taper, twist, and sweepback. The resulting aerodynamic properties of the wing are determined by the action of each

section along the span. The shape of the airfoil determines the amount of turbulence or skin friction that it produces, consequently affecting the efficiency of the wing. Turbulence and skin friction are controlled mainly by the fineness ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the chord of the airfoil to the maximum thickness. If the wing has a high fineness ratio, it is a very thin wing. A thick wing has a low fineness ratio. A wing with a high fineness ratio produces a large amount of skin friction. A wing with a low fineness ratio produces a large amount of turbulence. The best wing is a compromise between these two extremes to hold both turbulence and skin friction to a minimum. The efficiency of a wing is measured in terms of the lift to drag ratio (L/D). This ratio varies with the AOA but reaches a definite maximum value for a particular AOA. At this angle, the wing has reached its maximum efficiency. The shape of the airfoil is the factor that determines the AOA at which the

wing is most efficient; it also determines the degree of efficiency. Research has shown that the most efficient airfoils for general use have the maximum thickness occurring about one-third of the way back from the leading edge of the wing. High-lift wings and high-lift devices for wings have been developed by shaping the airfoils to produce the desired effect. The amount of lift produced by an airfoil increases with an increase in wing camber. Camber refers to the curvature of an airfoil above and below the chord line surface. Upper camber refers to the upper surface, lower camber to the lower surface, and mean camber to the mean line of the section. Camber is positive when departure from the chord line is outward and negative when it is inward. Thus, high-lift wings have a large positive camber on the upper surface and a slightly negative camber on the lower surface. Wing flaps cause an ordinary wing to approximate this same condition by increasing the upper camber and by creating a

negative lower camber. 2-5 Source: http://www.doksinet It is also known that the larger the wingspan, as compared to the chord, the greater the lift obtained. This comparison is called aspect ratio. The higher the aspect ratio, the greater the lift. In spite of the benefits from an increase in aspect ratio, it was found that definite limitations were defined by structural and drag considerations. On the other hand, an airfoil that is perfectly streamlined and offers little wind resistance sometimes does not have enough lifting power to take the aircraft off the ground. Thus, modern aircraft have airfoils which strike a medium between extremes, the shape depending on the purposes of the aircraft for which it is designed. Angle of Incidence The acute angle the wing chord makes with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is called the angle of incidence, or the angle of wing setting. [Figure 2-4] The angle of incidence in most cases is a fixed, built-in angle. When the leading edge of

the wing is higher than the trailing edge, the angle of incidence is said to be positive. The angle of incidence is negative when the leading edge is lower than the trailing edge of the wing. Angle of incidence Longitudinal axis Chord line of wing Figure 2-4. Angle of incidence Angle of Attack (AOA) Before beginning the discussion on AOA and its effect on airfoils, first consider the terms chord and center of pressure (CP) as illustrated in Figure 2-5. The chord of an airfoil or wing section is an imaginary straight line that passes through the section from the leading edge to the trailing edge, as shown in Figure 2-5. The chord line provides one side of an angle that ultimately forms the AOA. The other side of the angle is formed by a line indicating the direction of the relative airstream. Thus, AOA is defined as the angle between the chord line of the wing and the direction of the relative wind. This is not to be confused with the angle of incidence, illustrated in Figure 2-4,

which is the angle between the chord line of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. 2-6 Angle of attack Resultant lift Cho rd li ne Lift Relative airstream Drag Center of pressure Figure 2-5. Airflow over a wing section On each part of an airfoil or wing surface, a small force is present. This force is of a different magnitude and direction from any forces acting on other areas forward or rearward from this point. It is possible to add all of these small forces mathematically. That sum is called the “resultant force” (lift). This resultant force has magnitude, direction, and location, and can be represented as a vector, as shown in Figure 2-5. The point of intersection of the resultant force line with the chord line of the airfoil is called the center of pressure (CP). The CP moves along the airfoil chord as the AOA changes. Throughout most of the flight range, the CP moves forward with increasing AOA and rearward as the AOA decreases. The effect of

increasing AOA on the CP is shown in Figure 2-6. The AOA changes as the aircraft’s attitude changes. Since the AOA has a great deal to do with determining lift, it is given primary consideration when designing airfoils. In a properly designed airfoil, the lift increases as the AOA is increased. When the AOA is increased gradually toward a positive AOA, the lift component increases rapidly up to a certain point and then suddenly begins to drop off. During this action the drag component increases slowly at first, then rapidly as lift begins to drop off. When the AOA increases to the angle of maximum lift, the burble point is reached. This is known as the critical angle When the critical angle is reached, the air ceases to flow smoothly over the top surface of the airfoil and begins to burble or eddy. This means that air breaks away from the upper camber line of the wing. What was formerly the area of decreased pressure is now filled by this burbling air. When this occurs, the amount of

lift drops and drag becomes excessive. The force of gravity exerts itself, and the nose of the aircraft drops. This is a stall Thus, the burble point is the stalling angle. Source: http://www.doksinet Thrust and Drag A Angle of attack = 0° Resultant Negative pressure pattern Relative airstream Positive pressure Center of pressure B Angle of attack = 6° Resultant An aircraft in flight is the center of a continuous battle of forces. Actually, this conflict is not as violent as it sounds, but it is the key to all maneuvers performed in the air. There is nothing mysterious about these forces; they are definite and known. The directions in which they act can be calculated, and the aircraft itself is designed to take advantage of each of them. In all types of flying, flight calculations are based on the magnitude and direction of four forces: weight, lift, drag, and thrust. [Figure 2-7] Negative pressure pattern moves forward Lift Relative airstream Drag Positive pressure

Thrust C Angle of attack = 12° Resultant Center of pressure moves forward Positive pressu ure Weight Relative airstream Figure 2-7. Forces in action during flight D Angle of attack = 18° An aircraft in flight is acted upon by four forces: Wing completely stalled Positive pressure Figure 2-6. Effect on increasing angle of attack As previously seen, the distribution of the pressure forces over the airfoil varies with the AOA. The application of the resultant force, or CP, varies correspondingly. As this angle increases, the CP moves forward; as the angle decreases, the CP moves back. The unstable travel of the CP is characteristic of almost all airfoils. Boundary Layer In the study of physics and fluid mechanics, a boundary layer is that layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of a bounding surface. In relation to an aircraft, the boundary layer is the part of the airflow closest to the surface of the aircraft. In designing high-performance aircraft, considerable attention

is paid to controlling the behavior of the boundary layer to minimize pressure drag and skin friction drag. 1. Gravity or weightthe force that pulls the aircraft toward the earth. Weight is the force of gravity acting downward upon everything that goes into the aircraft, such as the aircraft itself, crew, fuel, and cargo. 2. Liftthe force that pushes the aircraft upward. Lift acts vertically and counteracts the effects of weight. 3. Thrustthe force that moves the aircraft forward. Thrust is the forward force produced by the powerplant that overcomes the force of drag. 3. Dragthe force that exerts a braking action to hold the aircraft back. Drag is a backward deterrent force and is caused by the disruption of the airflow by the wings, fuselage, and protruding objects. These four forces are in perfect balance only when the aircraft is in straight-and-level unaccelerated flight. The forces of lift and drag are the direct result of the relationship between the relative wind and

the aircraft. The force of lift always acts perpendicular to the relative wind, and the force of drag always acts parallel to and in the same direction as the relative wind. These forces are actually the components that produce a resultant lift force on the wing. [Figure 2-8] 2-7 Source: http://www.doksinet Resultant Lift Drag Figure 2-8. Resultant of lift and drag Weight has a definite relationship with lift, and thrust with drag. These relationships are quite simple, but very important in understanding the aerodynamics of flying. As stated previously, lift is the upward force on the wing perpendicular to the relative wind. Lift is required to counteract the aircraft’s weight, caused by the force of gravity acting on the mass of the aircraft. This weight force acts downward through a point called the center of gravity (CG). The CG is the point at which all the weight of the aircraft is considered to be concentrated. When the lift force is in equilibrium with the weight force,

the aircraft neither gains nor loses altitude. If lift becomes less than weight, the aircraft loses altitude. When the lift is greater than the weight, the aircraft gains altitude. Wing area is measured in square feet and includes the part blanked out by the fuselage. Wing area is adequately described as the area of the shadow cast by the wing at high noon. Tests show that lift and drag forces acting on a wing are roughly proportional to the wing area. This means that if the wing area is doubled, all other variables remaining the same, the lift and drag created by the wing is doubled. If the area is tripled, lift and drag are tripled. Drag must be overcome for the aircraft to move, and movement is essential to obtain lift. To overcome drag and move the aircraft forward, another force is essential. This force is thrust. Thrust is derived from jet propulsion or from a propeller and engine combination. Jet propulsion theory is based on Newton’s third law of motion (page 2-4). The

turbine engine causes a mass of air to be moved backward at high velocity causing a reaction that moves the aircraft forward. In a propeller/engine combination, the propeller is actually two or more revolving airfoils mounted on a horizontal shaft. The motion of the blades through the air produces lift similar to the lift on the wing, but acts in a horizontal direction, pulling the aircraft forward. Before the aircraft begins to move, thrust must be exerted. The aircraft continues to move and gain speed until thrust and 2-8 drag are equal. In order to maintain a steady speed, thrust and drag must remain equal, just as lift and weight must be equal for steady, horizontal flight. Increasing the lift means that the aircraft moves upward, whereas decreasing the lift so that it is less than the weight causes the aircraft to lose altitude. A similar rule applies to the two forces of thrust and drag. If the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the engine is reduced, the thrust is lessened, and

the aircraft slows down. As long as the thrust is less than the drag, the aircraft travels more and more slowly until its speed is insufficient to support it in the air. Likewise, if the rpm of the engine is increased, thrust becomes greater than drag, and the speed of the aircraft increases. As long as the thrust continues to be greater than the drag, the aircraft continues to accelerate. When drag equals thrust, the aircraft flies at a steady speed. The relative motion of the air over an object that produces lift also produces drag. Drag is the resistance of the air to objects moving through it. If an aircraft is flying on a level course, the lift force acts vertically to support it while the drag force acts horizontally to hold it back. The total amount of drag on an aircraft is made up of many drag forces, but this handbook considers three: parasite drag, profile drag, and induced drag. Parasite drag is made up of a combination of many different drag forces. Any exposed object on

an aircraft offers some resistance to the air, and the more objects in the airstream, the more parasite drag. While parasite drag can be reduced by reducing the number of exposed parts to as few as practical and streamlining their shape, skin friction is the type of parasite drag most difficult to reduce. No surface is perfectly smooth. Even machined surfaces have a ragged uneven appearance when inspected under magnification. These ragged surfaces deflect the air near the surface causing resistance to smooth airflow. Skin friction can be reduced by using glossy smooth finishes and eliminating protruding rivet heads, roughness, and other irregularities. Profile drag may be considered the parasite drag of the airfoil. The various components of parasite drag are all of the same nature as profile drag. The action of the airfoil that creates lift also causes induced drag. Remember, the pressure above the wing is less than atmospheric pressure, and the pressure below the wing is equal to or

greater than atmospheric pressure. Since fluids always move from high pressure toward low pressure, there is a spanwise movement of air from the bottom of the wing outward from the fuselage and upward around the wing tip. This flow of air results in spillage over the wing tip, thereby setting up a whirlpool of air called a “vortex.” [Figure 2-9] Source: http://www.doksinet x te Vor The axes of an aircraft can be considered as imaginary axles around which the aircraft turns like a wheel. At the center, where all three axes intersect, each is perpendicular to the other two. The axis that extends lengthwise through the fuselage from the nose to the tail is called the longitudinal axis. The axis that extends crosswise from wing tip to wing tip is the lateral, or pitch, axis. The axis that passes through the center, from top to bottom, is called the vertical, or yaw, axis. Roll, pitch, and yaw are controlled by three control surfaces. Roll is produced by the ailerons, which are

located at the trailing edges of the wings. Pitch is affected by the elevators, the rear portion of the horizontal tail assembly. Yaw is controlled by the rudder, the rear portion of the vertical tail assembly. Stability and Control Figure 2-9. Wingtip vortices The air on the upper surface has a tendency to move in toward the fuselage and off the trailing edge. This air current forms a similar vortex at the inner portion of the trailing edge of the wing. These vortices increase drag because of the turbulence produced, and constitute induced drag. Just as lift increases with an increase in AOA, induced drag also increases as the AOA becomes greater. This occurs because, as the AOA is increased, the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the wing becomes greater. This causes more violent vortices to be set up, resulting in more turbulence and more induced drag. Center of Gravity (CG) Gravity is the pulling force that tends to draw all bodies within the earth’s

gravitational field to the center of the earth. The CG may be considered the point at which all the weight of the aircraft is concentrated. If the aircraft were supported at its exact CG, it would balance in any position. CG is of major importance in an aircraft, for its position has a great bearing upon stability. The CG is determined by the general design of the aircraft. The designers estimate how far the CP travels. They then fix the CG in front of the CP for the corresponding flight speed in order to provide an adequate restoring moment for flight equilibrium. The Axes of an Aircraft Whenever an aircraft changes its attitude in flight, it must turn about one or more of three axis. Figure 2-10 shows the three axes, which are imaginary lines passing through the center of the aircraft. An aircraft must have sufficient stability to maintain a uniform flightpath and recover from the various upsetting forces. Also, to achieve the best performance, the aircraft must have the proper

response to the movement of the controls. Control is the pilot action of moving the flight controls, providing the aerodynamic force that induces the aircraft to follow a desired flightpath. When an aircraft is said to be controllable, it means that the aircraft responds easily and promptly to movement of the controls. Different control surfaces are used to control the aircraft about each of the three axes. Moving the control surfaces on an aircraft changes the airflow over the aircraft’s surface. This, in turn, creates changes in the balance of forces acting to keep the aircraft flying straight and level. Three terms that appear in any discussion of stability and control are: stability, maneuverability, and controllability. Stability is the characteristic of an aircraft that tends to cause it to fly (hands off) in a straight-and-level flightpath. Maneuverability is the characteristic of an aircraft to be directed along a desired flightpath and to withstand the stresses imposed.

Controllability is the quality of the response of an aircraft to the pilot’s commands while maneuvering the aircraft. Static Stability An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when the sum of all the forces acting on the aircraft and all the moments is equal to zero. An aircraft in equilibrium experiences no accelerations, and the aircraft continues in a steady condition of flight. A gust of wind or a deflection of the controls disturbs the equilibrium, and the aircraft experiences acceleration due to the unbalance of moment or force. 2-9 Source: http://www.doksinet Lateral axis Elevator Aileron Rudder Aileron Longitudinal axis Vertical axis A Banking (roll) control affected byy aileron movement Normal altitude Longitudinal axis B Climb and dive (pitch) control affected by elevator movement C Directional (yaw) control affected by rudder movement Normal altitude Lateral axis Vertical axis Normal altitude Figure 2-10. Motion of an aircraft about its axes The three

types of static stability are defined by the character of movement following some disturbance from equilibrium. Positive static stability exists when the disturbed object tends 2-10 to return to equilibrium. Negative static stability, or static instability, exists when the disturbed object tends to continue in the direction of disturbance. Neutral static stability exists Source: http://www.doksinet when the disturbed object has neither tendency, but remains in equilibrium in the direction of disturbance. These three types of stability are illustrated in Figure 2-11. to motion in pitch. The horizontal stabilizer is the primary surface which controls longitudinal stability. The action of the stabilizer depends upon the speed and AOA of the aircraft. Dynamic Stability While static stability deals with the tendency of a displaced body to return to equilibrium, dynamic stability deals with the resulting motion with time. If an object is disturbed from equilibrium, the time history of

the resulting motion defines the dynamic stability of the object. In general, an object demonstrates positive dynamic stability if the amplitude of motion decreases with time. If the amplitude of motion increases with time, the object is said to possess dynamic instability. Directional Stability Stability about the vertical axis is referred to as directional stability. The aircraft should be designed so that when it is in straight-and-level flight it remains on its course heading even though the pilot takes his or her hands and feet off the controls. If an aircraft recovers automatically from a skid, it has been well designed for directional balance. The vertical stabilizer is the primary surface that controls directional stability. Directional stability can be designed into an aircraft, where appropriate, by using a large dorsal fin, a long fuselage, and sweptback wings. Any aircraft must demonstrate the required degrees of static and dynamic stability. If an aircraft were designed

with static instability and a rapid rate of dynamic instability, the aircraft would be very difficult, if not impossible, to fly. Usually, positive dynamic stability is required in an aircraft design to prevent objectionable continued oscillations of the aircraft. Longitudinal Stability When an aircraft has a tendency to keep a constant AOA with reference to the relative wind (i.e, it does not tend to put its nose down and dive or lift its nose and stall); it is said to have longitudinal stability. Longitudinal stability refers Positive static stability Lateral Stability Motion about the aircraft’s longitudinal (fore and aft) axis is a lateral, or rolling, motion. The tendency to return to the original attitude from such motion is called lateral stability. Dutch Roll A Dutch Roll is an aircraft motion consisting of an out-ofphase combination of yaw and roll. Dutch roll stability can be artificially increased by the installation of a yaw damper. Neutral static stability CG CG CG

Applied force CG Applied force Applied force Negative static stability Figure 2-11. Three types of stability 2-11 Source: http://www.doksinet Primary Flight Controls The primary controls are the ailerons, elevator, and the rudder, which provide the aerodynamic force to make the aircraft follow a desired flightpath. [Figure 2-10] The flight control surfaces are hinged or movable airfoils designed to change the attitude of the aircraft by changing the airflow over the aircraft’s surface during flight. These surfaces are used for moving the aircraft about its three axes. Typically, the ailerons and elevators are operated from the flight deck by means of a control stick, a wheel, and yoke assembly and on some of the newer design aircraft, a joystick. The rudder is normally operated by foot pedals on most aircraft. Lateral control is the banking movement or roll of an aircraft that is controlled by the ailerons. Longitudinal control is the climb and dive movement or pitch of an

aircraft that is controlled by the elevator. Directional control is the left and right movement or yaw of an aircraft that is controlled by the rudder. Balance tabs are designed to move in the opposite direction of the primary flight control. Thus, aerodynamic forces acting on the tab assist in moving the primary control surface. Spring tabs are similar in appearance to trim tabs, but serve an entirely different purpose. Spring tabs are used for the same purpose as hydraulic actuatorsto aid the pilot in moving the primary control surface. Figure 2-13 indicates how each trim tab is hinged to its parent primary control surface, but is operated by an independent control. Control horn Tab Fixed surface Control surface Trim tab Trim Controls Included in the trim controls are the trim tabs, servo tabs, balance tabs, and spring tabs. Trim tabs are small airfoils recessed into the trailing edges of the primary control surfaces. [Figure 2-12] Trim tabs can be used to correct any tendency of

the aircraft to move toward an undesirable flight attitude. Their purpose is to enable the pilot to trim out any unbalanced condition which may exist during flight, without exerting any pressure on the primary controls. Horn free to pivot on hinge axis Servo tab Control horn Trim tabs Balance tab Control horn Spring cartridge Spring tab Figure 2-13. Types of trim tabs Figure 2-12. Trim tabs Servo tabs, sometimes referred to as flight tabs, are used primarily on the large main control surfaces. They aid in moving the main control surface and holding it in the desired position. Only the servo tab moves in response to movement by the pilot of the primary flight controls. 2-12 Source: http://www.doksinet Auxiliary Lift Devices Included in the auxiliary lift devices group of flight control surfaces are the wing flaps, spoilers, speed brakes, slats, leading edge flaps, and slots. The auxiliary groups may be divided into two subgroups: those whose primary purpose is lift augmenting

and those whose primary purpose is lift decreasing. In the first group are the flaps, both trailing edge and leading edge (slats), and slots. The lift decreasing devices are speed brakes and spoilers. Basic section The trailing edge airfoils (flaps) increase the wing area, thereby increasing lift on takeoff, and decrease the speed during landing. These airfoils are retractable and fair into the wing contour. Others are simply a portion of the lower skin which extends into the airstream, thereby slowing the aircraft. Leading edge flaps are airfoils extended from and retracted into the leading edge of the wing. Some installations create a slot (an opening between the extended airfoil and the leading edge). The flap (termed slat by some manufacturers) and slot create additional lift at the lower speeds of takeoff and landing. [Figure 2-14] Plain flap Split flap Other installations have permanent slots built in the leading edge of the wing. At cruising speeds, the trailing edge and

leading edge flaps (slats) are retracted into the wing proper. Slats are movable control surfaces attached to the leading edges of the wings. When the slat is closed, it forms the leading edge of the wing. When in the open position (extended forward), a slot is created between the slat and the wing leading edge. At low airspeeds, this increases lift and improves handling characteristics, allowing the aircraft to be controlled at airspeeds below the normal landing speed. [Figure 2-15] Lift decreasing devices are the speed brakes (spoilers). In some installations, there are two types of spoilers. The ground spoiler is extended only after the aircraft is on the ground, thereby assisting in the braking action. The flight spoiler assists in lateral control by being extended whenever the aileron on that wing is rotated up. When actuated as speed brakes, the spoiler panels on both wings raise up. In-flight spoilers may also be located along the sides, underneath the fuselage, or back at the

tail. [Figure 2-16] In some aircraft designs, the wing panel on the up aileron side rises more than the wing panel on the down aileron side. This provides speed brake operation and lateral control simultaneously. Slotted flap Fowler flap Slotted Fowler flap Figure 2-14. Types of wing flaps Fixed slot Slat Automatic slot Figure 2-15. Wing slots 2-13 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 2-19. The Beechcraft 2000 Starship has canard wings Figure 2-16. Speed brake Winglets Winglets are the near-vertical extension of the wingtip that reduces the aerodynamic drag associated with vortices that develop at the wingtips as the airplane moves through the air. By reducing the induced drag at the tips of the wings, fuel consumption goes down and range is extended. Figure 2-17 Shows an example of a Boeing 737 with winglets. Wing Fences Wing fences are flat metal vertical plates fixed to the upper surface of the wing. They obstruct spanwise airflow along the wing, and prevent the entire

wing from stalling at once. They are often attached on swept-wing aircraft to prevent the spanwise movement of air at high angles of attack. Their purpose is to provide better slow speed handling and stall characteristics. [Figure 2-20] Figure 2-17. Winglets on a Bombardier Learjet 60 Canard Wings A canard wing aircraft is an airframe configuration of a fixedwing aircraft in which a small wing or horizontal airfoil is ahead of the main lifting surfaces, rather than behind them as in a conventional aircraft. The canard may be fixed, movable, or designed with elevators. Good examples of aircraft with canard wings are the Rutan VariEze and Beechcraft 2000 Starship. [Figures 2-18 and 2-19] Figure 2-20. Aircraft stall fence Control Systems for Large Aircraft Mechanical Control This is the basic type of system that was used to control early aircraft and is currently used in smaller aircraft where aerodynamic forces are not excessive. The controls are mechanical and manually operated.

The mechanical system of controlling an aircraft can include cables, push-pull tubes, and torque tubes. The cable system is the most widely used because deflections of the structure to which it is attached do not affect its operation. Some aircraft incorporate control systems that are a combination of all three. These systems incorporate cable assemblies, Figure 2-18. Canard wings on a Rutan VariEze 2-14 Source: http://www.doksinet cable guides, linkage, adjustable stops, and control surface snubber or mechanical locking devices. These surface locking devices, usually referred to as a gust lock, limits the external wind forces from damaging the aircraft while it is parked or tied down. Many of the new military high-performance aircraft are not aerodynamically stable. This characteristic is designed into the aircraft for increased maneuverability and responsive performance. Without the computers reacting to the instability, the pilot would lose control of the aircraft.

Hydromechanical Control As the size, complexity, and speed of aircraft increased, actuation of controls in flight became more difficult. It soon became apparent that the pilot needed assistance to overcome the aerodynamic forces to control aircraft movement. Spring tabs, which were operated by the conventional control system, were moved so that the airflow over them actually moved the primary control surface. This was sufficient for the aircraft operating in the lowest of the high speed ranges (250–300 mph). For higher speeds, a power-assisted (hydraulic) control system was designed. The Airbus A-320 was the first commercial airliner to use FBW controls. Boeing used them in their 777 and newer design commercial aircraft. The Dassault Falcon 7X was the first business jet to use a FBW control system. Conventional cable or push-pull tube systems link the flight deck controls with the hydraulic system. With the system activated, the pilot’s movement of a control causes the mechanical

link to open servo valves, thereby directing hydraulic fluid to actuators, which convert hydraulic pressure into control surface movements. Because of the efficiency of the hydromechanical flight control system, the aerodynamic forces on the control surfaces cannot be felt by the pilot, and there is a risk of overstressing the structure of the aircraft. To overcome this problem, aircraft designers incorporated artificial feel systems into the design that provided increased resistance to the controls at higher speeds. Additionally, some aircraft with hydraulically powered control systems are fitted with a device called a stick shaker, which provides an artificial stall warning to the pilot. Fly-By-Wire Control The fly-by-wire (FBW) control system employs electrical signals that transmit the pilot’s actions from the flight deck through a computer to the various flight control actuators. The FBW system evolved as a way to reduce the system weight of the hydromechanical system, reduce

maintenance costs, and improve reliability. Electronic FBW control systems can respond to changing aerodynamic conditions by adjusting flight control movements so that the aircraft response is consistent for all flight conditions. Additionally, the computers can be programmed to prevent undesirable and dangerous characteristics, such as stalling and spinning. High-Speed Aerodynamics High-speed aerodynamics, often called compressible aerodynamics, is a special branch of study of aeronautics. It is utilized by aircraft designers when designing aircraft capable of speeds approaching Mach 1 and above. Because it is beyond the scope and intent of this handbook, only a brief overview of the subject is provided. In the study of high-speed aeronautics, the compressibility effects on air must be addressed. This flight regime is characterized by the Mach number, a special parameter named in honor of Ernst Mach, the late 19th century physicist who studied gas dynamics. Mach number is the ratio

of the speed of the aircraft to the local speed of sound and determines the magnitude of many of the compressibility effects. As an aircraft moves through the air, the air molecules near the aircraft are disturbed and move around the aircraft. The air molecules are pushed aside much like a boat creates a bow wave as it moves through the water. If the aircraft passes at a low speed, typically less than 250 mph, the density of the air remains constant. But at higher speeds, some of the energy of the aircraft goes into compressing the air and locally changing the density of the air. The bigger and heavier the aircraft, the more air it displaces and the greater effect compression has on the aircraft. This effect becomes more important as speed increases. Near and beyond the speed of sound, about 760 mph (at sea level), sharp disturbances generate a shockwave that affects both the lift and drag of an aircraft and flow conditions downstream of the shockwave. The shockwave forms a cone of

pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground. The sharp release of the pressure, after the buildup by the shockwave, is heard as the sonic boom. [Figure 2-21] 2-15 Source: http://www.doksinet Additional technical information pertaining to high-speed aerodynamics can be found at bookstores, libraries, and numerous sources on the Internet. As the design of aircraft evolves and the speeds of aircraft continue to increase into the hypersonic range, new materials and propulsion systems will need to be developed. This is the challenge for engineers, physicists, and designers of aircraft in the future. Rotary-Wing Aircraft Assembly and Rigging Figure 2-21. Breaking the sound barrier Listed below are a range of conditions that are encountered by aircraft as their designed speed increases. • • • • 2-16 Subsonic conditions occur for Mach numbers less than one (100–350 mph). For the lowest subsonic conditions,

compressibility can be ignored. As the speed of the object approaches the speed of sound, the flight Mach number is nearly equal to one, M = 1 (350–760 mph), and the flow is said to be transonic. At some locations on the object, the local speed of air exceeds the speed of sound. Compressibility effects are most important in transonic flows and lead to the early belief in a sound barrier. Flight faster than sound was thought to be impossible. In fact, the sound barrier was only an increase in the drag near sonic conditions because of compressibility effects. Because of the high drag associated with compressibility effects, aircraft are not operated in cruise conditions near Mach 1. Supersonic conditions occur for numbers greater than Mach 1, but less then Mach 3 (760–2,280 mph). Compressibility effects of gas are important in the design of supersonic aircraft because of the shockwaves that are generated by the surface of the object. For high supersonic speeds, between Mach 3 and

Mach 5 (2,280–3,600 mph), aerodynamic heating becomes a very important factor in aircraft design. For speeds greater than Mach 5, the flow is said to be hypersonic. At these speeds, some of the energy of the object now goes into exciting the chemical bonds which hold together the nitrogen and oxygen molecules of the air. At hypersonic speeds, the chemistry of the air must be considered when determining forces on the object. When the Space Shuttle re-enters the atmosphere at high hypersonic speeds, close to Mach 25, the heated air becomes an ionized plasma of gas, and the spacecraft must be insulated from the extremely high temperatures. The flight control units located in the flight deck of all helicopters are very nearly the same. All helicopters have either one or two of each of the following: collective pitch control, throttle grip, cyclic pitch control, and directional control pedals. [Figure 2-22] Basically, these units do the same things, regardless of the type of helicopter

on which they are installed; however, the operation of the control system varies greatly by helicopter model. Rigging the helicopter coordinates the movements of the flight controls and establishes the relationship between the main rotor and its controls, and between the tail rotor and its controls. Rigging is not a difficult job, but it requires great precision and attention to detail. Strict adherence to rigging procedures described in the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals and service instructions is a must. Adjustments, clearances, and tolerances must be exact. Rigging of the various flight control systems can be broken down into the following three major steps: 1. Placing the control system in a specific position holding it in position with pins, clamps, or jigs, then adjusting the various linkages to fit the immobilized control component. 2. Placing the control surfaces in a specific reference positionusing a rigging jig, a precision bubble protractor, or a spirit level to

check the angular difference between the control surface and some fixed surface on the aircraft. [Figure 2-23] 3. Setting the maximum range of travel of the various componentsthis adjustment limits the physical movement of the control system. After completion of the static rigging, a functional check of the flight control system must be accomplished. The nature of the functional check varies with the type of helicopter and system concerned, but usually includes determining that: 1. The direction of movement of the main and tail rotor blades is correct in relation to movement of the pilot’s controls. Source: http://www.doksinet Cyclic control stick Controls attitude and direction of flight Throttle Controls rpm Collective pitch stick Controls altitude Pedals Maintain heading Figure 2-22. Controls of a helicopter and the principal function of each 2. The operation of interconnected control systems (engine throttle and collective pitch) is properly coordinated. 3. The

range of movement and neutral position of the pilot’s controls are correct. 4. The maximum and minimum pitch angles of the main rotor blades are within specified limits. This includes checking the fore-and-aft and lateral cyclic pitch and collective pitch blade angles. 5. The tracking of the main rotor blades is correct. 6. In the case of multirotor aircraft, the rigging and movement of the rotor blades are synchronized. 7. When tabs are provided on main rotor blades, they are correctly set. 8. The neutral, maximum, and minimum pitch angles and coning angles of the tail rotor blades are correct. 9. When dual controls are provided, they function correctly and in synchronization. Main rotor rigging protractor CAUTION Make sure blade dampers are positioned against auto-rotation inboard stops 25° 20° 15° 10° 5° 0° 5° 10° 15° Figure 2-23. A typical rigging protractor Upon completion of rigging, a thorough check should be made of all attaching, securing, and pivot

points. All bolts, nuts, and rod ends should be properly secured and safetied as specified in the manufacturers’ maintenance and service instructions. 2-17 Source: http://www.doksinet Configurations of Rotary-Wing Aircraft Autogyro An autogyro is an aircraft with a free-spinning horizontal rotor that turns due to passage of air upward through the rotor. This air motion is created from forward motion of the aircraft resulting from either a tractor or pusher configured engine/propeller design. [Figure 2-24] Figure 2-26. Dual rotor helicopter Types of Rotor Systems Figure 2-24. An autogyro Single Rotor Helicopter An aircraft with a single horizontal main rotor that provides both lift and direction of travel is a single rotor helicopter. A secondary rotor mounted vertically on the tail counteracts the rotational force (torque) of the main rotor to correct yaw of the fuselage. [Figure 2-25] Fully Articulated Rotor A fully articulated rotor is found on aircraft with more than two

blades and allows movement of each individual blade in three directions. In this design, each blade can rotate about the pitch axis to change lift; each blade can move back and forth in plane, lead and lag; and flap up and down through a hinge independent of the other blades. [Figure 2-27] Pitch change axis Flipping hinge Figure 2-25. Single rotor helicopter Dual Rotor Helicopter An aircraft with two horizontal rotors that provide both the lift and directional control is a dual rotor helicopter. The rotors are counterrotating to balance the aerodynamic torque and eliminate the need for a separate antitorque system. [Figure 2-26] 2-18 Figure 2-27. Articulated rotor head Drag hinge Source: http://www.doksinet Semirigid Rotor The semirigid rotor design is found on aircraft with two rotor blades. The blades are connected in a manner such that as one blade flaps up, the opposite blade flaps down. Rigid Rotor The rigid rotor system is a rare design but potentially offers the best

properties of both the fully articulated and semirigid rotors. In this design, the blade roots are rigidly attached to the rotor hub. The blades do not have hinges to allow lead-lag or flapping. Instead, the blades accommodate these motions by using elastomeric bearings. Elastomeric bearings are molded, rubber-like materials that are bonded to the appropriate parts. Instead of rotating like conventional bearings, they twist and flex to allow proper movement of the blades. Forces Acting on the Helicopter One of the differences between a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft is the main source of lift. The fixed-wing aircraft derives its lift from a fixed airfoil surface while the helicopter derives lift from a rotating airfoil called the rotor. During hovering flight in a no-wind condition, the tip-path plane is horizontal, that is, parallel to the ground. Lift and thrust act straight up; weight and drag act straight down. The sum of the lift and thrust forces must equal the sum of the

weight and drag forces in order for the helicopter to hover. During vertical flight in a no-wind condition, the lift and thrust forces both act vertically upward. Weight and drag both act vertically downward. When lift and thrust equal weight and drag, the helicopter hovers; if lift and thrust are less than weight and drag, the helicopter descends vertically; if lift and thrust are greater than weight and drag, the helicopter rises vertically. For forward flight, the tip-path plane is tilted forward, thus tilting the total lift-thrust force forward from the vertical. This resultant lift-thrust force can be resolved into two components: lift acting vertically upward and thrust acting horizontally in the direction of flight. In addition to lift and thrust, there is weight, the downward acting force, and drag, the rearward acting or retarding force of inertia and wind resistance. In straight-and-level, unaccelerated forward flight, lift equals weight and thrust equals drag.

(Straight-and-level flight is flight with a constant heading and at a constant altitude.) If lift exceeds weight, the helicopter climbs; if lift is less than weight, the helicopter descends. If thrust exceeds drag, the helicopter increases speed; if thrust is less than drag, it decreases speed. In sideward flight, the tip-path plane is tilted sideward in the direction that flight is desired, thus tilting the total lift-thrust vector sideward. In this case, the vertical or lift component is still straight up, weight straight down, but the horizontal or thrust component now acts sideward with drag acting to the opposite side. For rearward flight, the tip-path plane is tilted rearward and tilts the lift-thrust vector rearward. The thrust is then rearward and the drag component is forward, opposite that for forward flight. The lift component in rearward flight is straight up; weight, straight down. Torque Compensation Newton’s third law of motion states “To every action there is an

equal and opposite reaction.” As the main rotor of a helicopter turns in one direction, the fuselage tends to rotate in the opposite direction. This tendency for the fuselage to rotate is called torque. Since torque effect on the fuselage is a direct result of engine power supplied to the main rotor, any change in engine power brings about a corresponding change in torque effect. The greater the engine power, the greater the torque effect. Since there is no engine power being supplied to the main rotor during autorotation, there is no torque reaction during autorotation. The force that compensates for torque and provides for directional control can be produced by various means. The defining factor is dictated by the design of the helicopter, some of which do not have a torque issue. Single main rotor designs typically have an auxiliary rotor located on the end of the tail boom. This auxiliary rotor, generally referred to as a tail rotor, produces thrust in the direction opposite the

torque reaction developed by the main rotor. [Figure 2-25] Foot pedals in the flight deck permit the pilot to increase or decrease tail rotor thrust, as needed, to neutralize torque effect. Other methods of compensating for torque and providing directional control include the Fenestron® tail rotor system, an SUD Aviation design that employs a ducted fan enclosed by a shroud. Another design, called NOTAR®, a McDonald Douglas design with no tail rotor, employs air directed through a series of slots in the tail boom, with the balance exiting through a 90° duct located at the rear of the tail boom. [Figure 2-28] 2-19 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 2-28. Aerospatiale Fenestron tail rotor system (left) and the McDonnell Douglas NOTAR® System (right) Gyroscopic Forces The spinning main rotor of a helicopter acts like a gyroscope. As such, it has the properties of gyroscopic action, one of which is precession. Gyroscopic precession is the resultant action or deflection of a

spinning object when a force is applied to this object. This action occurs approximately 90° in the direction of rotation from the point where the force is applied. [Figure 2-29] Through the use of this principle, the tip-path plane of the main rotor may be tilted from the horizontal. Axis Examine a two-bladed rotor system to see how gyroscopic precession affects the movement of the tip-path plane. Moving the cyclic pitch control increases the angle of attack (AOA) of one rotor blade with the result that a greater lifting force is applied at that point in the plane of rotation. This same control movement simultaneously decreases the AOA of the other blade the same amount, thus decreasing the lifting force applied at that point in the plane of rotation. The blade with the increased AOA tends to flap up; the blade with the New axis Old axis 90 Upward force applied here Reaction occurs here Figure 2-29. Gyroscopic precession principle 2-20 Gyro tips down here Gyro tips up here

Source: http://www.doksinet decreased AOA tends to flap down. Because the rotor disk acts like a gyro, the blades reach maximum deflection at a point approximately 90° later in the plane of rotation. As shown in Figure 2-30, the retreating blade AOA is increased and the advancing blade AOA is decreased resulting in a tipping forward of the tip-path plane, since maximum deflection takes place 90° later when the blades are at the rear and front, respectively. In a rotor system using three or more blades, the movement of the cyclic pitch control changes the AOA of each blade an appropriate amount so that the end result is the same. The movement of the cyclic pitch control in a two-bladed rotor system increases the AOA of one rotor blade with the result that a greater lifting force is applied at this point in the plane of rotation. This same control movement simultaneously decreases the AOA of the other blade a like amount, thus decreasing the lifting force applied at this point Low

pitch applied in the plane of rotation. The blade with the increased AOA tends to rise; the blade with the decreased AOA tends to lower. However, gyroscopic precession prevents the blades from rising or lowering to maximum deflection until a point approximately 90° later in the plane of rotation. In a three-bladed rotor, the movement of the cyclic pitch control changes the AOA of each blade an appropriate amount so that the end result is the same, a tipping forward of the tip-path plane when the maximum change in AOA is made as each blade passes the same points at which the maximum increase and decrease are made for the twobladed rotor as shown in Figure 2-30. As each blade passes the 90° position on the left, the maximum increase in AOA occurs. As each blade passes the 90° position to the right, the maximum decrease in AOA occurs. Maximum deflection takes place 90° later, maximum upward deflection at the rear and maximum downward deflection at the front; the tip-path plane tips

forward. High flap result Blade rotation Blade rotation Low flap result High pitch applied Figure 2-30. Gyroscopic precession 2-21 Source: http://www.doksinet Helicopter Flight Conditions Hovering Flight During hovering flight, a helicopter maintains a constant position over a selected point, usually a few feet above the ground. For a helicopter to hover, the lift and thrust produced by the rotor system act straight up and must equal the weight and drag, which act straight down. [Figure 2-31] While hovering, the amount of main rotor thrust can be changed to maintain the desired hovering altitude. This is done by changing the angle of incidence (by moving the collective) of the rotor blades and hence the AOA of the main rotor blades. Changing the AOA changes the drag on the rotor blades, and the power delivered by the engine must change as well to keep the rotor speed constant. the engine turns the main rotor system in a counterclockwise direction, the helicopter fuselage

tends to turn clockwise. The amount of torque is directly related to the amount of engine power being used to turn the main rotor system. Remember, as power changes, torque changes. To counteract this torque-induced turning tendency, an antitorque rotor or tail rotor is incorporated into most helicopter designs. A pilot can vary the amount of thrust produced by the tail rotor in relation to the amount of torque produced by the engine. As the engine supplies more power to the main rotor, the tail rotor must produce more thrust to overcome the increased torque effect. This is done through the use of antitorque pedals. Translating Tendency or Drift Thrust Lift During hovering flight, a single main rotor helicopter tends to drift or move in the direction of tail rotor thrust. This drifting tendency is called translating tendency. [Figure 2-32] Bla otation de r Tor qu e Drift Weight Drag qu e and thrust must be generated to equal the weight of the helicopter and the drag produced

by the rotor blades. The weight that must be supported is the total weight of the helicopter and its occupants. If the amount of lift is greater than the actual weight, the helicopter accelerates upwards until the lift force equals the weight gain altitude; if thrust is less than weight, the helicopter accelerates downward. When operating near the ground, the effect of the closeness to the ground changes this response. The drag of a hovering helicopter is mainly induced drag incurred while the blades are producing lift. There is, however, some profile drag on the blades as they rotate through the air. Throughout the rest of this discussion, the term drag includes both induced and profile drag. An important consequence of producing thrust is torque. As discussed earlier, Newton’s Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, as 2-22 Tail rotor downwash Tor Figure 2-31. To maintain a hover at a constant altitude, enough lift Blade rota

tion Tail rotor thrust Figure 2-32. A tail rotor is designed to produce thrust in a direction opposite torque. The thrust produced by the tail rotor is sufficient to move the helicopter laterally. To counteract this drift, one or more of the following features may be used. All examples are for a counterclockwise rotating main rotor system. • The main transmission is mounted at a slight angle to the left (when viewed from behind) so that the rotor mast has a built-in tilt to oppose the tail rotor thrust. • Flight controls can be rigged so that the rotor disk is tilted to the right slightly when the cyclic is centered. Whichever method is used, the tip-path plane is tilted slightly to the left in the hover. • If the transmission is mounted so the rotor shaft is vertical with respect to the fuselage, the helicopter Source: http://www.doksinet “hangs” left skid low in the hover. The opposite is true for rotor systems turning clockwise when viewed from above. • In

forward flight, the tail rotor continues to push to the right, and the helicopter makes a small angle with the wind when the rotors are level and the slip ball is in the middle. This is called inherent sideslip Ground Effect When hovering near the ground, a phenomenon known as ground effect takes place. This effect usually occurs at heights between the surface and approximately one rotor diameter above the surface. The friction of the ground causes the downwash from the rotor to move outwards from the helicopter. This changes the relative direction of the downwash from a purely vertical motion to a combination of vertical and horizontal motion. As the induced airflow through the rotor disk is reduced by the surface friction, the lift vector increases. This allows a lower rotor blade angle for the same amount of lift, which reduces induced drag. Ground effect also restricts the generation of blade tip vortices due to the downward and outward airflow making a larger portion of the blade

produce lift. When the helicopter gains altitude vertically, with no forward airspeed, induced airflow is no longer restricted, and the blade tip vortices increase with the decrease in outward airflow. As a result, drag increases which means a higher pitch angle, and more power is needed to move the air down through the rotor. Ground effect is at its maximum in a no-wind condition over a firm, smooth surface. Tall grass, rough terrain, and water surfaces alter the airflow pattern, causing an increase in rotor tip vortices. [Figure 2-33] Coriolis Effect (Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum) The Coriolis effect is also referred to as the law of conservation of angular momentum. It states that the value of angular momentum of a rotating body does not change unless an external force is applied. In other words, a rotating body continues to rotate with the same rotational velocity until some external force is applied to change the speed of rotation. Angular momentum is moment of inertia

(mass times distance from the center of rotation squared) multiplied by speed of rotation. Changes in angular velocity, known as angular acceleration and deceleration, take place as the mass of a rotating body is moved closer to or further away from the axis of rotation. The speed of the rotating mass increases or decreases in proportion to the square of the radius. An excellent example of this principle is a spinning ice skater. The skater begins rotation on one foot, with the other leg and both arms extended. The rotation of the skater’s body is relatively slow. When a skater draws both arms and one leg inward, the moment of inertia (mass times radius squared) becomes much smaller and the body is rotating almost faster than the eye can follow. Because the angular momentum must remain constant (no external force applied), the angular velocity must increase. The rotor blade rotating about the rotor hub possesses angular momentum. As the rotor begins to cone due to G-loading

maneuvers, the diameter or the disk shrinks. Due to conservation of angular momentum, the blades continue to travel the same speed even though the blade tips have a shorter distance to travel due to reduced disk diameter. The action results in an increase in rotor rpm Most pilots arrest this increase with an increase in collective pitch. Conversely, as G-loading subsides and the rotor disk flattens out from the loss of G-load induced coning, the blade tips Out of Ground Effect (OGE) In Ground Effect (IGE) Large blade tip vortex No wind hover Blade tip vortex Downwash pattern equidistant 360° Figure 2-33. Air circulation patterns change when hovering out of ground effect (OGE) and when hovering in ground effect (IGE) 2-23 Source: http://www.doksinet Vertical ascent Thrust Lift Weight Drag Figure 2-34. To ascend vertically, more lift and thrust must be generated to overcome the forces of weight and drag. Forward Flight In steady forward flight with no change in airspeed or

vertical speed, the four forces of lift, thrust, drag, and weight must be in balance. Once the tip-path plane is tilted forward, the total lift-thrust force is also tilted forward. This resultant lift-thrust force can be resolved into two componentslift acting vertically upward and thrust acting horizontally in the direction of flight. In addition to lift and thrust, there is weight (the downward acting force) and drag (the force opposing the motion of an airfoil through the air). [Figure 2-35] 2-24 Thrust Drag Helicopter movement Weight Vertical Flight Hovering is actually an element of vertical flight. Increasing the AOA of the rotor blades (pitch) while keeping their rotation speed constant generates additional lift and the helicopter ascends. Decreasing the pitch causes the helicopter to descend. In a no wind condition, when lift and thrust are less than weight and drag, the helicopter descends vertically. If lift and thrust are greater than weight and drag, the helicopter

ascends vertically. [Figure 2-34] Resultant Lift now have a longer distance to travel at the same tip speed. This action results in a reduction of rotor rpm. However, if this drop in the rotor rpm continues to the point at which it attempts to decrease below normal operating rpm, the engine control system adds more fuel/power to maintain the specified engine rpm. If the pilot does not reduce collective pitch as the disk unloads, the combination of engine compensation for the rpm slow down and the additional pitch as G-loading increases may result in exceeding the torque limitations or power the engines can produce. Resultant Figure 2-35. The power required to maintain a straight-and-level flight and a stabilized airspeed. In straight-and-level (constant heading and at a constant altitude), unaccelerated forward flight, lift equals weight and thrust equals drag. If lift exceeds weight, the helicopter accelerates vertically until the forces are in balance; if thrust is less than

drag, the helicopter slows until the forces are in balance. As the helicopter moves forward, it begins to lose altitude because lift is lost as thrust is diverted forward. However, as the helicopter begins to accelerate, the rotor system becomes more efficient due to the increased airflow. The result is excess power over that which is required to hover. Continued acceleration causes an even larger increase in airflow through the rotor disk and more excess power. In order to maintain unaccelerated flight, the pilot must not make any changes in power or in cyclic movement. Any such changes would cause the helicopter to climb or descend. Once straight-and-level flight is obtained, the pilot should make note of the power (torque setting) required and not make major adjustments to the flight controls. [Figure 2-36] Translational Lift Improved rotor efficiency resulting from directional flight is called translational lift. The efficiency of the hovering rotor system is greatly improved with

each knot of incoming wind gained by horizontal movement of the aircraft or surface wind. As incoming wind produced by aircraft movement or surface wind enters the rotor system, turbulence and vortices are left behind and the flow of air becomes more horizontal. In addition, the tail rotor becomes more aerodynamically efficient during the transition from hover to forward flight. Translational thrust occurs when the tail rotor becomes more aerodynamically efficient during the transition from hover Source: http://www.doksinet found on most helicopters which tends to bring the nose of the helicopter to a more level attitude. Figure 2-37 and Figure 2-38 show airflow patterns at different speeds and how airflow affects the efficiency of the tail rotor. 800 Effective Translational Lift (ETL) B er re qu ire dt oh ove A C rO Increasing power for decreasing airspeed 600 Power required (horsepower) GE Maximum continuous power available w Po 400 200 0 Minimum power for level

flight(VY) 0 40 Increasing power for decreasing airspeed Maximum continuous level (horizontal) flight airspeed (VH) 60 80 100 120 Indicated airspeed (KIAS) Figure 2-36. Changing force vectors results in aircraft movement. 1–5 knots to forward flight. As the tail rotor works in progressively less turbulent air, this improved efficiency produces more antitorque thrust, causing the nose of the aircraft to yaw left (with a main rotor turning counterclockwise) and forces the pilot to apply right pedal (decreasing the AOA in the tail rotor blades) in response. In addition, during this period, the airflow affects the horizontal components of the stabilizer ty eloci ard v w n w Do r of ai e m ol su c ul e b sed y aft se cti While transitioning to forward flight at about 16–24 knots, the helicopter experiences effective translational lift (ETL). As mentioned earlier in the discussion on translational lift, the rotor blades become more efficient as forward airspeed

increases. Between 16–24 knots, the rotor system completely outruns the recirculation of old vortices and begins to work in relatively undisturbed air. The flow of air through the rotor system is more horizontal, therefore induced flow and induced drag are reduced. The AOA is subsequently increased, which makes the rotor system operate more efficiently. This increased efficiency continues with increased airspeed until the best climb airspeed is reached, and total drag is at its lowest point. As speed increases, translational lift becomes more effective, the nose rises or pitches up, and the aircraft rolls to the right. The combined effects of dissymmetry of lift, gyroscopic precession, and transverse flow effect cause this tendency. It is important to understand these effects and anticipate correcting for them. Once the helicopter is transitioning through ETL, the pilot needs to apply forward and left lateral cyclic input to maintain a constant rotor-disk attitude. [Figure 2-39] on

of ro to r Figure 2-37. The airflow pattern for 1–5 knots of forward airspeed Note how the downwind vortex is beginning to dissipate and induced flow down through the rear of the rotor system is more horizontal. 2-25 Source: http://www.doksinet Airflow pattern just prior to effective translational lift 10–15 knots Figure 2-38. An airflow pattern at a speed of 10–15 knots At this increased airspeed, the airflow continues to become more horizontal The leading edge of the downwash pattern is being overrun and is well back under the nose of the helicopter. Direction of Flight No recirculation of air Reduced induced flow increases angle of attack Tail rotor operates in relatively clean air a rot de Advancing Side tion Blade tip speed minus helicopter speed (200 knots) Blade tip speed plus helicopter speed (400 knots) io at rot n 16–24 knots Relative wind Bl a Retreating Side Relative wind More horizontal flow of air Blade Figure 2-39. Effective

translational lift is easily recognized in actual flight by a transient induced aerodynamic vibration and increased performance of the helicopter. Dissymmetry of Lift Dissymmetry of lift is the differential (unequal) lift between advancing and retreating halves of the rotor disk caused by the different wind flow velocity across each half. This difference in lift would cause the helicopter to be uncontrollable in any situation other than hovering in a calm wind. There must be a means of compensating, correcting, or eliminating this unequal lift to attain symmetry of lift. When the helicopter moves through the air, the relative airflow through the main rotor disk is different on the advancing side than on the retreating side. The relative wind encountered by the advancing blade is increased by the forward speed of the helicopter; while the relative windspeed acting on the retreating blade is reduced by the helicopter’s forward airspeed. Therefore, as a result of the relative

windspeed, the advancing blade side of the rotor disk produces more lift than the retreating blade side. [Figure 2-40] 2-26 Forward flight at 100 knots Figure 2-40. The blade tip speed of this helicopter is approximately 300 knots. If the helicopter is moving forward at 100 knots, the relative windspeed on the advancing side is 400 knots. On the retreating side, it is only 200 knots. This difference in speed causes a dissymmetry of lift. If this condition was allowed to exist, a helicopter with a counterclockwise main rotor blade rotation would roll to the left because of the difference in lift. In reality, the main rotor blades flap and feather automatically to equalize lift across the rotor disk. Articulated rotor systems, usually with three or more blades, incorporate a horizontal hinge (flapping hinge) to allow the individual rotor blades to move, or flap up and down as they rotate. A semirigid rotor system (two blades) utilizes a teetering hinge, which allows the blades to

flap as a unit. When one blade flaps up, the other blade flaps down Source: http://www.doksinet As the rotor blade reaches the advancing side of the rotor disk, it reaches its maximum upward flapping velocity. [Figure 2-41A] When the blade flaps upward, the angle between the chord line and the resultant relative wind decreases. This decreases the AOA, which reduces the amount of lift produced by the blade. At position C, the rotor blade is at its maximum downward flapping velocity. Due to downward flapping, the angle between the chord line and the resultant relative wind increases. This increases the AOA and thus the amount of lift produced by the blade. During aerodynamic flapping of the rotor blades as they compensate for dissymmetry of lift, the advancing blade achieves maximum upward flapping displacement over the nose and maximum downward flapping displacement over the tail. This causes the tip-path plane to tilt to the rear and is referred to as blowback. Figure 2-42 shows

how the rotor disk is originally oriented with the front down following the initial cyclic input. As airspeed is gained and flapping eliminates dissymmetry of lift, the front of the disk comes The combination of blade flapping and slow relative wind acting on the retreating blade normally limits the maximum forward speed of a helicopter. At a high forward speed, the retreating blade stalls due to high AOA and slow relative wind speed. This situation is called “retreating blade stall” and is evidenced by a nose-up pitch, vibration, and a rolling tendencyusually to the left in helicopters with counterclockwise blade rotation. Pilots can avoid retreating blade stall by not exceeding the never-exceed speed. This speed is designated VNE and is indicated on a placard and marked on the airspeed indicator by a red line. Figure 2-42. To compensate for blowback, move the cyclic forward Blowback is more pronounced with higher airspeeds. B Angle of attack over nose Chord line C Angle of

attack at 9 o’clock position Chord Bl a Resultant relative wind de n atio B rot A Angle of attack at 3 o’clock position Chord line C Downflap velocity A wind Resultant relative line Resultant relati ve wind Upflap velocity D D Angle of attack over tail Chord line Relative wind Angle of attack Resultant relative wind Figure 2-41. The combined upward flapping (reduced lift) of the advancing blade and downward flapping (increased lift) of the retreating blade equalizes lift across the main rotor disk counteracting dissymmetry of lift. 2-27 Source: http://www.doksinet up, and the back of the disk goes down. This reorientation of the rotor disk changes the direction in which total rotor thrust acts; the helicopter’s forward speed slows, but can be corrected with cyclic input. The pilot uses cyclic feathering to compensate for dissymmetry of lift allowing him or her to control the attitude of the rotor disk. Cyclic feathering compensates for dissymmetry of lift

(changes the AOA) in the following way. At a hover, equal lift is produced around the rotor system with equal pitch and AOA on all the blades and at all points in the rotor system (disregarding compensation for translating tendency). The rotor disk is parallel to the horizon. To develop a thrust force, the rotor system must be tilted in the desired direction of movement. Cyclic feathering changes the angle of incidence differentially around the rotor system. Forward cyclic movements decrease the angle of incidence at one part on the rotor system while increasing the angle at another part. Maximum downward flapping of the blade over the nose and maximum upward flapping over the tail tilt both rotor disk and thrust vector forward. To prevent blowback from occurring, the pilot must continually move the cyclic forward as the velocity of the helicopter increases. Figure 2-42 illustrates the changes in pitch angle as the cyclic is moved forward at increased airspeeds. At a hover, the cyclic

is centered and the pitch angle on the advancing and retreating blades is the same. At low forward speeds, moving the cyclic forward reduces pitch angle on the advancing blade and increases pitch angle on the retreating blade. This causes a slight rotor tilt. At higher forward speeds, the pilot must continue to move the cyclic forward. This further reduces pitch angle on the advancing blade and further increases pitch angle on the retreating blade. As a result, there is even more tilt to the rotor than at lower speeds. This horizontal lift component (thrust) generates higher helicopter airspeed. The higher airspeed induces blade flapping to maintain symmetry of lift. The combination of flapping and cyclic feathering maintains symmetry of lift and desired attitude on the rotor system and helicopter. Autorotation Autorotation is the state of flight in which the main rotor system of a helicopter is being turned by the action of air moving up through the rotor rather than engine power

driving the rotor. In normal, powered flight, air is drawn into the main rotor system from above and exhausted downward, but during autorotation, air moves up into the rotor system from below as the helicopter descends. Autorotation is permitted mechanically by a freewheeling unit, which is a special clutch mechanism that allows the main rotor to continue turning even if the engine is not running. If the engine fails, the freewheeling unit automatically disengages the engine from the main rotor allowing the main rotor to rotate freely. It is the means by which a helicopter can be landed safely in the event of an engine failure; consequently, all helicopters must demonstrate this capability in order to be certificated. [Figure 2-43] Autorotation flig ht Normal Powered Flight Di re cti on of Direction of flight Figure 2-43. During an autorotation, the upward flow of relative wind permits the main rotor blades to rotate at their normal speed In effect, the blades are

“gliding” in their rotational plane. 2-28 Source: http://www.doksinet Rotorcraft Controls Swash Plate Assembly The purpose of the swash plate is to transmit control inputs from the collective and cyclic controls to the main rotor blades. It consists of two main parts: the stationary swash plate and the rotating swash plate. [Figure 2-44] Pitch link Stationary swash plate Rotating swash plate Control rod Figure 2-44. Stationary and rotating swash plate The stationary swash plate is mounted around the main rotor mast and connected to the cyclic and collective controls by a series of pushrods. It is restrained from rotating by an antidrive link but is able to tilt in all directions and move vertically. The rotating swash plate is mounted to the stationary swash plate by a uniball sleeve. It is connected to the mast by drive links and is allowed to rotate with the main rotor mast. Both swash plates tilt and slide up and down as one unit. The rotating swash plate is connected

to the pitch horns by the pitch links. There are three major controls in a helicopter that the pilot must use during flight. They are the collective pitch control, cyclic pitch control, and antitorque pedals or tail rotor control. In addition to these major controls, the pilot must also use the throttle control, which is mounted directly to the collective pitch control in order to fly the helicopter. Collective Pitch Control The collective pitch control is located on the left side of the pilot’s seat and is operated with the left hand. The collective is used to make changes to the pitch angle of all the main rotor blades simultaneously, or collectively, as the name implies. As the collective pitch control is raised, there is a simultaneous and equal increase in pitch angle of all main rotor blades; as it is lowered, there is a simultaneous and equal decrease in pitch angle. This is done through a series of mechanical linkages, and the amount of movement in the collective lever

determines the amount of blade pitch change. [Figure 2-45] An adjustable friction control helps prevent inadvertent collective pitch movement. Figure 2-45. Raising the collective pitch control increases the pitch angle by the same amount on all blades 2-29 Source: http://www.doksinet Throttle Control The function of the throttle is to regulate engine rpm. If the correlator or governor system does not maintain the desired rpm when the collective is raised or lowered, or if those systems are not installed, the throttle must be moved manually with the twist grip to maintain rpm. The throttle control is much like a motorcycle throttle, and works almost the same way; twisting the throttle to the left increases rpm, twisting the throttle to the right decreases rpm. [Figure 2-46] In piston helicopters, the collective pitch is the primary control for manifold pressure, and the throttle is the primary control for rpm. However, the collective pitch control also influences rpm, and the

throttle also influences manifold pressure; therefore, each is considered to be a secondary control of the other’s function. Both the tachometer (rpm indicator) and the manifold pressure gauge must be analyzed to determine which control to use. Figure 2-47 illustrates this relationship. If manifold pressure is and rpm is Solution LOW LOW Increasing the throttle increases manifold pressure and rpm HIGH LOW Lowering the collective pitch decreases manifold pressure and increases rpm LOW HIGH Raising the collective pitch increases manifold pressure and decreases rpm HIGH HIGH Reducing the throttle decreases manifold pressure and rpm Twist grip throttle Figure 2-47. Relationship between manifold pressure, rpm, Figure 2-46. A twist grip throttle is usually mounted on the end of the collective lever. The throttles on some turbine helicopters are mounted on the overhead panel or on the floor in the cockpit. Governor/Correlator A governor is a sensing device that senses

rotor and engine rpm and makes the necessary adjustments in order to keep rotor rpm constant. Once the rotor rpm is set in normal operations, the governor keeps the rpm constant, and there is no need to make any throttle adjustments. Governors are common on all turbine helicopters (as it is a function of the fuel control system of the turbine engine), and used on some piston-powered helicopters. A correlator is a mechanical connection between the collective lever and the engine throttle. When the collective lever is raised, power is automatically increased and when lowered, power is decreased. This system maintains rpm close to the desired value, but still requires adjustment of the throttle for fine tuning. Some helicopters do not have correlators or governors and require coordination of all collective and throttle movements. When the collective is raised, the throttle must be increased; when the collective is lowered, the throttle must be decreased. As with any aircraft control,

large adjustments of either collective pitch or throttle should be avoided. All corrections should be made with smooth pressure. 2-30 collective, and throttle. Cyclic Pitch Control The cyclic pitch control is mounted vertically from the cockpit floor, between the pilot’s legs or, in some models, between the two pilot seats. [Figure 2-48] This primary flight control allows the pilot to fly the helicopter in any horizontal direction; fore, aft, and sideways. The total lift force is always perpendicular to the tip-path place of the main rotor. The purpose of the cyclic pitch control is to tilt the tip-path plane in the direction of the desired horizontal direction. The cyclic control changes the direction of this force and controls the attitude and airspeed of the helicopter. The rotor disk tilts in the same direction the cyclic pitch control is moved. If the cyclic is moved forward, the rotor disk tilts forward; if the cyclic is moved aft, the disk tilts aft, and so on. Because the

rotor disk acts like a gyro, the mechanical linkages for the cyclic control rods are rigged in such a way that they decrease the pitch angle of the rotor blade approximately 90° before it reaches the direction of cyclic displacement, and increase the pitch angle of the rotor blade approximately 90° after it passes the direction of displacement. An increase in pitch angle increases AOA; a decrease in pitch angle decreases AOA. For example, if the cyclic is moved forward, the AOA decreases as the rotor blade passes the right side of the helicopter and increases on the left side. This results in maximum downward deflection Source: http://www.doksinet Cyclic pitch control Cyclic pitch control Figure 2-49. Antitorque pedals compensate for changes in torque and control heading in a hover. Figure 2-48. The cyclic pitch control may be mounted vertically between the pilot’s knees or on a teetering bar from a single cyclic located in the center of the helicopter. The cyclic can pivot

in all directions. of the rotor blade in front of the helicopter and maximum upward deflection behind it, causing the rotor disk to tilt forward. Antitorque Pedals The antitorque pedals are located on the cabin floor by the pilot’s feet. They control the pitch and, therefore, the thrust of the tail rotor blades. [Figure 2-49] Newton’s Third Law applies to the helicopter fuselage and how it rotates in the opposite direction of the main rotor blades unless counteracted and controlled. To make flight possible and to compensate for this torque, most helicopter designs incorporate an antitorque rotor or tail rotor. The antitorque pedals allow the pilot to control the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades which in forward flight puts the helicopter in longitudinal trim and while at a hover, enables the pilot to turn the helicopter 360°. The antitorque pedals are connected to the pitch change mechanism on the tail rotor gearbox and allow the pitch angle on the tail rotor blades to be

increased or decreased. Helicopters that are designed with tandem rotors do not have an antitorque rotor. These helicopters are designed with both rotor systems rotating in opposite directions to counteract the torque, rather than using a tail rotor. Directional antitorque pedals are used for directional control of the aircraft while in flight, as well as while taxiing with the forward gear off the ground. With the right pedal displaced forward, the forward rotor disk tilts to the right, while the aft rotor disk tilts to the left. The opposite occurs when the left pedal is pushed forward; the forward rotor disk inclines to the left, and the aft rotor disk tilts to the right. Differing combinations of pedal and cyclic application can allow the tandem rotor helicopter to pivot about the aft or forward vertical axis, as well as pivoting about the center of mass. Stabilizer Systems Bell Stabilizer Bar System Arthur M. Young discovered that stability could be increased significantly with

the addition of a stabilizer bar perpendicular to the two blades. The stabilizer bar has weighted ends, which cause it to stay relatively stable in the plane of rotation. The stabilizer bar is linked with the swash plate in a manner that reduces the pitch rate. The two blades can flap as a unit and, therefore, do not require lag-lead hinges (the whole rotor slows down and accelerates per turn). Two-bladed systems require a single teetering hinge and two coning hinges to permit modest coning of the rotor disk as thrust is increased. The configuration is known under multiple names, including Hiller panels, Hiller system, Bell-Hiller system, and flybar system. 2-31 Source: http://www.doksinet Offset Flapping Hinge The offset flapping hinge is offset from the center of the rotor hub and can produce powerful moments useful for controlling the helicopter. The distance of the hinge from the hub (the offset) multiplied by the force produced at the hinge produces a moment at the hub.

Obviously, the larger the offset, the greater the moment for the same force produced by the blade. The flapping motion is the result of the constantly changing balance between lift, centrifugal, and inertial forces. This rising and falling of the blades is characteristic of most helicopters and has often been compared to the beating of a bird’s wing. The flapping hinge, together with the natural flexibility found in most blades, permits the blade to droop considerably when the helicopter is at rest and the rotor is not turning over. During flight, the necessary rigidity is provided by the powerful centrifugal force that results from the rotation of the blades. This force pulls outward from the tip, stiffening the blade, and is the only factor that keeps it from folding up. Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS) Some helicopters incorporate stability augmentation systems (SAS) to help stabilize the helicopter in flight and in a hover. The simplest of these systems is a force trim

system, which uses a magnetic clutch and springs to hold the cyclic control in the position at which it was released. More advanced systems use electric actuators that make inputs to the hydraulic servos. These servos receive control commands from a computer that senses helicopter attitude. Other inputs, such as heading, speed, altitude, and navigation information may be supplied to the computer to form a complete autopilot system. The SAS may be overridden or disconnected by the pilot at any time. SAS reduces pilot workload by improving basic aircraft control harmony and decreasing disturbances. These systems are very useful when the pilot is required to perform other duties, such as sling loading and search and rescue operations. Helicopter Vibration The following paragraphs describe the various types of vibrations. Figure 2-50 shows the general levels into which frequencies are divided. Extreme Low Frequency Vibration Extreme low frequency vibration is pretty well limited to pylon

rock. Pylon rocking (two to three cycles per second) is inherent with the rotor, mast, and transmission system. To keep the vibration from reaching noticeable levels, transmission mount dampening is incorporated to absorb the rocking. 2-32 Helicopter Vibration Types Frequency Level Extreme low frequency Low frequency Medium frequency High frequency Vibration Less than 1/rev PYLON ROCK 1/rev or 2/rev type vibration Generally 4, 5, or 6/rev Tail rotor speed or faster Figure 2-50. Various helicopter vibration types Low Frequency Vibration Low frequency vibrations (1/rev and 2/rev) are caused by the rotor itself. 1/rev vibrations are of two basic types: vertical or lateral. A 1/rev is caused simply by one blade developing more lift at a given point than the other blade develops at the same point. Medium Frequency Vibration Medium frequency vibration (4/rev and 6/rev) is another vibration inherent in most rotors. An increase in the level of these vibrations is caused by a change in

the capability of the fuselage to absorb vibration, or a loose airframe component, such as the skids, vibrating at that frequency. High Frequency Vibration High frequency vibrations can be caused by anything in the helicopter that rotates or vibrates at extremely high speeds. The most common and obvious causes: loose elevator linkage at swashplate horn, loose elevator, or tail rotor balance and track. Rotor Blade Tracking Blade tracking is the process of determining the positions of the tips of the rotor blade relative to each other while the rotor head is turning, and of determining the corrections necessary to hold these positions within certain tolerances. The blades should all track one another as closely as possible. The purpose of blade tracking is to bring the tips of all blades into the same tip path throughout their entire cycle of rotation. Various methods of blade tracking are explained in the following paragraphs. Flag and Pole The flag and pole method, as shown in Figure

2-51, shows the relative positions of the rotor blades. The blade tips are marked with chalk or a grease pencil. Each blade tip should be marked with a different color so that it is easy to determine the relationship of the other tips of the rotor blades to each other. This method can be used on all types of helicopters that do not have jet propulsion at the blade tips. Refer to the applicable maintenance manual for specific procedures. Source: http://www.doksinet Curtain Curtain Blade 7 Leading edge 0° 80° to BLADE Pole Pole Position of chalk mark (approximately 2 inches long) Line parallel to longitudinal axis of helicopter Handle Curtain 1/2" max spread (typical) Approximate position of chalk marks Pole Figure 2-51. Flag and pole blade tracking Electronic Blade Tracker The most common electronic blade tracker consists of a Balancer/Phazor, Strobex Tracker, and Vibrex Tester. [Figures 2-52 through 2-54] The Strobex blade tracker permits blade tracking from

inside or outside the helicopter while on the ground or inside the helicopter in flight. The system uses a highly concentrated light beam flashing in sequence with the rotation of the main rotor blades so that a fixed target at the blade tips appears to be stopped. Each blade is identified by an elongated retroreflective number taped or attached to the underside of the blade in a uniform location. When viewed at an angle from inside the helicopter, the taped numbers will appear normal. Tracking can be accomplished with tracking tip cap reflectors and a strobe light. The tip caps are temporarily attached to the tip of each blade. The high-intensity strobe light flashes in time with the rotating blades. The strobe light operates from the aircraft electrical power supply. By observing the reflected tip cap image, it is possible to view the track of the rotating blades. Tracking is accomplished in a sequence of four separate steps: ground tracking, hover verification, forward flight

tracking, and auto rotation rpm adjustment. Meter A Channel B A B TRACK COMMON FUNCTION MAGNETIC PICKUP Band-pass filter BALANCER MODEL 177M-6A RPM TONE X10 X100 X1 PUSH FOR SCALE 2 Phase meter RPM RANGE DOUBLE 11 TEST 12 1 2 10 PHAZOR 3 9 8 4 7 6 5 Figure 2-52. Balancer/Phazor 2-33 Source: http://www.doksinet Strobe flash tube RPM dial RPM STROBEX MODEL 135M-11 Figure 2-53. Strobex tracker Interrupter plate Motor Figure 2-55. Tail rotor tracking TES TER Figure 2-54. Vibrex tracker Tail Rotor Tracking The marking and electronic methods of tail rotor tracking are explained in the following paragraphs. Marking Method Procedures for tail rotor tracking using the marking method, as shown in Figure 2-55, are as follows: • 2-34 After replacement or installation of tail rotor hub, blades, or pitch change system, check tail rotor rigging and track tail rotor blades. Tail rotor tip clearance shall be set before tracking and checked again after tracking.

• The strobe-type tracking device may be used if available. Instructions for use are provided with the device. Attach a piece of soft rubber hose six inches long on the end of a ½ × ½ inch pine stick or other flexible device. Cover the rubber hose with Prussian blue or similar type of coloring thinned with oil. NOTE: Ground run-up shall be performed by authorized personnel only. Start engine in accordance with applicable maintenance manual. Run engine with pedals in neutral position. Reset marking device on underside of tail boom assembly. Slowly move marking device into disk of tail rotor approximately one inch from tip. When near blade is marked, stop engine and allow rotor to stop. Repeat this procedure until tracking mark crosses over to the other blade, then extend pitch control link of unmarked blade one half turn. Electronic Method The electronic Vibrex balancing and tracking kit is housed in a carrying case and consists of a Model 177M-6A Balancer, a Model 135M-11

Strobex, track and balance charts, an accelerometer, cables, and attaching brackets. Source: http://www.doksinet The Vibrex balancing kit is used to measure and indicate the level of vibration induced by the main rotor and tail rotor of a helicopter. The Vibrex analyzes the vibration induced by out-of-track or out-of-balance rotors, and then by plotting vibration amplitude and clock angle on a chart the amount and location of rotor track or weight change is determined. In addition, the Vibrex is used in troubleshooting by measuring the vibration levels and frequencies or rpm of unknown disturbances. Rotor Blade Preservation and Storage Accomplish the following requirements for rotor blade preservation and storage: • Condemn, demilitarize, and dispose of locally any blade which has incurred nonrepairable damage. • Tape all holes in the blade, such as tree damage, or foreign object damage (FOD) to protect the interior of the blade from moisture and corrosion. • Thoroughly

remove foreign matter from the entire exterior surface of blade with mild soap and water. • Protect blade outboard eroded surfaces with a light coating of corrosion preventive or primer coating. • Protect blade main bolt hole bushing, drag brace retention bolt hole bushing, and any exposed bare metal (i.e, grip and drag pads) with a light coating of corrosion preventive. • Secure blade to shock-mounted support and secure container lid. • Place copy of manufacturer’s blade records, containing information required by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) section 91.417(a)(2)(ii), and any other blade records in a waterproof bag and insert into container record tube. • Obliterate old markings from the container that pertained to the original shipment or to the original item it contained. Stencil the blade National Stock Number (NSN), model, and serial number, as applicable, on the outside of the container. Helicopter Power Systems Powerplant The two

most common types of engines used in helicopters are the reciprocating engine and the turbine engine. Reciprocating engines, also called piston engines, are generally used in smaller helicopters. Most training helicopters use reciprocating engines because they are relatively simple and inexpensive to operate. Turbine engines are more powerful and are used in a wide variety of helicopters. They produce a tremendous amount of power for their size but are generally more expensive to operate. Reciprocating Engine The reciprocating engine consists of a series of pistons connected to a rotating crankshaft. As the pistons move up and down, the crankshaft rotates. The reciprocating engine gets its name from the back-and-forth movement of its internal parts. The four-stroke engine is the most common type, and refers to the four different cycles the engine undergoes to produce power. [Figure 2-56] Intake valve Exhaust valve Spark plug Piston Crankshaft Connecting rod 1. Intake 2.

Compression 3. Power 4. Exhaust Figure 2-56. The arrows indicate the direction of motion of the crankshaft and piston during the four-stroke cycle. When the piston moves away from the cylinder head on the intake stroke, the intake valve opens and a mixture of fuel and air is drawn into the combustion chamber. As the cylinder moves back toward the cylinder head, the intake valve closes, and the fuel/air mixture is compressed. When compression is nearly complete, the spark plugs fire and the compressed mixture is ignited to begin the power stroke. The rapidly expanding gases from the controlled burning of the fuel/air mixture drive the piston away from the cylinder head, thus providing power to rotate the crankshaft. The 2-35 Source: http://www.doksinet piston then moves back toward the cylinder head on the exhaust stroke where the burned gases are expelled through the opened exhaust valve. Even when the engine is operated at a fairly low speed, the four-stroke cycle takes place

several hundred times each minute. In a four-cylinder engine, each cylinder operates on a different stroke. Continuous rotation of a crankshaft is maintained by the precise timing of the power strokes in each cylinder. Turbine Engine The gas turbine engine mounted on most helicopters is made up of a compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and accessory gearbox assembly. The compressor draws filtered air into the plenum chamber and compresses it. The compressed air is directed to the combustion section through discharge tubes where atomized fuel is injected into it. The fuel/air mixture is ignited and allowed to expand. This combustion gas is then forced through a series of turbine wheels causing them to turn. These turbine wheels provide power to both the engine compressor and the accessory gearbox. Power is provided to the main rotor and tail rotor systems through the freewheeling unit which is attached to the accessory gearbox power output gear shaft. The combustion gas is finally

expelled through an exhaust outlet. [Figure 2-57] Transmission System The transmission system transfers power from the engine to the main rotor, tail rotor, and other accessories during normal Compression Section Gearbox Section Exhaust air outlet flight conditions. The main components of the transmission system are the main rotor transmission, tail rotor drive system, clutch, and freewheeling unit. The freewheeling unit, or autorotative clutch, allows the main rotor transmission to drive the tail rotor drive shaft during autorotation. Helicopter transmissions are normally lubricated and cooled with their own oil supply. A sight gauge is provided to check the oil level. Some transmissions have chip detectors located in the sump. These detectors are wired to warning lights located on the pilot’s instrument panel that illuminate in the event of an internal problem. The chip detectors on modern helicopters have a “burn off” capability and attempt to correct the situation without

pilot action. If the problem cannot be corrected on its own, the pilot must refer to the emergency procedures for that particular helicopter. Main Rotor Transmission The primary purpose of the main rotor transmission is to reduce engine output rpm to optimum rotor rpm. This reduction is different for the various helicopters. As an example, suppose the engine rpm of a specific helicopter is 2,700. A rotor speed of 450 rpm would require a 6:1 reduction. A 9:1 reduction would mean the rotor would turn at 300 rpm. Most helicopters use a dual-needle tachometer or a vertical scale instrument to show both engine and rotor rpm or a percentage of engine and rotor rpm. The rotor rpm indicator normally is used only during clutch engagement to monitor rotor acceleration, and in autorotation to maintain rpm within prescribed limits. [Figure 2-58] Turbine Section N2 Rotor Stator Combustion Section N1 Rotor Compressor rotor Igniter plug Air inlet Fuel nozzle Inlet air Compressor discharge air

Combustion gases Exhaust gases Gear Output Shaft Combustion liner Figure 2-57. Many helicopters use a turboshaft engine to drive the main transmission and rotor systems The main difference between a turboshaft and a turbojet engine is that most of the energy produced by the expanding gases is used to drive a turbine rather than producing thrust through the expulsion of exhaust gases. 2-36 Source: http://www.doksinet 15 20 10 1 4 30 5 RPM R X X100 5 35 R 0 E 25 3 2 ROTOR 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 80 70 60 50 40 ENGINE R 110 100 90 % RPM % RPM 120 110 50 40 105 60 70 100 ROTOR 80 EE E PEEVER TURBINEA R 90 95 30 100 R 20 10 PERCENT C RPM TP 0 110 120 NR 90 80 70 60 40 0 NP Figure 2-58. There are various types of dual-needle tachometers; however, when the needles are superimposed, or married, the ratio of the engine rpm is the same as the gear reduction ratio. In helicopters with horizontally mounted engines, another purpose of the main rotor

transmission is to change the axis of rotation from the horizontal axis of the engine to the vertical axis of the rotor shaft. [Figure 2-59] Main rotor Antitorque rotor Main transmission to engine Gearbox Figure 2-59. The main rotor transmission and gearbox reduce engine output rpm to optimum rotor rpm and change the axis of rotation of the engine output shaft to the vertical axis for the rotor shaft. Clutch In a conventional airplane, the engine and propeller are permanently connected. However, in a helicopter there is a different relationship between the engine and the rotor. Because of the greater weight of a rotor in relation to the power of the engine, as compared to the weight of a propeller and the power in an airplane, the rotor must be disconnected from the engine when the starter is engaged. A clutch allows the engine to be started and then gradually pick up the load of the rotor. On free turbine engines, no clutch is required, as the gas producer turbine is essentially

disconnected from the power turbine. When the engine is started, there is little resistance from the power turbine. This enables the gas producer turbine to accelerate to normal idle speed without the load of the transmission and rotor system dragging it down. As the gas pressure increases through the power turbine, the rotor blades begin to turn, slowly at first and then gradually accelerate to normal operating rpm. On reciprocating helicopters, the two main types of clutches are the centrifugal clutch and the belt drive clutch. Centrifugal Clutch The centrifugal clutch is made up of an inner assembly and an outer drum. The inner assembly, which is connected to the engine driveshaft, consists of shoes lined with material similar to automotive brake linings. At low engine speeds, springs hold the shoes in, so there is no contact with the outer drum, which is attached to the transmission input shaft. As engine speed increases, centrifugal force causes the clutch shoes to move outward

and begin sliding against the outer drum. The transmission input shaft begins to rotate, causing the rotor to turn, slowly at first, but increasing as the friction increases between the clutch shoes and transmission drum. As rotor speed increases, the rotor tachometer needle shows an increase by moving toward the engine tachometer needle. When the two needles are superimposed, the engine and the rotor are synchronized, indicating the clutch is fully engaged and there is no further slippage of the clutch shoes. Belt Drive Clutch Some helicopters utilize a belt drive to transmit power from the engine to the transmission. A belt drive consists of a lower pulley attached to the engine, an upper pulley attached to the transmission input shaft, a belt or a series of V-belts, and some means of applying tension to the belts. The belts 2-37 Source: http://www.doksinet fit loosely over the upper and lower pulley when there is no tension on the belts. This allows the engine to be started

without any load from the transmission. Once the engine is running, tension on the belts is gradually increased. When the rotor and engine tachometer needles are superimposed, the rotor and the engine are synchronized, and the clutch is then fully engaged. Advantages of this system include vibration isolation, simple maintenance, and the ability to start and warm up the engine without engaging the rotor. Freewheeling Unit Since lift in a helicopter is provided by rotating airfoils, these airfoils must be free to rotate if the engine fails. The freewheeling unit automatically disengages the engine from the main rotor when engine rpm is less than main rotor rpm. This allows the main rotor and tail rotor to continue turning at normal in-flight speeds. The most common freewheeling unit assembly consists of a one-way sprag clutch located between the engine and main rotor transmission. This is usually in the upper pulley in a piston helicopter or mounted on the accessory gearbox in a turbine

helicopter. When the engine is driving the rotor, inclined surfaces in the sprag clutch force rollers against an outer drum. This prevents the engine from exceeding transmission rpm. If the engine fails, the rollers move inward, allowing the outer drum to exceed the speed of the inner portion. The transmission can then exceed the speed of the engine. In this condition, engine speed is less than that of the drive system, and the helicopter is in an autorotative state. Airplane Assembly and Rigging The primary assembly of a type certificated aircraft is normally performed by the manufacturer at the factory. The assembly includes putting together the major components, such as the fuselage, empennage, wing sections, nacelles, landing gear, and installing the powerplant. Attached to the wing and empennage are primary flight control surfaces including ailerons, elevators, and rudder. Additionally, installation of auxiliary flight control surfaces may include wing flaps, spoilers, speed

brakes, slats, and leading edge flaps. The assembly of other aircraft outside of a manufacturer’s facility is usually limited to smaller size and experimental amateur-built aircraft. Typically, after a major overhaul, repair, or alteration, the reassembly of an aircraft may include reattaching wings to the fuselage, balancing of and installation of flight control surfaces, installation of the landing gear, and installation of the powerplant(s). Rebalancing of Control Surfaces This section is presented for familiarization purposes only. Explicit instructions for the balancing of control surfaces are 2-38 given in the manufacturer’s service and overhaul manuals for the specific aircraft and must be followed closely. Any time repairs on a control surface add weight fore or aft of the hinge center line, the control surface must be rebalanced. When an aircraft is repainted, the balance of the control surfaces must be checked. Any control surface that is out of balance is unstable and

does not remain in a streamlined position during normal flight. For example, an aileron that is trailing-edge heavy moves down when the wing deflects upward, and up when the wing deflects downward. Such a condition can cause unexpected and violent maneuvers of the aircraft. In extreme cases, fluttering and buffeting may develop to a degree that could cause the complete loss of the aircraft. Rebalancing a control surface concerns both static and dynamic balance. A control surface that is statically balanced is also dynamically balanced. Static Balance Static balance is the tendency of an object to remain stationary when supported from its own CG. There are two ways in which a control surface may be out of static balance. They are called underbalance and overbalance. When a control surface is mounted on a balance stand, a downward travel of the trailing edge below the horizontal position indicates underbalance. Some manufacturers indicate this condition with a plus (+) sign. An upward

movement of the trailing edge, above the horizontal position indicates overbalance. This is designated by a minus (–) sign These signs show the need for more or less weight in the correct area to achieve a balanced control surface, as shown in Figure 2-60. A tail-heavy condition (static underbalance) causes undesirable flight performance and is not usually allowed. Better flight operations are gained by nose-heavy static overbalance. Most manufacturers advocate the existence of nose-heavy control surfaces. Dynamic Balance Dynamic balance is that condition in a rotating body wherein all rotating forces are balanced within themselves so that no vibration is produced while the body is in motion. Dynamic balance as related to control surfaces is an effort to maintain balance when the control surface is submitted to movement on the aircraft in flight. It involves the placing of weights in the correct location along the span of the surfaces. The location of the weights are, in most cases,

forward of the hinge center line. Source: http://www.doksinet Chord line Tail-down underbalance Plus ( + ) condition Chord line Nose-down overbalance Minus ( − ) condition Trim tabs on the surface should be secured in the neutral position when the control surface is mounted on the stand. The stand must be level and be located in an area free of air currents. The control surface must be permitted to rotate freely about the hinge points without binding. Balance condition is determined by the behavior of the trailing edge when the surface is suspended from its hinge points. Any excessive friction would result in a false reaction as to the overbalance or underbalance of the surface. When installing the control surface in the stand or jig, a neutral position should be established with the chord line of the surface in a horizontal position. Use a bubble protractor to determine the neutral position before continuing balancing procedures. [Figure 2-62] Chord line Hinge center line

Bubble protractor Level-horizontal position Balance condition Support stand Figure 2-60. Control surface static balance Rebalancing Procedures Repairs to a control surface or its tabs generally increase the weight aft of the hinge center line, requiring static rebalancing of the control surface system, as well as the tabs. Control surfaces to be rebalanced should be removed from the aircraft and supported, from their own points, on a suitable stand, jig, or fixture. [Figure 2-61] Chord line Figure 2-62. Establishing a neutral position of the control surface. Inboard hinge fitting Outboard hinge fitting Figure 2-61. Locally fabricated balancing fixture 2-39 Source: http://www.doksinet Sometimes a visual check is all that is needed to determine whether the surface is balanced or unbalanced. Any trim tabs or other assemblies that are to remain on the surface during balancing procedures should be in place. If any assemblies or parts must be removed before balancing, they

should be removed. Rebalancing Methods Several methods of balancing (rebalancing) control surfaces are in use by the various manufacturers of aircraft. The most common are the calculation method, scale method, and the balance beam method. The calculation method of balancing a control surface has one advantage over the other methods in that it can be performed without removing the surface from the aircraft. In using the calculation method, the weight of the material from the repair area and the weight of the materials used to accomplish the repair must be known. Subtract the weight removed from the weight added to get the resulting net gain in the amount added to the surface. The distance from the hinge center line to the center of the repair area is then measured in inches. This distance must be determined to the nearest one-hundredth of an inch. [Figure 2-63] Bubble protractor Trim tab Rudder Mounting bracket Hinge center line Adjustable support Support stand Weight scale Figure

2-64. Balancing setup Center of repair area Measurement in inches Hinge center line Chord line Figure 2-63. Calculation method measurement The next step is to multiply the distance times the net weight of the repair. This results in an inch-pounds (in-lb) answer If the in-lb result of the calculations is within specified tolerances, the control surface is considered balanced. If it is not within specified limits, consult the manufacturer’s service manuals for the needed weights, material to use for weights, design for manufacture, and installation locations for addition of the weights. The scale method of balancing a control surface requires the use of a scale that is graduated in hundredths of a pound. A support stand and balancing jigs for the surface are also required. Figure 2-64 illustrates a control surface mounted for rebalancing purposes. Use of the scale method requires the removal of the control surface from the aircraft. 2-40 The balance beam method is used by the

Cessna and Piper Aircraft companies. This method requires that a specialized tool be locally fabricated. The manufacturer’s maintenance manual provides specific instructions and dimensions to fabricate the tool. Once the control surface is placed on level supports, the weight required to balance the surface is established by moving the sliding weight on the beam. The maintenance manual indicates where the balance point should be. If the surface is found to be out of tolerance, the manual explains where to place weight to bring it into tolerance. Aircraft manufacturers use different materials to balance control surfaces, the most common being lead or steel. Larger aircraft manufacturers may use depleted uranium because it has a heavier mass than lead. This allows the counterweights to be made smaller and still retain the same weight. Specific safety precautions must be observed when handling counterweights of depleted uranium because it is radioactive. The manufacturer’s maintenance

manual and service instructions must be followed and all precautions observed when handling the weights. Source: http://www.doksinet Aircraft Rigging Aircraft rigging involves the adjustment and travel of movable flight controls which are attached to aircraft major surfaces, such as wings and vertical and horizontal stabilizers. Ailerons are attached to the wings, elevators are attached to the horizontal stabilizer, and the rudder is attached to the vertical stabilizer. Rigging involves setting cable tension, adjusting travel limits of flight controls, and setting travel stops. In addition to the flight controls, rigging is also performed on various components to include engine controls, flight deck controls, and retractable landing gear component parts. Rigging also includes the safetying of the attaching hardware using various types of cotter pins, locknuts, or safety wire. Rigging Specifications Type Certificate Data Sheet The Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) is a formal

description of an aircraft, engine, or propeller. It is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) when the FAA determines that the product meets the applicable requirements for certification under 14 CFR. It lists the limitations and information required for type certification, including airspeed limits, weight limits, control surface movements, engine make and model, minimum crew, fuel type, thrust limits, rpm limits, etc., and the various components eligible for installation on the product. Maintenance Manual A maintenance manual is developed by the manufacturer of the applicable product and provides the recommended and acceptable procedures to be followed when maintaining or repairing that product. Maintenance personnel are required by regulation to follow the applicable instructions set forth by the manufacturer. The Limitations section of the manual lists “life limits” of the product or its components that must be complied with during inspections and maintenance.

Structural Repair Manual (SRM) The structural repair manual is developed by the manufacturer’s engineering department to be used as a guideline to assist in the repair of common damage to a specific aircraft structure. It provides information for acceptable repairs of specific sections of the aircraft. Manufacturer’s Service Information Information from the manufacturer may be in the form of information bulletins, service instructions, service bulletins, service letters, etc., that the manufacturer publishes to provide instructions for product improvement. Service instructions may include a recommended modification or repair that precedes the issuance of an Airworthiness Directive (AD). Service letters may provide more descriptive procedures or revise sections of the maintenance manuals. They may also include instructions for the installation and repair of optional equipment, not listed in the TCDS. Airplane Assembly Aileron Installation The manufacturer’s maintenance and

illustrated parts book must be followed to ensure the correct procedures and hardware are being used for installation of the control surfaces. All of the control surfaces require specific hardware, spacers, and bearings be installed to ensure the surface does not jam or become damaged during movement. After the aileron is connected to the flight deck controls, the control system must be inspected to ensure the cables/push-pull rods are routed properly. When a balance cable is installed, check for correct attachment and operation to determine the ailerons are moving in the proper direction and opposite each other. Flap Installation The design, installation, and systems that operate flaps are as varied as the models of airplanes on which they are installed. As with any system on a specific aircraft, the manufacturer’s maintenance manual and the illustrated parts book must be followed to ensure the correct procedures and parts are used. Simple flap systems are usually operated manually

by cables and/or torque tubes. Typically, many of the smaller manufactured airplane designs have flaps that are actuated by torque tubes and chains through a gear box driven by an electric motor. Empennage Installation The empennage, consisting of the horizontal and vertical stabilizer, is not normally removed and installed, unless the aircraft was damaged. Elevators, rudders, and stabilators are rigged the same as any other control surface, using the instructions provided in the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals. Control Operating Systems Cable Systems There are various types of cable: • Materialaircraft control cables are fabricated from carbon steel or stainless (corrosion resistant) steel. Additionally, some manufacturers use a nylon coated cable that is produced by extruding a flexible nylon coating over corrosion-resistant steel (CRES) cable. By adding the nylon coating to the corrosion resistant steel cable, it increases the service life by protecting the cable strands

from friction wear, keeping dirt and grit out, and dampening vibration which can workharden the wires in long runs of cable. 2-41 Source: http://www.doksinet • Cable constructionthe basic component of a cable is a wire. The diameter of the wire determines the total diameter of the cable. A number of wires are preformed into a helical or spiral shape and then formed into a strand. These preformed strands are laid around a straight center strand to form a cable. • Cable designationsbased on the number of strands and wires in each strand. The 7 × 19 cable is made up of seven strands of 19 wires each. Six of these strands are laid around the center strand. This cable is very flexible and is used in primary control systems and in other locations where operation over pulleys is frequent. The 7 × 7 cable consists of seven strands of seven wires each. Six of these strands are laid around the center strand. This cable is of medium flexibility and is used for trim tab controls,

engine controls, and indicator controls. [Figure 2-65] 1/8 3/8 diameter 7 x 19 7 strands, 19 wires to each strand 1/16 3/32 diameter 7 x 7 7 strands, 7 wires to each strand 3 1 2 Figure 2-66. Typical Nicopress® thimble-eye splice AN663 Double shank ball end terminal Diameter AN664 Single shake ball end terminal Diameter Figure 2-65. Cable construction and cross-section Types of control cable termination include: • • • 2-42 Woven splicea hand-woven 5-tuck splice used on aircraft cable. The process is very time consuming and produces only about 75 percent of the original cable strength. The splice is rarely used except on some antique aircraft where the effort is made to keep all parts in their original configuration. Nicopress® processa patented process using copper sleeves and may be used up to the full rated strength of the cable when the cable is looped around a thimble. [Figure 2-66] This process may also be used in place of the 5-tuck splice on cables up to

and including 3⁄8inch diameter. Whenever this process is used for cable splicing, it is imperative that the tools, instructions, and data supplied by Nicopress® be followed exactly to ensure the desired cable function and strength is attained. The use of sleeves that are fabricated of material other than copper requires engineering approval for the specific application by the FAA. Swage-type terminalsmanufactured in accordance with Army-Navy (AN) and Military Standards (MS), are suitable for use in civil aircraft up to, and including, maximum cable loads. [Figure 2-67] AN665 Rod end terminal AN666 Threaded cable terminal AN667 Fork end cable terminal AN667 Eye end cable terminal Figure 2-67. Swage-type terminal fittings When swaging tools are used, it is imperative that all the manufacturer’s instructions, including ‘go’ and ‘no-go’ dimensions, be followed exactly to avoid defective and inferior swaging. Compliance with all of the instructions should result in the

terminal developing the full-rated strength Source: http://www.doksinet of the cable. The following basic procedures are used when swaging terminals onto cable ends: • Cut the cable to length, allowing for growth during swaging. Apply a preservative compound to the cable end before insertion into the terminal barrel. Measure the internal length of the terminal end/barrel of the fitting to determine the proper length of the cable to be inserted. Transfer that measurement to the end of the cable and mark it with a piece of masking tape wrapped around the cable. This provides a positive mark to ensure the cable did not slip during the swaging process. NOTE: Never solder the cable ends to prevent fraying since the solder greatly increases the tendency of the cable to pull out of the terminal. • Insert the cable into the terminal approximately one inch and bend it toward the terminal. Then, push the cable end all the way into the terminal. The bending action puts a slight kink in

the cable end and provides enough friction to hold the terminal in place until the swaging operation is performed. [Figure 2-68] • Accomplish the swaging operation in accordance with the instructions furnished by the manufacturer of the swaging equipment. • Inspect the terminal after swaging to determine that it is free of die marks and splits and is not out of round. Check the cable for slippage at the masking tape and for cut and broken wire strands. • Using a go/no-go gauge supplied by the swaging tool manufacturer or a micrometer and swaging chart, check the terminal shank diameter for proper dimension. [Figures 2-69 and 2-70] • Test the cable by proof-loading locally fabricated splices and newly installed swage terminal cable 1 Bend cable, then push into swaging position 2 Figure 2-68. Insertion of cable into terminal Figure 2-69. Gauging terminal shank dimension after swaging fittings for proper strength before installation. This is conducted by slowly

applying a test load equal to 60 percent of the rated breaking strength of the cable listed in Figure 2-71. Before Swaging After Swaging Cable size (inches) Wire strands Outside diameter Bore diameter Bore length Swaging length Minimum breaking strength (pounds) Shank diameter * 1/16 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 3/8 7x7 7x7 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 0.160 0.218 0.250 0.297 0.359 0.427 0.494 0.563 0.635 0.703 0.078 0.109 0.141 0.172 0.203 0.234 0.265 0.297 0.328 0.390 1.042 1.261 1.511 1.761 2.011 2.261 2.511 2.761 3.011 3.510 0.969 1.188 1.438 1.688 1.938 2.188 2.438 2.688 2.938 3.438 480 920 2,000 2,800 4,200 5,600 7,000 8,000 9,800 14,400 0.138 0.190 0.219 0.250 0.313 0.375 0.438 0.500 0.563 0.625 *Use gauges in kit for checking diameters. Figure 2-70. Straight shank terminal dimensions 2-43 Source: http://www.doksinet Minimum Breaking Strength (Pounds) Nominal diameter of wire rope cable Construction INCHES 1/32 3/64

1/16 1/16 3/32 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 11/32 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 - 1/8 1 - 1/4 1 - 3/8 1 - 1/2 3x7 7x7 7x7 7 x 19 7x7 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC 6 x 19 IWRC Tolerance on diameter (plus only) Allowable increase of diameter at cut end INCHES INCHES 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.030 0.033 0.036 0.039 0.045 0.048 0.050 0.054 0.057 0.060 0.062 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.011 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.027 0.030 0.033 0.036 0.039 0.045 0.048 0.050 0.054 0.057 0.060 0.062 MIL-W-83420 COMP A MIL-W-83420 COMP B (CRES) MIL-C-18375 (CRES) POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS 110 270 480 480 920 1,000 2,000 2,800 4,200 5,000 6,400 7,800 9,800 12,500 14,400 17,600 22,800 28,500 35,000 49,600 66,500 85,400 106,400 129,400

153,600 180,500 110 270 480 480 920 920 1,760 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,400 7,800 9,000 12,000 16,300 22,800 28,500 35,000 49,600 66,500 85,400 106,400 129,400 153,600 180,500 360 700 1,300 2,000 2,900 3,800 4,900 6,100 7,600 11,000 14,900 19,300 24,300 30,100 42,900 58,000 75,200 Figure 2-71. Flexible cable construction This load should be held for at least 3 minutes. Any testing of this type can be dangerous. Suitable guards should be placed over the cable during the test to prevent injury to personnel in the event of cable failure. If a proper test fixture is not available, the load test should be contracted out and performed by a properly equipped facility. Cable Inspection Aircraft cable systems are subject to a variety of environmental conditions and deterioration. Wire or strand breakage is easy to recognize visually. Other kinds of deterioration, such as wear, corrosion, and distortion, are not easily seen. Special attention should be given to areas where cables pass through

battery compartments, lavatories, and wheel wells. These are prime areas for corrosion. Special attention should be given to critical fatigue areas. Those areas are defined as anywhere the cable runs over, under, or around a pulley, sleeve, or through a fairlead; or any section where the cable is flexed, rubbed, 2-44 or within 1 foot of a swaged-on fitting. Close inspection in these critical fatigue areas can be performed by rubbing a rag along the cable. If there are any broken strands, the rag snags on the cable. A more detailed inspection can be performed in areas that may be corroded or indicate a fatigue failure by loosing or removing the cable and bending it. This technique reveals internal broken strands not readily apparent from the outside. [Figure 2-72] Cable System Installation Cable Guides Pulleys are used to guide cables and also to change the direction of cable movement. Pulley bearings are sealed and need no lubrication other than the lubrication done at the factory.

Brackets fastened to the structure of the aircraft support the pulleys. Cables passing over pulleys are kept in place by guards. The guards are close fitting to prevent Source: http://www.doksinet in place. If a retaining ring comes off, it may slide along the cable and cause jamming of a pulley. [Figure 2-74] Travel Adjustment Control surfaces should move a certain distance in either direction from the neutral position. These movements must be synchronized with the movement of the flight deck controls. The flight control system must be adjusted (rigged) to obtain these requirements. The tools for measuring surface travel primarily include protractors, rigging fixtures, contour templates, and rulers. These tools are used when rigging flight control systems to assure that the desired travel has been obtained. Generally speaking, the rigging consists of the following: Figure 2-72. Cable inspection technique jamming or to prevent the cables from slipping off when they slacken due to

temperature variations. Pulleys should be examined to ensure proper lubrication; smooth rotation and freedom from abnormal cable wear patterns which can provide an indication of other problems in the cable system. [Figure 2-73] Excessive cable tension Pully wear from misalignment Pully too large for cable Cable misalignment Frozen bearing Normal condition Figure 2-73. Pulley wear patterns Fairleads may be made from a nonmetallic material, such as phenolic, or a metallic material, such as soft aluminum. The fairlead completely encircles the cable where it passes through holes in bulkheads or other metal parts. Fairleads are used to guide cables in a straight line through or between structural members of the aircraft. Fairleads should never deflect the alignment of a cable more than 3° from a straight line. Pressure seals are installed where cables (or rods) move through pressure bulkheads. The seal grips tightly enough to prevent excess air pressure loss but not enough to

hinder movement of the cable. Pressure seals should be inspected at regular intervals to determine that the retaining rings are 1. Positioning the flight control system in neutral and temporarily locking it there with rig pins or blocks; 2. Adjusting system cable tension and maintaining rudder, elevator, and ailerons in the neutral position; and 3. Adjusting the control stops to the aircraft manufacturer’s specifications. Cable Tension For the aircraft to operate as it was designed, the cable tension for the flight controls must be correct. To determine the amount of tension on a cable, a tensiometer is used. When properly maintained, a tensiometer is 98 percent accurate. Cable tension is determined by measuring the amount of force needed to make an offset in the cable between two hardened steel blocks called anvils. A riser or plunger is pressed against the cable to form the offset. Several manufacturers make a variety of tensiometers, each type designed for different kinds

of cable, cable sizes, and cable tensions. [Figure 2-75] Rigging Fixtures Rigging fixtures and templates are special tools (gauges) designed by the manufacturer to measure control surface travel. Markings on the fixture or template indicate desired control surface travel. Tension Regulators Cable tension regulators are used in some flight control systems because there is considerable difference in temperature expansion of the aluminum aircraft structure and the steel control cables. Some large aircraft incorporate tension regulators in the control cable systems to maintain a given cable tension automatically. The unit consists of a compression spring and a locking mechanism that allows the spring to make correction in the system only when the cable system is in neutral. 2-45 Source: http://www.doksinet Fairlead Rubstrip Split fairlead Solid fairlead Retaining rings Control cable Guard pin Bulkhead groove d rize ssu re Unp Bracket zed suri Air seal Pres Bulkhead Pulley

Figure 2-74. Cable guides Pointer Lock Riser Anvil Anvil 0 20 40 60 120 100 80 When installing a turnbuckle in a control system, it is necessary to screw both of the terminals an equal number of turns into the barrel. It is also essential that all turnbuckle terminals be screwed into the barrel until not more than three threads are exposed on either side of the turnbuckle barrel. After a turnbuckle is properly adjusted, it must be safetied. There are a number of methods to safety a turnbuckle and/ or other types of swaged cable ends that are satisfactory. A double-wrap safety wire method is preferred. Some turnbuckles are manufactured and designed to accommodate special locking devices. A typical unit is shown in Figure 2-77. Trigger Figure 2-75. Tensiometer Turnbuckles A turnbuckle assembly is a mechanical screw device consisting of two threaded terminals and a threaded barrel. [Figure 2-76] Turnbuckles are fitted in the cable assembly for the purpose of making minor

adjustments in cable length and for adjusting cable tension. One of the terminals has right-hand threads, and the other has left-hand threads. The barrel has matching right- and left-hand internal threads. The end of the barrel with the left-hand threads can usually be identified by a groove or knurl around that end of the barrel. 2-46 Cable Connectors In addition to turnbuckles, cable connectors are used in some systems. These connectors enable a cable length to be quickly connected or disconnected from a system. Figure 2-78 illustrates one type of cable connector in use. Spring-Back With a control cable properly rigged, the flight control should hit its stops at both extremes prior to the flight deck control. The spring-back is the small extra push that is needed for the flight deck control to hit its mechanical stop. Source: http://www.doksinet Length (threads flush with ends of barrel) Swaged terminal Barrel Pin eye Figure 2-76. Typical turnbuckle assembly Push Rods

(Control Rods) Push rods are used as links in the flight control system to give push-pull motion. They may be adjusted at one or both ends. Figure 2-79 shows the parts of a push rod Notice that it consists of a tube with threaded rod ends. An adjustable antifriction rod end, or rod end clevis, attaches at each end of the tube. The rod end, or clevis, permits attachment of the tube to flight control system parts. The checknut, when tightened, prevents the rod end or clevis from loosening. They may have adjustments at one or both ends. The rods should be perfectly straight, unless designed to be otherwise. When installed as part of a control system, the assembly should be checked for correct alignment and free movement. It is possible for control rods fitted with bearings to become disconnected because of failure of the peening that retains the Turnbuckle body Spring connector Figure 2-78. Spring-type connector ball races in the rod end. This can be avoided by installing the control

rods so that the flange of the rod end is interposed between the ball race and the anchored end of the attaching pin or bolt as shown in Figure 2-80. Locking-clip Figure 2-77. Clip-type locking device and assembling in turnbuckle 2-47 Source: http://www.doksinet Checknut Threaded rod end Tube Adjustable antifriction rod end Rivets Adjustable rod end clevis Figure 2-79. Push rod Quadrant Anchored end Flange Flange ends Peening Torque tube Figure 2-80. Attached rod end Another alternative is to place a washer, having a larger diameter than the hole in the flange, under the retaining nut on the end of the attaching pin or bolt. This retains the rod on the bolt in the event of a bearing failure. Horn Push-pull rod Torque Tubes Where an angular or twisting motion is needed in a control system, a torque tube is installed. Figure 2-81 shows how a torque tube is used to transmit motion in opposite directions. [Figure 2-81] Cable Drums Cable drums are used primarily in trim

tab systems. As the trim tab control wheel is moved clockwise or counterclockwise, the cable drum winds or unwinds to actuate the trim tab cables. [Figure 2-82] Rigging Checks All aircraft assembly and rigging must be performed in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the specific aircraft and/or aircraft component manufacturer. Correctly following the procedures provides for proper operation of the components in regard to their mechanical and aerodynamic function and ensures the structural integrity of the aircraft. Rigging procedures are detailed in the applicable manufacturer’s maintenance or service manuals and applicable structural repair manuals. Additionally, aircraft specification or type certificate data sheets (TCDS) 2-48 Figure 2-81. Torque tube also provide information regarding control surface movement and weight and balance limits. The purpose of this section is to explain the methods of checking the relative alignment and adjustment of an aircraft’s main

structural components. It is not intended to imply that the procedures are exactly as they may be in a particular aircraft. When rigging an aircraft, always follow the procedures and methods specified by the aircraft manufacturer. Structural Alignment The position or angle of the main structural components is related to a longitudinal datum line parallel to the aircraft center line and a lateral datum line parallel to a line joining the wing tips. Before checking the position or angle of the main components, the aircraft must be jacked and leveled. Source: http://www.doksinet Bearing Shaft Drum Control wheel Figure 2-82. Trim tab cable drum Small aircraft usually have fixed pegs or blocks attached to the fuselage parallel to or coincident with the datum lines. A spirit level and a straight edge are rested across the pegs or blocks to check the level of the aircraft. This method of checking aircraft level also applies to many of the larger types of aircraft. However, the grid

method is sometimes used on large aircraft. The grid plate is a permanent fixture installed on the aircraft floor or supporting structure. [Figure 2-83] With a few exceptions, the dihedral and incidence angles of conventional modern aircraft cannot be adjusted. Some manufacturers permit adjusting the wing angle of incidence to correct for a wing-heavy condition. The dihedral and incidence angles should be checked after hard landings or after experiencing abnormal flight loads to ensure that the components are not distorted and that the angles are within the specified limits. When the aircraft is to be leveled, a plumb bob is suspended from a predetermined position in the ceiling of the aircraft over the grid plate. The adjustments to the jacks necessary to level the aircraft are indicated on the grid scale. The aircraft is level when the plumb bob is suspended over the center point of the grid. There are several methods for checking structural alignment and rigging angles. Special

rigging boards that incorporate, or on which can be placed, a special instrument (spirit level or inclinometer) for determining the angle are used on some aircraft. On a number of aircraft, the alignment is checked using a transit and plumb bobs or a theodolite and sighting rods. The particular equipment to use is usually specified in the manufacturer’s maintenance manual. Certain precautions must be observed in all instances when jacking an aircraft. Normally, rigging and alignment checks should be performed in an enclosed hangar. If this cannot be accomplished, the aircraft should be positioned with the nose into the wind. The weight and loading of the aircraft should be exactly as described in the manufacturer’s manual. In all cases, the aircraft should not be jacked until it is determined that the maximum jacking weight (if applicable) specified by the manufacturer is not exceeded. When checking alignment, a suitable sequence should be developed and followed to be certain

that the checks are made at all the positions specified. The alignment checks specified usually include: • Wing dihedral angle • Wing incidence angle • Verticality of the fin 2-49 Source: http://www.doksinet Plumb bob attachment AFT Right main wheel wall AFT bulkhead AF T 3 3 2 Plumb bob stowage clip 2 1 Pitch(deg) 1 0 1 2 Plumb bob 2 3 Roll (deg) 3 Right wing down Nose down Grid plate 1 Left wing down Nose up INBD Figure 2-83. Grid plate installed • Engine alignment • A symmetry check • Horizontal stabilizer incidence • Horizontal stabilizer dihedral Checking Dihedral The dihedral angle should be checked in the specified positions using the special boards provided by the aircraft manufacturer. If no such boards are available, a straight edge and a inclinometer can be used. The methods for checking dihedral are shown in Figure 2-84. It is important that the dihedral be checked at the positions specified by the manufacturer. Certain

portions of the wings 2-50 or horizontal stabilizer may sometimes be horizontal or, on rare occasions, anhedral angles may be present. Checking Incidence Incidence is usually checked in at least two specified positions on the surface of the wing to ensure that the wing is free from twist. A variety of incidence boards are used to check the incidence angle. Some have stops at the forward edge, which must be placed in contact with the leading edge of the wing. Others are equipped with location pegs which fit into some specified part of the structure. The purpose in either case is to ensure that the board is fitted in exactly the position intended. In most instances, the boards are kept clear of the wing contour by short extensions attached to the board. A typical incidence board is shown in Figure 2-85. Source: http://www.doksinet Special dihedral board with spirit level incorporated Straight edge and adjustable level Figure 2-84. Checking dihedral Bubble level Straight edge and

adjustable level Stop Incidence board Chord line Figure 2-85. A typical incidence board When used, the board is placed at the specified locations on the surface being checked. If the incidence angle is correct, a inclinometer on top of the board reads zero, or within a specified tolerance of zero. Modifications to the areas where incidence boards are located can affect the reading. For example, if leading edge deicer boots have been installed, the position of a board having a leading edge stop is affected. Checking Fin Verticality After the rigging of the horizontal stabilizer has been checked, the verticality of the vertical stabilizer relative to the lateral datum can be checked. The measurements are taken from a given point on either side of the top of the fin to a given point on the left and right horizontal stabilizers. [Figure 2-86] The measurements should be similar within prescribed limits. When it is necessary to check the alignment of the rudder String or tape measure

lateral datum Figure 2-86. Checking fin verticality 2-51 Source: http://www.doksinet hinges, remove the rudder and pass a plumb bob line through the rudder hinge attachment holes. The line should pass centrally through all the holes. It should be noted that some aircraft have the leading edge of the vertical fin offset to the longitudinal center line to counteract engine torque. Checking Engine Alignment Engines are usually mounted with the thrust line parallel to the horizontal longitudinal plane of symmetry. However, this is not always true when the engines are mounted on the wings. Checking to ensure that the position of the engines, including any degree of offset is correct, depends largely on the type of mounting. Generally, the check entails a measurement from the center line of the mounting to the longitudinal center line of the fuselage at the point specified in the applicable manual. [Figure 2-87] Symmetry Check The principle of a typical symmetry check is illustrated in

Figure 2-87. The precise figures, tolerances, and checkpoints for a particular aircraft are found in the applicable service or maintenance manual. On small aircraft, the measurements between points are usually taken using a steel tape. When measuring long distances, it is suggested that a spring scale be used with the tape to obtain equal tension. A five-pound pull is usually sufficient On large aircraft, the positions at which the dimensions are to be taken are usually chalked on the floor. This is done by Figure 2-87. Typical measurements used to check aircraft symmetry 2-52 suspending a plumb bob from the checkpoints and marking the floor immediately under the point of each plumb bob. The measurements are then taken between the centers of each marking. Cable Tension When it has been determined that the aircraft is symmetrical and structural alignment is within specifications, the cable tension and control surface travel can be checked. To determine the amount of tension on a

cable, a tensiometer is used. When properly maintained, a tensiometer is 98 percent accurate. Cable tension is determined by measuring the amount of force needed to make an offset in the cable between two hardened steel blocks called anvils. A riser or plunger is pressed against the cable to form the offset. Several manufacturers make a variety of tensiometers, each type designed for different kinds of cable, cable sizes, and cable tensions. One type of tensiometer is illustrated in Figure 2-88 Following the manufacturer’s instructions, lower the trigger. Then, place the cable to be tested under the two anvils and close the trigger (move it up). Movement of the trigger pushes up the riser, which pushes the cable at right angles to the two clamping points under the anvils. The force that is required to do this is indicated by the dial pointer. As the sample chart beneath the illustration shows, different numbered risers are used with different size cables. Each riser has an

identifying number and is easily inserted into the tensiometer. Source: http://www.doksinet Pointer lock Riser in flight control, landing gear, and other cable-operated systems. [Figure 2-89] Anvil To use the chart, determine the size of the cable that is to be adjusted and the ambient air temperature. For example, assume that the cable size is 1/8" diameter, which is a 7-19 cable and the ambient air temperature is 85 °F. Follow the 85 °F line upward to where it intersects the curve for 1/8" cable. Extend a horizontal line from the point of intersection to the right edge of the chart. The value at this point indicates the tension (rigging load in pounds) to establish on the cable. The tension for this example is 70 pounds. Anvil 120 0 100 20 80 40 60 Trigger Example No. 1 Riser Diameter 1/16 3/32 1/8 Tension (lb) 12 19 25 31 36 41 46 51 16 23 30 36 42 48 54 60 21 29 36 43 50 57 63 69 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 No. 2 5/32 3/16 12 17 22 26 30

34 38 42 46 50 20 26 32 37 42 47 52 56 60 64 No. 3 7/32 1/4 Figure 2-88. Cable tensiometer and sample conversion chart Included with each tensiometer is a conversion chart, which is used to convert the dial reading to pounds. The dial reading is converted to pounds of tension as follows. Using a No 2 riser to measure the tension of a 5/32" diameter cable, a reading of 30 is obtained. The actual tension (see chart) of the cable is 70 lbs. Referring to the chart, also notice that a No 1 riser is used with 1/16", 3/32", and 1/8" cable. Since the tensiometer is not designed for use in measuring 7/32" or 1/4" cable, no values are shown in the No. 3 riser column of the chart When actually taking a reading of cable tension in an aircraft, it may be difficult to see the dial. Therefore, a pointer lock is built in on the tensiometer. Push it in to lock the pointer, then remove the tensiometer from the cable and observe the reading. After observing the reading,

pull the lock out and the pointer returns to zero. Another variable that must be taken into account when adjusting cable tension is the ambient temperature of cable and the aircraft. To compensate for temperature variations, cable rigging charts are used when establishing cable tensions Control Surface Travel In order for a control system to function properly, it must be correctly adjusted. Correctly rigged control surfaces move through a prescribed arc (surface-throw) and are synchronized with the movement of the flight deck controls. Rigging any control system requires that the aircraft manufacturer’s instructions be followed as outlined in their maintenance manual. Therefore, the explanations in this chapter are limited to the three general steps listed below: 1. Lock the flight deck control, bellcranks, and the control surfaces in the neutral position. 2. Adjust the cable tension, maintaining the rudder, elevators, or ailerons in the neutral position. 3. Adjust the control

stops to limit the control surface travel to the dimensions given for the aircraft being rigged. The range of movement of the controls and control surfaces should be checked in both directions from neutral. There are various tools used for measuring surface travel, including protractors, rigging fixtures, contour templates, and rulers. These tools are used when rigging flight control systems to ensure that the aircraft is properly rigged and the manufacturer’s specifications have been complied with. Rigging fixtures and contour templates are special tools (gauges) designed by the manufacturer to measure control surface travel. Markings on the fixture or template indicate desired control surface travel. In many instances, the aircraft manufacturer gives the travel of a particular control surface in degrees and inches. If the travel in inches is provided, a ruler can be used to measure surface travel in inches. Protractors are tools for measuring angles in degrees. Various types of

protractors are used to determine the travel of flight control surfaces. One protractor that can be used to measure 2-53 Source: http://www.doksinet 340 320 Design limit rig load 300 280 260 240 200 180 160 7 /16 140 9 x1 3 5/ x 32 7 120 19 1/8 7 Rigging load (lb) 220 e siz e l b 19 Ca 7 x 4 1/ x 19 100 80 60 27x7 3/3 −70 −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 1/16 7 x 7 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Temperature (°F) Figure 2-89. Typical cable rigging chart aileron, elevator, or wing flap travel is the universal propeller protractor shown in Figure 2-90. the tab and tab control are in the neutral position, adjust the control cable tension. This protractor is made up of a frame, disk, ring, and two spirit levels. The disk and ring turn independently of each other and of the frame. (The center spirit level is used to position the frame vertically when measuring propeller blade angle.) The center spirit level is used to

position the disk when measuring control surface travel. A disk-to-ring lock is provided to secure the disk and ring together when the zero on the ring vernier scale and the zero on the disk degree scale align. The ring-to-frame lock prevents the ring from moving when the disk is moved. Note that they start at the same point and advance in opposite directions. A double 10-part vernier is marked on the ring. Pins, usually called rig pins, are sometimes used to simplify the setting of pulleys, levers, bellcranks, etc., in their neutral positions. A rig pin is a small metallic pin or clip When rig pins are not provided, the neutral positions can be established by means of alignment marks, by special templates, or by taking linear measurements. The rigging of the trim tab systems is performed in a similar manner. The trim tab control is set to the neutral (no trim) position, and the surface tab is usually adjusted to streamline with the control surface. However, on some aircraft, the

specifications may require that the trim tabs be offset a degree or two from streamline when in the neutral position. After 2-54 If the final alignment and adjustment of a system are correct, it should be possible to withdraw the rigging pins easily. Any undue tightness of the pins in the rigging holes indicates incorrect tensioning or misalignment of the system. After a system has been adjusted, the full and synchronized movement of the controls should be checked. When checking the range of movement of the control surface, the controls must be operated from the flight deck and not by moving the control surfaces. During the checking of control surface travel, ensure that chains, cables, etc., have not reached Source: http://www.doksinet Ring vernier scale Disk adjuster Center spirit level Ring Disk degree scale Ring adjuster Disk 10 0 10 30 2 0 1 0 0 that they are not extended beyond the specified limits when the tab is in its extreme positions. After determining that the

control system functions properly and is correctly rigged, it should be thoroughly inspected to determine that the system is correctly assembled and operates freely over the specified range of movement. Checking and Safetying the System 10 20 30 Whenever rigging is performed on any aircraft, it is good practice to have a second set of eyes inspect the control system to make certain that all turnbuckles, rod ends, and attaching nuts and bolts are correctly safetied. As a general rule, all fasteners on an aircraft are safetied in some manner. Safetying is defined as securing by various means any nut, bolt, turnbuckle, etc., on the aircraft so that vibration does not cause it to loosen during operation. Corner spirit level on frame folded in Ring-to-frame lock Disk-to-ring lock on ring engages only when zeros on scales are aligned. Figure 2-90. Universal propeller protractor the limit of their travel when the controls are against their respective stops. Adjustable and

nonadjustable stops (whichever the case requires) are used to limit the throw-range or travel movement of the ailerons, elevator, and rudder. Usually there are two sets of stops for each of the three main control surfaces. One set is located at the control surface, either in the snubber cylinders or as structural stops; the other, at the flight deck control. Either of these may serve as the actual limit stop However, those situated at the control surface usually perform this function. The other stops do not normally contact each other, but are adjusted to a definite clearance when the control surface is at the full extent of its travel. These work as override stops to prevent stretching of cables and damage to the control system during violent maneuvers. When rigging control systems, refer to the applicable maintenance manual for the sequence of steps for adjusting these stops to limit the control surface travel. Where dual controls are installed, they must be synchronized and function

satisfactorily when operated from both positions. Trim tabs and other tabs should be checked in a manner similar to the main control surfaces. The tab position indicator must be checked to see that it functions correctly. If jackscrews are used to actuate the trim tab, check to see Most aircraft manufacturers have a Standard Practices section in their maintenance manuals. These are the methods that should be used when working on a particular system of a specific aircraft. However, most standard aircraft hardware has a standard method of being safetied. The following information provides some of the most common methods used in aircraft safetying. The most commonly used safety wire method is the doubletwist, utilizing stainless steel or Monel wire in the .032 to .040-inch diameter range This method is used on studs, cable turnbuckles, flight controls, and engine accessory attaching bolts. A single-wire method is used on smaller screws, bolts, and/or nuts when they are located in a

closely spaced or closed geometrical pattern. The single-wire method is also used on electrical components and in places that are difficult to reach. [Figure 2-91] Safety-of-flight emergency equipment, such as portable fire extinguishers, oxygen regulators, emergency valves, firewall shut-offs, and seals on first-aid kits, are safetied using a single copper wire (.020-inch diameter) or aluminum wire (031inch diameter) The wire on this emergency equipment is installed only to indicate the component is sealed or has not been actuated. It must be possible to break the wire seal by hand, without the use of any tools. The use of safety wire pliers, or wire twisters, makes the job of safetying much easier on the mechanic’s hands and produces a better finished product. [Figure 2-92] The wire should have six to eight twists per inch of wire and be pulled taut while being installed. Where practicable, install the safety wire around the head of the fastener and 2-55 Source:

http://www.doksinet Outer sleeve To l oc kj aw s Small screw in closely spaced closed geometrical pattern • Single-twist method Pu ll k no bt ot wis tw ire Plier handles will spin when knob is pulled Single-fastener application • Double-twist method Figure 2-92. Use of safety-wire pliers or wire twisters Screwheads • Double-twist method External snapring • Single-wire method Castle nuts Bolt heads Figure 2-91. Double-wrap and single safety wire methods for nuts, bolts, and snap rings. twist it in such a manner that the loop of the wire is pulled close to the contour of the unit being safety wired, and in the direction that would have the tendency to tighten the fastener. [Figure 2-93] 2-56 Cotter pins are used to secure such items as bolts, screws, pins, and shafts. They are used at any location where a turning or actuating movement takes place. The diameter of the cotter pin selected for any application should be the largest size that will fit consistent

with the diameter of the cotter pin hole and/ or the slots in the castellated nut. Cotter pins, like safety wire, should never be re-used on aircraft. [Figure 2-94] Self-locking nuts are used in applications where they are not removed often. There are two types of self-locking nuts currently in use. One is all metal and the other has an insert, usually of fiber or nylon. It is extremely important that the manufacturer’s Illustrated Parts Book (IPB) be consulted for the correct type and grade of lock nut for various locations on the aircraft. The finish or plating color of the nut identifies the type of application and environment in which it can be used. For example, a cadmium-plated nut is gold in color and provides exceptionally good protection against corrosion, but should not be used in applications where the temperature may exceed 450 °F. Repeated removal and installation causes the self-locking nut to lose its locking feature. They should be replaced when they are no longer

capable of maintaining the minimum prevailing torque. [Figure 2-95] Source: http://www.doksinet Example 1 Example 2 Examples amples apply to all types ty of bolts, fillister-head rews square-head square head plugs, p d other similar parts screws, and which are wired so that the loosening tendency of either part is counteracted by tightening of the other part. The direction of twist from the second to the third unit is counterclockwise in examples to keep the loop in position against the head of the bolt. The wire entering the hole in the third unit is the lower wire, and by making a counterclockwise twist after it leaves the hole, the loop is secured in place around the head of that bolt. Example 6 Correct application of i l wire i to t closely l l single spaced multiple group. Example 7 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example shows methods for wiring various standard items. NOTE: Wire may be wrapped over the unit rather than around it when wiring castellated nuts or on other

items when there is clearance problem. Example 8 Example 9 Example 10 Fittings incorporating wire wire lugs lug gs shall be wired as shown shown in in 7 and 8. Where no lock-wire lock-wire lug l is provided appllli d as shown h i 9 and d 10 with ith caution ca tion being exerted e erted to ensure ens h provided, wire should be applied in that wire is wrapped tightly around the fitting. Example 6 Coupling nuts t attached tt h d to t straight t connectors shall be wired i d as shown h when h hex is an integral part of the connector. Example 10 Coupling nuts on a tee shall be wired, as shown above, so that tension is always in the tightening direction. Figure 2-93. Examples of various fasteners and methods of safetying 2-57 Source: http://www.doksinet spring steel and are to be used only once and replaced with new ones when removed. Biplane Assembly and Rigging Biplanes were some of the very first aircraft designs. The first powered heavier-than-air aircraft, the Wright

brothers’ Wright Flyer, successfully flown on December 17, 1903, was a biplane. Figure 2-94. Securing hardware with cotter pins Fine Thread Series Thread Size Minimum Prevailing Torque 7/16 - 20 1/2 - 20 9/16 - 18 5/8 - 18 3/4 - 16 7/8 - 14 1 - 14 1-1/8 - 12 1-1/4 - 12 8 inch-pounds 10 inch-pounds 13 inch-pounds 18 inch-pounds 27 inch-pounds 40 inch-pounds 55 inch-pounds 73 inch-pounds 94 inch-pounds Coarse Thread Series Thread Size Minimum Prevailing Torque 7/16 - 14 1/2 - 13 9/16 - 12 5/8 - 11 3/4 - 10 7/8 - 9 1-8 1-1/8 - 8 1-1/4 - 8 8 inch-pounds 10 inch-pounds 14 inch-pounds 20 inch-pounds 27 inch-pounds 40 inch-pounds 51 inch-pounds 68 inch-pounds 68 inch-pounds The first biplanes were designed with very thin wing sections and, consequently, the wing structure needed to be strengthened by external bracing wires. The biplane configuration allowed the two wings to be braced against one another, increasing the structural strength. When the assembly and rigging of a

biplane is accomplished in accordance with the approved instructions, a stable airworthy aircraft is the result. Whether assembling an early model vintage aircraft that may have been disassembled for repair and restoration, or constructing and assembling a new aircraft, the following are some basic alignment procedures to follow. To start, the fuselage must be level, fore and aft and laterally. The aircraft usually has specific leveling points designated by the manufacturer or indicated on the plans. The fuselage should be blocked up off the landing gear so it is stable. A center line should be drawn on the floor the length of the fuselage and another line perpendicular to it at the firewall, for use as an additional alignment reference. With the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces installed, the incident angle for the horizontal stabilizer should be set. The tail brace wires should be connected and tightened until the slack is removed. Alignment measurements should be checked as

shown in Figure 2-96. Install the elevator and rudder and clamp them in a neutral position. Verify the neutral position of the control stick and rudder pedals in the flight deck and secure them in order to simplify the connecting and final tensioning of the control cables. Figure 2-95. Minimum prevailing torque values for reused self- locking unts. Lock washers may be used with bolts and machine screws whenever a self-locking nut or castellated nut is not applicable. They may be of the split washer spring type, or a multi-serrated internal or external star washer. If the biplane has a center section for the upper wing, it must be aligned as accurately as possible, because even the smallest error is compounded at the wing tip. Applicable cables and turnbuckles should be connected and the tension set as specified. [Figure 2-97] The stagger measurement can be checked as shown in Figure 2-98. Pal nuts may be a second nut tightened against the first and used to force the primary nut

thread against the bolt or screw thread. They may also be of the type that are made of stamped The lower wing sections should be individually attached to the fuselage and blocked up for support while the landing 2-58 Source: http://www.doksinet Note Select easy-to-identify points from which to cross-measure. • Make crossmeasurements with a 50 steel tape. • Ideally, distances on both sides should match. (A1-A2 / B1-B2, etc.) Distance “Y” same both sides Fuselage centerline Straight edge clamp to firewall 90° 90° 90° Firewall centerline CENTER SECTION Top view C1 B1 D1 D2 B2 C2 Both tie rods “Z” same length Level 90° Reference point Z Top view Vertical tail post (reference) Distance “X” same both sides Z X X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Ruler 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Plumb bob A1 90 0° 90° A2 Rear view Front view Figure 2-96. Checking aircraft symmetry Figure 2-97. Center section alignment wires are connected and adjusted to obtain the dihedral

called for in the specifications or plans. [Figure 2-99] opposite wire. Flying and landing wires are typically set at about 600 pounds and tail brace wires at about 300 pounds of tension. Next, connect the outer “N” struts to the left and right sections of the lower wing. Now, the upper wing can be attached and the flying wires installed. The slave struts can be installed and the ailerons connected using the same alignment and adjustment procedures used for the elevator and rudder. The incidence angle can be checked, as shown in Figure 2-100. Once this point is reached, it is a matter of measuring, checking angles, and adjusting the various components to obtain the overall aircraft symmetry and desired alignment, as shown in Figure 2-96. Also, remember that care should be used when tightening the wing wires because extra stress can be inadvertently induced into the wings. Always loosen one wire before tightening the When convinced the aircraft is properly rigged, move away from

it and take a good look at the finished product. Are the wings symmetrical? Does the dihedral look even? Is the tail section square with the fuselage? Are the wing attaching hardware, flying wires, and control cables safetied? And the final task, before the first flight, is to complete the maintenance record entries. As with any aircraft maintenance or repair, the instructions and specifications from the manufacturer, or the procedures and recommendations found in the construction plans, should be the primary method to perform the assembly and rigging of the aircraft. 2-59 Source: http://www.doksinet 1 Spar Chord line Make bottom parallel with chord line Plywood Make rib template to measure incidence of acrobatic type wings Aircraft must be level when checking incidence Plumb bob Wing 2 Stagger Lower wing hinge fittings Incidence angle Bevel protractor Plumb line Use straight edge for flat bottom airfoils (clark Y series, etc.) Ruler Measurement for angle of incidence

Level aircraft Plumb bob Stagger measured in inches Spirit level Chock wheels Figure 2-98. Measuring stagger Measure upper wing dihedal Plumb bobs or weights Straight edge Level aircraft Figure 2-100. Checking incidence Aircraft Inspection X1 X2 Dihedal Spirit board level To increase dihedral shorten landing wires Lower wing dihedal in inches Measuring dihedral (in inches) Wood blocks (2" x 4") Plumb bobs or weights Upper wing with 0° dihedal string must touch blocks X1 Landing wires 1. The aircraft must conform to its type certificate (TC). Conformity to type design is considered attained when the aircraft configuration and the components installed are consistent with the drawings, specifications, and other data that are part of the TC, which includes any supplemental type certificate (STC) and field approved alterations incorporated into the aircraft. 2. The aircraft must be in a condition for safe operation. This refers to the condition of the

aircraft relative to wear and deterioration (e.g, skin corrosion, window delamination/crazing, fluid leaks, and tire wear beyond specified limits). X2 4° 4° can also use dihedal board with a level Use straight edge and bevel protractor Measuring dihedral (angles) gle 4° Depicted an 57" Note: A 1" rise in 57" equals one degree of dihedral Figure 2-99. Measuring dihedral 2-60 Purpose of Inspection Programs The purpose of an aircraft inspection program is to ensure that the aircraft is airworthy. The term airworthy is not defined in the 14 CFR. However, case law relating to the term and regulations for the issuance of a standard airworthiness certificate reveal two conditions that must be met for the aircraft to be considered airworthy: 4° When flight hours and calendar time are accumulated into the life of an aircraft, some components wear out and others deteriorate. Inspections are developed to find these items, and repair or replace them before they

affect the airworthiness of the aircraft. Source: http://www.doksinet Perform an Airframe Conformity and Airworthiness Inspection To establish conformity of an aircraft product, start with a Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS). This document is a formal description of the aircraft, the engine, or the propeller. It is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) when they find that the product meets the applicable requirements for certification under 14 CFR. The TCDS lists the limitations and information required for type certification of aircraft. It includes the certification basis and eligible serial numbers for the product. It lists airspeed limits, weight limits, control surface movements, engine make and models, minimum crew, fuel type, etc.; the horsepower and rpm limits, thrust limitations, size and weight for engines; and blade diameter, pitch, etc., for propellers Additionally, it provides all the various components by make and model, eligible for installation on the

applicable product. A manufacturer’s maintenance information may be in the form of service instructions, service bulletins, or service letters that the manufacturer publishes to provide instructions for product improvement or to revise and update maintenance manuals. Service bulletins are not regulatory unless: 1. All or a portion of a service bulletin is incorporated as part of an airworthiness directive. 2. The service bulletins are part of the FAA-approved airworthiness limitations section of the manufacturer’s manual or part of the type certificate. 3. The service bulletins are incorporated directly or by reference into an FAA-approved inspection program, such as an approved aircraft inspection program (AAIP) or continuous aircraft maintenance program (CAMP). 4. The service bulletins are listed as an additional maintenance requirement in a certificate holder’s operations specifications (Op Specs). Airworthiness directives (ADs) are published by the FAA as amendments

to 14 CFR part 39, section 39.13 They apply to the following products: aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appliances. The FAA issues airworthiness directives when an unsafe condition exists in a product, and the condition is likely to exist or develop in other products of the same type design. To perform the airframe conformity and verify the airworthiness of the aircraft, records must be checked and the aircraft inspected. The data plate on the airframe is inspected to verify its make, model, serial number, type certificate, or production certificate. Check the registration and airworthiness certificate to verify they are correct and reflect the “N” number on the aircraft. Inspect aircraft records. Check current inspection status of aircraft, by verifying: • The date of the last inspection and aircraft total time in service. • The type of inspection and if it includes manufacturer’s bulletins. • The signature, certificate number, and the type of certificate

of the person who returned the aircraft to service. Identify if any major alterations or major repairs have been performed and recorded on an FAA Form 337, Major Repair and Alteration. If any STC have been added, check for flight manual supplements (FMS) in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH). Check for a current weight and balance report, and the current equipment list, current status of airworthiness directives for airframe, engine, propeller, and appliances. Also, check the limitations section of the manufacturer’s manual to verify the status of any life-limited components. Obtain the latest revision of the airframe TCDS and use it as a verification document to inspect and ensure the correct engines, propellers, and components are installed on the airframe. Required Inspections Preflight Preflight for the aircraft is described in the POH for that specific aircraft and should be followed with the same attention given to the checklists for takeoff, inflight, and landing

checklists. Periodic Maintenance Inspections: Annual Inspection With few exceptions, no person may operate an aircraft unless, within the preceding 12 calendar months, it has had an annual inspection in accordance with 14 CFR part 43 and was approved for return to service by a person authorized under section 43.7 (A certificated mechanic with an Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) rating must hold an inspection authorization (IA) to perform an annual inspection.) A checklist must be used and include as a minimum, the scope and detail of items (as applicable to the particular aircraft) in 14 CFR part 43, Appendix D. 2-61 Source: http://www.doksinet 100-hour Inspection This inspection is required when an aircraft is operated under 14 CFR part 91 and used for hire, such as flight training. It is required to be performed every 100 hours of service in addition to the annual inspection. (The inspection may be performed by a certificated mechanic with an A & P rating.) A checklist must

be used and as a minimum, the inspection must include the scope and detail of items (as applicable to the particular aircraft) in 14 CFR part 43, Appendix D. Progressive Inspection This inspection program can be performed under 14 CFR part 91, section 91.409(d), as an alternative to an annual inspection. However, the program requires that a written request be submitted by the registered owner or operator of an aircraft desiring to use a progressive inspection to the local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). It shall provide: 1. The name of a certificated mechanic holding an inspection authorization, a certificated airframe repair station, or the manufacturer of the aircraft to supervise or conduct the inspection. 2. A current inspection procedures manual available and readily understandable to the pilot and maintenance personnel containing in detail: • • An explanation of the progressive inspection, including the continuity of inspection responsibility, the making

of reports, and the keeping of records and technical reference material. An inspection schedule, specifying the intervals in hours or days when routine and detailed inspections will be performed, and including instructions for exceeding an inspection interval by not more than 10 hours while en route, and for changing an inspection interval because of service experience. operation in which the aircraft is engaged. The progressive inspection schedule must ensure that the aircraft will be airworthy at all times. A certificated A&P mechanic may perform a progressive inspection, as long as he or she is being supervised by a mechanic holding an Inspection Authorization. If the progressive inspection is discontinued, the owner or operator must immediately notify the local FAA FSDO in writing. After discontinuance, the first annual inspection will be due within 12 calendar months of the last complete inspection of the aircraft under the progressive inspection. Large Airplanes (over 12,500

lb) Inspection requirements of 14 CFR part 91, section 91.409, to include paragraphs (e) and (f). Paragraph (e) applies to large airplanes (to which 14 CFR part 125 is not applicable), turbojet multiengine airplanes, turbo propeller powered multiengine airplanes, and turbinepowered rotorcraft. Paragraph (f) lists the inspection programs that can be selected under paragraph (e). The additional inspection requirements for these aircraft are placed on the operator because the larger aircraft typically are more complex and require a more detailed inspection program than is provided for in 14 CFR part 43, Appendix D. An inspection program must be selected from one of the following four options by the owner or operator of the aircraft: 1. A continuous airworthiness inspection program that is part of a continuous airworthiness maintenance program currently in use by a person holding an air carrier operating certificate or an operating certificate issued under 14 CFR part 121 or 135. 2. An

approved aircraft inspection program approved under 14 CFR part 135, section 135.419, and currently in use by a person holding an operating certificate issued under 14 CFR part 135. • Sample routine and detailed inspection forms and instructions for their use. • Sample reports and records and instructions for their use. 3. A current inspection program recommended by the manufacturer. 3. Enough housing and equipment for necessary disassembly and proper inspection of the aircraft. 4. 4. Appropriate current technical information for the aircraft. Any other inspection program established by the registered owner or operator of the airplane or turbinepowered rotorcraft and approved by the FAA. This program must be submitted to the local FAA FSDO having jurisdiction of the area in which the aircraft is based. The program must be in writing and include at least the following information: The frequency and detail of the progressive inspection program shall provide for the

complete inspection of the aircraft within each 12 calendar months and be consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations and kind of 2-62 (a) Instructions and procedures for the conduct of inspections for the particular make and model Source: http://www.doksinet airplane or turbine-powered rotorcraft, including the necessary tests and checks. The instructions and procedures must set forth in detail the parts and areas of the airframe, engines, propellers, rotors, and appliances, including survival and emergency equipment, required to be inspected. • Diagrams of structural access plates and information needed to gain access for inspections when access plates are not provided. • Details for the application of special inspection techniques, including radiographic and ultrasonic testing where such processes are specified. (b) A schedule for performing the inspections that must be performed under the program expressed in terms of the time in service, calendar time, number

of system operations (cycles), or any combination of these. • A list of special tools needed. • An Airworthiness Limitations section that is segregated and clearly distinguishable from the rest of the document. This section must set forth This FAA approved owner/operator program can be revised at a future date by the FAA, if they find that revisions are necessary for the continued adequacy of the program. The owner/operator can petition the FAA within 30 days of notification to reconsider the notice to make changes. Manufacturer’s Inspection Program This is a program developed by the manufacturer for their product. It is contained in the “Instructions for Continued Airworthiness” required under 14 CFR part 23, section 23.1529 and part 25, section 25.1529 It is in the form of a manual, or manuals as appropriate, for the quantity of data to be provided and including, but not limited to, the following content: • • A description of the airplane and its systems and

installations, including its engines, propellers, and appliances. Basic information describing how the airplane components and systems are controlled and operated, including any special procedures and limitations that apply. • Servicing information that covers servicing points, capacities of tanks, reservoirs, types of fluids to be used, pressures applicable to the various systems, lubrication points, lubricants to be used, equipment required for servicing, tow instructions, mooring, jacking, and leveling information. • Maintenance instructions with scheduling information for the airplane and each component that provides the recommended periods at which they should be cleaned, inspected, adjusted, tested, and lubricated, and the degree of inspection and work recommended at these periods. • The recommended overhaul periods and necessary cross references to the airworthiness limitations section of the manual. • The inspection program that details the frequency and extent

of the inspections necessary to provide for the continued airworthiness of the airplane. 1. Each mandatory replacement time, structural inspection interval, and related structural inspection procedures required for type certification or approved under 14 CFR part 25, section 25.571 2. Each mandatory replacement time, inspection interval, related inspection procedure, and all critical design configuration control limitations approved under 14 CFR part 25, section 25.981, for the fuel tank system. The Airworthiness Limitations section must contain a legible statement in a prominent location that reads: “The Airworthiness Limitations section is FAA approved and specifies maintenance required under 14 CFR part 43, sections 43.16 and part 91, section 91403, unless an alternative program has been FAA-approved.” Any operator who wishes to adopt a manufacturers’ inspection program should first contact their local FAA Flight Standards District Office, for further guidance. Altimeter

and Static System Inspections Any person operating an airplane or helicopter in controlled airspace under instrument flight rules (IFR) must have had, within the preceding 24 calendar months, each static pressure system, each altimeter instrument, and each automatic pressure altitude reporting system tested and inspected and found to comply with 14 CFR part 43, Appendix E. Those test and inspections must be conducted by appropriately rated persons under 14 CFR. Air Traffic Control (ATC) Transponder Inspections Any person using an air traffic control (ATC) transponder must have had, within the preceding 24 calendar months, that transponder tested and inspected and found to comply with 14 CFR part 43, Appendix F. Additionally, following any installation or maintenance on an ATC transponder where data correspondence error could be introduced, the integrated system must be tested and inspected and found to comply with 14 CFR part 43, Appendix E, by an appropriately person under 14 CFR.

2-63 Source: http://www.doksinet Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Operational and Maintenance Practices in Accordance With Advisory Circular (AC) 91-44 • Search and rescue responsibility. • Alert and search procedures including various flight procedures for locating an ELT. This AC combined and updated several ACs on the subject of ELTs and receivers for airborne service. • The FAA Frequency Management Offices, for contacting by manufacturers when they are demonstrating and testing ELTs. Under the operating rules of 14 CFR part 91, most small U.S registered civil airplanes equipped to carry more than one person must have an ELT attached to the airplane. 14 CFR part 91, section 91.207 defines the requirements of what type aircraft and when the ELT must be installed. It also states that an ELT that meets the requirements of Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C91 may not be used for new installations.* (This is the ELT that smaller general aviation aircraft have installed

and they transmit on 121.5 MHz) The pilot in command of an aircraft equipped with an ELT is responsible for its operation and, prior to engine shutdown at the end of each flight, should tune the VHF receiver to 121.5 MHz and listen for ELT activations. Maintenance personnel are responsible for accidental activation during the actual period of their work. Maintenance of ELTs is subject to 14 CFR part 43 and should be included in the required inspections. It is essential that the impact switch operation and the transmitter output be checked using the manufacturer’s instructions. Testing of an ELT prior to installation or for maintenance reasons, should be conducted in a metal enclosure in order to avoid outside radiation by the transmitter. If this is not possible, the test should be conducted only within the first 5 minutes after any hour. Manufacturers of ELTs are required to mark the expiration date of the battery, based on 50 percent of the useful life, on the outside of the

transmitter. The batteries are required to be replaced on that date or when the transmitter has been in use for more than 1 cumulative hour. Water activated batteries, have virtually unlimited shelf life. They are not usually marked with an expiration date. They must be replaced after activation regardless of how long they were in service. The battery replacement can be accomplished by a pilot on a portable type ELT that is readily accessible and can be removed and reinstalled in the aircraft by a simple operation. That would be considered preventive maintenance under 14 CFR part 43, section 43.3(g) Replacement batteries should be approved for the specific model of ELT and the installation performed in accordance with section 43.13 AC 91-44 also contains additional information on: • 2-64 Airborne homing and alerting equipment for use with ELTs. *The reason; as of January 31, 2009, the 121.5/243 MHz frequency will no longer be monitored by the COSPASSARSAT (Search and Rescue

Satellite-Aided Tracking) search and rescue satellites. NOTE: All new installations must be a 406 MHz digital ELT. It must meet the standards of TSO C126. When installed, the new 406 MHz ELT should be registered so that if the aircraft were to go down, search and rescue could take full advantage of the benefits the system offers. The digital circuitry of the 406 ELT can be coded with information about the aircraft type, base location, ownership, etc. This coding allows the search and rescue (SAR) coordinating centers to contact the registered owner or operator if a signal is detected to determine if the aircraft is flying or parked. This type of identification permits a rapid SAR response in the event of an accident, and will save valuable resources from a false alarm search. Annual and 100-Hour Inspections Preparation An owner/operator bringing an aircraft into a maintenance facility for an annual or 100-hour inspection may not know what is involved in the process. This is the point

at which the person who performs the inspection sits down with the customer to review the records and discuss any maintenance issues, repairs needed, or additional work the customer may want done. Moreover, the time spent on these items before starting the inspection usually saves time and money before the work is completed. The work order describes the work that will be performed and the fee that the owner pays for the service. It is a contract that includes the parts, materials, and labor to complete the inspection. It may also include additional maintenance and repairs requested by the owner or found during the inspection. Additional materials such as ADs, manufacturer’s service bulletins and letters, and vendor service information must be researched to include the avionics and emergency equipment on the aircraft. The TCDS provides all the components eligible for installation on the aircraft. The review of the aircraft records is one of the most important parts of any inspection.

Those records provide the history Source: http://www.doksinet of the aircraft. The records to be kept and how they are to be maintained are listed in 14 CFR part 91, section 91.417 Among those records that must be tracked are records of maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration, records of the last 100-hour, annual, or other required or approved inspections for the airframe, engine propeller, rotor, and appliances of an aircraft. The records must include: Initial run-up provides an assessment to the condition of the engine prior to performing the inspection. The run-up should include full power and idle rpm, magneto operation, including positive switch grounding, fuel mixture check, oil and fuel pressure, and cylinder head and oil temperatures. After the engine run, check it for fuel, oil, and hydraulic leaks. • A description (or reference to data acceptable to the FAA) of the work performed. • The date of completion of the work performed and the signature and

certificate number of the person approving the aircraft for return to service. Following the checklist, the entire aircraft shall be opened by removing all necessary inspection plates, access doors, fairings, and cowling. The entire aircraft must then be cleaned to uncover hidden cracks or defects that may have been missed because of the dirt. • The total time in service and the current status of life-limited parts of the airframe, each engine, each propeller, and each rotor. • The time since last overhaul of all items installed on the aircraft which are required to be overhauled on a specified time basis. • The current inspection status of the aircraft, including the time since last inspection required by the program under which the aircraft and its appliances are maintained. • • The current status of applicable ADs including for each, the method of compliance, the AD number, and revision date. If the AD involves recurring action, the time and date when the next

action is required. Following in order and using the checklist visually inspect each item, or perform the checks or tests necessary to verify the condition of the component or system. Record discrepancies when they are found. The entire aircraft should be inspected and a list of discrepancies be presented to the owner. A typical inspection following a checklist, on a small singleengine airplane may include in part, as applicable: • The fuselage for damage, corrosion, and attachment of fittings, antennas, and lights; for “smoking rivets” especially in the landing gear area indicating the possibility of structural movement or hidden failure. • The flight deck and cabin area for loose equipment that could foul the controls; seats and seat belts for defects; windows and windshields for deterioration; instruments for condition, markings, and operation; flight and engine controls for proper operation. • The engine and attached components for visual evidence of leaks; studs

and nuts for improper torque and obvious defects; engine mount and vibration dampeners for cracks, deterioration, and looseness; engine controls for defects, operation, and safetying; the internal engine for cylinder compression; spark plugs for operation; oil screens and filters for metal particles or foreign matter; exhaust stacks and mufflers for leaks, cracks, and missing hardware; cooling baffles for deterioration, damage, and missing seals; and engine cowling for cracks and defects. • The landing gear group for condition and attachment; shock absorbing devices for leaks and fluid levels; retracting and locking mechanism for defects, damage, and operation; hydraulic lines for leakage; electrical system for chafing and switches for operation; wheels and bearings for condition; tires for wear and cuts; and brakes for condition and adjustment. • The wing and center section assembly for condition, skin deterioration, distortion, structural failure, and attachment. Copies of

the forms prescribed by 14 CFR part 43, section 43.9, for each major alteration to the airframe and currently installed components. The owner/operator is required to retain the records of inspection until the work is repeated, or for 1 year after the work is performed. Most of the other records that include total times and current status of life-limited parts, overhaul times, and AD status must be retained and transferred with the aircraft when it is sold. 14 CFR part 43, part 43.15, requires that each person performing a 100-hour or annual inspection shall use a checklist while performing the inspection. The checklist may be one developed by the person, one provided by the manufacturer of the equipment being inspected, or one obtained from another source. The checklist must include the scope and detail of the items contained in part 43, Appendix D. The inspection checklist provided by the manufacturer is the preferred one to use. The manufacturer separates the areas to inspect such

as engine, cabin, wing, empennage and landing gear. They typically list Service Bulletins and Service Letters for specific areas of the aircraft and the appliances that are installed. 2-65 Source: http://www.doksinet • • • • The empennage assembly for condition, distortion, skin deterioration, evidence of failure (smoking rivets), secure attachment, and component operation and installation. The propeller group and system components for torque and proper safetying; the propeller for nicks, cracks, and oil leaks; the anti-icing devices for defects and operation; and the control mechanism for operation, mounting, and restricted movement. The radios and electronic equipment for improper installation and mounting; wiring and conduits for improper routing, insecure mounting, and obvious defects; bonding and shielding for installation and condition; and all antennas for condition, mounting, and operation. Additionally, if not already inspected and serviced, the main battery

inspected for condition, mounting, corrosion, and electrical charge. Any and all installed miscellaneous items and components that are not otherwise covered by this listing for condition and operation. With the aircraft inspection checklist completed, the list of discrepancies should be transferred to the work order. As part of the annual and 100-hour inspections, the engine oil is drained and replaced because new filters and/or clean screens have been installed in the engine. The repairs are then completed and all fluid systems serviced. Before approving the aircraft for return to service after the annual or 100-hour inspection, 14 CFR states that the engine must be run to determine satisfactory performance in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The run must include: • Power output (static and idle rpm) • Magnetos (for drop and switch ground) • Fuel and oil pressure • Cylinder and oil temperature After the run, the engine is inspected for fluid leaks

and the oil level is checked a final time before close up of the cowling. With the aircraft inspection completed, all inspections plates, access doors, fairing and cowling that were removed, must be reinstalled. It is a good practice to visually check inside the inspection areas for tools, shop rags, etc., prior to close up. Using the checklist and discrepancy list to review areas that were repaired will help ensure the aircraft is properly returned to service. Upon completion of the inspection, the records for each airframe, engine, propeller, and appliance must be signed off. 2-66 The record entry in accordance with 14 CFR part 43, section 43.11, must include the following information: • The type inspection and a brief description of the extent of the inspection. • The date of the inspection and aircraft total time in service. • The signature, the certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving or disapproving for return to service the aircraft,

airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, component part, or portions thereof. • For the annual and 100-hour inspection, if the aircraft is found to be airworthy and approved for return to service, enter the following statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with a (insert type) inspection and was determined to be in airworthy condition.” If the aircraft is not approved for return to service because of necessary maintenance, noncompliance with applicable specifications, airworthiness directives, or other approved data, enter the following statement: “I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with a (insert type) inspection and a list of discrepancies and unairworthy items has been provided to the aircraft owner or operator.” If the owner or operator did not want the discrepancies and/ or unairworthy items repaired at the location where the inspection was accomplished, they may have the option of flying the

aircraft to another location with a Special Flight Permit (Ferry Permit). An application for a Special Flight Permit can be made at the local FAA FSDO. • Other Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Programs Aircraft operating under 14 CFR part 135, Commuter and On Demand, have additional rules for maintenance that must be followed beyond those in 14 CFR parts 43 and 91. 14 CFR part 135, section 135.411(a)(1) applies to aircraft that are type certificated for a passenger seating configuration, excluding any pilot seat, of nine seats or less. The additional rules include: • Section 135.415requires each certificate holder to submit a Service Difficulty Report, whenever they have an occurrence, failure, malfunction, or defect in an aircraft concerning the list detailed in this section of the regulation. • Section 135.417requires each certificate holder to mail or deliver a Mechanical Interruption Report, for occurrences in multi-engine aircraft, concerning Source:

http://www.doksinet unscheduled flight interruptions, and the number of propeller featherings in flight, as detailed in this section of the regulation. • • • Section 135.421requires each certificate holder to comply with the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance programs, or a program approved by the FAA for each aircraft, engine, propeller, rotor, and each item of emergency required by 14 CFR part 135. This section also details requirements for singleengine IFR passenger-carrying operations Section 135.422this section applies to multi-engine airplanes and details requirements for Aging Airplane Inspections and Records review. It excludes airplanes in schedule operations between any point within the State of Alaska. Sections 135.423 through 135443the listed regulations are numerous and complex, and compliance is required; however, they are not summarized in this handbook. Any certificated operator using aircraft with ten or more passenger seats must have the required

organization and maintenance programs, along with competent and knowledgeable people to ensure a safe operation. It is their responsibility to know and comply with these and all other applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, and should contact their local FAA FSDO for further guidance. The AAIP is an FAA-approved inspection program for aircraft of nine or less passenger seats operated under 14 CFR part 135. The AAIP is an operator developed program tailored to their particular needs to satisfy aircraft inspection requirements. This program allows operators to develop procedures and time intervals for the accomplishment of inspection tasks in accordance with the needs of the aircraft, rather than repeat all the tasks at each 100-hour interval. The operator is responsible for the AAIP. The program must encompass the total aircraft; including all avionics equipment, emergency equipment, cargo provisions, etc. FAA Advisory Circular 135-10A provides detailed guidance to develop an approved

aircraft inspection program. The following is a summary, in part, of elements that the program should include: • A schedule of individual tasks (inspections) or groups of tasks, as well as the frequency for performing those tasks. • Work forms designating those tasks with a signoff provision for each. The forms may be developed by the operator or obtained from another source. • Instructions for accomplishing each task. These tasks must satisfy 14 CFR part 43, section 43.13(a), regarding methods, techniques, practices, tools, and equipment. The instructions should include adequate information in a form suitable for use by the person performing the work. • Provisions for operator-developed revisions to referenced instructions should be incorporated in the operator’s manual. • A system for recording discrepancies and their correction. • A means for accounting for work forms upon completion of the inspection. These forms are used to satisfy the requirements of 14

CFR part 91, section 91.417, so they must be complete, legible, and identifiable as to the aircraft and specific inspection to which they relate. • Accommodation for variations in equipment and configurations between aircraft in the fleet. • Provisions for transferring an aircraft from another program to the AAIP. The development of the AAIP may come from one of the following sources: • An adoption of an aircraft manufacturer’s inspection in its entirety. However, many aircraft manufacturers’ programs do not encompass avionics, emergency equipment, appliances, and related installations that must be incorporated into the AAIP. The inspection of these items and systems will require additions to the program to ensure they comply with the air carrier’s operation specifications and as applicable to 14 CFR. • A modified manufacturer’s program. The operator may modify a manufacturer’s inspection program to suit its needs. Modifications should be clearly identified

and provide an equivalent level of safety to those in the manufacturer’s approved program. • An operator-developed program. This type of program is developed in its entirety by the operator. It should include methods, techniques, practices, and standards necessary for proper accomplishment of the program. • An existing progressive inspection program (14 CFR part 91.409(d)) may be used as a basis for the development of an AAIP. As part of this inspection program, the FAA strongly recommends that a Corrosion Protection Control Program and a supplemental structural inspection type program be included. 2-67 Source: http://www.doksinet A program revision procedure should be included so that an evaluation of any revision can be made by the operator prior to submitting them to the FAA for approval. Procedures for administering the program should be established. These should include: defining the duties and responsibilities for all personnel involved in the program,

scheduling inspections, recording their accomplishment, and maintaining a file of completed work forms. The operator’s manual should include a section that clearly describes the complete program, including procedures for program scheduling, recording, and accountability for continuing accomplishment of the program. This section serves to facilitate administration of the program by the certificate holder and to direct its accomplishment by mechanics or repair stations. The operator’s manual should include instructions to accomplish the maintenance/ inspections tasks. It should also contain a list of the necessary tools and equipment needed to perform the maintenance and inspections. The FAA FSDO will provide each operator with computergenerated Operations Specifications when they approve the program. Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) The definition of maintenance in 14 CFR part 1 includes inspection. The inspection program required for 14 CFR part 121 and part

135 air carriers is part of the Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP). It is a complex program that requires an organization of experienced and knowledgeable aviation personnel to implement it. The FAA has developed an Advisory Circular, AC 120-16D Air Carrier Aircraft Maintenance Programs, which explains the background as well as the FAA regulatory requirements for these programs. The AC applies to air carriers subject to 14 CFR parts 119, 121, and 135. For part 135, it applies only to aircraft type certificated with ten or more passenger seats. Any person wanting to place their aircraft on this type of program should contact their local FAA FSDO for guidance. Title 14 CFR part 125, section 125.247, Inspection Programs and Maintenance This regulation applies to airplanes having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more. Inspection programs which may 2-68 be approved for use under this 14 CFR part include, but are

not limited to: 1. A continuous inspection program which is part of a current continuous airworthiness program approved for use by a certificate holder under 14 CFR part 121 or part 135; 2. Inspection programs currently recommended by the manufacturer of the airplane, airplane engines, propellers, appliances, or survival and emergency equipment; or 3. An inspection program developed by a certificate holder under 14 CFR part 125. The airplane subject to this part may not be operated unless: • The replacement times for life-limited parts specified in the aircraft type certificate data sheets, or other documents approved by the FAA are complied with; • Defects disclosed between inspections, or as a result of inspection, have been corrected in accordance with 14 CFR part 43; and • The airplane, including airframe, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, and survival and emergency equipment, and their component parts, is inspected in accordance with an inspection program

approved by the FAA. These inspections must include at least the following: ○ Instructions, procedures and standards for the particular make and model of airplane, including tests and checks. The instructions and procedures must set forth in detail the parts and areas of the airframe, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, and survival and emergency equipment required to be inspected. ○ A schedule for the performance of the inspections that must be performed under the program, expressed in terms of the time in service, calendar time, number of system operations, or any combination of these. ○ The person used to perform the inspections required by 14 CFR part 125, must be authorized to perform maintenance under 14 CFR part 43. The airplane subject to part 125 may not be operated unless the installed engines have been maintained in accordance with the overhaul periods Source: http://www.doksinet recommended by the manufacturer or a program approved by the FAA; the engine

overhaul periods are specified in the inspection programs required by 14 CFR part 125, section 125.247 Helicopter Inspections, Piston-Engine and TurbinePowered A piston-engine helicopter can be inspected in accordance with the scope and detail of 14 CFR part 43, Appendix D for an Annual Inspection. However, there are additional performance rules for inspections under 14 CFR part 43, section 43.15, requiring that each person performing an inspection under 14 CFR part 91 on a rotorcraft shall inspect these additional components in accordance with the maintenance manual or Instructions for Continued Airworthiness of the manufacturer concerned: 1. The drive shaft or similar systems 2. The main rotor transmission gear box for obvious defects 3. The main rotor and center section (or the equivalent area) 4. The auxiliary rotor Light-Sport Aircraft, Powered Parachute, and Weight-Shift Control Aircraft When operating under an Experimental certificate issued for the purpose of Operating

Light Sport Aircraft, these aircraft must have a condition inspection performed once every 12 months. The inspection must be performed by a certificated repairman (light-sport aircraft) with a maintenance rating, an appropriately rated mechanic, or an appropriately rated repair station in accordance with the inspection procedures developed by the aircraft manufacturer or a person acceptable to the FAA. Additionally, if the aircraft is used for compensation or hire to tow a glider or unpowered ultralight vehicle, or is used by a person to conduct flight training for compensation or hire, it must have been inspected within the preceding 100 hours and returned to service in accordance with 14 CFR part 43, by one of the persons listed above. The operator of a turbine-powered helicopter can elect to have it inspected under 14 CFR part 91, section 91.409: 1. Annual inspection 2. 100-hour inspection 3. Applies to turbine-powered rotorcraft when operator elects to inspect in accordance

with paragraph section 91.409(e), at which time (a) and (b) do not apply 4. A progressive inspection When performing any of the above inspections, the additional performance rules under 14 CFR part 43, section 43.15, for rotorcraft must be complied with. 2-69 Source: http://www.doksinet 2-70 Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 3 Aircraft Fabric Covering General History Fabric-covered aircraft play an important role in the history of aviation. The famous Wright Flyer utilized a fabric-covered wood frame in its design, and fabric covering continued to be used by many aircraft designers and builders during the early decades of production aircraft. The use of fabric covering on an aircraft offers one primary advantage: light weight. In contrast, fabric coverings have two disadvantages: flammability and lack of durability. 3-1 Source: http://www.doksinet Finely woven organic fabrics, such as Irish linen and cotton, were the original fabrics used for covering airframes, but

their tendency to sag left the aircraft structure exposed to the elements. To counter this problem, builders began coating the fabrics with oils and varnishes. In 1916, a mixture of cellulose dissolved in nitric acid, called nitrate dope, came into use as an aircraft fabric coating. Nitrate dope protected the fabric, adhered to it well, and tautened it over the airframe. It also gave the fabric a smooth, durable finish when dried. The major drawback to nitrate dope was its extreme flammability. To address the flammability issue, aircraft designers tried a preparation of cellulose dissolved in butyric acid called butyrate dope. This mixture protected the fabric from dirt and moisture, but it did not adhere as well to the fabric as nitrate dope. Eventually, a system combining the two dope coatings was developed. First, the fabric was coated with nitrate dope for its adhesion and protective qualities. Then, subsequent coats of butyrate dope were added. Since the butyrate dope coatings

reduced the overall flammability of the fabric covering, this system became the standard fabric treatment system. The second problem, lack of durability, stems from the eventual deterioration of fabric from exposure to the elements that results in a limited service life. Although the mixture of nitrate dope and butyrate dope kept out dirt and water, solving some of the degradation issue, it did not address deterioration caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation passed through the dope and degraded not only the fabric, but also the aircraft structure underneath. Attempts to paint the coated fabric proved unsuccessful, because paint does not adhere well to nitrate dope. Eventually, aluminum solids were added to the butyrate coatings. This mixture reflected the sun’s rays, prevented harmful UV rays from penetrating the dope, and protected the fabric, as well as the aircraft structure. Regardless of treatments, organic fabrics have a limited lifespan;

cotton or linen covering on an actively flown aircraft lasts only about 5–10 years. Furthermore, aircraft cotton has not been available for over 25 years. As the aviation industry developed more powerful engines and more aerodynamic aircraft structures, aluminum became the material of choice. Its use in engines, aircraft frames, and coverings revolutionized aviation. As a covering, aluminum protected the aircraft structure from the elements, was durable, and was not flammable. Although aluminum and composite aircraft dominate modern aviation, advances in fabric coverings continue to be made because gliders, home-built, and light sport aircraft, as well as some standard and utility certificated aircraft, are still 3-2 Figure 3-1. Examples of aircraft produced using fabric skin produced with fabric coverings. [Figure 3-1] The nitrate/ butyrate dope process works well, but does not mitigate the short lifespan of organic fabrics. It was not until the introduction of polyester fabric as

an aircraft covering in the 1950s that the problem of the limited lifespan of fabric covering was solved. The transition to polyester fabric had some problems because the nitrate and butyrate dope coating process is not as suitable for polyester as it is for organic fabrics. Upon initial application of the dopes to polyester, good adhesion and protection occurred; as the dopes dried, they would eventually separate from the fabric. In other words, the fabric outlasted the coating. Eventually, dope additives were developed that minimized the separation problem. For example, plasticizers keep the dried dope flexible and nontautening dope formulas eliminate separation of the coatings from the fabric. Properly protected and coated, polyester lasts indefinitely and is stronger than cotton or linen. Today, polyester fabric coverings are the standard and use of cotton and linen on United States certificated aircraft has ceased. In fact, the long staple cotton from which grade-A cotton aircraft

fabric is made is no longer produced in this country. Re-covering existing fabric aircraft is an accepted maintenance procedure. Not all aircraft covering systems include the use of dope coating processes. Modern aircraft covering systems that include the use of nondope fabric treatments show no signs of deterioration even after decades of service. In this Source: http://www.doksinet chapter, various fabrics and treatment systems are discussed, as well as basic covering techniques. • Countthe number of threads per inch in warp or filling. Fabric Terms • Plythe number of yarns making up a thread. • Biasa cut, fold, or seam made diagonally to the warp or fill threads. • Pinked edgean edge which has been cut by machine or special pinking shears in a continuous series of Vs to prevent raveling. • Selvage edgethe edge of cloth, tape, or webbing woven to prevent raveling. • Greigecondition of polyester fabric upon completion of the production process before being

heat shrunk. • Cross coatbrushing or spraying where the second coat is applied 90° to the direction the first coat was applied. The two coats together make a single cross coat. [Figure 3-3] To facilitate the discussion of fabric coverings for aircraft, the following definitions are presented. Figure 3-2 illustrates some of these items. Pinked edge Warp Selvage edge Fill Selvage edge as Bi Figure 3-2. Aircraft fabric nomenclature • Warpthe direction along the length of fabric. • Fill or weavethe direction across the width of the fabric. First application Legal Aspects of Fabric Covering When a fabric-covered aircraft is certificated, the aircraft manufacturer uses materials and techniques to cover the aircraft that are approved under the type certificate issued for that aircraft. The same materials and techniques must be used by maintenance personnel when replacing the aircraft fabric. Descriptions of these materials and techniques are in the manufacturer’s

service manual. For example, aircraft originally manufactured with cotton fabric can only be re-covered with cotton fabric unless the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approves an exception. Approved exceptions for alternate fabric-covering materials and procedures are common. Since polyester fabric coverings deliver performance advantages, such as lighter weight, longer life, additional strength, and lower cost, many older aircraft originally manufactured with cotton fabric have received approved alteration authority and have been recovered with polyester fabric. Second application (applied when first coat is tacky) Figure 3-3. A single cross coat is made up of two coats of paint applied 90° to each other 3-3 Source: http://www.doksinet There are three ways to gain FAA approval to re-cover an aircraft with materials and processes other than those with which it was originally certificated. One is to do the work in accordance with an approved supplemental type certificate

(STC). The STC must specify that it is for the particular aircraft model in question. It states in detail exactly what alternate materials must be used and what procedure(s) must be followed. Deviation from the STC data in any way renders the aircraft unairworthy. The holder of the STC typically sells the materials and the use of the STC to the person wishing to re-cover the aircraft. The second way to gain approval to re-cover an aircraft with different materials and processes is with a field approval. A field approval is a one-time approval issued by the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) permitting the materials and procedures requested to replace those of the original manufacturer. A field approval request is made on FAA Form 337. A thorough description of the materials and processes must be submitted with proof that, when the alteration is completed, the aircraft meets or exceeds the performance parameters set forth by the original type certificate. The third way is for a

manufacturer to secure approval through the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS) for a new process. For example, Piper Aircraft Co originally covered their PA-18s in cotton. Later, they secured approval to recover their aircraft with Dacon fabric. Recovering an older PA-18 with Dacron in accordance with the TCDS would be a major repair, but not an alteration as the TCDS holder has current approval for the fabric. Advisory Circular (AC) 43.131, Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and PracticesAircraft Inspection and Repair, contains acceptable practices for covering aircraft with fabric. It is a valuable source of general and specific information on fabric and fabric repair that can be used on Form 337 to justify procedures requested for a field approval. Submitting an FAA Form 337 does not guarantee a requested field approval. The FSDO inspector considers all aspects of the procedures and their effect(s) on the aircraft for which the request is being filed. Additional data may be required

for approval Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 43, Appendix A, states which maintenance actions are considered major repairs and which actions are considered major alterations. Fabric re-covering is considered a major repair and FAA Form 337 is executed whenever an aircraft is re-covered with fabric. Appendix A also states that changing parts of an aircraft wing, tail surface, or fuselage when not listed in the aircraft specifications issued by the FAA is a major alteration. This means that replacing cotton fabric with polyester fabric is a major alteration. A properly executed FAA Form 337 also needs to be approved in order for this alteration to be legal. 3-4 FAA Form 337, which satisfies the documentation requirements for major fabric repairs and alterations, requires participation of an FAA-certificated Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanic with an Inspection Authorization (IA) in the re-covering process. Often the work involved in re-covering a fabric

aircraft is performed by someone else, but under the supervision of the IA (IA certification requires A&P certification). This typically means the IA inspects the aircraft structure and the re-cover job at various stages to be sure STC or field approval specifications are being followed. The signatures of the IA and the FSDO inspector are required on the approved FAA Form 337. The aircraft logbook also must be signed by the FAA-certificated A&P mechanic. It is important to contact the local FSDO before making any major repair or alteration. Approved Materials There are a variety of approved materials used in aircraft fabric covering and repair processes. In order for the items to legally be used, the FAA must approve the fabric, tapes, threads, cords, glues, dopes, sealants, coatings, thinners, additives, fungicides, rejuvenators, and paints for the manufacturer, the holder of an STC, or a field approval. Fabric A Technical Standard Order (TSO) is a minimum performance

standard issued by the FAA for specified materials, parts, processes, and appliances used on civil aircraft. For example, TSO-15d, Aircraft Fabric, Grade A, prescribes the minimum performance standards that approved aircraft fabric must meet. Fabric that meets or exceeds the TSO can be used as a covering. Fabric approved to replace Grade-A cotton, such as polyester, must meet the same criteria. TSO-15d also refers to another document, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Aerospace Material Specification (AMS) 3806D, which details properties a fabric must contain to be an approved fabric for airplane cloth. Lighter weight fabrics typically adhere to the specifications in TSO-C14b, which refers to SAE AMS 3804C. When a company is approved to manufacture or sell an approved aviation fabric, it applies for and receives a Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA). Currently, only a few approved fabrics are used for aircraft coverings, such as the polyester fabrics Ceconite™, Stits/Polyfiber™,

and Superflite™. These fabrics and some of their characteristics are shown in Figure 3-4. The holders of the PMA for these fabrics have also developed and gained approval for the various tapes, chords, threads, and liquids that are used in the covering process. These approved materials, along with the procedures for using them, constitute the STCs for each particular fabric covering process. Only the approved materials can be used. Substitution of other materials is forbidden and results in the aircraft being unairworthy. Source: http://www.doksinet Approved Aircraft Fabrics Fabric Name or Type Weight (oz/sq yd) Count (warp x fill) New Breaking Strength (lb) (warp, fill) Minimum Deteriorated Breaking Strength TSO Ceconite™ 101 3.5 69 x 63 125,116 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Ceconite™ 102 3.16 60 x 60 106,113 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Polyfiber™ Heavy Duty-3 3.5 69 x 63 125,116 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Polyfiber™

Medium-3 3.16 60 x 60 106,113 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Polyfiber™ Uncertified Light 1.87 90 x 76 66,72 uncertified Superflight™ SF 101 3.7 70 x 51 80,130 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Superflight™ SF 102 2.7 72 x 64 90,90 70% of original specified fabric C-15d Superflight™ SF 104 1.8 94 x 91 75,55 uncertified Grade A Cotton 4.5 80 x 84 80,80 56 lb/in (70% of New) C-15d Figure 3-4. Approved fabrics for covering aircraft Other Fabric Covering Materials The following is an introduction to the supplemental materials used to complete a fabric covering job per manufacturer’s instruction or a STC. Anti-Chafe Tape Anti-chafe tape is used on sharp protrusions, rib caps, metal seams, and other areas to provide a smoother surface to keep the fabric from being torn. It is usually self-adhesive cloth tape and is applied after the aircraft is cleaned, inspected, and primed, but before the fabric is installed. Reinforcing Tape

Reinforcing tape is most commonly used on rib caps after the fabric covering is installed to protect and strengthen the area for attaching the fabric to the ribs. Rib Bracing Rib bracing tape is used on wing ribs before the fabric is installed. It is applied spanwise and alternately wrapped around a top rib cap and then a bottom rib cap progressing from rib to rib until all are braced. [Figure 3-5] Lacing the ribs in this manner holds them in the proper place and alignment during the covering process. Surface Tape Surface tape, made of polyester material and often preshrunk, is obtained from the STC holder. This tape, also known as finishing tape, is applied after the fabric is installed. Figure 3-5. Inter-rib bracing holds the ribs in place during the covering process. It is used over seams, ribs, patches, and edges. Surface tape can have straight or pinked edges and comes in various widths. For curved surfaces, bias cut tape is available, which allows the tape to be shaped

around a radius. Rib Lacing Cord Rib lacing cord is used to lace the fabric to the wing ribs. It must be strong and applied as directed to safely transfer in-flight loads from the fabric to the ribs. Rib lacing cord is available in a round or flat cross-section. The round cord is easier to use than the flat lacing, but if installed properly, the flat lacing results in a smoother finish over the ribs. 3-5 Source: http://www.doksinet Sewing Thread Sewing of polyester fabric is rare and mostly limited to the creation of prefitted envelopes used in the envelope method covering process. When a fabric seam must be made with no structure underneath it, a sewn seam could be used. Polyester threads of various specifications are used on polyester fabric. Different thread is specified for hand sewing versus machine sewing. For hand sewing, the thread is typically a three-ply, uncoated polyester thread with a 15-pound tensile strength. Machine thread is typically four-ply polyester with a

10pound tensile strength. Clips Martin clip Trailing edge Rib cap Section of rib Screws Special Fabric Fasteners Each fabric covering job involves a method of attaching the fabric to wing and empennage ribs. The original manufacturer’s method of fastening should be used. In addition to lacing the fabric to the ribs with approved rib lacing cord, special clips, screws, and rivets are employed on some aircraft. [Figure 3-6] The first step in using any of these fasteners is to inspect the holes into which they fit. Worn holes may have to be enlarged or re-drilled according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use of approved fasteners is mandatory. Use of unapproved fasteners can render the covering job unairworthy if substituted. Screws and rivets often incorporate the use of a plastic or aluminum washer. All fasteners and rib lacing are covered with finishing tape once installed to provide a smooth finish and airflow. PK screw Washer Reinforcing tape Fabric Rib Rivets Grommets

Grommets are used to create reinforced drain holes in the aircraft fabric. Usually made of aluminum or plastic, they are glued or doped into place on the fabric surface. Once secured, a hole is created in the fabric through the center of the grommet. Often, this is done with a hot soldering pencil that also heat seals the fabric edge to prevent raveling. Seaplane grommets have a shield over the drain hole to prevent splashed water from entering the interior of the covered structure and to assist in siphoning out any water from within. [Figure 3-7] Drain holes using these grommets must be made before the grommets are put in place. Note that some drain holes do not require grommets if they are made through two layers of fabric. Lace Inspection Rings The structure underneath an aircraft covering must be inspected periodically. To facilitate this in fabric-covered aircraft, inspection rings are glued or doped to the fabric. They provide a stable rim around an area of fabric that can be

cut to allow viewing of the structure underneath. The fabric remains uncut until an inspection is desired. The rings are typically plastic or aluminum with an approximately threeinch inside diameter. Spring clip metal panel covers can be 3-6 Figure 3-6. Clips, screws, rivets, or lace are used to attach the fabric to wing and empennage ribs. Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 3-8. Inspection rings and an inspection cover Figure 3-7. Plastic, aluminum, and seaplane grommets are used to reinforce drain holes in the fabric covering. fitted to close the area once the fabric inside the inspection ring has been cut for access. [Figure 3-8] The location of the inspection rings are specified by the manufacturer. Additional rings are sometimes added to permit access to important areas that may not have been fitted originally with inspection access. Primer The airframe structure of a fabric covered aircraft must be cleaned, inspected, and prepared before the fabric covering process

begins. The final preparation procedure involves priming the structure with a treatment that works with the adhesive and first coats of fabric sealant that are to be utilized. Each STC specifies which primers, or if a wood structure, which varnishes are suitable. Most often, two-part epoxy primers are used on metal structure and two-part epoxy varnishes are used on wood structure. Utilize the primer specified by the manufacturer’s or STC’s instructions. Fabric Cement Modern fabric covering systems utilize special fabric cement to attach the fabric to the airframe. There are various types of cement. [Figure 3-9] In addition to good adhesion qualities, flexibility, and long life, fabric cements must be compatible Aircraft Covering Systems APPROVED PROPRIETARY PRODUCT NAME Covering System Air-Tech STC # SA7965SW Allowable Fabrics Ceconite™ Poly-Fiber™ Superflite™ Base Urethane Cement UA-55 Water Filler UV Block PFU 1020 PFU 1030 PFU 1020 PFU 1030 PFUW 1050 PFUW

1050 Topcoats CHSM Color Coat Ceconite™/ Randolph System SA4503NM Ceconite™ Dope New Super Seam Nitrate Dope Rand-O-Fill Colored Butyrate Dope Ranthane Polyurethane Stits/Poly-Fiber™ SA1008WE Poly-Fiber™ Vinyl Poly-tak Poly-brush Poly-spray Vinyl Poly-tone, Aero-Thane, or Ranthane Polyurethane Stewart System SA01734SE Ceconite™ Poly-Fiber™ Water-borne EkoBond EkoFill EkoFIll EkoPoly Superflite™ • System1 • System VI SA00478CH and others Superflite™ 101,102 Superflite™ 101,102 Dope U-500 Dacproofer SrayFil Urethane U-500 SF6500 SF6500 Tinted Butyrate Dope Superflite™ CAB Figure 3-9. Current FAA-approved fabric covering processes 3-7 Source: http://www.doksinet with the primer and the fabric sealer that are applied before and after the cement. • A retarder is added to a product to slow drying time. Used mostly in dope processes and topcoats, a retarder allow more time for a sprayed coating to flow and level, resulting

in a deeper, glossier finish. It is used when the working temperature is elevated slightly above the ideal temperature for a product. It also can be used to prevent blushing of a dope finish when high humidity conditions exist. • An accelerators contains solvents that speed up the drying time of the product with which it is mixed. It is typically used when the application working temperature is below that of the ideal working temperature. It can also be used for faster drying when airborne contaminants threaten a coating finish. • Rejuvenator, used on dope finishes only, contains solvents that soften coatings and allow them to flow slightly. Rejuvenator also contains fresh plasticizers that mix into the original coatings. This increases the overall flexibility and life of the coatings. • Fungicide and mildewicide additives are important for organic fabric covered aircraft because fabrics, such as cotton and linen, are hosts for fungus and mildew. Since fungus and mildew are

not concerns when using polyester fabric, these additives are not required. Modern coating formulas contain premixed anti-fungal agents, providing sufficient insurance against the problem of fungus or mildew. Fabric Sealer Fabric sealer surrounds the fibers in the fabric with a protective coating to provide adhesion and keep out dirt and moisture. The sealer is the first coat applied to the polyester fabric after it is attached to the airframe and heat shrunk to fit snugly. Dope-based fabric coating systems utilize nontautening nitrate dope as the primary fabric sealant The application of tautening dope may cause the fabric to become too taut resulting in excess stress on the airframe that could damage it. Nondope coating systems use proprietary sealers that are also nontautening. [Figure 3-9] Fillers After the fabric sealer is applied, a filler is used. It is sprayed on in a number of cross coats as required by the manufacturer or the fabric covering process STC. The filler contains

solids or chemicals that are included to block UV light from reaching the fabric. Proper fill coating is critical because UV light is the single most destructive element that causes polyester fabric to deteriorate. Dope-based processes use butyrate dope fillers while other processes have their own proprietary formulas. When fillers and sealers are combined, they are known as fabric primers. Aluminum pastes and powders, formerly added to butyrate dope to provide the UV protection, have been replaced by premixed formulas. Topcoats Once the aircraft fabric has been installed, sealed, and fill-coat protected, finishing or topcoats are applied to give the aircraft its final appearance. Colored butyrate dope is common in dope-based processes, but various polyurethane topcoats are also available. It is important to use the topcoat products and procedures specified in the applicable STC to complete an airworthy fabric re-covering job. The use of various additives is common at different stages

when utilizing the above products. The following is a short list of additional products that facilitate the proper application of the fabric coatings. Note again that only products approved under a particular STC can be used. Substitution of similar products, even though they perform the same basic function, is not allowed. • A catalysts accelerates a chemical reaction. Catalysts are specifically designed for each product with which they are mixed. They are commonly used with epoxies and polyurethanes. • A thinner is a solvent or mixture of solvents added to a product to give it the proper consistency for application, such as when spraying or brushing. 3-8 Available Covering Processes The covering processes that utilize polyester fabric are the primary focus of this chapter. The FAA-approved aircraft covering processes are listed in Figure 3-9. The processes can be distinguished by the chemical nature of the glue and coatings that are used. A dope-based covering process has

been refined out of the cotton fabric era, with excellent results on polyester fabric. In particular, plasticizers added to the nitrate dope and butyrate dopes minimize the shrinking and tautening effects of the dope, establish flexibility, and allow esthetically pleasing tinted butyrate dope finishes that last indefinitely. Durable polyurethane-based processes integrate well with durable polyurethane topcoat finishes. Vinyl is the key ingredient in the popular Poly-Fiber covering system. Air Tech uses an acetone thinned polyurethane compatible system. The most recent entry into the covering systems market is the Stewart Finishing System that uses waterborne technology to apply polyurethane coatings to the fabric. The glue used in the system is water-based and nonvolatile. The Stewart Finishing System is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliant and STC approved. Both the Stewart and Air Tech systems operate with any of the approved polyester fabrics as stated in their covering

system STCs. Source: http://www.doksinet All the modern fabric covering systems listed in Figure 3-9 result in a polyester fabric covered aircraft with an indefinite service life. Individual preferences exist for working with the different approved processes. A description of basic covering procedures and techniques common to most of these systems follows later in this chapter. Ceconite™, Polyfiber™, and Superflight™ are STC approved fabrics with processes used to install polyester fabric coverings. Two companies that do not manufacturer their own fabric have gained STC approval for covering accessories and procedures to be used with these approved fabrics. The STCs specify the fabrics and the proprietary materials that are required to legally complete the re-covering job. The aircraft fabric covering process is a three-step process. First, select an approved fabric. Second, follow the applicable STC steps to attach the fabric to the airframe and to protect it from the

elements. Third, apply the approved topcoat to give the aircraft its color scheme and final appearance. Although Grade-A cotton can be used on all aircraft originally certificated to be covered with this material, approved aircraft cotton fabric is no longer available. Additionally, due to the shortcomings of cotton fabric coverings, most of these aircraft have been re-covered with polyester fabric. In the rare instance the technician encounters a cotton fabric covered aircraft that is still airworthy, inspection and repair procedures specified in AC 43.13-1, Chapter 2, Fabric Covering, should be followed. Determining Fabric ConditionRepair or Recover? Re-covering an aircraft with fabric is a major repair and should only be undertaken when necessary. Often a repair to the present fabric is sufficient to keep the aircraft airworthy. The original manufacturer’s recommendations or the covering process STC should be consulted for the type of repair required for the damage incurred by

the fabric covering. AC 4313-1 also gives guidelines and acceptable practices for repairing cotton fabric, specifically when stitching is concerned. Often a large area that needs repair is judged in reference to the overall remaining lifespan of the fabric on the aircraft. For example, if the fabric has reached the limit of its durability, it is better to re-cover the entire aircraft than to replace a large damaged area when the remainder of the aircraft would soon need to be re-covered. On aircraft with dope-based covering systems, continued shrinkage of the dope can cause the fabric to become too tight. Overly tight fabric may require the aircraft to be re-covered rather than repaired because excess tension on fabric can cause airframe structural damage. Loose fabric flaps in the wind during flight, affecting weight distribution and unduly stressing the airframe. It may also need to be replaced because of damage to the airframe. Another reason to re-cover rather than repair occurs

when dope coatings on fabric develop cracks. These cracks could expose the fabric beneath to the elements that can weaken it. Close observation and field testing must be used to determine if the fabrics are airworthy. If not, the aircraft must be re-covered. If the fabric is airworthy and no other problems exist, a rejuvenator can be used per manufacturer’s instructions. This product is usually sprayed on and softens the coatings with very powerful solvents. Plasticizers in the rejuvenator become part of the film that fills in the cracks. After the rejuvenator dries, additional coats of aluminumpigmented dope must be added and then final topcoats applied to finish the job. While laborious, rejuvenating a dope finish over strong fabric can save a great deal of time and money. Polyurethane-based finishes cannot be rejuvenated. Fabric Strength Deterioration of the strength of the present fabric covering is the most common reason to re-cover an aircraft. The strength of fabric coverings

must be determined at every 100-hour and annual inspection. Minimum fabric breaking strength is used to determine if an aircraft requires re-covering. Fabric strength is a major factor in the airworthiness of an aircraft. Fabric is considered to be airworthy until it deteriorates to a breaking strength less than 70 percent of the strength of the new fabric required for the aircraft. For example, if an aircraft was certificated with Grade-A cotton fabric that has a new breaking strength of 80 pounds, it becomes unairworthy when the fabric strength falls to 56 pounds, which is 70 percent of 80 pounds. If polyester fabric, which has a higher new breaking strength, is used to re-cover this same aircraft, it would also need to exceed 56 pounds breaking strength to remain airworthy. In general, an aircraft is certified with a certain fabric based on its wing loading and its never exceed speed (VNE). The higher the wing loading and VNE, the stronger the fabric must be. On aircraft with wing

loading of 9 pounds per square foot and over, or a VNE of 160 miles per hour (mph) or higher, fabric equaling or exceeding the strength of Grade A cotton is required. This means the new fabric breaking strength must be at least 80 pounds and the minimum fabric breaking strength at which the aircraft becomes unairworthy is 56 pounds. On aircraft with wing loading of 9 pounds per square foot or less, or a VNE of 160 mph or less, fabric equaling or exceeding 3-9 Source: http://www.doksinet the strength of intermediate grade cotton is required. This means the new fabric breaking strength must be at least 65 pounds and the minimum fabric breaking strength at which the aircraft becomes unairworthy is 46 pounds. Lighter weight fabric may be found to have been certified on gliders or sailplanes and may be used on many uncertificated aircraft or aircraft in the Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category. For aircraft with wing loading less than 8 pounds per square foot or less, or VNE of 135 mph or

less, the fabric is considered unairworthy when the breaking strength has deteriorated to below 35 pounds (new minimum strength of 50 pounds). Figure 3-10 summarizes these parameters. How Fabric Breaking Strength is Determined Manufacturer’s instructions should always be consulted first for fabric strength inspection methodology. These instructions are approved data and may not require removal of a test strip to determine airworthiness of the fabric. In some cases, the manufacturer’s information does not include any fabric inspection methods. It may refer the IA to AC 43131, Chapter 2, Fabric Covering, which contains the approved FAA test strip method for breaking strength. The test strip method for the breaking strength of aircraft covering fabrics uses standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for the testing of various materials. Breaking strength is determined by cutting a 1¼ inch by 4–6 inch strip of fabric from the aircraft covering. This

sample should be taken from an area that is exposed to the elementsusually an upper surface. It is also wise to take the sample from an area that has a dark colored finish since this has absorbed more of the sun’s UV rays and degraded faster. All coatings are then removed and the edges raveled to leave a 1-inch width. One end of the strip is clamped into a secured clamp and the other end is clamped such that a suitable container may be suspended from it. Weight is added to the container until the fabric breaks. The breaking strength of the fabric is equal to the weight of the lower clamp, the container, and the weight added to it. If the breaking strength is still in question, a sample should be sent to a qualified testing laboratory and breaking strength tests made in accordance with ASTM publication D5035. Note that the fabric test strip must have all coatings removed from it for the test. Soaking and cleaning the test strip in methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) usually removes all the

coatings. Properly installed and maintained polyester fabric should give years of service before appreciable fabric strength degradation occurs. Aircraft owners often prefer not to have test strips cut out of the fabric, especially when the aircraft or the fabric covering is relatively new, because removal of a test strip damages the integrity of an airworthy component if the fabric passes. The test strip area then must be repaired, costing time and money. To avoid cutting a strip out of airworthy fabric, the IA makes a decision based on knowledge, experience, and available nondestructive techniques as to whether removal of a test strip is warranted to ensure that the aircraft can be returned to service. An aircraft made airworthy under an STC is subject to the instructions for continued airworthiness in that STC. Most STCs refer to AC 43.13-1 for inspection methodology PolyFiber™ and Ceconite™ re-covering process STCs contain their own instructions and techniques for determining

fabric strength and airworthiness. Therefore, an aircraft covered under those STCs may be inspected in accordance with this information. In most cases, the aircraft can be approved for return to service without cutting a strip from the fabric covering. The procedures in the Poly-Fiber™ and Ceconite™ STCs outlined in the following paragraphs are useful when inspecting any fabric covered aircraft as they add to the information gathered by the IA to determine the condition of the fabric. However, following these procedures alone on aircraft not recovered under these STCs does not make the aircraft airworthy. The IA must add his or her own knowledge, experience, and judgment to make a final determination of the strength of the fabric and whether it is airworthy. Fabric Performance Criteria IF YOUR PERFORMANCE IS. FABRIC STRENGTH MUST BE. New Breaking Strength Minimum Breaking Strength ≥ Grade A > 80 lb > 56 < 160 mph ≥ Intermediate > 65 lb > 46 <

135 mph ≥Lightweight > 50 lb > 35 Loading VNE Speed > 9 lb/sq ft > 160 mph < 9 lb/sq ft < 8 lb/sq ft Type Figure 3-10. Aircraft performance affects fabric selection 3-10 Source: http://www.doksinet Maule tester 55 65 75 80 Seyboth or punch tester 70 45 Calibrated scale 60 M A U L E The Maule punch tester, a spring-loaded device with its scale calibrated in breaking strength, tests fabric strength by pressing against it while the fabric is still on the aircraft. It roughly equates strength in pounds per square inch (psi) of resistance to breaking strength. The tester is pushed squarely against the fabric until the scale reads the amount 35 The test should be performed on exposed fabric where there is a crack or chip in the coatings. If there is no crack or chip, coatings should be removed to expose the fabric wherever the test is to be done. Red Yellow Green 50 Fabric Testing Devices Mechanical devices used to test fabric by pressing

against or piercing the finished fabric are not FAA approved and are used at the discretion of the FAA-certificated mechanic to form an opinion on the general fabric condition. Punch test accuracy depends on the individual device calibration, total coating thickness, brittleness, and types of coatings and fabric. If the fabric tests in the lower breaking strength range with the mechanical punch tester or if the overall fabric cover conditions are poor, then more accurate field tests may be made. Seyboth and Maule fabric strength testers designed for cotton- and linen-covered aircraft, not to be used on modern Dacron fabrics. Mechanical devices, combined with other information and experience, help the FAA-certificated mechanic judge the strength of the fabric. [Figure 3-11] 25 This test is based on the assumption that if visible light passes through the fabric coatings, then UV light can also. To verify whether or not visible light passes through the fabric coating, remove an

inspection panel from the wing, fuselage, or empennage. Have someone hold an illuminated 60-watt lamp one foot away from the exterior of the fabric. No light should be visible through the fabric. If no light is visible, the fabric has not been weakened by UV rays and can be assumed to be airworthy. There is no need to perform the fabric strip strength test. If light is visible through the coatings, further investigation is required. A second type of punch tester, the Seyboth, is not as popular as the Maule because it punctures a small hole in the fabric when the mechanic pushes the shoulder of the testing unit against the fabric. A pin with a color-coded calibrated scale protrudes from the top of the tester and the mechanic reads this scale to determine fabric strength. Since this device requires a repair regardless of the strength of the fabric indicated, it is not widely used. 40 Upon a close visual inspection, the fabric coating(s) should be consistent, contain no cracks, and be

flexible, not brittle. Pushing hard against the fabric with a knuckle should not damage the coating(s). It is recommended the inspector check in several areas, especially those most exposed to the sun. Coatings that pass this test can move to a simple test that determines whether or not UV light is passing through the coatings. of maximum allowable degradation. If the tester does not puncture the fabric, it may be considered airworthy. Punctures near the breaking strength should be followed with further testing, specifically the strip breaking strength test described above. Usually, a puncture indicates the fabric is in need of replacement. 30 Exposure to UV radiation appreciably reduces the strength of polyester fabric and forms the basis of the Poly-Fiber™ and Ceconite™ fabric evaluation process. All approved covering systems utilize fill coats applied to the fabric to protect it from UV. If installed according to the STC, these coatings should be sufficient to protect the

fabric from the sun and should last indefinitely. Therefore, most of the evaluation of the strength of the fabric is actually an evaluation of the condition of its protective coating(s). Fabric Fabric Figure 3-11. Seyboth and Maule fabric strength testers General Fabric Covering Process It is required to have an IA involved in the process of recovering a fabric aircraft because re-covering is a major repair or major alteration. Signatures are required on FAA Form 337 and in the aircraft logbook. To ensure work progresses as required, the IA should be involved from the beginning, as well as at various stages throughout the process. This section describes steps common to various STC and manufacturer covering processes, as well as the differences of some processes. To aid in proper performance of fabric 3-11 Source: http://www.doksinet covering and repair procedures, STC holders produce illustrated, step-by-step instructional manuals and videos that demonstrate the correct covering

procedures. These training aids are invaluable to the inexperienced technician. Since modern fabric coverings last indefinitely, a rare opportunity to inspect the aircraft exists during the recovering process. Inspectors and owner-operators should use this opportunity to perform a thorough inspection of the aircraft before new fabric is installed. The method of fabric attachment should be identical, as far as strength and reliability are concerned, to the method used by the manufacturer of the aircraft being recovered or repaired. Carefully remove the old fabric from the airframe, noting the location of inspection covers, drain grommets, and method of attachment. Either the envelope method or blanket method of fabric covering is acceptable, but a choice must be made prior to beginning the re-covering process. Blanket Method vs. Envelope Method In the blanket method of re-covering, multiple flat sections of fabric are trimmed and attached to the airframe. Certified greige polyester

fabric for covering an aircraft can be up to 70 inches in width and used as it comes off the bolt. Each aircraft must be considered individually to determine the size and layout of blankets needed to cover it. A single blanket cut for each small surface (i.e, stabilizers and control surfaces) is common. Wings may require two blankets that overlap. Fuselages are covered with multiple blankets that span between major structural members, often with a single blanket for the bottom. Very large wings may require more than two blankets of fabric to cover the entire top and bottom surfaces. In all cases, the fabric is adhered to the airframe using the approved adhesives, following specific rules for the covering process being employed. [Figure 3-12] Figure 3-12. Laying out fabric during a blanket method re-covering job. An alternative method of re-covering, the envelope method, saves time by using precut and pre-sewn envelopes of fabric to 3-12 cover the aircraft. The envelopes must be

sewn with approved machine sewing thread, edge distance, fabric fold, etc., such as those specified in AC 43.13-1 or an STC Patterns are made and fabric is cut and stitched so that each major surface, including the fuselage and wings, can be covered with a single, close-fitting envelope. Since envelopes are cut to fit, they are slid into position, oriented with the seams in the proper place, and attached with adhesive to the airframe. Envelope seams are usually located over airframe structure in inconspicuous places, such as the trailing edge structures and the very top and bottom of the fuselage, depending on airframe construction. Follow the manufacturer’s or STC’s instructions for proper location of the sewn seams of the envelope when using this method. [Figure 3-13] Figure 3-13. A custom-fit presewn fabric envelope is slid into position over a fuselage for the envelope method of fabric covering. Other than fitting, most steps in the covering process are the same as with the

blanket covering method. Preparation for Fabric Covering Work Proper preparation for re-covering a fabric aircraft is essential. First, assemble the materials and tools required to complete the job. The holder of the STC usually supplies a materials and tools list either separately or in the STC manual. Control of temperature, humidity, and ventilation is needed in the work environment. If ideal environmental conditions cannot be met, additives are available that compensate for this for most re-covering products. Rotating work stands for the fuselage and wings provide easy, alternating access to the upper and lower surfaces while the job is in progress. [Figure 3-14] They can be used with sawhorses or sawhorses can be used alone to support the aircraft structure while working. A workbench or table, as well as a rolling cart and storage cabinet, are also recommended. Figure 3-15 shows a well conceived fabric covering workshop. A paint spray booth for sprayed-on coatings and space to

store components awaiting work is also recommended. Source: http://www.doksinet Rotatable wood stand and sawhorse Rotating stand and sawhorse Figure 3-14. Rotating stands and sawhorses facilitate easy access to top and bottom surfaces during the fabric covering process Work bench Hazardous material storage Tool cart Exhaust fan Work area with rotating stands Shelving Storage area Fabric rack Thermometer FNCN + VOL BATT PWR − SEL Wash basin/water emergency supplies Fire extinguisher Figure 3-15. Some components of a work area for covering an aircraft with fabric Many of the substances used in most re-covering processes are highly toxic. Proper protection must be used to avoid serious short and long term adverse health effects. Eye protection, a proper respirator, and skin protection are vital. As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, nitrate dope is very flammable. Proper ventilation and a rated fire extinguisher should be on hand when working with this and

other covering process materials. Grounding of work to prevent static electricity build-up may be required. All fabric re-covering processes also involve multiple coats of various products that are sprayed onto the fabric surface. Use of a high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) sprayer is recommended. Good ventilation is needed for all of the processes. Removal of Old Fabric Coverings Removal of the old covering is the first step in replacing an aircraft fabric covering. Cut away the old fabric from the airframe with razor blades or utility knife. Care should be taken to ensure that no damage is done to the airframe. [Figure 3-16] To use the old covering for templates in transferring the location of inspection panels, cable guides, and other features to the new covering, the old covering should be removed in large sections. Note: any rib stitching fasteners, if used to attach the fabric to the structure, should be removed before the fabric is pulled free of the airframe. If fasteners are

left in place, damage to the structure may occur during fabric removal. 3-13 Source: http://www.doksinet Carefully cut away the fabric. Gently roll the fabric back as the cut is made. Figure 3-16. Old fabric coverings are cut off in large pieces to preserve them as templates for locating various airframe features Sharp blades and care must be used to avoid damaging the structure. Preparation of the Airframe Before Covering Once the old fabric has been removed, the exposed airframe structure must be thoroughly cleaned and inspected. The IA collaborating on the job should be involved in this step of the process. Details of the inspection should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, the STC, or AC 43.13-1 All of the old adhesive must be completely removed from the airframe with solvent, such as MEK. A thorough inspection must be done and various components may be selected to be removed for cleaning, inspection, and testing. Any repairs that are required, including the removal and

treatment of all corrosion, must be done at this time. If the airframe is steel tubing, many technicians take the opportunity to grit blast the entire airframe at this stage. The leading edge of a wing is a critical area where airflow diverges and begins its laminar flow over the wing’s surfaces, which results in the generation of lift. It is beneficial to have a smooth, regular surface in this area. Plywood leading edges must be sanded until smooth, bare wood is exposed. If oil or grease spots exist, they must be cleaned with naphtha or other specified cleaners. If there are any chips, indentations, or irregularities, approved filler may be spread into these areas and sanded smooth. The entire leading edge should be cleaned before beginning the fabric covering process. 3-14 To obtain a smooth finish on fabric-covered leading edges of aluminum wings, a sheet of felt or polyester padding may be applied before the fabric is installed. This should only be done with the material

specified in the STC under which the technician is working. The approved padding ensures compatibility with the adhesives and first coatings of the covering process. When a leading edge pad is used, check the STC process instructions for permission to make a cemented fabric seam over the padding. [Figure 3-17] When completely cleaned, inspected, and repaired, an approved primer, or varnish if it is a wood structure, should be applied to the airframe. This step is sometimes referred to as dope proofing. Exposed aluminum must first be acid etched. Use the product(s) specified by the manufacturer or in the STC to prepare the metal before priming. Two part epoxy primers and varnishes, which are not affected by the fabric adhesive and subsequent coatings, are usually specified. One part primers, such as zinc chromate and spar varnish, are typically not acceptable. The chemicals in the adhesives dissolve the primers, and adhesion of the fabric to the airframe is lost. Sharp edges, metal

seams, the heads of rivets, and any other feature on the aircraft structure that might cut or wear through the fabric should be covered with anti-chafe tape. As Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 3-17. The use of specified felt or padding over the wing leading edges before the fabric is installed results in a smooth regular surface. Figure 3-18. Anti-chafe tape is applied to all features that might cut or wear through the fabric. described above, this cloth sticky-back tape is approved and should not be substituted with masking or any other kind of tape. Sometimes, rib cap strips need to have anti-chafe tape applied when the edges are not rounded over. [Figure 3-18] Inter-rib bracing must also be accomplished before the fabric is installed. It normally does not have an adhesive attached to it and is wrapped only once around each rib. The single wrap around each rib is enough to hold the ribs in place during the covering process but allows small movements during the fabric

shrinking process. [Figure 3-19] Attaching Polyester Fabric to the Airframe Inexperienced technicians are encouraged to construct a test panel upon which they can practice with the fabric and various substances and techniques to be used on the aircraft. It is often suggested to cover smaller surfaces first, such as the empennage and control surfaces. Mistakes on these can be corrected and are less costly if they occur. The techniques employed for all surfaces, including the wings and fuselage, are basically the same. Once dexterity has been established, the order in which one proceeds is often a personal choice. When the airframe is primed and ready for fabric installation, it must receive a final inspection by an A&P with IA. Figure 3-19. Inter-rib bracing holds the ribs in place during the re-covering process. 3-15 Source: http://www.doksinet When approved, attachment of the fabric may begin. The manufacturer’s or STC’s instructions must be followed without deviation for

the job to be airworthy. The following are the general steps taken. Each approved process has its own nuances. Seams During installation, the fabric is overlapped and seamed together. Primary concerns for fabric seams are strength, elasticity, durability, and good appearance. Whether using the blanket method or envelope method, position all fabric seams over airframe structure to which the fabric is to be adhered during the covering process, whenever possible. Unlike the blanket method, fabric seam overlap is predetermined in the envelope method. Seams sewn to the specifications in AC 43.13-1, the STC under which the work is being performed, or the manufacturer’s instructions should perform adequately. final appearance of the covering job should be considered. For example, fabric seams made on the wing’s top surface of a high wing aircraft are not visible when approaching the aircraft. Seams on low wing aircraft and many horizontal stabilizers are usually made on the bottom of

the wing for the same reason. [Figure 3-20] Fabric Cement A polyester fabric covering is cemented or glued to the airframe structure at all points where it makes contact. Special formula adhesives have replaced nitrate dope for adhesion in most covering processes. The adhesive (as well as all subsequent coating materials) should be mixed for optimum characteristics at the temperature at which the work is being performed. Follow the manufacturer’s or STC’s guidance when mixing. Most covering procedures for polyester fabric rely on doped or glued seams as opposed to sewn seams. They are simple and easy to make and provide excellent strength, elasticity, durability, and appearance. When using the blanket method, seam overlap is specified in the covering instructions and the FAA-certificated A&P mechanic must adhere to these specifications. Typically, a minimum of two to four inches of fabric overlap seam is required where ends of fabric are joined in areas of critical airflow,

such as the leading edge of a wing. One to two inches of overlap is often the minimum in other areas. To attach the fabric to the airframe, first pre-apply two coats of adhesive to the structure at all points the fabric is to contact it. (It is important to follow the manufacturer’s or STC’s guidance as all systems are different.) Allow these to dry The fabric is then spread over the surface and clamped into position. It should not be pulled tighter than the relaxed but not wrinkled condition it assumes when lying on the structure. Clamps or clothespins are used to attach the fabric completely around the perimeter. The Stewart System STC does not need clamps because the glue assumes a tacky condition when precoated and dried. There is sufficient adhesion in the precoat to position the fabric. When using the blanket method, options exist for deciding where to overlap the fabric for coverage. Function and the The fabric should be positioned in all areas before undertaking final

adhesion. Final adhesion often involves lifting the fabric, Fabric overlap covering a low wing aircraft Top fabric 2" typical overlap on the leading edge Bottom fabric 1" typical overlap on the trailing edge Fabric overlap covering a high wing aircraft 2" typical overlap on the leading edge Top fabric Bottom fabric 1" typical overlap on the trailing edge Figure 3-20. For appearance, fabric can be overlapped differently on high wing and low wing aircraft 3-16 Source: http://www.doksinet applying a wet bed of cement, and pressing the fabric into the bed. An additional coat of cement over the top of the fabric is common. Depending on the process, wrinkles and excess cement are smoothed out with a squeegee or are ironed out. The Stewart System calls for heat activation of the cement precoats through the fabric with an iron while the fabric is in place. Follow the approved instructions for the covering method being used. Fabric Heat Shrinking Once the fabric

has been glued to the structure, it can be made taut by heat shrinking. This process is done with an ordinary household iron that the technician calibrates before use. A smaller iron is also used to iron in small or tight places [Figure 3-21] The iron is run over the entire surface of the fabric. Follow the instructions for the work being performed Some processes avoid ironing seams while other processes begin ironing over structure and move to spanned fabric or visa-versa. It is important to shrink the fabric evenly Starting on one end of a structure and progressing sequentially to the other end is not recommended. Skipping from one end to the other, and then to the middle, is more likely to evenly draw the fabric tight. [Figure 3-22] Figure 3-21. Irons used during the fabric covering process process has its own temperature regime for the stages of tautening. Typically ranging from 225 °F to 350 °F, it is imperative to follow the process instructions. Not all fabric covering

processes use the same temperature range and maximum temperature. Ensure irons are calibrated to prevent damage at high temperature settings. The amount polyester fabric shrinks is directly related to the temperature applied. Polyester fabric can shrink nearly 5 percent at 250 °F and 10 percent at 350 °F. It is customary to shrink the fabric in stages, using a lower temperature first, before finishing with the final temperature setting. The first shrinking is used to remove wrinkles and excess fabric. The final shrinking gives the finished tautness desired. Each 3 from Switch 4 1 side to side 2 Move to the opposite side End in the middle Begin on one end Figure 3-22. An example of a wing fabric ironing procedure designed to evenly taughten the fabric 3-17 Source: http://www.doksinet Attaching Fabric to the Wing Ribs Care must always be taken to identify and eliminate any sharp edges that might wear through the fabric. Reinforcing tape of the exact same width as the

rib cap is installed before any of the fasteners. This approved sticky-back tape helps prevent the fabric from tearing. [Figure 3-23] Then, screws, rivets, and clips simply attach into the predrilled holes in the rib caps to hold the fabric to the caps. Rib lacing is a more involved process whereby the fabric is attached to the ribs with cord. Holes are laid out and pre-punched through the skin as close to the rib caps as possible to accept the lacing cord. [Figure 3-24] This minimizes leverage the fabric could develop while trying to pull away from the structure and prevents tearing. The location of the holes is not arbitrary The spacing between lacing holes and knots must adhere to manufacturer’s instructions, if available. STC lacing guidance refers to manufacturer’s instructions or to that shown on the chart in Figure 3-25 which is taken from AC 43.13-1 Notice that because of greater turbulence in the area of the propeller wash, closer spacing between the lacing is required

there. This slipstream is considered to be the width of the propeller plus one additional rib. Ribs are normally laced from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing. Rib lacing is done with a long curved needle to guide the cord in and out of holes and through the depth of the rib. The knots are designed not to slip under the forces applied and can be made in a series out of a single strand of lacing. Stitching can begin at the leading edge or trailing edge. A square knot with a half hitch on each side is typically used for the first knot when lacing a rib. [Figure 3-26] This is followed by a series of modified seine knots until the final knot is made and secured with a half hitch. [Figure 3-27] Hidden modified seine knots are also used. These knots are placed below the fabric surface so only a single strand of lacing is visible across the rib cap. [Figure 3-28] Figure 3-23. Reinforcing tape the same width as the wing ribs is Figure 3-24. A premarked location for a lacing

hole, which is Once the fabric has been tautened, covering processes vary. Some require a sealing coat be applied to the fabric at this point. It is usually put on by brush to ensure the fibers are saturated. Other processes seal the fabric later Whatever the process, the fabric on wings must be secured to the wing ribs with more than just cement. The forces caused by the airflow over the wings are too great for cement alone to hold the fabric in place. As described in the materials section, screws, rivets, clips and lacing hold the fabric in place on manufactured aircraft. Use the same attach method as used by the original aircraft manufacturer. Deviation requires a field approval. Note that fuselage and empennage attachments may be used on some aircraft. Follow the methodology for wing rib lacing described below and the manufacturer’s instructions for attach point locations and any possible variations to what is presented here. applied over all wing ribs. Rib Lacing There are

two kinds of rib lacing cord. One has a round cross-section and the other flat. Which to use is a matter of preference based on ease of use and final appearance. Only approved rib lacing cord can be used. Unless a rib is unusually deep from top to bottom, rib lacing uses a single length of cord that passes completely through the wing from the upper surface to the lower surface thereby attaching the top and bottom skin to the rib simultaneously. 3-18 punched through the fabric with a pencil. Structure and accessories within the wing may prevent a continuous lacing. Ending the lacing and beginning again can avoid these obstacles. Lacing that is not long enough to complete the rib may be ended and a new starting knot can be initiated at the next set of holes. The lacing can also be extended by joining it with another piece of lacing using the splice knot shown in Figure 3-29. Source: http://www.doksinet Spacing other than in slipstream (non-prop wash area) 3 2 Spacing in

slipstream (prop wash area) Maximum Spacing of Rib Lacing (Inches) 4 1 100 150 200 250 300 Aircraft Velocity Never Exceed Speed (VNE)/(Miles Per Hour) Figure 3-25. A rib lacing spacing chart Unless manufacturer data specifies otherwise, use the spacing indicated Occasionally, lacing to just the rib cap is employed without lacing entirely through the wing and incorporating the cap on the opposite side. This is done where ribs are exceptionally deep or where through lacing is not possible, such as in an area where a fuel tank is installed. Changing to a needle with a tighter radius facilitates threading the lacing cord in these areas. Knotting procedures remain unchanged Technicians inexperienced at rib lacing should seek assistance to ensure the correct knots are being tied. STC holder videos are invaluable in this area. They present repeated close-up visual instruction and guidance to ensure airworthy lacing. AC 43.13-1, Chapter 2, Fabric Covering, also has in-depth

instructions and diagrams as do some manufacturer’s manuals and STC’s instructions. Tape Fabric Half hitch Square knot Rib cap Figure 3-26. A starter knot for rib lacing can be a square knot with a half hitch on each side. 3-19 Source: http://www.doksinet Modifield seine knot T AF Single loop lacing Reinforcing tape (should be same width as the rib) Capstrip Reinforcing tape (should be same width as the rib) Capstrip S Starting stitch S 2 S/ S = Normal stitch spacing Wing ing lead edge fairin g Figure 3-27. In this example of rib lacing, modified seine knots are used and shown above the fabric surface Hidden modified seine knots are common. They are made so that the knots are pushed or pulled below the fabric surface 1 2 3 4 Pull to Pull to tighten tighten Pull tight Push knot under fabric Knot formed but not tightened Load Load Knot completed Figure 3-29. The splice knot can be used to join two pieces of rib lacing cord. Figure 3-28. Hiding

rib lacing knots below the fabric surface results in a smooth surface. 3-20 Source: http://www.doksinet Rings, Grommets, and Gussets When the ribs are laced and the fabric covering completely attached, the various inspection rings, drain grommets, reinforcing patches, and finishing tapes are applied. Inspection rings aid access to critical areas of the structure (pulleys, bell cranks, drag/anti-drag wires, etc.) once the fabric skin is in place. They are plastic or aluminum and normally cemented to the fabric using the approved cement and procedures. The area inside the ring is left intact. It is removed only when inspection or maintenance requires access through that ring. Once removed, preformed inspection panels are used to close the opening. The rings should be positioned as specified by the manufacturer. Lacking that information, they should be positioned as they were on the previous covering fabric. Additional rings should be installed by the technician if it is determined a

certain area would benefit from access in the future. [Figure 3-30] Figure 3-31. Drain grommets cemented into place on the bottom side of a control surface. aircraft. Check the Airworthiness Directives (ADs) and Service Bulletins for the aircraft being re-covered to ensure required rings and grommets have been installed. Cable guide openings, strut-attach fitting areas, and similar features, as well as any protrusions in the fabric covering, are reinforced with fabric gussets. These are installed as patches in the desired location. They should be cut to fit exactly around the feature they reinforce to support the original opening made in the covering fabric. [Figure 3-32] Gussets made to keep protrusions from coming through the fabric should overlap the area they protect. Most processes call for the gusset material to be preshrunk and cemented into place using the approved covering process cementing procedures. Finishing Tapes Figure 3-30. This inspection ring was cemented into

place on the fabric covering. The approved technique specifies the use of a fabric overlay that is cemented over the ring and to the fabric. Water from rain and condensation can collect under the fabric covering and needs a way to escape. Drain grommets serve this purpose. There are a few different types as described in the materials section above. All are cemented into position in accordance with the approved process under which the work is being performed. Locations for the drain grommets should be ascertained from manufacturer’s data. If not specified, AC 43.13-1 has acceptable location information Each fabric covering STC may also give recommendations. Typically, drain grommets are located at the lowest part of each area of the structure (e.g, bottom of the fuselage, wings, empennage). [Figure 3-31] Each rib bay of the wings is usually drained with one or two grommets on the bottom of the trailing edge. Note that drain holes without grommets are sometimes approved in reinforced

fabric. It is possible that additional inspection rings and drain grommets have been specified after the manufacture of the Finishing tapes are applied to all seams, edges, and over the ribs once all of the procedures above have been completed. They are used to protect these areas by providing smooth aerodynamic resistance to abrasion. The tapes are made from the same polyester material as the covering fabric. Use of lighter weight tapes is approved in some STCs. Preshrunk tapes are preferred because they react to exposure to the environment in the same way the as the fabric covering. This minimizes stress on the adhesive joint between the two. Straight edged and pinked tapes are available. The pinking provides greater surface area for adhesion of the edges and a smoother transition into the fabric covering. Only tapes approved in the STC under which work is being accomplished may be used to be considered airworthy. Finishing tapes from one to six inches in width are used. Typically,

two inch tapes cover the rib lacing and fuselage seams. Wing leading edges usually receive the widest tape with four inches being common. [Figure 3-33] Bias cut tapes are often used to wrap around the curved surfaces of the airframe, such as the wing tips and empennage surface edges. They lay flat around the curves and do not require notching. 3-21 Source: http://www.doksinet fibers in the polyester fabric, forming a barrier that keeps water and contaminants from reaching the fabric during its life. It is also used to provide adhesion of subsequent coatings. Usually brushed on in a cross coat application for thorough penetration, two coats of sealer are commonly used but processes vary on how many coats and whether spray coating is permitted. With the sealer coats installed and dried, the next step provides protection from UV light, the only significant cause of deterioration of polyester fabric. Designed to prevent UV light from reaching the fabric and extend the life of the fabric

indefinitely, these coating products, or fill coats, contain aluminum solids premixed into them that block the UV rays. They are sprayed on in the number of cross coats as specified in the manufacturer’s STC or AC 43.13-1 instructions under which work is done. Two to four cross coats is common Note that some processes may require coats of clear butyrate before the blocking formula is applied. Figure 3-32. A strut fitting and cable guide with reinforcing fabric gussets cemented in place. Fabric primer is a coating used in some approved covering processes that combines the sealer and fill coatings into one. Applied to fabric after the finishing tapes are installed, these fabric primers surround and seal the fabric fibers, provide good adhesion for all of the following coatings, and contain UV blocking agents. One modern primer contains carbon solids and others use chemicals that work similarly to sun block for human skin. Typically, two to four coats of fabric primer are sufficient

before the top coatings of the final finish are applied. [Figure 3-34] Figure 3-33. Cement is brushed through a four-inch tape during installation over the fabric seam on a wing leading edge. Two-inch tapes cover the wing ribs and rib lacing. Finishing tapes are attached with the process adhesive or the nitrate dope sealer when using a dope-based process. Generally, all chordwise tapes are applied first followed by the span-wise tapes at the leading and trailing edges. Follow the manufacturer’s STC or AC 43.13-1 instructions Coating the Fabric The sealer coat in most fabric covering processes is applied after all finishing tapes have been installed unless it was applied prior to rib lacing as in a dope-based finishing process. This coat saturates and completely surrounds the 3-22 Figure 3-34. Applying a primer with UV blocking by spraying cross coats. The FAA-certificated mechanic must strictly adhere to all instructions for thinning, drying times, sanding, and cleaning. Small

differences in the various processes exist and what Source: http://www.doksinet works in one process may not be acceptable and could ruin the finish of another process. STCs are issued on the basis of the holder having successfully proven the effectiveness of both the materials and the techniques involved. When the fill coats have been applied, the final appearance of the fabric covering job is crafted with the application of various topcoats. Due to the chemical nature of the fill coating upon which topcoats are sprayed, only specified materials can be used for top coating to ensure compatibility. Colored butyrate dope and polyurethane paint finishes are most common. They are sprayed on according to instructions Once the topcoats are dry, the trim (N numbers, stripes, etc.) can be added Strict observation of drying times and instructions for buffing and waxing are critical to the quality of the final finish. Also, note that STC instructions may include insight on finishing the

nonfabric portions of the airframe to best match the fabric covering finish. Polyester Fabric Repairs Applicable Instructions Repairs to aircraft fabric coverings are inevitable. Always inspect a damaged area to ensure the damage is confined to the fabric and does not involve the structure below. A technician who needs to make a fabric repair must first identify which approved data was used to install the covering that needs to be repaired. Consult the logbook where an entry and reference to manufacturer data, an STC, or a field approval possibly utilizing practices from AC 43.13-1 should be recorded. The source of approved data for the covering job is the same source of approved data used for a repair. This section discusses general information concerning repairs to polyester fabric. Thorough instructions for repairs made to cotton covered aircraft can be found in AC 43.13-1 It is the responsibility of the holder of an STC to provide maintenance instructions for the STC alteration in

addition to materials specifications required to do the job. Repair Considerations The type of repair performed depends on the extent of the damage and the process under which the fabric was installed. The size of the damaged area is often a reference for whether a patch is sufficient to do the repair or whether a new panel should be installed. Repair size may also dictate the amount of fabric-to-fabric overlap required when patching and whether finishing tapes are required over the patch. Many STC repair procedures do not require finishing tapes. Some repairs in AC 43.13-1 require the use of tape up to six inches wide While many cotton fabric repairs involve sewing, nearly all repairs of polyester fabric are made without sewing. It is possible to apply the sewing repair techniques outlined in AC 43.13-1 to polyester fabric, but they were developed primarily for cotton and linen fabrics. STC instructions for repairs to polyester fabric are for cemented repairs which most technicians

prefer as they are generally considered easier than sewn repairs. There is no compromise to the strength of the fabric with either method. Patching or replacing a section of the covering requires prepping the fabric area around the damage where new fabric is to be attached. Procedures vary widely Dope-based covering systems tend toward stripping off all coatings to cement raw fabric to raw fabric when patching or seaming in a new panel. From this point, the coatings are reapplied and finished as in the original covering process. Some polyurethane-based coating processes require only a scuffing of the topcoat with sandpaper before adhering small patches that are then refinished. [Figure 3-35] Still, other processes may remove the topcoats and cement a patch into the sealer or UV blocking coating. In some repair processes, preshrunk fabric is used and in others, the fabric is shrunk after it is in place. Varying techniques and temperatures for shrinking and gluing the fabric into a

repair also exist. These deviations in procedures underscore the critical nature of identifying and strictly adhering to the correct instructions from the approved data for the fabric covering in need of repair. A patch or panel replacement technique for one covering system could easily create an unairworthy repair if used on fabric installed with a different covering process. Large section panel repairs use the same proprietary adhesives and techniques and are only found in the instructions for the process used to install the fabric covering. A common technique for replacing any large damaged area is to replace all of the fabric between two adjacent structural members (e.g, two ribs, two longerons, between the forward and rear spars). Note that this is a major repair and carries with it the requirement to file an FAA Form 337. Cotton-Covered Aircraft You may encounter a cotton fabric-covered aircraft. In addition to other airworthiness criterion, the condition of the fabric under the

finished surface is paramount as the cotton can deteriorate even while the aircraft is stored in a hanger. Inspection, in accordance with the manufacturer maintenance manual or AC 43.13-1, should be diligent If the cotton covering is found to be airworthy, repairs to the fabric can be made under those specifications. This includes sewn-in and doped-in patches, as well as sewn-in and doped-in panel repairs. Due to the very limited number of airworthy aircraft that may still be covered with cotton, this handbook does not cover specific information on re-covering with cotton or 3-23 Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 3-35. A patch over this small hole on a polyurethane top coat is repaired in accordance with the repair instructions in the STC under which the aircraft was re-covered. It requires only a two-inch fabric overlap and scuffing into the top coat before cementing and refinishing. Other STC repair instructions may not allow this repair cotton fabric maintenance and repair

procedures. Refer to AC 43.13-1, Chapter 2, Fabric Covering, which thoroughly addresses these issues. Fiberglass Coverings References to fiberglass surfaces in aircraft covering STCs, AC 43.13-1, and other maintenance literature address techniques for finishing and maintaining this kind of surface. However, this is typically limited to fiberglass ray domes and fiberglass reinforced plywood surfaces and parts that are still in service. Use of dope-based processes on fiberglass is well established. Repair and apply coatings and finishes on fiberglass in accordance with manufacturer data, STC instructions, or AC 43.13-1 acceptable practices 3-24 Source: http://www.doksinet Chapter 4 Aircraft Metal Structural Repair Aircraft Metal Structural Repair The satisfactory performance of an aircraft requires continuous maintenance of aircraft structural integrity. It is important that metal structural repairs be made according to the best available techniques because improper repair

techniques can pose an immediate or potential danger. The reliability of an aircraft depends on the quality of the design, as well as the workmanship used in making the repairs. The design of an aircraft metal structural repair is complicated by the requirement that an aircraft be as light as possible. If weight were not a critical factor, repairs could be made with a large margin of safety. In actual practice, repairs must be strong enough to carry all of the loads with the required factor of safety, but they must not have too much extra strength. For example, a joint that is too weak cannot be tolerated, but a joint that is too strong can create stress risers that may cause cracks in other locations. As discussed in Chapter 3, Aircraft Fabric Covering, sheet metal aircraft construction dominates modern aviation. Generally, sheet metal made of aluminum alloys is used in airframe sections that serve as both the structure and outer aircraft covering, with the metal parts joined with

rivets or other types of fasteners. Sheet metal is used extensively in many types of aircraft from airliners to single engine airplanes, but it may also appear as part of a composite airplane, such as in an instrument panel. Sheet metal is obtained by rolling metal into flat sheets of various thicknesses ranging from thin (leaf) to plate (pieces thicker than 6 mm or 0.25 inch) The thickness of sheet metal, called gauge, ranges from 8 to 30 with the higher gauge denoting thinner metal. Sheet metal can be cut and bent into a variety of shapes. 4-1 Source: http://www.doksinet Damage to metal aircraft structures is often caused by corrosion, erosion, normal stress, and accidents and mishaps. Sometimes aircraft structure modifications require extensive structural rework. For example, the installation of winglets on aircraft not only replaces a wing tip with a winglet, but also requires extensive reinforcing of the wing structure to carry additional stresses. Numerous and varied methods

of repairing metal structural portions of an aircraft exist, but no set of specific repair patterns applies in all cases. The problem of repairing a damaged section is usually solved by duplicating the original part in strength, kind of material, and dimensions. To make a structural repair, the aircraft technician needs a good working knowledge of sheet metal forming methods and techniques. In general, forming means changing the shape by bending and forming solid metal. In the case of aluminum, this is usually done at room temperature. All repair parts are shaped to fit in place before they are attached to the aircraft or component. Forming may be a very simple operation, such as making a single bend or a single curve, or it may be a complex operation, requiring a compound curvature. Before forming a part, the aircraft technician must give some thought to the complexity of the bends, the material type, the material thickness, the material temper, and the size of the part being

fabricated. In most cases, these factors determine which forming method to use. Types of forming discussed in this chapter include bending, brake forming, stretch forming, roll forming, and spinning. The aircraft technician also needs a working knowledge of the proper use of the tools and equipment used in forming metal. In addition to forming techniques, this chapter introduces the airframe technician to the tools used in sheet metal construction and repair, structural fasteners and their installation, how to inspect, classify, and assess metal structural damage, common repair practices, and types of repairs. The repairs discussed in this chapter are typical of those used in aircraft maintenance and are included to introduce some of the operations involved. For exact information about specific repairs, consult the manufacturer’s maintenance or structural repair manuals (SRM). General repair instructions are also discussed in Advisory Circular (AC) 43.131, Acceptable Methods,

Techniques, and PracticesAircraft Inspection and Repair. Stresses in Structural Members An aircraft structure must be designed so that it accepts all of the stresses imposed upon it by the flight and ground loads without any permanent deformation. Any repair made must 4-2 accept the stresses, carry them across the repair, and then transfer them back into the original structure. These stresses are considered as flowing through the structure, so there must be a continuous path for them, with no abrupt changes in cross-sectional areas along the way. Abrupt changes in cross-sectional areas of aircraft structure that are subject to cycle loading or stresses result in a stress concentration that may induce fatigue cracking and eventual failure. A scratch or gouge in the surface of a highly stressed piece of metal causes a stress concentration at the point of damage and could lead to failure of the part. Forces acting on an aircraft, whether it is on the ground or in flight, introduce

pulling, pushing, or twisting forces within the various members of the aircraft structure. While the aircraft is on the ground, the weight of the wings, fuselage, engines, and empennage causes forces to act downward on the wing and stabilizer tips, along the spars and stringers, and on the bulkheads and formers. These forces are passed from member to member causing bending, twisting, pulling, compression, and shearing forces. As the aircraft takes off, most of the forces in the fuselage continue to act in the same direction; because of the motion of the aircraft, they increase in intensity. The forces on the wingtips and the wing surfaces, however, reverse direction; instead of being downward forces of weight, they become upward forces of lift. The forces of lift are exerted first against the skin and stringers, then are passed on to the ribs, and finally are transmitted through the spars to be distributed through the fuselage. The wings bend upward at their ends and may flutter

slightly during flight. This wing bending cannot be ignored by the manufacturer in the original design and construction and cannot be ignored during maintenance. It is surprising how an aircraft structure composed of structural members and skin rigidly riveted or bolted together, such as a wing, can bend or act so much like a leaf spring. The six types of stress in an aircraft are described as tension, compression, shear, bearing, bending, and torsion (or twisting). The first four are commonly called basic stresses; the last two, combination stresses. Stresses usually act in combinations rather than singly. [Figure 4-1] Tension Tension is the stress that resists a force that tends to pull apart. The engine pulls the aircraft forward, but air resistance tries to hold it back. The result is tension, which tends to stretch the aircraft. The tensile strength of a material is measured in pounds per square inch (psi) and is calculated by dividing the load (in pounds) required to pull the

material apart by its cross-sectional area (in square inches). The strength of a member in tension is determined on the basis of its gross area (or total area), but calculations Source: http://www.doksinet Compression A. Tension Compression, the stress that resists a crushing force, tends to shorten or squeeze aircraft parts. The compressive strength of a material is also measured in psi. Under a compressive load, an undrilled member is stronger than an identical member with holes drilled through it. However, if a plug of equivalent or stronger material is fitted tightly in a drilled member, it transfers compressive loads across the hole, and the member carries approximately as large a load as if the hole were not there. Thus, for compressive loads, the gross or total area may be used in determining the stress in a member if all holes are tightly plugged with equivalent or stronger material. Shear B. Compression Shear is the stress that resists the force tending to cause one

layer of a material to slide over an adjacent layer. Two riveted plates in tension subject the rivets to a shearing force. Usually, the shear strength of a material is either equal to or less than its tensile or compressive strength. Shear stress concerns the aviation technician chiefly from the standpoint of the rivet and bolt applications, particularly when attaching sheet metal, because if a rivet used in a shear application gives way, the riveted or bolted parts are pushed sideways. Bearing D. Shear Bearing stress resists the force that the rivet or bolt places on the hole. As a rule, the strength of the fastener should be such that its total shear strength is approximately equal to the total bearing strength of the sheet material. [Figure 4-2] Top sheet is bearing against the bottom sheet. Fasteners are pressing top sheet against bottom bearing Bearing stress C. Torsion The force that tries to pull the two sheets apart Tension Rivets Compression Figure 4-2. Bearing stress

E. Bending Figure 4-1. Stresses in aircraft structures involving tension must take into consideration the net area of the member. Net area is defined as the gross area minus that removed by drilling holes or by making other changes in the section. Placing rivets or bolts in holes makes no appreciable difference in added strength, as the rivets or bolts will not transfer tensional loads across holes in which they are inserted. Torsion Torsion is the stress that produces twisting. While moving the aircraft forward, the engine also tends to twist it to one side, but other aircraft components hold it on course. Thus, torsion is created. The torsional strength of a material is its resistance to twisting or torque (twisting stress). The stresses arising from this action are shear stresses caused by the rotation of adjacent planes past each other around a common 4-3 Source: http://www.doksinet reference axis at right angles to these planes. This action may be illustrated by a rod fixed

solidly at one end and twisted by a weight placed on a lever arm at the other, producing the equivalent of two equal and opposite forces acting on the rod at some distance from each other. A shearing action is set up all along the rod, with the center line of the rod representing the neutral axis. 8 THS 1 16 THS 2 28 Bending Bending (or beam stress) is a combination of compression and tension. The rod in Figure 4-1E has been shortened (compressed) on the inside of the bend and stretched on the outside of the bend. Note that the bending stress causes a tensile stress to act on the upper half of the beam and a compressive stress on the lower half. These stresses act in opposition on the two sides of the center line of the member, which is called the neutral axis. Since these forces acting in opposite directions are next to each other at the neutral axis, the greatest shear stress occurs along this line, and none exists at the extreme upper or lower surfaces of the beam. Tools for

Sheet Metal Construction and Repair Without modern metalworking tools and machines, the job of the airframe technician would be more difficult and tiresome, and the time required to finish a task would be much greater. These specialized tools and machines help the airframe technician construct or repair sheet metal in a faster, simpler, and better manner than possible in the past. Powered by human muscle, electricity, or compressed air, these tools are used to lay out, mark, cut, sand, or drill sheet metal. Layout Tools Before fitting repair parts into an aircraft structure, the new sections must be measured and marked, or laid out to the dimensions needed to make the repair part. Tools utilized for this process are discussed in this section. Scales Scales are available in various lengths, with the 6-inch and 12-inch scales being the most common and affordable. A scale with fractions on one side and decimals on the other side is very useful. To obtain an accurate measurement, measure

with the scale held on edge from the 1-inch mark instead of the end. Use the graduation marks on the side to set a divider or compass. [Figure 4-3] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 MOS 64 THS 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 1 56 4 2 3 8 12 16 20 24 28 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 THS 100 THS 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 9 9 4 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 8 1 2 3 4 5 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 4 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 5 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 6 7 8 9 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Figure 4-3. Scales measure any angle between the head and the blade, and a center head that uses one side of the blade as the bisector of a 90° angle. The center of a shaft can be found by using the center head. Place the end of the shaft in the V of the head and scribe a line along the edge of the scale. Rotate the head about 90° and scribe another line along the edge of the scale. The two lines will cross at the center of the shaft.

[Figure 4-4] Dividers Dividers are used to transfer a measurement from a device to a scale to determine its value. Place the sharp points at the locations from which the measurement is to be taken. Then, place the points on a steel machinist’s scale, but put one of the points on the 1-inch mark and measure from there. [Figure 4-5] Rivet Spacers A rivet spacer is used to make a quick and accurate rivet pattern layout on a sheet. On the rivet spacer, there are alignment marks for 1⁄2-inch, 3⁄4-inch, 1-inch and 2-inch rivet spacing. [Figure 4-6] Marking Tools Combination Square Pens A combination square consists of a steel scale with three heads that can be moved to any position on the scale and locked in place. The three heads are a stock head that measures 90° and 45° angles, a protractor head that can Fiber-tipped pens are the preferred method of marking lines and hole locations directly on aluminum, because the graphite in a No. 2 pencil can cause corrosion when used on

4-4 Source: http://www.doksinet Scriber Level 2 Stock head 3 4 0 180 90 5 8 Protractor head 9 10 11 Center head Figure 4-4. Combination square Scribes A scribe is a pointed instrument used to mark or score metal to show where it is to be cut. A scribe should only be used when marks will be removed by drilling or cutting because it makes scratches that weaken the material and could cause corrosion. [Figure 4-7] Figure 4-5. Divider Figure 4-7. Scribe Figure 4-6. Rivet spacer aluminum. Make the layout on the protective membrane if it is still on the material, or mark directly on the material with a fiber-tipped pen, such as a fine-point Sharpie®, or cover the material with masking tape and then mark on the tape. Punches Punches are usually made of carbon steel that has been hardened and tempered. Generally classified as solid or hollow, punches are designed according to their intended use. A solid punch is a steel rod with various shapes at the end for different

uses. For example, it is used to drive bolts out of holes, loosen frozen or tight pins and keys, knock out rivets, pierce holes in a material, etc. The hollow punch is sharp edged and used most often for cutting out blanks. Solid punches vary in both size and point design, while hollow punches vary in size. 4-5 Source: http://www.doksinet Prick Punch Automatic Center Punch A prick punch is primarily used during layout to place reference marks on metal because it produces a small indentation. [Figure 4-8] After layout is finished, the indentation is enlarged with a center punch to allow for drilling. The prick punch can also be used to transfer dimensions from a paper pattern directly onto the metal. Take the following precautions when using a prick punch: The automatic center punch performs the same function as an ordinary center punch, but uses a spring tension mechanism to create a force hard enough to make an indentation without the need for a hammer. The mechanism

automatically strikes a blow of the required force when placed where needed and pressed. This punch has an adjustable cap for regulating the stroke; the point can be removed for replacement or sharpening. Never strike an automatic center punch with a hammer. [Figure 4-10] • Never strike a prick punch a heavy blow with a hammer because it could bend the punch or cause excessive damage to the item being worked. • Do not use a prick punch to remove objects from holes because the point of the punch spreads the object and causes it to bind even more. Figure 4-10. Automatic center punch Transfer Punch Figure 4-8. Prick punch Center Punch A center punch is used to make indentations in metal as an aid in drilling. [Figure 4-9] These indentations help the drill, which has a tendency to wander on a flat surface, stay on the mark as it goes through the metal. The traditional center punch is used with a hammer, has a heavier body than the prick punch, and has a point ground to an angle

of about 60°. Take the following precautions when using a center punch: • • Never strike the center punch with enough force to dimple the item around the indentation or cause the metal to protrude through the other side of the sheet. A transfer punch uses a template or existing holes in the structure to mark the locations of new holes. The punch is centered in the old hole over the new sheet and lightly tapped with a mallet. The result should be a mark that serves to locate the hole in the new sheet. [Figure 4-11] Transfer punch Use old skin as template Do not use a center punch to remove objects from holes because the point of the punch spreads the object and causes it to bind even more. New skin Figure 4-11. Transfer punch Drive Punch Figure 4-9. Center punch 4-6 The drive punch is made with a flat face instead of a point because it is used to drive out damaged rivets, pins, and bolts that sometimes bind in holes. The size of the punch is determined by the width of

the face, usually 1⁄8-inch to 1 ⁄4-inch. [Figure 4-12] Source: http://www.doksinet Awl A pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes, an awl is used in aircraft maintenance to place scribe marks on metal and plastic surfaces and to align holes, such as in the installation of a deicer boot. [Figure 4-15] Figure 4-12. Drive punch Pin Punch The pin punch typically has a straight shank characterized by a hexagonal body. Pin punch points are sized in 1⁄32-inch increments of an inch and range from 1⁄16-inch to 3⁄8-inch in diameter. The usual method for driving out a pin or bolt is to start working it out with a drive punch until the shank of the punch is touching the sides of the hole. Then use a pin punch to drive the pin or bolt the rest of the way out of the hole. [Figure 4-13] Procedures for one use of an awl: 1. Place the metal to be scribed on a flat surface. Place a ruler or straightedge on the guide marks already measured and placed on the metal.

2. Remove the protective cover from the awl. 3. Hold the straightedge firmly. Hold the awl, as shown in Figure 4-16, and scribe a line along the straightedge. 4. Replace the protective cover on the awl. 1 Figure 4-13. Pin punch Figure 4-15. Awl 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 A chassis punch is used to make holes in sheet metal parts for the installation of instruments and other avionics appliance, as well as lightening holes in ribs and spars. Sized in 1⁄16 of an inch, they are available in sizes from 1⁄2 inch to 3 inches. [Figure 4-14] 3 Chassis Punch 10 11 12 Figure 4-16. Awl usage Figure 4-14. Chassis punch 4-7 Source: http://www.doksinet Hole Duplicator Available in a variety of sizes and styles, hole duplicators, or hole finders, utilize the old covering as a template to locate and match existing holes in the structure. Holes in a replacement sheet or in a patch must be drilled to match existing holes in the structure and the hole duplicator simplifies this process. Figure

4-17 illustrates one type of hole duplicator. The peg on the bottom leg of the duplicator fits into the existing rivet hole. To make the hole in the replacement sheet or patch, drill through the bushing on the top leg. If the duplicator is properly made, holes drilled in this manner are in perfect alignment. A separate duplicator must be used for each diameter of rivet. Kett Saw The Kett saw is an electrically operated, portable circular cutting saw that uses blades of various diameters. [Figure 4-18] Since the head of this saw can be turned to any desired angle, it is useful for removing damaged sections on a stringer. The advantages of a Kett saw include: 1. Can cut metal up to 3⁄16-inch in thickness. 2. No starting hole is required. 3. A cut can be started anywhere on a sheet of metal. 4. Can cut an inside or outside radius. Angle New skin Old skin Figure 4-18. Kett saw Pneumatic Circular Cutting Saw Figure 4-17. Hole duplicator The pneumatic circular cutting saw,

useful for cutting out damage, is similar to the Kett saw. [Figure 4-19] Cutting Tools Powered and nonpowered metal cutting tools available to the aviation technician include various types of saws, nibblers, shears, sanders, notchers, and grinders. Circular-Cutting Saws The circular cutting saw cuts with a toothed, steel disk that rotates at high speed. Handheld or table mounted and powered by compressed air, this power saw cuts metal or wood. To prevent the saw from grabbing the metal, keep a firm grip on the saw handle at all times. Check the blade carefully for cracks prior to installation because a cracked blade can fly apart during use, possibly causing serious injury. Figure 4-19. Pneumatic circular saw 4-8 Source: http://www.doksinet Reciprocating Saw Nibblers The versatile reciprocating saw achieves cutting action through a push and pull (reciprocating) motion of the blade. This saw can be used right sideup or upside down, a feature that makes it handier than the

circular saw for working in tight or awkward spots. A variety of blade types are available for reciprocating saws; blades with finer teeth are used for cutting through metal. The portable, air-powered reciprocating saw uses a standard hacksaw blade and can cut a 360° circle or a square or rectangular hole. Unsuited for fine precision work, this saw is more difficult to control than the pneumatic circular cutting saw. A reciprocating saw should be used in such a way that at least two teeth of the saw blade are cutting at all times. Avoid applying too much downward pressure on the saw handle because the blade may break. [Figure 4-20] Usually powered by compressed air, the nibbler is another tool for cutting sheet metal. Portable nibblers utilize a high speed blanking action (the lower die moves up and down and meets the upper stationary die) to cut the metal. [Figure 4-22] The shape of the lower die cuts out small pieces of metal approximately 1⁄16 inch wide. Figure 4-22. Nibbler

The cutting speed of the nibbler is controlled by the thickness of the metal being cut. Nibblers satisfactorily cut through sheets of metal with a maximum thickness of 1⁄16 inch. Too much force applied to the metal during the cutting operation clogs the dies (shaped metal), causing them to fail or the motor to overheat. Both electric and hand nibblers are available Figure 4-20. Reciprocating saw Cut-off Wheel A cut-off wheel is a thin abrasive disc driven by a high-speed pneumatic die-grinder and used to cut out damage on aircraft skin and stringers. The wheels come in different thicknesses and sizes. [Figure 4-21] Shop Tools Due to size, weight, and/or power source, shop tools are usually in a fixed location, and the airframe part to be constructed or repaired is brought to the tool. Squaring Shear The squaring shear provides the airframe technician with a convenient means of cutting and squaring sheet metal. Available as a manual, hydraulic, or pneumatic model, this shear

consists of a stationary lower blade attached to a bed and a movable upper blade attached to a crosshead. [Figure 4-23] Figure 4-21. Die grinder and cut-off wheel Figure 4-23. Power squaring shear 4-9 Source: http://www.doksinet Two squaring fences, consisting of thick strips of metal used for squaring metal sheets, are placed on the bed. One squaring fence is placed on the right side and one on the left to form a 90° angle with the blades. A scale graduated in fractions of an inch is scribed on the bed for ease in placement. To make a cut with a foot shear, move the upper blade down by placing the foot on the treadle and pushing downward. Once the metal is cut and foot pressure removed, a spring raises the blade and treadle. Hydraulic or pneumatic models utilize remote foot pedals to ensure operator safety. The squaring shear performs three distinctly different operations: 1. Cutting to a line 2. Squaring 3. Multiple cutting to a specific size Figure 4-24. Foot-operated

squaring shear When cutting to a line, place the sheet on the bed of the shears in front of the cutting blade with the cutting line even with the cutting edge of the bed. To cut the sheet with a foot shear, step on the treadle while holding the sheet securely in place. Squaring requires several steps. First, one end of the sheet is squared with an edge (the squaring fence is usually used on the edge). Then, the remaining edges are squared by holding one squared end of the sheet against the squaring fence and making the cut, one edge at a time, until all edges have been squared. When several pieces must be cut to the same dimensions, use the backstop, located on the back of the cutting edge on most squaring shears. The supporting rods are graduated in fractions of an inch and the gauge bar may be set at any point on the rods. Set the gauge bar the desired distance from the cutting blade of the shears and push each piece to be cut against the gauge bar. All the pieces can then be cut to

the same dimensions without measuring and marking each one separately. Foot-operated shears have a maximum metal cutting capacity of 0.063 inch of aluminum alloy Use powered squaring shears for cutting thicker metals. [Figure 4-24] Throatless Shear Airframe technicians use the throatless shear to cut aluminum sheets up to 0.063 inches This shear takes its name from the fact that metal can be freely moved around the cutting blade during cutting because the shear lacks a “throat” down which metal must be fed. [Figure 4-25] This feature allows great flexibility in what shapes can be cut because the metal can be turned to any angle for straight, curved, and irregular cuts. Also, a sheet of any length can be cut. 4-10 Figure 4-25. Throatless shears A hand lever operates the cutting blade which is the top blade. Throatless shears made by the Beverly Shear Manufacturing Corporation, called BeverlyTM shears, are often used. Scroll Shears Scroll shears are used for cutting irregular

lines on the inside of a sheet without cutting through to the edge. [Figure 4-26] The upper cutting blade is stationary while the lower blade is movable. A handle connected to the lower blade operates the machine. Rotary Punch Press Used in the airframe repair shop to punch holes in metal parts, the rotary punch can cut radii in corners, make washers, and perform many other jobs where holes are required. [Figure 4-27] The machine is composed of two cylindrical turrets, one mounted over the other and supported by the frame, with both turrets synchronized to rotate together. Index pins, which ensure correct alignment at all times, may be released from their locking position by rotating a lever on the right side of the machine. This action withdraws the index pins from the tapered holes and allows an operator to turn the turrets to any size punch desired. Source: http://www.doksinet Band Saw A band saw consists of a toothed metal band coupled to, and continuously driven around, the

circumferences of two wheels. It is used to cut aluminum, steel, and composite parts [Figure 4-28] The speed of the band saw and the type and style of the blade depends on the material to be cut. Band saws are often designated to cut one type of material, and if a different material is to be cut, the blade is changed. The speed is controllable and the cutting platform can be tilted to cut angled pieces. Figure 4-26. Scroll shears Figure 4-28. Band saw Disk Sander Figure 4-27. Rotary punch press Disk sanders have a powered abrasive-covered disk or belt and are used for smoothing or polishing surfaces. The sander unit uses abrasive paper of different grits to trim metal parts. It is much quicker to use a disk sander than to file a part to the correct dimension. The combination disk and belt sander has a vertical belt sander coupled with a disk sander and is often used in a metal shop. [Figure 4-29] When rotating the turret to change punches, release the index lever when the desired

die is within 1 inch of the ram, and continue to rotate the turret slowly until the top of the punch holder slides into the grooved end of the ram. The tapered index locking pins will then seat themselves in the holes provided and, at the same time, release the mechanical locking device, which prevents punching until the turrets are aligned. To operate the machine, place the metal to be worked between the die and punch. Pull the lever on the top of the machine toward the operator, actuating the pinion shaft, gear segment, toggle link, and the ram, forcing the punch through the metal. When the lever is returned to its original position, the metal is removed from the punch. The diameter of the punch is stamped on the front of each die holder. Each punch has a point in its center that is placed in the center punch mark to punch the hole in the correct location. Figure 4-29. Combination disk and belt sander Belt Sander The belt sander uses an endless abrasive belt driven by an electric

motor to sand down metal parts much like the disk sander unit. The abrasive paper used on the belt comes in different degrees of grit or coarseness. The belt sander is 4-11 Source: http://www.doksinet available as a vertical or horizontal unit. The tension and tracking of the abrasive belt can be adjusted so the belt runs in the middle. [Figure 4-30] Figure 4-32. Power notcher Figure 4-30. Belt sander Notcher The notcher is used to cut out metal parts, with some machines capable of shearing, squaring, and trimming metal. [Figure 4-31] The notcher consists of a top and bottom die and most often cuts at a 90° angle, although some machines can cut metal into angles up to 180°. Notchers are available in manual and pneumatic models able to cut various thicknesses of mild steel and aluminum. This is an excellent tool for quickly removing corners from sheet metal parts. [Figure 4-32] shops. Grinders can be bench or pedestal mounted A dry grinder usually has a grinding wheel on each

end of a shaft that runs through an electric motor or a pulley operated by a belt. The wet grinder has a pump to supply a flow of water on a single grinding wheel. The water acts as a lubricant for faster grinding while it continuously cools the edge of the metal, reducing the heat produced by material being ground against the wheel. It also washes away any bits of metal or abrasive removed during the grinding operation. The water returns to a tank and can be re-used. Grinders are used to sharpen knives, tools, and blades as well as grinding steel, metal objects, drill bits, and tools. Figure 4-33 illustrates a common type bench grinder found in most airframe repair shops. It can be used to dress mushroomed heads on chisels and points on chisels, screwdrivers, and drills, as well as for removing excess metal from work and smoothing metal surfaces. Tool rest Figure 4-31. Notcher Wet or Dry Grinder Grinding machines come in a variety of types and sizes, depending upon the class of work

for which they are to be used. Dry and/or wet grinders are found in airframe repair 4-12 Figure 4-33. Grinder Source: http://www.doksinet The bench grinder is generally equipped with one mediumgrit and one fine-grit abrasive wheel. The medium-grit wheel is usually used for rough grinding where a considerable quantity of material is to be removed or where a smooth finish is unimportant. The fine-grit wheel is used for sharpening tools and grinding to close limits. It removes metal more slowly, gives the work a smooth finish, and does not generate enough heat to anneal the edges of cutting tools. [Figure 4-34] Available in sizes ranging from 6 to 14 inches, they cut aluminum up to 1⁄16 of an inch. Straight snips can be used for straight cutting and large curves, but aviation snips are better for cutting circles or arcs. Before using any type of grinder, ensure that the abrasive wheels are firmly held on the spindles by the flange nuts. An abrasive wheel that comes off or becomes

loose could seriously injure the operator in addition to ruining the grinder. A loose tool rest could cause the tool or piece of work to be “grabbed” by the abrasive wheel and cause the operator’s hand to come in contact with the wheel, possibly resulting in severe wounds. Always wear goggles when using a grinder, even if eyeshields are attached to the grinder. Goggles should fit firmly against the face and nose. This is the only way to protect the eyes from the fine pieces of steel. Goggles that do not fit properly should be exchanged for ones that do fit. Be sure to check the abrasive wheel for cracks before using the grinder. A cracked abrasive wheel is likely to fly apart when turning at high speeds. Never use a grinder unless it is equipped with wheel guards that are firmly in place. Figure 4-34. Straight snips Aviation Snips Aviation snips are used to cut holes, curved parts, round patches, and doublers (a piece of metal placed under a part to make it stiffer) in sheet

metal. Aviation snips have colored handles to identify the direction of the cuts: yellow aviation snips cut straight, green aviation snips curve right, and red aviation snips curve left. [Figure 4-35] Grinding Wheels A grinding wheel is made of a bonded abrasive and provides an efficient way to cut, shape, and finish metals. Available in a wide variety of sizes and numerous shapes, grinding wheels are also used to sharpen knives, drill bits, and many other tools, or to clean and prepare surfaces for painting or plating. Grinding wheels are removable and a polishing or buffing wheel can be substituted for the abrasive wheel. Silicon carbide and aluminum oxide are the kinds of abrasives used in most grinding wheels. Silicon carbide is the cutting agent for grinding hard, brittle material, such as cast iron. It is also used in grinding aluminum, brass, bronze, and copper. Aluminum oxide is the cutting agent for grinding steel and other metals of high tensile strength. Hand Cutting Tools

Many types of hand cutting tools are available to cut light gauge sheet metal. Four cutting tools commonly found in the air frame repair shop are straight hand snips, aviation snips, files, and burring tools. Straight Snips Figure 4-35. Aviation snips Files The file is an important but often overlooked tool used to shape metal by cutting and abrasion. Files have five distinct properties: length, contour, the form in cross section, the kind of teeth, and the fineness of the teeth. Many different types of files are available and the sizes range from 3 to 18 inches. [Figure 4-36] Straight snips, or sheet metal shears, have straight blades with cutting edges sharpened to an 85° angle. 4-13 Source: http://www.doksinet Die Grinder Figure 4-36. Files The portion of the file on which the teeth are cut is called the face. The tapered end that fits into the handle is called the tang The part of the file where the tang begins is the heel. The length of a file is the distance from the

point or tip to the heel and does not include the tang. The teeth of the file do the cutting These teeth are set at an angle across the face of the file. A file with a single row of parallel teeth is called a single-cut file. The teeth are cut at an angle of 65°–85° to the centerline, depending on the intended use of the file. Files that have one row of teeth crossing another row in a crisscross pattern are called double-cut files. The angle of the first set usually is 40°–50° and that of the crossing teeth 70°–80°. Crisscrossing produces a surface that has a very large number of little teeth that slant toward the tip of the file. Each little tooth looks like an end of a diamond point cold chisel. Files are graded according to the tooth spacing; a coarse file has a small number of large teeth, and a smooth file has a large number of fine teeth. The coarser the teeth, the more metal is removed on each stroke of the file. The terms used to indicate the coarseness or fineness

of a file are rough, coarse, bastard, second cut, smooth, and dead smooth, and the file may be either single cut or double cut. Files are further classified according to their shape. Some of the more common types are: flat, triangle, square, half round, and round. There are several filing techniques. The most common is to remove rough edges and slivers from the finished part before it is installed. Crossfiling is a method used for filing the edges of metal parts that must fit tightly together. Crossfiling involves clamping the metal between two strips of wood and filing the edge of the metal down to a preset line. Draw filing is used when larger surfaces need to be smoothed and squared. It is done by drawing the file over the entire surface of the work. To protect the teeth of a file, files should be stored separately in a plastic wrap or hung by their handles. Files kept in a toolbox should be wrapped in waxed paper to prevent rust from forming on the teeth. File teeth can be cleaned

with a file card. 4-14 A die grinder is a handheld tool that turns a mounted cutoff wheel, rotary file, or sanding disk at high speed. [Figure 4-37] Usually powered by compressed air, electric die grinders are also used. Pneumatic die grinders run at 12,000 to 20,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) with the rotational speed controlled by the operator who uses a handor foot-operated throttle to vary the volume of compressed air. Available in straight, 45°, and 90° models, the die grinder is excellent for weld breaking, smoothing sharp edges, deburring, porting, and general high-speed polishing, grinding, and cutting. Figure 4-37. Die grinder Burring Tool This type of tool is used to remove a burr from an edge of a sheet or to deburr a hole. [Figure 4-38] Figure 4-38. Burring tools Hole Drilling Drilling holes is a common operation in the airframe repair shop. Once the fundamentals of drills and their uses are learned, drilling holes for rivets and bolts on light metal is not

difficult. While a small portable power drill is usually the most practical tool for this common operation in airframe metalwork, sometimes a drill press may prove to be the better piece of equipment for the job. Source: http://www.doksinet Portable Power Drills Portable power drills operate by electricity or compressed air. Pneumatic drill motors are recommended for use on repairs around flammable materials where potential sparks from an electric drill motor might become a fire hazard. When using the portable power drill, hold it firmly with both hands. Before drilling, be sure to place a backup block of wood under the hole to be drilled to add support to the metal structure. The drill bit should be inserted in the chuck and tested for trueness or vibration. This may be visibly checked by running the motor freely. A drill bit that wobbles or is slightly bent should not be used since such a condition causes enlarged holes. The drill should always be held at right angles to the work

regardless of the position or curvatures. Tilting the drill at any time when drilling into or withdrawing from the material may cause elongation (egg shape) of the hole. When drilling through sheet metal, small burrs are formed around the edge of the hole. Burrs must be removed to allow rivets or bolts to fit snugly and to prevent scratching. Burrs may be removed with a bearing scraper, a countersink, or a drill bit larger than the hole. If a drill bit or countersink is used, it should be rotated by hand. Always wear safety goggles while drilling. Pneumatic Drill Motors Pneumatic drill motors are the most common type of drill motor for aircraft repair work. [Figure 4-39] They are light weight and have sufficient power and good speed control. Drill motors are available in many different sizes and models. Most drill motors used for aircraft sheet metal work are rated at 3,000 rpm, but if drilling deep holes or drilling in hard materials, such as corrosion resistant steel or titanium, a

drill motor with more torque and lower rpm should be selected to prevent damage to tools and materials. Right Angle and 45° Drill Motors Right angle and 45° drill motors are used for positions that are not accessible with a pistol grip drill motor. Most right angle drill motors use threaded drill bits that are available in several lengths. Heavy-duty right angle drills are equipped with a chuck similar to the pistol grip drill motor. [Figure 4-40] Figure 4-40. Angle drill motors Two Hole Special drill motors that drill two holes at the same time are used for the installation of nutplates. By drilling two holes at the same time, the distance between the holes is fixed and the holes line up perfectly with the holes in the nutplate. [Figure 4-41] Figure 4-41. Nutplate drill Figure 4-39. Drill motors Drill Press The drill press is a precision machine used for drilling holes that require a high degree of accuracy. It serves as an accurate means of locating and maintaining the

direction of a hole that is to be drilled and provides the operator with a feed lever that makes the task of feeding the drill into the work easier. The upright drill press is the most common of the variety of drill presses available. [Figure 4-42] 4-15 Source: http://www.doksinet CS × 4 = rpm D CS = The recommended cutting speed in sfm D = The diameter of the drill bit in inches Example: At what rpm should a 1⁄8-inch drill turn to drill aluminum at 300 sfm? Drill Extensions and Adapters When access to a place where drilling is difficult or impossible with a straight drill motor, various types of drill extensions and adapters are used. Figure 4-42. Drill press Extension Drill Bits When using a drill press, the height of the drill press table is adjusted to accommodate the height of the part to be drilled. When the height of the part is greater than the distance between the drill and the table, the table is lowered. When the height of the part is less than the distance between

the drill and the table, the table is raised. Extension drill bits are widely used for drilling holes in locations that require reaching through small openings or past projections. These drill bits, which come in 6- to 12inch lengths, are high speed with spring-tempered shanks Extension drill bits are ground to a special notched point, which reduces end thrust to a minimum. When using extension drill bits always: After the table is properly adjusted, the part is placed on the table and the drill is brought down to aid in positioning the metal so that the hole to be drilled is directly beneath the point of the drill. The part is then clamped to the drill press table to prevent it from slipping during the drilling operation. Parts not properly clamped may bind on the drill and start spinning, causing serious cuts on the operator’s arms or body, or loss of fingers or hands. Always make sure the part to be drilled is properly clamped to the drill press table before starting the

drilling operation. The degree of accuracy that it is possible to attain when using the drill press depends to a certain extent on the condition of the spindle hole, sleeves, and drill shank. Therefore, special care must be exercised to keep these parts clean and free from nicks, dents, and warpage. Always be sure that the sleeve is securely pressed into the spindle hole. Never insert a broken drill in a sleeve or spindle hole. Be careful never to use the sleeve-clamping vise to remove a drill since this may cause the sleeve to warp. The drill speed on a drill press is adjustable. Always select the optimum drill speed for the material to be drilled. Technically, the speed of a drill bit means its speed at the circumference, in surface feet per minute (sfm). The recommended speed for drilling aluminum alloy is from 200 to 300 sfm, and for mild steel is 30 to 50 sfm. In practice, this must be converted into rpm for each size drill. Machinist and mechanic handbooks include drill rpm

charts or drill rpm may be computed by use of the formula: 4-16 1. Select the shortest drill bit that will do the job. It is easier to control. 2. Check the drill bit for straightness. A bent drill bit makes an oversized hole and may whip, making it difficult to control. 3. Keep the drill bit under control. Extension drills smaller than 1⁄4-inch must be supported by a drill guard made from a piece of tubing or spring to prevent whipping. Straight Extension A straight extension for a drill can be made from an ordinary piece of drill rod. The drill bit is attached to the drill rod by shrink fitting, brazing, or silver soldering. Angle Adapters Angle adapters can be attached to an electric or pneumatic drill when the location of the hole is inaccessible to a straight drill. Angle adapters have an extended shank fastened to the chuck of the drill. The drill is held in one hand and the adapter in the other to prevent the adapter from spinning around the drill chuck. Snake

Attachment The snake attachment is a flexible extension used for drilling in places inaccessible to ordinary drills. Available for electric and pneumatic drill motors, its flexibility permits drilling around obstructions with minimum effort. [Figure 4-43] Source: http://www.doksinet Step Drill Bits Typically, the procedure for drilling holes larger than 3⁄16 inch in sheet metal is to drill a pilot hole with a No. 40 or No. 30 drill bit and then to oversize with a larger drill bit to the correct size. The step drill combines these two functions into one step. The step drill bit consists of a smaller pilot drill point that drills the initial small hole. When the drill bit is advanced further into the material, the second step of the drill bit enlarges the hole to the desired size. Figure 4-43. Snake attachment Types of Drill Bits A wide variety of drill bits including specialty bits for specific jobs are available. Figure 4-44 illustrates the parts of the drill bit and Figure 4-45

shows some commonly used drill bits. High speed steel (HSS) drill bits come in short shank or standard length, sometimes called jobbers length. HSS drill bits can withstand temperatures nearing the critical range of 1,400 °F (dark cherry red) without losing their hardness. The industry standard for drilling metal (aluminum, steel, etc.), these drill bits stay sharper longer. Land Shank Flute Cutting lips Body Notched point chisel edge Figure 4-44. Parts of a drill Step drill bits are designed to drill round holes in most metals, plastic, and wood. Commonly used in general construction and plumbing, they work best on softer materials, such as plywood, but can be used on very thin sheet metal. Step drill bits can also be used to deburr holes left by other bits. Cobalt Alloy Drill Bits Cobalt alloy drill bits are designed for hard, tough metals like corrosion-resistant steel and titanium. It is important for the aircraft technician to note the difference between HSS and cobalt,

because HSS drill bits wear out quickly when drilling titanium or stainless. Cobalt drill bits are excellent for drilling titanium or stainless steel, but do not produce a quality hole in aluminum alloys. Cobalt drill bits can be recognized by thicker webs and a taper at the end of the drill shank. Twist Drill Bits Easily the most popular drill bit type, the twist drill bit has spiral grooves or flutes running along its working length. [Figure 4-46] This drill bit comes in a single-fluted, twofluted, three-fluted, and four-fluted styles. Single-fluted and two-fluted drill bits (most commonly available) are used for originating holes. Three-fluted and four-fluted drill bits are used interchangeably to enlarge existing holes. Twist drill bits are available in a wide choice of tooling materials and lengths with the variations targeting specific projects. HSS High speed steel, short shank HSS High speed steel, standard length (jobbers length) /v Cobalt vanadium alloy, standard length

Figure 4-46. Twist drill bits Step drill Figure 4-45. Types of drill bits 4-17 Source: http://www.doksinet The standard twist drill bits used for drilling aluminum are made from HSS and have a 135° split point. Drill bits for titanium are made from cobalt vanadium for increased wear resistance. Drill Bit Sizes Drill diameters are grouped by three size standards: number, letter, and fractional. The decimal equivalents of standard drill are shown in Figure 4-47. Drill Lubrication Normal drilling of sheet material does not require lubrication, but lubrication should be provided for all deeper drilling. Lubricants serve to assist in chip removal, which prolongs drill life and ensures a good finish and dimensional accuracy of the hole. It does not prevent overheating The use of a lubricant is always a good practice when drilling castings, forgings, or heavy gauge stock. A good lubricant should be thin enough to help in chip removal but thick enough to stick to the drill. For aluminum,

titanium, and corrosion-resistant steel, a cetyl alcohol based lubricant is the most satisfactory. Cetyl alcohol is a nontoxic fatty alcohol chemical produced in liquid, paste, and solid forms. The solid stick and block forms quickly liquefy at drilling temperatures. For steel, sulfurized mineral cutting oil is superior. Sulfur has an affinity for steel, which aids in holding the cutting oil in place. In the case of Drill Size Decimal (Inches) Drill Size Decimal (Inches) Drill Size Decimal (Inches) Drill Size Decimal (Inches) Drill Size Decimal (Inches) 80 .0135 50 .0700 22 79 .0145 49 .0730 21 .1570 G .2610 31/64 .4844 .1590 17/64 .2656 1/2 1/54 .0156 48 .0760 .5000 20 .1610 H .2660 33/64 78 .0160 5/64 .0781 .5156 19 .1660 I .2720 17/32 .5312 77 .0180 47 76 .0200 46 .0785 18 .1695 J .2770 35/64 .5469 .0810 11/64 .1718 K .2810 9/16 75 .0210 .5625 45 .0820 17 .1730 9/32 .2812 37/64 74 .5781 .0225 44

.0860 16 .1770 L .2900 19/32 .5937 73 .0240 43 .0890 15 .1800 M .2950 39/84 .6094 72 .0250 42 .0935 14 .1820 19/64 .2968 5/8 .6250 71 .0260 3/32 .0937 13 .1850 N .3020 41/64 .6406 70 .0280 41 .0960 3/16 .1875 5/16 .3125 21/32 .6562 69 .0293 40 .0980 12 .1890 O .3160 43/64 .6719 68 .0310 39 .0995 11 .1910 P .3230 11/16 .6875 1/32 .0312 38 .1015 10 .1935 21/64 .3281 45/64 .7031 67 .0320 37 .1040 9 .1960 Q .3320 23/32 .7187 66 .0330 36 .1065 8 .1990 R .3390 47/64 .7344 65 .0350 7/64 .1093 7 .2010 11/32 .3437 3/4 .7500 64 .0360 35 .1100 13/64 .2031 S .3480 49/64 .7656 63 .0370 34 .1110 6 .2040 T .3580 25/32 .7812 62 .0380 33 .1130 5 .2055 23/64 .3593 51/64 .7969 61 .0390 32 .1160 4 .2090 U .3680 13/16 .8125 60 .0400 31 .1200 3 .2130 3/8 .3750 53/64 .8281 59 .0410 1/8 .1250 7/32 .2187 V .3770 27/32 .8437 58 .0420 30 .1285

2 .2210 W .3860 55/64 .8594 57 .0430 29 .1360 1 .2280 25/64 .3906 7/8 .8750 56 .0465 28 .1405 A .2340 X .3970 57/64 .8906 3/64 .0468 9/64 .1406 15/64 .2343 Y .4040 29/32 .9062 55 .0520 27 .1440 B .2380 13/32 .4062 59/64 .9219 54 .0550 26 .1470 C .2420 Z .4130 15/16 .9375 53 .0595 25 .1495 D .2460 27/64 .4219 61/64 .9531 1/16 .0625 24 .1520 1/4 .2500 7/16 .4375 31/32 .9687 52 .0635 23 .1540 E .2500 29/64 .4531 63/64 .9844 51 .0670 5/32 .1562 F .2570 15/32 .4687 1 1.0000 Figure 4-47. Drill sizes and decimal equivalents 4-18 Source: http://www.doksinet deep drilling, the drill should be withdrawn at intervals to relieve chip packing and to ensure the lubricant reaches the point. As a general rule, if the drill is large or the material hard, use a lubricant. Reamers Reamers, used for enlarging holes and finishing them smooth to a required size, are made in many styles. They can be straight

or tapered, solid or expansive, and come with straight or helical flutes. Figure 4-48 illustrates three types of reamers: 1. Three or four fluted production bullet reamers are customarily used where a finer finish and/or size is needed than can be achieved with a standard drill bit. 2. Standard or straight reamer. 3. Piloted reamer, with the end reduced to provide accurate alignment. HSS SS Figure 4-49. Drill stop Bushing holder 1 2 3 Figure 4-48. Reamers Arm-type bushing holder Figure 4-50. Drill bushings Drill bushing types: 1. Tubehand-held in an existing hole 2. Commercialtwist lock 3. Commercialthreaded Drill Bushing Holder Types There are four types of drill bushing holder: The cylindrical parts of most straight reamers are not cutting edges, but merely grooves cut for the full length of the reamer body. These grooves provide a way for chips to escape and a channel for lubricant to reach the cutting edge. Actual cutting is done on the end of the reamer. The

cutting edges are normally ground to a bevel of 45° ± 5°. 1. Standardfine for drilling flat stock or tubing/rod; uses insert-type bushings. 2. Egg cupimprovement on standard tripod base; allows drilling on both flat and curved material; interchangeable bushings allows flexibility. [Figure 4-51] Reamer flutes are not designed to remove chips like a drill. Do not attempt to withdraw a reamer by turning it in the reverse direction because chips can be forced into the surface, scarring the hole. 3. Plateused primarily for interchangeable production components; uses commercial bushings and selffeeding drills. Drill Stops A spring drill stop is a wise investment. [Figure 4-49] Properly adjusted, it can prevent excessive drill penetration that might damage underlying structure or injure personnel and prevent the drill chuck from marring the surface. Drill stops can be made from tubing, fiber rod, or hard rubber. Drill Bushings and Guides There are several types of tools available

that aid in holding the drill perpendicular to the part. They consist of a hardened bushing anchored in a holder. [Figure 4-50] Figure 4-51. Bushing holder 4-19 Source: http://www.doksinet 4. a pilot drill bit that is too large because it would cause the corners and cutting lips of the final drill bit to be dulled, burned, or chipped. It also contributes to chattering and drill motor stalling. Pilot drill at each mark. Armused when drilling critical structure; can be locked in position; uses interchangeable commercial bushings. Hole Drilling Techniques Precise location of drilled holes is sometimes required. When locating holes to close tolerances, accurately located punch marks need to be made. If a punch mark is too small, the chisel edge of the drill bit may bridge it and “walk off” the exact location before starting. If the punch mark is too heavy, it may deform the metal and/or result in a local strain hardening where the drill bit is to start cutting. The best size

for a punch mark is about the width of the chisel edge of the drill bit to be used. This holds the drill point in place while starting. The procedure that ensures accurate holes follows: [Figure 4-52] 6. Place the drill point at the center of the crossed lines, perpendicular to the surface, and, with light pressure, start drilling slowly. Stop drilling after a few turns and check to see if the drill bit is starting on the mark. It should be; if not, it is necessary to walk the hole a little by pointing the drill in the direction it should go, and rotating it carefully and intermittently until properly lined up. 7. Enlarge each pilot drilled hole to final size. Drilling Large Holes The following technique can be used to drill larger holes. Special tooling has been developed to drill large holes to precise tolerances. [Figure 4-53] Figure 4-52. Drilled sheet metal 1. Measure and lay out the drill locations carefully and mark with crossed lines. Figure 4-53. Drilling large holes

NOTE: The chisel edge is the least efficient operating surface element of the twist drill bit because it does not cut, but actually squeezes or extrudes the work material. 1. Pilot drill using a drill bushing. Bushings are sized for 1 ⁄8, 3⁄16, or 1⁄4 drill bits. 2. 2. Use a sharp prick punch or spring-loaded center punch and magnifying glass to further mark the holes. Step drill bits are used to step the hole to approximately 1 ⁄64-inch smaller than the final hole size. The aligning step diameter matches the pilot drill bit size. 3. 3. Seat a properly ground center punch (120°–135°) in the prick punch mark and, holding the center punch perpendicular to the surface, strike a firm square blow with a hammer. Finish ream to size using a step reamer. The aligning step diameter matches the core drill bit size. Reamers should be available for both clearance and interference fit hole sizes. 4. 5. 4-20 Mark each hole with a small drill bit ( 1⁄16-inch recommended)

to check and adjust the location prior to pilot drilling. For holes 3⁄ 16-inch and larger, pilot drilling is recommended. Select a drill bit equal to the width of the chisel edge of the final drill bit size. Avoid using NOTE: Holes can also be enlarged by using a series of step reamers. Chip Chasers The chip chaser is designed to remove chips and burrs lodged between sheets of metal after drilling holes for riveting. [Figure 4-54] Chip chasers have a plastic molded handle and a flexible steel blade with a hook in the end. Source: http://www.doksinet slightly when the deforming force is removed. If the material shows signs of cracking during cold forming over small radii, the material should be formed in the annealed condition. Annealing, the process of toughening steel by gradually heating and cooling it, removes the temper from metal, making it softer and easier to form. Parts containing small radii or compound curvatures must be formed in the annealed condition. After forming,

the part is heat treated to a tempered condition before use on the aircraft. Figure 4-54. Chip chaser Forming Tools Sheet metal forming dates back to the days of the blacksmith who used a hammer and hot oven to mold metal into the desired form. Today’s aircraft technician relies on a wide variety of powered and hand-operated tools to precisely bend and fold sheet metal to achieve the perfect shape. Forming tools include straight line machines, such as the bar folder and press brake, as well as rotary machines, such as the slip roll former. Forming sheet metal requires a variety of tools and equipment (both powered and manual), such as the piccolo former, shrinking and stretching tools, form blocks, and specialized hammers and mallets. [Figure 4-55] Construction of interchangeable structural and nonstructural parts is achieved by forming flat sheet stock to make channel, angle, zee, and hat section members. Before a sheet metal part is formed, a flat pattern is made to show how

much material is required in the bend areas, at what point the sheet must be inserted into the forming tool, or where bend lines are located. Determination of bend lines and bend allowances is discussed in greater detail in the section on layout and forming. Bar Folding Machine The bar folder is designed for use in making bends or folds along edges of sheets. [Figure 4-56] This machine is best suited for folding small hems, flanges, seams, and edges to be wired. Most bar folders have a capacity for metal up to 22 gauge in thickness and 42 inches in length. Before using the bar folder, several adjustments must be made for thickness of material, width of fold, sharpness of fold, and angle of fold. The adjustment for thickness of material is made by adjusting the screws at each end of the folder. As this adjustment is made, place a piece of metal of the desired thickness in the folder and raise the operating handle until the small roller rests on the cam. Hold the folding blade in this

position and adjust the setscrews until the metal is clamped securely and evenly the full length of the folding blade. After the folder has been adjusted, test each end of the machine separately with a small piece of metal by actually folding it. Figure 4-55. Hammer and mallet forming Tempered sheet stock is used in forming operations whenever possible in typical repairs. Forming that is performed in the tempered condition, usually at room temperature, is known as cold-forming. Cold forming eliminates heat treatment and the straightening and checking operations required to remove the warp and twist caused by the heat treating process. Coldformed sheet metal experiences a phenomenon known as spring-back, which causes the worked piece to spring back Figure 4-56. Bar folder 4-21 Source: http://www.doksinet There are two positive stops on the folder, one for 45° folds or bends and the other for 90° folds or bends. A collar is provided that can be adjusted to any degree of bend

within the capacity of the machine. For forming angles of 45° or 90°, the appropriate stop is moved into place. This allows the handle to be moved forward to the correct angle. For forming other angles, the adjustable collar is used. This is accomplished by loosening the setscrew and setting the stop at the desired angle. After setting the stop, tighten the setscrew and complete the bend. To make the fold, adjust the machine correctly and then insert the metal. The metal goes between the folding blade and the jaw. Hold the metal firmly against the gauge and pull the operating handle toward the body. As the handle is brought forward, the jaw automatically raises and holds the metal until the desired fold is made. When the handle is returned to its original position, the jaw and blade return to their original positions and release the metal. Cornice Brake A brake is similar to a bar folder because it is also used for turning or bending the edges of sheet metal. The cornice brake is

more useful than the bar folder because its design allows the sheet metal to be folded or formed to pass through the jaws from front to rear without obstruction. [Figure 4-57] In contrast, the bar folder can form a bend or edge only as wide as the depth of its jaws. Thus, any bend formed on a bar folder can also be made on the cornice brake. The bending capacity of a cornice brake is determined by the manufacturer. Standard capacities of this machine are from 12- to 22-gauge sheet metal, and bending lengths are from 3 to 12 feet. The bending capacity of the brake is determined by the bending edge thickness of the various bending leaf bars. Most metals have a tendency to return to their normal shapea characteristic known as spring-back. If the cornice brake is set for a 90° bend, the metal bent probably forms an angle of about 87° to 88°. Therefore, if a bend of 90° is desired, set the cornice brake to bend an angle of about 93° to allow for spring-back. Box and Pan Brake (Finger

Brake) The box and pan brake, often called the finger brake because it is equipped with a series of steel fingers of varying widths, lacks the solid upper jaw of the cornice brake. [Figure 4-58] The box and pan brake can be used to do everything that the cornice brake can do, as well as several things the cornice brake cannot do. Clamping fingers Figure 4-58. Box and pan brake Figure 4-57. Cornice brake In making ordinary bends with the cornice brake, the sheet is placed on the bed with the sight line (mark indicating line of bend) directly under the edge of the clamping bar. The clamping bar is then brought down to hold the sheet firmly in place. The stop at the right side of the brake is set for the proper angle or amount of bend and the bending leaf is raised until it strikes the stop. If other bends are to be made, the clamping bar is lifted and the sheet is moved to the correct position for bending. 4-22 The box and pan brake is used to form boxes, pans, and other similar

shaped objects. If these shapes were formed on a cornice brake, part of the bend on one side of the box would have to be straightened in order to make the last bend. With a finger brake, simply remove the fingers that are in the way and use only the fingers required to make the bend. The fingers are secured to the upper leaf by thumbscrews. All the fingers not removed for an operation must be securely seated and firmly tightened before the brake is used. The radius of the nose on the clamping fingers is usually rather small and frequently requires nose radius shims to be custom made for the total length of the bend. Press Brake Since most cornice brakes and box and pan brakes are limited to a maximum forming capacity of approximately 0.090 inch annealed aluminum, 0.063-inch 7075T6, or 0063-inch stainless steel, operations that require the forming of thicker Source: http://www.doksinet and more complex parts use a press brake. [Figure 4-59] The press brake is the most common machine

tool used to bend sheet metal and applies force via mechanical and/or hydraulic components to shape the sheet metal between the punch and die. Narrow U-channels (especially with long legs) and hat channel stringers can be formed on the press brake by using special gooseneck or offset dies. Special urethane lower dies are useful for forming channels and stringers. Power press brakes can be set up with back stops (some are computer controlled) for high volume production. Press brake operations are usually done manually and require skill and knowledge of safe use. Slip Roll Former With the exception of the brake, the slip roll is probably used more than any other machine in the shop. [Figure 4-60] This machine is used to form sheets into cylinders or other straight curved surfaces. It consists of right and left end frames with three solid rolls mounted in between. Gears, which are operated by either a hand crank or a power drive, connect the two gripping rolls. These rolls can be

adjusted to the thickness of the metal by using the two adjusting screws located on the bottom of each frame. The two most common of these forming machines are the slip roll former and the rotary former. Available in various sizes and capabilities, these machines come in manual or powered versions. The slip roll former in Figure 4-60 is manually operated and consists of three rolls, two housings, a base, and a handle. The handle turns the two front rolls through a system of gears enclosed in the housing. The front rolls serve as feeding, or gripping, rolls. The rear roll gives the proper curvature to the work. When the metal is started into the machine, the rolls grip the metal and carry it to the rear roll, which curves it. The desired radius of a bend is obtained by the rear roll The bend radius of the part can be checked as the forming operation progresses by using a circle board or radius gauge. The gauges can be made by cutting a piece of material to Figure 4-59. Press brake

Operating handle Grooves Grooves Housing Upper front roll Base Lower front roll Figure 4-60. Slip roll former 4-23 Source: http://www.doksinet the required finished radius and comparing it to the radius being formed by the rolling operation. On some material, the forming operation must be performed by passing the material through the rolls several times with progressive settings on the forming roll. On most machines, the top roll can be released on one end, permitting the formed sheet to be removed from the machine without distortion. The front and rear rolls are grooved to permit forming of objects that have wired edges. The upper roll is equipped with a release that permits easy removal of the metal after it has been formed. When using the slip roll former, the lower front roll must be raised or lowered before inserting the sheet of metal. If the object has a folded edge, there must be enough clearance between the rolls to prevent flattening the fold. If a metal requiring

special care (such as aluminum) is being formed, the rolls must be clean and free of imperfections. The rear roll must be adjusted to give the proper curvature to the part being formed. There are no gauges that indicate settings for a specific diameter; therefore, trial and error settings must be used to obtain the desired curvature. The metal should be inserted between the rolls from the front of the machine. Start the metal between the rolls by rotating the operating handle in a clockwise direction. A starting edge is formed by holding the operating handle firmly with the right hand and raising the metal with the left hand. The bend of the starting edge is determined by the diameter of the part being formed. If the edge of the part is to be flat or nearly flat, a starting edge should not be formed. Ensure that fingers and loose clothing are clear of the rolls before the actual forming operation is started. Rotate the operating handle until the metal is partially through the rolls and

change the left hand from the front edge of the sheet to the upper edge of the sheet. Then, roll the remainder of the sheet through the machine. If the desired curvature is not obtained, return the metal to its starting position by rotating the handle counterclockwise. Raise or lower the rear roll and roll the metal through the rolls again. Repeat this procedure until the desired curvature is obtained, then release the upper roll and remove the metal. If the part to be formed has a tapered shape, the rear roll should be set so that the rolls are closer together on one end than on the opposite end. The amount of adjustment must be determined by experimentation. If the job being formed has a wired edge, the distance between the upper and lower rolls and the distance between the lower front roll and the rear roll should be slightly greater at the wired end than at the opposite end. [Figure 4-61] Rotary Machine The rotary machine is used on cylindrical and flat sheet metal to shape the

edge or to form a bead along the edge. 4-24 [Figure 4-62] Various shaped rolls can be installed on the rotary machine to perform these operations. The rotary machine works best with thinner annealed materials. Stretch Forming In the process of stretch forming, a sheet of metal is shaped by stretching it over a formed block to just beyond the elastic limit where permanent set takes place with a minimum amount of spring-back. To stretch the metal, the sheet is rigidly clamped at two opposite edges in fixed vises. Then, the metal is stretched by moving a ram that carries the form block against the sheet with the pressure from the ram causing the material to stretch and wrap to the contour of the form block. Stretch forming is normally restricted to relatively large parts with large radii of curvature and shallow depth, such as contoured skin. Uniform contoured parts produced at a faster speed give stretch forming an advantage over hand formed parts. Also, the condition of the material is

more uniform than that obtained by hand forming. Drop Hammer The drop hammer forming process produces shapes by the progressive deformation of sheet metal in matched dies under the repetitive blows of a gravity-drop hammer or a powerdrop hammer. The configurations most commonly formed by the process include shallow, smoothly contoured doublecurvature parts, shallow-beaded parts, and parts with irregular and comparatively deep recesses. Small quantities of cupshaped and box-shaped parts, curved sections, and contoured flanged parts are also formed. Drop hammer forming is not a precision forming method and cannot provide tolerances as close as 0.03-inch to 006-inch Nevertheless, the process is often used for sheet metal parts, such as aircraft components, that undergo frequent design changes, or for which there is a short run expectancy. Hydropress Forming The rubber pad hydropress can be utilized to form many varieties of parts from aluminum and its alloys with relative ease. Phenolic,

masonite, kirksite, and some types of hard setting moulding plastic have been used successfully as form blocks to press sheet metal parts, such as ribs, spars, fans, etc. To perform a press forming operation: 1. Cut a sheet metal blank to size and deburr edges. 2. Set the form block (normally male) on the lower press platen. 3. Place the prepared sheet metal blank (with locating pins to prevent shifting of the blank when the pressure is applied). 4. Lower or close the rubber pad-filled press head over the form block and the rubber envelope. Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 4-61. Slip roll operation 5. The form block forces the blank to conform to its contour. Hydropress forming is usually limited to relatively flat parts with flanges, beads, and lightening holes. However, some types of large radii contoured parts can be formed by a combination of hand forming and pressing operations. Spin Forming In spin forming, a flat circle of metal is rotated at a very high speed to

shape a seamless, hollow part using the combined forces of rotation and pressure. For example, a flat circular blank such as an aluminum disk, is mounted in a lathe in conjunction with a form block (usually made of hardwood). As the aircraft technician revolves the disc and form block together at high speeds, the disk is molded to the form block by applying pressure with a spinning stick or tool. It provides an economical alternative to stamping, casting, and many other metal forming processes. Propeller spinners are sometimes fabricated with this technique. Figure 4-62. Rotary machine Aluminum soap, tallow, or ordinary soap can be used as a lubricant. The best adapted materials for spinning are the softer aluminum alloys, but other alloys can be used if the shape to be spun is not excessively deep or if the spinning 4-25 Source: http://www.doksinet is done in stages utilizing intermediate annealing to remove the effect of strain hardening that results from the spinning operation.

Hot forming is used in some instances when spinning thicker and harder alloys. [Figure 4-63] To use the English wheel, place a piece of sheet metal between the wheels (one above and one below the metal). Then, roll the wheels against one another under a pre-adjusted pressure setting. Steel or aluminum can be shaped by pushing the metal back and forth between the wheels. Very little pressure is needed to shape the panel, which is stretched or raised to the desired shape. It is important to work slowly and gradually curve the metal into the desired shape. Monitor the curvature with frequent references to the template. The English wheel is used for shaping low crowns on large panels and polishing or planishing (to smooth the surface of a metal by rolling or hammering it) parts that have been formed with power hammers or hammer and shot bag. Figure 4-63. Spin forming Forming With an English Wheel The English wheel, a popular type of metal forming tool used to create double curves in

metal, has two steel wheels between which metal is formed. [Figure 4-64] Keep in mind that the English wheel is primarily a stretching machine, so it stretches and thins the metal before forming it into the desired shape. Thus, the operator must be careful not to over-stretch the metal. Piccolo Former The piccolo former is used for cold forming and rolling sheet metal and other profile sections (extrusions). [Figure 4-65] The position of the ram is adjustable in height by means of either a handwheel or a foot pedal that permits control of the working pressure. Be sure to utilize the adjusting ring situated in the machine head to control the maximum working pressure. The forming tools are located in the moving ram and the lower tool holder. Depending on the variety of forming tools included, the operator can perform such procedures as forming edges, bending profiles, removing wrinkles, spot shrinking to remove buckles and dents, or expanding dome sheet metal. Available in either

fiberglass (to prevent marring the surface) or steel (for working harder materials) faces, the tools are the quick-change type. Figure 4-65. Piccolo former Shrinking and Stretching Tools Shrinking Tools Figure 4-64. English wheel 4-26 Shrinking dies repeatedly clamp down on the metal, then shift inward. [Figure 4-66] This compresses the material between the dies, which actually slightly increases the thickness of the metal. Strain hardening takes place during this process, so it is best to set the working pressure high enough to complete the shape rather quickly (eight passes could be considered excessive). Source: http://www.doksinet Hand-Operated Shrinker and Stretcher The hand-operated shrinker and structure is similar to the manual foot-operated unit, except a handle is used to apply force to shrinking and stretching blocks. The dies are all metal and leave marks on aluminum that need to be blended out after the shrinking or stretching operation. [Figure 4-67] Figure

4-66. Shrinking and stretching tools CAUTION: Avoid striking a die on the radius itself when forming a curved flange. This damages the metal in the radius and decreases the angle of bend. Stretching Tools Stretching dies repeatedly clamp down on the surface and then shift outward. This stretches the metal between the dies, which decreases the thickness in the stretched area. Striking the same point too many times weakens and eventually cracks the part. It is advantageous to deburr or even polish the edges of a flange that must undergo even moderate stretching to avoid crack formation. Forming flanges with existing holes causes the holes to distort and possibly crack or substantially weaken the flange. Manual Foot-Operated Sheet Metal Shrinker The manual foot-operated sheet metal shrinker operates very similarly to the Piccolo former though it only has two primary functions: shrinking and stretching. The only dies available are steel faced and therefore tend to mar the surface of the

metal. When used on aluminum, it is necessary to gently blend out the surface irregularities (primarily in the cladding), then treat and paint the part. Since this is a manual machine, it relies on leg power, as the operator repeatedly steps on the foot pedal. The more force is applied, the more stresses are concentrated at that single point. It yields a better part with a series of smaller stretches (or shrinks) than with a few intense ones. Squeezing the dies over the radius damages the metal and flattens out some of the bend. It may be useful to tape a thick piece of plastic or micarta to the opposite leg to shim the radius of the angle away from the clamping area of the dies. NOTE: Watch the part change shape while slowly applying pressure. A number of small stretches works more effectively than one large one. If applying too much pressure, the metal has the tendency to buckle. Figure 4-67. Hand-operated shrinker and stretcher unit Dollies and Stakes Sheet metal is often formed

or finished (planished) over anvils, available in a variety of shapes and sizes, called dollies and stakes. These are used for forming small, oddshaped parts, or for putting on finishing touches for which a large machine may not be suited. Dollies are meant to be held in the hand, whereas stakes are designed to be supported by a flat cast iron bench plate fastened to the workbench. [Figure 4-68] Most stakes have machined, polished surfaces that have been hardened. Use of stakes to back up material when chiseling, or when using any similar cutting tool, defaces the surface of the stake and makes it useless for finish work. Hardwood Form Blocks Hardwood form blocks can be constructed to duplicate practically any aircraft structural or nonstructural part. The wooden block or form is shaped to the exact dimensions and contour of the part to be formed. V-Blocks V-blocks made of hardwood are widely used in airframe metalwork for shrinking and stretching metal, particularly angles and

flanges. The size of the block depends on the work being done and on personal preference. Although any type of hardwood is suitable, maple and ash are recommended for best results when working with aluminum alloys. 4-27 Source: http://www.doksinet through the pores of the canvas. Bags can also be filled with shot as an alternative to sand. Sheet Metal Hammers and Mallets The sheet metal hammer and the mallet are metal fabrication hand tools used for bending and forming sheet metal without marring or indenting the metal. The hammer head is usually made of high carbon, heat-treated steel, while the head of the mallet, which is usually larger than that of the hammer, is made of rubber, plastic, wood, or leather. In combination with a sandbag, V-blocks, and dies, sheet metal body hammers and mallets are used to form annealed metal. [Figure 4-69] Figure 4-68. Dollies and stakes Shrinking Blocks A shrinking block consists of two metal blocks and some device for clamping them together.

One block forms the base and the other is cut away to provide space where the crimped material can be hammered. The legs of the upper jaw clamp the material to the base block on each side of the crimp to prevent the material from creeping away, but remains stationary while the crimp is hammered flat (being shrunk). This type of crimping block is designed to be held in a bench vise. Shrinking blocks can be made to fit any specific need. The basic form and principle remain the same, even though the blocks may vary considerably in size and shape. Sandbags A sandbag is generally used as a support during the bumping process. A serviceable bag can be made by sewing heavy canvas or soft leather to form a bag of the desired size, and filling it with sand which has been sifted through a fine mesh screen. Before filling canvas bags with sand, use a brush to coat the inside of the bag with softened paraffin or beeswax, which forms a sealing layer and prevents the sand from working 4-28 Figure

4-69. Sheet metal mallet and hammers Sheet Metal Holding Devices In order to work with sheet metal during the fabrication process, the aviation technician uses a variety of holding devices, such as clamps, vises, and fasteners to hold the work together. The type of operation being performed and the type of metal being used determine what type of the holding device is needed. Clamps and Vises Clamps and vises hold materials in place when it is not possible to handle a tool and the workpiece at the same time. A clamp is a fastening device with movable jaws that has opposing, often adjustable, sides or parts. An essential fastening device, it holds objects tightly together to prevent movement or separation. Clamps can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary clamps, such as the carriage clamp (commonly called the C-clamp), are used to position components while fixing them together. C-Clamps The C-clamp is shaped like a large C and has three main parts: threaded screw, jaw, and swivel

head. [Figure 4-70] Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 4-70. C-clamps Figure 4-71. A utility vise with swivel base and anvil The swivel plate or flat end of the screw prevents the end from turning directly against the material being clamped. C-clamp size is measured by the dimension of the largest object the frame can accommodate with the screw fully extended. The distance from the center line of the screw to the inside edge of the frame or the depth of throat is also an important consideration when using this clamp. C-clamps vary in size from two inches upward. Since C-clamps can leave marks on aluminum, protect the aircraft covering with masking tape at the places where the C-clamp is used. Vises Vises are another clamping device that hold the workpiece in place and allow work to be done on it with tools such as saws and drills. The vise consists of two fixed or adjustable jaws that are opened or closed by a screw or a lever. The size of a vise is measured by both the jaw width

and the capacity of the vise when the jaws are fully open. Vises also depend on a screw to apply pressure, but their textured jaws enhance gripping ability beyond that of a clamp. Two of the most commonly used vises are the machinist’s vise and the utility vise. [Figure 4-71] The machinist’s vise has flat jaws and usually a swivel base, whereas the utility bench vise has scored, removable jaws and an anvilfaced back jaw. This vise holds heavier material than the machinist’s vise and also grips pipe or rod firmly. The back jaw can be used as an anvil if the work being done is light. To avoid marring metal in the vise jaws, add some type of padding, such as a ready-made rubber jaw pad. Reusable Sheet Metal Fasteners Reusable sheet metal fasteners temporarily hold drilled sheet metal parts accurately in position for riveting or drilling. If sheet metal parts are not held tightly together, they separate while being riveted or drilled. The Cleco (also spelled Cleko) fastener is the

most commonly used sheet metal holder. [Figure 4-72] Figure 4-72. Cleco and Cleco plier Cleco Fasteners The Cleco fastener consists of a steel cylinder body with a plunger on the top, a spring, a pair of step-cut locks, and a spreader bar. These fasteners come in six different sizes: 3⁄32, 1 ⁄8, 5⁄32, 3⁄16, 1⁄4, and 3⁄8-inch in diameter with the size stamped on the fastener. Color coding allows for easy size recognition A special type of plier fits the six different sizes. When installed correctly, the reusable Cleco fastener keeps the holes in the separate sheets aligned. 4-29 Source: http://www.doksinet Hex Nut and Wing Nut Temporary Sheet Fasteners Hex nut and wing nut fasteners are used to temporarily fasten sheets of metal when higher clamp up pressure is required. [Figure 4-73] Hex nut fasteners provide up to 300 pounds of clamping force with the advantage of quick installation and removal with a hex nut runner. Wing nut sheet metal fasteners, characterized by

wing shaped protrusions, not only provide a consistent clamping force from 0 to 300 pounds, but the aircraft technician can turn and tighten these fasteners by hand. Cleco hex nut fasteners are identical to Cleco wing nut fasteners, but the Cleco hex nut can be used with pneumatic Cleco installers. rows approximately five inches apart. Tubes, bars, rods, and extruded shapes are marked with specification numbers or code markings at intervals of three to five feet along the length of each piece. The commercial code marking consists of a number that identifies the particular composition of the alloy. Additionally, letter suffixes designate the basic temper designations and subdivisions of aluminum alloys. The aluminum and various aluminum alloys used in aircraft repair and construction are as follows: • Aluminum designated by the symbol 1100 is used where strength is not an important factor, but where weight economy and corrosion resistance are desired. This aluminum is used for fuel

tanks, cowlings, and oil tanks. It is also used for repairing wingtips and tanks This material is weldable. • Alloy 3003 is similar to 1100 and is generally used for the same purposes. It contains a small percentage of magnesium and is stronger and harder than 1100 aluminum. • Alloy 2014 is used for heavy-duty forgings, plates, extrusions for aircraft fittings, wheels, and major structural components. This alloy is often used for applications requiring high strength and hardness, as well as for service at elevated temperatures. • Alloy 2017 is used for rivets. This material is now in limited use. • Alloy 2024, with or without Alclad™ coating, is used for aircraft structures, rivets, hardware, machine screw products, and other miscellaneous structural applications. In addition, this alloy is commonly used for heat-treated parts, airfoil and fuselage skins, extrusions, and fittings. • Alloy 2025 is used extensively for propeller blades. • Alloy 2219 is used for

fuel tanks, aircraft skin, and structural components. This material has high fracture toughness and is readily weldable. Alloy 2219 is also highly resistant to stress corrosion cracking. • Alloy 5052 is used where good workability, very good corrosion resistance, high fatigue strength, weldability, and moderate static strength are desired. This alloy is used for fuel, hydraulic, and oil lines. • Alloy 5056 is used for making rivets and cable sheeting and in applications where aluminum comes into contact with magnesium alloys. Alloy 5056 is generally resistant to the most common forms of corrosion. Figure 4-73. Hex nut fastener Aluminum Alloys Aluminum alloys are the most frequently encountered type of sheet metal in aircraft repair. AC 43131 Chapter 4, Metal Structure, Welding, and Brazing: Identification of Metals (as revised) provides an in-depth discussion of all metal types. This section describes the aluminum alloys used in the forming processes discussed in the

remainder of the chapter. In its pure state, aluminum is lightweight, lustrous, and corrosion resistant. The thermal conductivity of aluminum is very high. It is ductile, malleable, and nonmagnetic When combined with various percentages of other metals (generally copper, manganese, and magnesium), aluminum alloys that are used in aircraft construction are formed. Aluminum alloys are lightweight and strong. They do not possess the corrosion resistance of pure aluminum and are usually treated to prevent deterioration. Alclad™ aluminum is an aluminum alloy with a protective cladding of aluminum to improve its corrosion resistance. To provide a visual means for identifying the various grades of aluminum and aluminum alloys, aluminum stock is usually marked with symbols such as a Government Specification Number, the temper or condition furnished, or the commercial code marking. Plate and sheet are usually marked with specification numbers or code markings in 4-30 Source:

http://www.doksinet • Cast aluminum alloys are used for cylinder heads, crankcases, fuel injectors, carburetors, and landing wheels. • Various alloys, including 3003, 5052, and 1100 aluminum, are hardened by cold working rather than by heat treatment. Other alloys, including 2017 and 2024, are hardened by heat treatment, cold working, or a combination of the two. Various casting alloys are hardened by heat treatment. • Alloy 6061 is generally weldable by all commercial procedures and methods. It also maintains acceptable toughness in many cryogenic applications. Alloy 6061 is easily extruded and is commonly used for hydraulic and pneumatic tubing. • Although higher in strength than 2024, alloy 7075 has a lower fracture toughness and is generally used in tension applications where fatigue is not critical. The T6 temper of 7075 should be avoided in corrosive environments. However, the T7351 temper of 7075 has excellent stress corrosion resistance and better fracture

toughness than the T6 temper. The T76 temper is often used to improve the resistance of 7075 to exfoliate corrosion. Description Before installation, the rivet consists of a smooth cylindrical shaft with a factory head on one end. The opposite end is called the bucktail. To secure two or more pieces of sheet metal together, the rivet is placed into a hole cut just a bit larger in diameter than the rivet itself. Once placed in this predrilled hole, the bucktail is upset or deformed by any of several methods from hand-held hammers to pneumatically driven squeezing tools. This action causes the rivet to expand about 11⁄2 times the original shaft diameter, forming a second head that firmly holds the material in place. Rivet Head Shape Solid rivets are available in several head shapes, but the universal and the 100° countersunk head are the most commonly used in aircraft structures. Universal head rivets were developed specifically for the aircraft industry and designed as a replacement

for both the round and brazier head rivets. These rivets replaced all protruding head rivets and are used primarily where the protruding head has no aerodynamic significant. They have a flat area on the head, a head diameter twice the shank diameter, and a head height approximately 42.5 percent of the shank diameter [Figure 4-74] Structural Fasteners Structural fasteners, used to join sheet metal structures securely, come in thousands of shapes and sizes with many of them specialized and specific to certain aircraft. Since some structural fasteners are common to all aircraft, this section focuses on the more frequently used fasteners. For the purposes of this discussion, fasteners are divided into two main groups: solid shank rivets and special purpose fasteners that include blind rivets. Solid Shank Rivet The solid shank rivet is the most common type of rivet used in aircraft construction. Used to join aircraft structures, solid shank rivets are one of the oldest and most reliable

types of fastener. Widely used in the aircraft manufacturing industry, solid shank rivets are relatively low-cost, permanently installed fasteners. They are faster to install than bolts and nuts since they adapt well to automatic, high-speed installation tools. Rivets should not be used in thick materials or in tensile applications, as their tensile strengths are quite low relative to their shear strength. The longer the total grip length (the total thickness of sheets being joined), the more difficult it becomes to lock the rivet. Riveted joints are neither airtight nor watertight unless special seals or coatings are used. Since rivets are permanently installed, they must be removed by drilling them out, a laborious task. Countersunk head Universal head Figure 4-74. Solid shank rivet styles The countersunk head angle can vary from 60° to 120°, but the 100° has been adopted as standard because this head style provides the best possible compromise between tension/ shear strength

and flushness requirements. This rivet is used where flushness is required because the rivet is flat-topped and undercut to allow the head to fit into a countersunk or dimpled hole. The countersunk rivet is primarily intended for use when aerodynamics smoothness is critical, such as on the external surface of a high-speed aircraft. Typically, rivets are fabricated from aluminum alloys, such as 2017-T4, 2024-T4, 2117-T4, 7050, and 5056. Titanium, nickel-based alloys, such as Monel® (corrosion-resistant steel), mild steel or iron, and copper rivets are also used for rivets in certain cases. 4-31 Source: http://www.doksinet Rivets are available in a wide variety of alloys, head shapes, and sizes and have a wide variety of uses in aircraft structure. Rivets that are satisfactory for one part of the aircraft are often unsatisfactory for another part. Therefore, it is important that an aircraft technician know the strength and driving properties of the various types of rivets and how to

identify them, as well as how to drive or install them. Solid rivets are classified by their head shape, by the material from which they are manufactured, and by their size. Identification codes used are derived from a combination of the Military Standard (MS) and National Aerospace Standard (NAS) systems, as well as an older classification system known as AN for Army/Navy. For example, the prefix MS identifies hardware that conforms to written military standards. A letter or letters following the head-shaped code identify the material or alloy from which the rivet was made. The alloy code is followed by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number is the numerator of a fraction, which specifies the shank diameter in thirty-seconds of an inch. The second number is the numerator of a fraction in sixteenths of an inch and identifies the length of the rivet. Rivet head shapes and their identifying code numbers are shown in Figure 4-75. MS 20 426 AD 5 - 8 Length in sixteenths of an

inch Diameter in thirty-seconds of an inch Material or alloy (2117-T4) Head shape (countersunk) Specification (Military standard) of head needed for a particular job is determined by where it is to be installed. Countersunk head rivets should be used where a smooth aerodynamic surface is required. Universal head rivets may be used in most other areas. The size (or diameter) of the selected rivet shank should correspond in general to the thickness of the material being riveted. If an excessively large rivet is used in a thin material, the force necessary to drive the rivet properly causes an undesirable bulging around the rivet head. On the other hand, if an excessively small rivet diameter is selected for thick material, the shear strength of the rivet is not great enough to carry the load of the joint. As a general rule, the rivet diameter should be at least two and a half to three times the thickness of the thicker sheet. Rivets most commonly chosen in the assembly and repair of

aircraft range from 3⁄32-inch to 3⁄8-inch in diameter. Ordinarily, rivets smaller than 3⁄32inch in diameter are never used on any structural parts that carry stresses. The proper sized rivets to use for any repair can also be determined by referring to the rivets (used by the manufacturer) in the next parallel row inboard on the wing or forward on the fuselage. Another method of determining the size of rivets to be used is to multiply the skin’s thickness by 3 and use the next larger size rivet corresponding to that figure. For example, if the skin is 0040 inch thick, multiply 0.040 inch by 3 to get 0120 inch and use the next larger size of rivet, 1⁄8-inch (0.125 inch) When rivets are to pass completely through tubular members, select a rivet diameter equivalent to at least 1⁄8 the outside diameter of the tube. If one tube sleeves or fits over another, take the outside diameter of the outside tube and use oneeighth of that distance as the minimum rivet diameter. A good

practice is to calculate the minimum rivet diameter and then use the next larger size rivet. Figure 4-75. Rivet head shapes and their identifying code numbers The most frequently used repair rivet is the AD rivet because it can be installed in the received condition. Some rivet alloys, such as DD rivets (alloy 2024-T4), are too hard to drive in the received condition and must be annealed before they can be installed. Typically, these rivets are annealed and stored in a freezer to retard hardening, which has led to the nickname “ice box rivets.” They are removed from the freezer just prior to use. Most DD rivets have been replaced by E-type rivets which can be installed in the received condition. The head type, size, and strength required in a rivet are governed by such factors as the kind of forces present at the point riveted, the kind and thickness of the material to be riveted, and the location of the part on the aircraft. The type 4-32 Whenever possible, select rivets of the

same alloy number as the material being riveted. For example, use 1100 and 3003 rivets on parts fabricated from 1100 and 3003 alloys, and 2117-1 and 2017-T rivets on parts fabricated from 2017 and 2024 alloys. The size of the formed head is the visual standard of a proper rivet installation. The minimum and maximum sizes, as well as the ideal size, are shown in Figure 4-76. Installation of Rivets Repair Layout Repair layout involves determining the number of rivets required, the proper size and style of rivets to be used, their material, temper condition and strength, the size of the holes, Source: http://www.doksinet Driven Rivet Standards Standard Rivet Alloy Code Markings A, AD, B, DD Rivets 1.33 d Formed head dimension 1.5 d Predrive protrusion .66 d 1.25 d .5 d 1.5 d Minimum Formed head dimension 1.33 d Preferred Shear strength10 KSI Shear strength28 KSI .33 d Maximum Nonstructural N t t l uses only l Predrive protrusion .66 d Alloy codeB Alloy5056 aluminum

Head markingraised cross 1.66 d D, E, (KE), M Rivets 1.25 d Alloy codeA Alloy1100 or 3003 aluminum Head markingNone .6 d 1.25 d 1.4 d Minimum Preferred Alloy codeAD Alloy2117 aluminum Head markingDimple Alloy codeD Alloy2017 aluminum Head markingRaised dot Shear strength30 KSI Shear strength38 KSI .5 d 1.5 d Maximum Figure 4-76. Rivet formed head dimensions the distances between the holes, and the distance between the holes and the edges of the patch. Distances are measured in terms of rivet diameter. Rivet Length To determine the total length of a rivet to be installed, the combined thickness of the materials to be joined must first be known. This measurement is known as the grip length The total length of the rivet equals the grip length plus the amount of rivet shank needed to form a proper shop head. The latter equals one and a half times the diameter of the rivet shank. Where A is total rivet length, B is grip length, and C is the length of the material needed to

form a shop head, this formula can be represented as A = B + C. [Figure 4-76] Rivet Strength For structural applications, the strength of the replacement rivets is of primary importance. [Figure 4-77] Rivets made of material that is lower in strength should not be used as replacements unless the shortfall is made up by using a larger rivet. For example, a rivet of 2024-T4 aluminum alloy should not be replaced with one of 2117-T4 or 2017-T4 aluminum alloy unless the next larger size is used. The 2117-T rivet is used for general repair work, since it requires no heat treatment, is fairly soft and strong, and is highly corrosion resistant when used with most types of alloys. Always consult the maintenance manual for correct 38 KSI When driven as received 34 KSI When re-heat treated Alloy codeDD Alloy2024 aluminum Head markingTwo bars (raised) (raised Alloy codeE, [KE*] Boeing code Alloy2017 aluminum Head markingRaised ring Shear strength41 KSI Shear strength43 KSI Must be driven in

“W” condition (Ice-Box) Replacement for DD rivet to be driven in “T” condition Alloy codeE Alloy7050 aluminum Head markingraised circle circcle l Shear strength54 KSI Figure 4-77. Rivet allow strength 4-33 Source: http://www.doksinet rivet type and material. The type of rivet head to select for a particular repair job can be determined by referring to the type used within the surrounding area by the manufacturer. A general rule to follow on a flush-riveted aircraft is to apply flush rivets on the upper surface of the wing and stabilizers, on the lower leading edge back to the spar, and on the fuselage back to the high point of the wing. Use universal head rivets in all other surface areas. Whenever possible, select rivets of the same alloy number as the material being riveted. Stresses Applied to Rivets Shear is one of the two stresses applied to rivets. The shear strength is the amount of force required to cut a rivet that holds two or more sheets of material together.

If the rivet holds two parts, it is under single shear; if it holds three sheets or parts, it is under double shear. To determine the shear strength, the diameter of the rivet to be used must be found by multiplying the thickness of the skin material by 3. For example, a material thickness of 0.040 inch multiplied by 3 equals 0.120 inch In this case, the rivet diameter selected would be 1⁄8 (0.125) inch Tension is the other stress applied to rivets. The resistance to tension is called bearing strength and is the amount of tension required to pull a rivet through the edge of two sheets riveted together or to elongate the hole. Rivet Spacing Rivet spacing is measured between the centerlines of rivets in the same row. The minimum spacing between protruding head rivets shall not be less than 31⁄2 times the rivet diameter. The minimum spacing between flush head rivets shall not be less than 4 times the diameter of the rivet. These dimensions may be used as the minimum spacing except

when specified differently in a specific repair procedure or when replacing existing rivets. On most repairs, the general practice is to use the same rivet spacing and edge distance (distance from the center of the hole to the edge of the material) that the manufacturer used in the area surrounding the damage. The SRM for the particular aircraft may also be consulted. Aside from this fundamental rule, there is no specific set of rules that governs spacing of rivets in all cases. However, there are certain minimum requirements that must be observed. • When possible, rivet edge distance, rivet spacing, and distance between rows should be the same as that of the original installation. • When new sections are to be added, the edge distance measured from the center of the rivet should never be less than 2 times the diameter of the shank; the distance 4-34 between rivets or pitch should be at least 3 times the diameter; and the distance between rivet rows should never be less than

21⁄2 times the diameter. Figure 4-78 illustrates acceptable ways of laying out a rivet pattern for a repair. Rivet Spacing Rivet Spacing Rivet Spacing 6D Distance Between 6D Distance Between 4D Distance Between Rows 6D Rows 3D Rows 4D Figure 4-78. Acceptable rivet patterns Edge Distance Edge distance, also called edge margin by some manufacturers, is the distance from the center of the first rivet to the edge of the sheet. It should not be less than 2 or more than 4 rivet diameters and the recommended edge distance is about 21⁄2 rivet diameters. The minimum edge distance for universal rivets is 2 times the diameter of the rivet; the minimum edge distance for countersunk rivets is 21⁄2 times the diameter of the rivet. If rivets are placed too close to the edge of the sheet, the sheet may crack or pull away from the rivets. If they are spaced too far from the edge, the sheet is likely to turn up at the edges. [Figure 4-79] E E Section A-A AA D D Incorrect - too close to

edge Correct E = 2D E = 1½D A A Resultant crack Edge Distance/Edge Margin Safe Minimum Edge Distance Preferred Edge Distance Protruding head rivets 2D 2 D + 1/16˝ Countersunk rivets 2½ D 2½ D + 1/16˝ Figure 4-79. Minimum edge distance Source: http://www.doksinet It is good practice to lay out the rivets a little further from the edge so that the rivet holes can be oversized without violating the edge distance minimums. Add 1⁄16-inch to the minimum edge distance or determine the edge distance using the next size of rivet diameter. Two methods for obtaining edge distance: • • The rivet diameter of a protruding head rivet is 3⁄32inch. Multiply 2 times 3⁄32-inch to obtain the minimum edge distance, 3⁄16-inch, add 1⁄16-inch to yield the preferred edge distance of 1⁄4-inch. The rivet diameter of a protruding head rivet is 3⁄32-inch. Select the next size of rivet, which is 1⁄8-inch. Calculate the edge distance by multiplying 2 times 1⁄8-inch to

get 1 ⁄4-inch. find the edge distance at each end of the row and then lay off the rivet pitch (distance between rivets), as shown in Figure 4-81. In a two-row layout, lay off the first row, place the second row a distance equal to the transverse pitch from the first row, and then lay off rivet spots in the second row so that they fall midway between those in the first row. In the three-row layout, first lay off the first and third rows, then use a straightedge to determine the second row rivet spots. When splicing a damaged tube, and the rivets pass completely through the tube, space the rivets four to seven rivet diameters apart if adjacent rivets are at right angles to each other, and space them five to seven rivet diameters apart if the rivets are parallel to each other. The first rivet on each side of the joint should be no less than 21⁄2 rivet diameters from the end of the sleeve. Rivet Pitch Rivet pitch is the distance between the centers of neighboring rivets in the same

row. The smallest allowable rivet pitch is 3 rivet diameters. The average rivet pitch usually ranges from 4 to 6 rivet diameters, although in some instances rivet pitch could be as large as 10 rivet diameters. Rivet spacing on parts that are subjected to bending moments is often closer to the minimum spacing to prevent buckling of the skin between the rivets. The minimum pitch also depends on the number of rows of rivets. One-and three-row layouts have a minimum pitch of 3 rivet diameters, a two-row layout has a minimum pitch of 4 rivet diameters. The pitch for countersunk rivets is larger than for universal head rivets. If the rivet spacing is made at least 1⁄16-inch larger than the minimum, the rivet hole can be oversized without violating the minimum rivet spacing requirement. [Figure 4-80] Edge distance (2 to 21/2 diameters) Rivet pitch (6 to 8 diameters) Single-row layout Transverse pitch (75 percent of rivet pitch) Two-row layout Transverse Pitch Transverse pitch is the

perpendicular distance between rivet rows. It is usually 75 percent of the rivet pitch The smallest allowable transverse pitch is 21⁄2 rivet diameters. The smallest allowable transverse pitch is 21⁄2 rivet diameters. Rivet pitch and transverse pitch often have the same dimension and are simply called rivet spacing. Rivet Layout Example The general rules for rivet spacing, as it is applied to a straight-row layout, are quite simple. In a one-row layout, Rivet Spacing Three-row layout Figure 4-81. Rivet layout Minimum Spacing Preferred Spacing 1 and 3 rows protruding head rivet layout 3D 3D + 1/16" 2 row protruding head rivet layout 4D 4D + 1/16" 1 and 3 rows countersunk head rivet layout 3/1/2D 3/1/2D + 1/16" 2 row countersunk head rivet layout 4/1/2D 4/1/2D + 1/16" Figure 4-80. Rivet spacing 4-35 Source: http://www.doksinet Rivet Installation Tools The various tools needed in the normal course of driving and upsetting rivets include drills,

reamers, rivet cutters or nippers, bucking bars, riveting hammers, draw sets, dimpling dies or other types of countersinking equipment, rivet guns, and squeeze riveters. C-clamps, vises, and other fasteners used to hold sheets together when riveting were discussed earlier in the chapter. Other tools and equipment needed in the installation of rivets are discussed in the following paragraphs. Hand Tools A variety of hand tools are used in the normal course of driving and upsetting rivets. They include rivet cutters, bucking bars, hand riveters, countersinks, and dimpling tools. Rivet Cutter The rivet cutter is used to trim rivets when rivets of the required length are unavailable. [Figure 4-82] To use the rotary rivet cutter, insert the rivet in the correct hole, place the required number of shims under the rivet head, and squeeze the cutter as if it were a pair of pliers. Rotation of the disks cuts the rivet to give the right length, which is determined by the number of shims inserted

under the head. When using a large rivet cutter, place it in a vise, insert the rivet in the proper hole, and cut by pulling the handle, which shears off the rivet. If regular rivet cutters are not available, diagonal cutting pliers can be used as a substitute cutter. Figure 4-82. Rivet cutters Bucking Bar The bucking bar, sometimes called a dolly, bucking iron, or bucking block, is a heavy chunk of steel whose countervibration during installation contributes to proper rivet installation. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their weights ranges from a few ounces to 8 or 10 pounds, depending upon the nature of the work. Bucking bars are most often made from low-carbon steel that has been case hardened or alloy bar stock. Those made of better grades of steel last longer and require less reconditioning. 4-36 Bucking faces must be hard enough to resist indentation and remain smooth, but not hard enough to shatter. Sometimes, the more complicated bars must be forged or built

up by welding. The bar usually has a concave face to conform to the shape of the shop head to be made. When selecting a bucking bar, the first consideration is shape. [Figure 4-83] If the bar does not have the correct shape, it deforms the rivet head; if the bar is too light, it does not give the necessary bucking weight, and the material may become bulged toward the shop head. If the bar is too heavy, its weight and the bucking force may cause the material to bulge away from the shop head. Figure 4-83. Bucking bars This tool is used by holding it against the shank end of a rivet while the shop head is being formed. Always hold the face of the bucking bar at right angles to the rivet shank. Failure to do so causes the rivet shank to bend with the first blows of the rivet gun and causes the material to become marred with the final blows. The bucker must hold the bucking bar in place until the rivet is completely driven. If the bucking bar is removed while the gun is in operation, the

rivet set may be driven through the material. Allow the weight of the bucking bar to do most of the work and do not bear down too heavily on the shank of the rivet. The operator’s hands merely guide the bar and supply the necessary tension and rebound action. Coordinated bucking allows the bucking bar to vibrate in unison with the gun set. With experience, a high degree of skill can be developed. Defective rivet heads can be caused by lack of proper vibrating action, the use of a bucking bar that is too light or too heavy, and failure to hold the bucking bar at right angles to the rivet. The bars must be kept clean, smooth, and well polished. Their edges should be slightly rounded to prevent marring the material surrounding the riveting operation. Hand Rivet Set A hand rivet set is a tool equipped with a die for driving a particular type rivet. Rivet sets are available to fit every size Source: http://www.doksinet and shape of rivet head. The ordinary set is made of 1⁄2-inch

carbon tool steel about 6 inches in length and is knurled to prevent slipping in the hand. Only the face of the set is hardened and polished. Sets for universal rivets are recessed (or cupped) to fit the rivet head. In selecting the correct set, be sure it provides the proper clearance between the set and the sides of the rivet head and between the surfaces of the metal and the set. Flush or flat sets are used for countersunk and flathead rivets. To seat flush rivets properly, be sure that the flush sets are at least 1 inch in diameter. Special draw sets are used to draw up the sheets to eliminate any opening between them before the rivet is bucked. Each draw set has a hole 1⁄32-inch larger than the diameter of the rivet shank for which it is made. Occasionally, the draw set and rivet header are incorporated into one tool. The header part consists of a hole shallow enough for the set to expand the rivet and head when struck with a hammer. Countersinking Tool The countersink is a tool

that cuts a cone-shaped depression around the rivet hole to allow the rivet to set flush with the surface of the skin. Countersinks are made with angles to correspond with the various angles of countersunk rivet heads. The standard countersink has a 100º angle, as shown in Figure 4-84. Special microstop countersinks (commonly called stop countersinks) are available that can be adjusted to any desired depth and have cutters to allow interchangeable holes with various countersunk angles to be made. [Figure 4-85] Some stop countersinks also have a micrometer set mechanism, in 0.001-inch increments, for adjusting their cutting depths. Micro-sleeve Skirt Locking ring Pilot Cutter Figure 4-85. Microstop countersink Power Tools The most common power tools used in riveting are the pneumatic rivet gun, rivet squeezers, and the microshaver. Pneumatic Rivet Gun The pneumatic rivet gun is the most common rivet upsetting tool used in airframe repair work. It is available in many sizes and

types. [Figure 4-86] The manufacturer’s recommended capacity for each gun is usually stamped on the barrel. Pneumatic guns operate on air pressure of 90 to 100 pounds per square inch and are used in conjunction with interchangeable rivet sets. Each set is designed to fit the specific type of rivet and the location of the work. The shank of the set is designed to fit into the rivet gun. An airdriven hammer inside the barrel of the gun supplies force to buck the rivet. 100° 82° Figure 4-86. Rivet guns Figure 4-84. Countersinks Dimpling Dies Dimpling is done with a male and female die (punch and die set). The male die has a guide the size of the rivet hole and with the same degree of countersink as the rivet. The female die has a hole with a corresponding degree of countersink into which the male guide fits. Slow hitting rivet guns that strike from 900 to 2,500 blows per minute are the most common type. [Figure 4-87] These blows are slow enough to be easily controlled and heavy

enough to do the job. These guns are sized by the largest rivet size continuously driven with size often based on the Chicago Pneumatic Company’s old “X” series. A 4X gun (dash 8 or 1⁄4 rivet) is used for normal work. The less powerful 3X gun is used for smaller rivets in thinner structure. 7X guns are used for large rivets in thicker structures. A rivet gun should upset 4-37 Source: http://www.doksinet Sliding valve Set sleeve Piston Exhaust deflector Cylinder Blank rivet set Beehive spring set retainer Throttle, trigger Throttle lever Throttle valve Throttle tube Bushing Regulator adjustment screw Movement of air during forward stroke Movement of air during rearward stroke Air path Figure 4-87. Components of a rivet gun a rivet in 1 to 3 seconds. With practice, an aircraft technician learns the length of time needed to hold down the trigger. A rivet gun with the correct header (rivet set) must be held snugly against the rivet head and perpendicular to the

surface while a bucking bar of the proper weight is held against the opposite end. The force of the gun must be absorbed by the bucking bar and not the structure being riveted. When the gun is triggered, the rivet is driven. Always make sure the correct rivet header and the retaining spring are installed. Test the rivet gun on a piece of wood and adjust the air valve to a setting that is comfortable for the operator. The driving force of the rivet gun is adjusted by a needle valve on the handle. Adjustments should never be tested against anything harder than a wooden block to avoid header damage. If the adjustment fails to provide the best driving force, a different sized gun is needed. A gun that is too powerful is hard to control and may damage the work. On the other hand, if the gun is too light, it may work harden the rivet before the head can be fully formed. 4-38 The riveting action should start slowly and be one continued burst. If the riveting starts too fast, the rivet

header might slip off the rivet and damage the rivet (smiley) or damage the skin (eyebrow). Try to drive the rivets within 3 seconds, because the rivet will work harden if the driving process takes too long. The dynamic of the driving process has the gun hitting, or vibrating, the rivet and material, which causes the bar to bounce, or countervibrate. These opposing blows (low frequency vibrations) squeeze the rivet, causing it to swell and then form the upset head. Some precautions to be observed when using a rivet gun are: 1. Never point a rivet gun at anyone at any time. A rivet gun should be used for one purpose only: to drive or install rivets. 2. Never depress the trigger mechanism unless the set is held tightly against a block of wood or a rivet. 3. Always disconnect the air hose from the rivet gun when it is not in use for any appreciable length of time. Source: http://www.doksinet While traditional tooling has changed little in the past 60 years, significant changes

have been made in rivet gun ergonomics. Reduced vibration rivet guns and bucking bars have been developed to reduce the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome and enhance operator comfort. Rivet Sets/Headers Pneumatic guns are used in conjunction with interchangeable rivet sets or headers. Each is designed to fit the type of rivet and location of the work. The shank of the rivet header is designed to fit into the rivet gun. An appropriate header must be a correct match for the rivet being driven. The working face of a header should be properly designed and smoothly polished. They are made of forged steel, heat treated to be tough but not too brittle. Flush headers come in various sizes Smaller ones concentrate the driving force in a small area for maximum efficiency. Larger ones spread the driving force over a larger area and are used for the riveting of thin skins. Nonflush headers should fit to contact about the center twothirds of the rivet head. They must be shallow enough to allow

slight upsetting of the head in driving and some misalignment without eyebrowing the riveted surface. Care must be taken to match the size of the rivet. A header that is too small marks the rivet; while one too large marks the material. Rivet headers are made in a variety of styles. [Figure 4-88] The short, straight header is best when the gun can be brought close to the work. Offset headers may be used to reach rivets in obstructed places. Long headers are sometimes necessary when the gun cannot be brought close to the work due to structural interference. Rivet headers should be kept clean Compression Riveting Compression riveting (squeezing) is of limited value because this method of riveting can be used only over the edges of sheets or assemblies where conditions permit, and where the reach of the rivet squeezer is deep enough. The three types of rivet squeezershand, pneumatic, and pneudraulic operate on the same principles. In the hand rivet squeezer, compression is supplied by

hand pressure; in the pneumatic rivet squeezer, by air pressure; and in the pneudraulic, by a combination of air and hydraulic pressure. One jaw is stationary and serves as a bucking bar, the other jaw is movable and does the upsetting. Riveting with a squeezer is a quick method and requires only one operator. These riveters are equipped with either a C-yoke or an alligator yoke in various sizes to accommodate any size of rivet. The working capacity of a yoke is measured by its gap and its reach. The gap is the distance between the movable jaw and the stationary jaw; the reach is the inside length of the throat measured from the center of the end sets. End sets for rivet squeezers serve the same purpose as rivet sets for pneumatic rivet guns and are available with the same type heads, which are interchangeable to suit any type of rivet head. One part of each set is inserted in the stationary jaw, while the other part is placed in the movable jaws. The manufactured head end set is

placed on the stationary jaw whenever possible. During some operations, it may be necessary to reverse the end sets, placing the manufactured head end set on the movable jaw. Microshavers A microshaver is used if the smoothness of the material (such as skin) requires that all countersunk rivets be driven within a specific tolerance. [Figure 4-89] This tool has a cutter, a stop, and two legs or stabilizers. The cutting portion of the microshaver is inside the stop. The depth of the cut can be adjusted by pulling outward on the stop and turning it in either direction (clockwise for deeper cuts). The marks on Figure 4-88. Rivet headers Figure 4-89. Microshaver 4-39 Source: http://www.doksinet the stop permit adjustments of 0.001 inch If the microshaver is adjusted and held correctly, it can cut the head of a countersunk rivet to within 0.002 inch without damaging the surrounding material. Adjustments should always be made first on scrap material. When correctly adjusted, the

microshaver leaves a small round dot about the size of a pinhead on the microshaved rivet. It may occasionally be necessary to shave rivets, normally restricted to MS20426 head rivets, after driving to obtain the required flushness. Shear head rivets should never be shaved. Riveting Procedure The riveting procedure consists of transferring and preparing the hole, drilling, and driving the rivets. Hole Transfer Accomplish transfer of holes from a drilled part to another part by placing the second part over first and using established holes as a guide. Using an alternate method, scribe hole location through from drilled part onto part to be drilled, spot with a center punch, and drill. Hole Preparation It is very important that the rivet hole be of the correct size and shape and free from burrs. If the hole is too small, the protective coating is scratched from the rivet when the rivet is driven through the hole. If the hole is too large, the rivet does not fill the hole completely.

When it is bucked, the joint does not develop its full strength, and structural failure may occur at that spot. If countersinking is required, consider the thickness of the metal and adopt the countersinking method recommended for that thickness. If dimpling is required, keep hammer blows or dimpling pressures to a minimum so that no undue work hardening occurs in the surrounding area. Drilling Rivet holes in repair may be drilled with either a light power drill or a hand drill. The standard shank twist drill is most commonly used. Drill bit sizes for rivet holes should be the smallest size that permits easy insertion of the rivet, approximately 0.003-inch greater than the largest tolerance of the shank diameter. The recommended clearance drill bits for the common rivet diameters are shown in Figure 4-90. Hole sizes for other fasteners are normally found on work documents, prints, or in manuals. Before drilling, center punch all rivet locations. The center punch mark should be large

enough to prevent the drill from slipping out of position, yet it must not dent the surface 4-40 Drill Size Rivet Diameter (in) Pilot Final 3/32 3/32 (0.0937) #40 (0.098) 1/8 1/8 (0.125) #30 (0.1285) 5/32 5/32 (0.1562) #21 (0.159) 3/16 3/16 (0.1875) #11 (0.191) 1/4 1/4 (0.250) F (0.257) Figure 4-90. Drill sizes for standard rivets surrounding the center punch mark. Place a bucking bar behind the metal during punching to help prevent denting. To make a rivet hole the correct size, first drill a slightly undersized hole (pilot hole). Ream the pilot hole with a twist drill of the appropriate size to obtain the required dimension. To drill, proceed as follows: 1. Ensure the drill bit is the correct size and shape. 2. Place the drill in the center-punched mark. When using a power drill, rotate the bit a few turns before starting the motor. 3. While drilling, always hold the drill at a 90º angle to the work or the curvature of the material. 4. Avoid excessive

pressure, let the drill bit do the cutting, and never push the drill bit through stock. 5. Remove all burrs with a metal countersink or a file. 6. Clean away all drill chips. When holes are drilled through sheet metal, small burrs are formed around the edge of the hole. This is especially true when using a hand drill because the drill speed is slow and there is a tendency to apply more pressure per drill revolution. Remove all burrs with a burr remover or larger size drill bit before riveting. Driving the Rivet Although riveting equipment can be either stationary or portable, portable riveting equipment is the most common type of riveting equipment used to drive solid shank rivets in airframe repair work. Before driving any rivets into the sheet metal parts, be sure all holes line up perfectly, all shavings and burrs have been removed, and the parts to be riveted are securely fastened with temporary fasteners. Depending on the job, the riveting process may require one or two

people. In solo riveting, the riveter holds a bucking bar with one hand and operates a riveting gun with the other. If the job requires two aircraft technicians, a shooter, or gunner, and a bucker work together as a team to install rivets. Source: http://www.doksinet An important component of team riveting is an efficient signaling system that communicates the status of the riveting process. This signaling system usually consists of tapping the bucking bar against the work and is often called the tap code. One tap may mean not fully seated, hit it again, while two taps may mean good rivet, and three taps may mean bad rivet, remove and drive another. Radio sets are also available for communication between the technicians. Once the rivet is installed, there should be no evidence of rotation of rivets or looseness of riveted parts. After the trimming operation, examine for tightness. Apply a force of 10 pounds to the trimmed stem. A tight stem is one indication of an acceptable rivet

installation. Any degree of looseness indicates an oversize hole and requires replacement of the rivet with an oversize shank diameter rivet. A rivet installation is assumed satisfactory when the rivet head is seated snugly against the item to be retained (0.005-inch feeler gauge should not go under rivet head for more than one-half the circumference) and the stem is proved tight. The general rule for countersinking and flush fastener installation procedures has been reevaluated in recent years because countersunk holes have been responsible for fatigue cracks in aircraft pressurized skin. In the past, the general rule for countersinking held that the fastener head must be contained within the outer sheet. A combination of countersinks too deep (creating a knife edge), number of pressurization cycles, fatigue, deterioration of bonding materials, and working fasteners caused a high stress concentration that resulted in skin cracks and fastener failures. In primary structure and

pressurized skin repairs, some manufacturers are currently recommending the countersink depth be no more than 2⁄3 the outer sheet thickness or down to 0.020-inch minimum fastener shank depth, whichever is greater. Dimple the skin if it is too thin for machine countersinking. [Figure 4-91] Preferred countersinking g Countersunk Rivets An improperly made countersink reduces the strength of a flush-riveted joint and may even cause failure of the sheet or the rivet head. The two methods of countersinking commonly used for flush riveting in aircraft construction and repair are: • Machine or drill countersinking. • Dimpling or press countersinking. Permissible countersinking The proper method for any particular application depends on the thickness of the parts to be riveted, the height and angle of the countersunk head, the tools available, and accessibility. Countersinking When using countersunk rivets, it is necessary to make a conical recess in the skin for the head. The type

of countersink required depends upon the relation of the thickness of the sheets to the depth of the rivet head. Use the proper degree and diameter countersink and cut only deep enough for the rivet head and metal to form a flush surface. Countersinking is an important factor in the design of fastener patterns, as the removal of material in the countersinking process necessitates an increase in the number of fasteners to assure the required load-transfer strength. If countersinking is done on metal below a certain thickness, a knife edge with less than the minimum bearing surface or actual enlarging of the hole may result. The edge distance required when using countersunk fasteners is greater than when universal head fasteners are used. Unacceptable countersinking Figure 4-91. Countersinking dimensions Keep the rivet high before driving to ensure the force of riveting is applied to the rivet and not to the skin. If the rivet is driven while it is flush or too deep, the surrounding

skin is work hardened. Countersinking Tools While there are many types of countersink tools, the most commonly used has an included angle of 100°. Sometimes types of 82° or 120° are used to form countersunk wells. [Figure 4-84] A six-fluted countersink works best in aluminum. There are also four- and three-fluted countersinks, 4-41 Source: http://www.doksinet but those are harder to control from a chatter standpoint. A single-flute type, such as those manufactured by the Weldon Tool Company®, works best for corrosion-resistant steel. [Figure 4-92] Figure 4-92. Single-flute countersink The microstop countersink is the preferred countersinking tool. [Figure 4-85] It has an adjustable-sleeve cage that functions as a limit stop and holds the revolving countersink in a vertical position. Its threaded and replaceable cutters may have either a removable or an integral pilot that keeps the cutter centered in the hole. The pilot should be approximately 0.002-inch smaller than the hole

size It is recommended to test adjustments on a piece of scrap material before countersinking repair or replacement parts. Dimpling Dimpling is the process of making an indentation or a dimple around a rivet hole to make the top of the head of a countersunk rivet flush with the surface of the metal. Dimpling is done with a male and female die, or forms, often called punch and die set. The male die has a guide the size of the rivet hole and is beveled to correspond to the degree of countersink of the rivet head. The female die has a hole into which the male guide fits and is beveled to a corresponding degree of countersink. When dimpling, rest the female die on a solid surface. Then, place the material to be dimpled on the female die. Insert the male die in the hole to be dimpled and, with a hammer, strike the male die until the dimple is formed. Two or three solid hammer blows should be sufficient. A separate set of dies is necessary for each size of rivet and shape of rivet head. An

alternate method is to use a countersunk head rivet instead of the regular male punch die, and a draw set instead of the female die, and hammer the rivet until the dimple is formed. Dimpling dies for light work can be used in portable pneumatic or hand squeezers. [Figure 4-93] If the dies are Freehand countersinking is needed where a microstop countersink cannot fit. This method should be practiced on scrap material to develop the required skill. Holding the drill motor steady and perpendicular is as critical during this operation as when drilling. Chattering is the most common problem encountered when countersinking. Some precautions that may eliminate or minimize chatter include: • Use sharp tooling. • Use a slow speed and steady firm pressure. • Use a piloted countersink with a pilot approximately 0.002-inch smaller than the hole • Use back-up material to hold the pilot steady when countersinking thin sheet material. • Use a cutter with a different number of

flutes. • Pilot drill an undersized hole, countersink, and then enlarge the hole to final size. Figure 4-93. Hand squeezers 4-42 Source: http://www.doksinet used with a squeezer, they must be adjusted accurately to the thickness of the sheet being dimpled. A table riveter is also used for dimpling thin skin material and installing rivets. [Figure 4-94] equipment. The temper of the material, rivet size, and available equipment are all factors to be considered in dimpling. [Figure 4-95] Male die Hole Dimpled hole Female die 1 2 3 Bucking bar Figure 4-94. Table riveter Coin Dimpling The coin dimpling, or coin pressing, method uses a countersink rivet as the male dimpling die. Place the female die in the usual position and back it with a bucking bar. Place the rivet of the required type into the hole and strike the rivet with a pneumatic riveting hammer. Coin dimpling should be used only when the regular male die is broken or not available. Coin pressing has the distinct

disadvantage of the rivet hole needing to be drilled to correct rivet size before the dimpling operation is accomplished. Since the metal stretches during the dimpling operation, the hole becomes enlarged and the rivet must be swelled slightly before driving to produce a close fit. Because the rivet head causes slight distortions in the recess, and these are characteristic only to that particular rivet head, it is wise to drive the same rivet that was used as the male die during the dimpling process. Do not substitute another rivet, either of the same size or a size larger. Radius Dimpling Radius dimpling uses special die sets that have a radius and are often used with stationary or portable squeezers. Dimpling removes no metal and, due to the nestling effect, gives a stronger joint than the non-flush type. A dimpled joint reduces the shear loading on the rivet and places more load on the riveted sheets. NOTE: Dimpling is also done for flush bolts and other flush fasteners. Dimpling is

required for sheets that are thinner than the minimum specified thickness for countersinking. However, dimpling is not limited to thin materials. Heavier parts may be dimpled without cracking by specialized hot dimpling Gun draw tool Flat gun die Figure 4-95. Dimpling techniques Hot Dimpling Hot dimpling is the process that uses heated dimpling dies to ensure the metal flows better during the dimpling process. Hot dimpling is often performed with large stationary equipment available in a sheet metal shop. The metal being used is an important factor because each metal presents different dimpling problems. For example, 2024-T3 aluminum alloy can be satisfactorily dimpled either hot or cold, but may crack in the vicinity of the dimple after cold dimpling because of hard spots in the metal. Hot dimpling prevents such cracking 7075-T6 aluminum alloys are always hot dimpled. Magnesium alloys also must be hot dimpled because, like 7075-T6, they have low formability qualities. Titanium is

another metal that must be hot dimpled because it is tough and resists forming. The same temperature and dwell time used to hot dimple 7075-T6 is used for titanium. 100° Combination Predimple and Countersink Method Metals of different thicknesses are sometimes joined by a combination of dimpling and countersinking. [Figure 4-96] A countersink well made to receive a dimple is called a subcountersink. These are most often seen where a thin web is attached to heavy structure. It is also used on thin gap seals, wear strips, and repairs for worn countersinks. 4-43 Source: http://www.doksinet common in 2024-T3. A rough hole or a dimple that is too deep causes such cracks. A small tolerance is usually allowed for radial cracks. This top sheet is dimpled • Thick bottom material is countersunk Figure 4-96. Predimple and countersink method Dimpling Inspection To determine the quality of a dimple, it is necessary to make a close visual inspection. Several features must be checked The

rivet head should fit flush and there should be a sharp break from the surface into the dimple. The sharpness of the break is affected by dimpling pressure and metal thickness. Selected dimples should be checked by inserting a fastener to make sure that the flushness requirements are met. Cracked dimples are caused by poor dies, rough holes, or improper heating. Two types of cracks may form during dimpling: • Radial cracksstart at the edge and spread outward as the metal within the dimple stretches. They are most B. Unsteady tool Top view A. Driven correctly C. Driven excessively Circumferential cracksdownward bending into the draw die causes tension stresses in the upper portion of the metal. Under some conditions, a crack may be created that runs around the edge of the dimple. Such cracks do not always show since they may be underneath the cladding. When found, they are cause for rejection. These cracks are most common in hotdimpled 7075 T6 aluminum alloy material The usual

cause is insufficient dimpling heat. Evaluating the Rivet To obtain high structural efficiency in the manufacture and repair of aircraft, an inspection must be made of all rivets before the part is put in service. This inspection consists of examining both the shop and manufactured heads and the surrounding skin and structural parts for deformities. A scale or rivet gauge can be used to check the condition of the upset rivet head to see that it conforms to the proper requirements. Deformities in the manufactured head can be detected by the trained eye alone. [Figure 4-97] D. Separation of sheets E. Unsteady rivet set F. Excessive shank length Side Si view w Damaged head Swelled shank Bottom view view Cracks Sloping head Buckled shank Imperfection Cause Remedy Action A None None None None B Cut head Improperly held tools Hold riveting tools firmly against work Replace rivet C Excessively flat head, resultant head cracks Excessive driving, too much pressure on

bucking bar Improve riveting technique Replace rivet D Sheet separation Work not held firmly together and rivet shank swelled Fasten work firmly together to prevent slipping Replace rivet E Sloping head a. Bucking bar not held firmly b. Bucking bar permitted to slide and bounce over the rivet Hold bucking bar firmly without too much pressure Replace rivet F Buckled shank Improper rivet length, and E above E above and rivet of proper length Replace rivet Figure 4-97. Rivet defects 4-44 Source: http://www.doksinet Some common causes of unsatisfactory riveting are improper bucking, rivet set slipping off or being held at the wrong angle, and rivet holes or rivets of the wrong size. Additional causes for unsatisfactory riveting are countersunk rivets not flush with the well, work not properly fastened together during riveting, the presence of burrs, rivets too hard, too much or too little driving, and rivets out of line. Occasionally, during an aircraft structural

repair, it is wise to examine adjacent parts to determine the true condition of neighboring rivets. In doing so, it may be necessary to remove the paint. The presence of chipped or cracked paint around the heads may indicate shifted or loose rivets. Look for tipped or loose rivet heads. If the heads are tipped or if rivets are loose, they show up in groups of several consecutive rivets and probably tipped in the same direction. If heads that appear to be tipped are not in groups and are not tipped in the same direction, tipping may have occurred during some previous installation. Inspect rivets known to have been critically loaded, but that show no visible distortion, by drilling off the head and carefully punching out the shank. If, upon examination, the shank appears joggled and the holes in the sheet misaligned, the rivet has failed in shear. In that case, try to determine what is causing the shearing stress and take the necessary corrective action. Flush rivets that show head

slippage within the countersink or dimple, indicating either sheet bearing failure or rivet shear failure, must be removed for inspection and replacement. Joggles in removed rivet shanks indicate partial shear failure. Replace these rivets with the next larger size. Also, if the rivet holes show elongation, replace the rivets with the next larger size. Sheet failures such as tear-outs, cracks between rivets, and the like usually indicate damaged rivets. The complete repair of the joint may require replacement of the rivets with the next larger size. The general practice of replacing a rivet with the next larger size (1⁄32-inch greater diameter) is necessary to obtain the proper joint strength of rivet and sheet when the original rivet hole is enlarged. If the rivet in an elongated hole is replaced by a rivet of the same size, its ability to carry its share of the shear load is impaired and joint weakness results. Removal of Rivets When a rivet has to be replaced, remove it carefully

to retain the rivet hole’s original size and shape. If removed correctly, the rivet does not need to be replaced with one of the next larger size. Also, if the rivet is not removed properly, the strength of the joint may be weakened and the replacement of rivets made more difficult. When removing a rivet, work on the manufactured head. It is more symmetrical about the shank than the shop head, and there is less chance of damaging the rivet hole or the material around it. To remove rivets, use hand tools, a power drill, or a combination of both. The procedure for universal or protruding head rivet removal is as follows: 1. File a flat area on the head of the rivet and center punch the flat surface for drilling. NOTE: On thin metal, back up the rivet on the upset head when center punching to avoid depressing the metal. 2. Use a drill bit one size smaller than the rivet shank to drill out the rivet head. NOTE: When using a power drill, set the drill on the rivet and rotate the chuck

several revolutions by hand before turning on the power. This procedure helps the drill cut a good starting spot and eliminates the chance of the drill slipping off and tracking across the metal. 3. Drill the rivet to the depth of its head, while holding the drill at a 90° angle. Do not drill too deeply, as the rivet shank will then turn with the drill and tear the surrounding metal. NOTE: The rivet head often breaks away and climbs the drill, which is a signal to withdraw the drill. 4. If the rivet head does not come loose of its own accord, insert a drift punch into the hole and twist slightly to either side until the head comes off. 5. Drive the remaining rivet shank out with a drift punch slightly smaller than the shank diameter. On thin metal or unsupported structures, support the sheet with a bucking bar while driving out the shank. If the shank is unusually tight after the rivet head is removed, drill the rivet about two-thirds through the thickness of the material and

then drive the rest of it out with a drift punch. Figure 4-98 shows the preferred procedure for removing universal rivets. The procedure for the removal of countersunk rivets is the same as described above except no filing is necessary. Be careful to avoid elongation of the dimpled or the countersunk holes. The rivet head should be drilled to approximately onehalf the thickness of the top sheet The dimple in 2117–T rivets usually eliminates the necessity of filing and center punching the rivet head. To remove a countersunk or flush head rivet, you must: 1. Select a drill about 0.003-inch smaller than the rivet shank diameter. 4-45 Source: http://www.doksinet Rivet Removal Remove rivets by drilling off the head and punching out the shank as illustrated. 1. File a flat area on the manufactured head of non-flush rivets 2. Place a block of wood or a bucking bar under both flush and nonflush rivets when center punching the manufactured head 3. Use a drill that is 1/32 (00312) inch

smaller than the rivet shank to drill through the head of the rivet Ensure the drilling operation does not damage the skin or cut the sides of the rivet hole. 4. Insert a drift punch into the hole drilled in the rivet and tilt the punch to break off the rivet head 5. Using a drift punch and hammer, drive out the rivet shank Support the opposite side of the structure to prevent structural damage. 1. File a flat area on manufactured head 2. Center punch flat 5. Punch out rivet with machine punch 3. Drill through head using drill one size smaller than rivet shank 4. Remove weakened head with machine punch Figure 4-98. Rivet removal 2. Drill into the exact center of the rivet head to the approximate depth of the head. 3. Remove the head by breaking it off. Use a punch as a lever. 4. Punch out the shank. Use a suitable backup, preferably wood (or equivalent), or a dedicated backup block. If the shank does not come out easily, use a small drill and drill through the shank. Be

careful not to elongate the hole. Replacing Rivets Replace rivets with those of the same size and strength whenever possible. If the rivet hole becomes enlarged, deformed, or otherwise damaged, drill or ream the hole for 4-46 the next larger size rivet. Do not replace a rivet with a type having lower strength properties, unless the lower strength is adequately compensated by an increase in size or a greater number of rivets. It is acceptable to replace 2017 rivets of 3 ⁄16-inch diameter or less, and 2024 rivets of 5⁄32-inch diameter or less with 2117 rivets for general repairs, provided the replacement rivets are 1⁄32-inch greater in diameter than the rivets they replace. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Method of Double Flush Riveting A rivet installation technique known as the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) method has primary applications in fuel tank areas. [Figure 4-99] To make Source: http://www.doksinet Shop head formed in

countersink Rivet factory head Figure 4-99. NACA riveting method a NACA rivet installation, the shank is upset into a 82° countersink. In driving, the gun may be used on either the head or shank side. The upsetting is started with light blows, then the force increased and the gun or bar moved on the shank end so as to form a head inside the countersink well. If desired, the upset head may be shaved flush after driving. The optimal strength is achieved by cutting the countersink well to the dimensions given in Figure 4-100. Material thickness minimums must be carefully adhered to. Rivet Size Minimum Thickness Countersink Diameter ± .005 3/32 .032 .141 1/8 .040 .189 5/32 .050 .236 3/16 .063 .288 1/4 .090 .400 Figure 4-101. Assorted fasteners Special purpose fasteners are sometimes lighter than solid shank rivets, yet strong enough for their intended use. These fasteners are manufactured by several corporations and have unique characteristics that require special

installation tools, special installation procedures, and special removal procedures. Because these fasteners are often inserted in locations where one head, usually the shop head, cannot be seen, they are called blind rivets or blind fasteners. Typically, the locking characteristics of a blind rivet are not as good as a driven rivet. Therefore, blind rivets are usually not used when driven rivets can be installed. Blind rivets shall not be used: 1. In fluid-tight areas. 2. On aircraft in air intake areas where rivet parts may be ingested by the engine. 3. On aircraft control surfaces, hinges, hinge brackets, flight control actuating systems, wing attachment fittings, landing gear fittings, on floats or amphibian hulls below the water level, or other heavily stressed locations on the aircraft. Figure 4-100. Material thickness minimums, in inches, for NACA riveting method using 82° countersink. Special Purpose Fasteners Special purpose fasteners are designed for applications in

which fastener strength, ease of installation, or temperature properties of the fastener require consideration. Solid shank rivets have been the preferred construction method for metal aircraft for many years because they fill up the hole, which results in good load transfer, but they are not always ideal. For example, the attachment of many nonstructural parts (aircraft interior furnishings, flooring, deicing boots, etc.) do not need the full strength of solid shank rivets. To install solid shank rivets, the aircraft technician must have access to both sides of a riveted structure or structural part. There are many places on an aircraft where this access is impossible or where limited space does not permit the use of a bucking bar. In these instances, it is not possible to use solid shank rivets, and special fasteners have been designed that can be bucked from the front. [Figure 4-101] There are also areas of high loads, high fatigue, and bending on aircraft. Although the shear loads

of riveted joints are very good, the tension, or clamp-up, loads are less than ideal. NOTE: For metal repairs to the airframe, the use of blind rivets must be specifically authorized by the airframe manufacturer or approved by a representative of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Blind Rivets The first blind fasteners were introduced in 1940 by the Cherry Rivet Company (now Cherry® Aerospace), and the aviation industry quickly adopted them. The past decades have seen a proliferation of blind fastening systems based on the original concept, which consists of a tubular rivet with a fixed head and a hollow sleeve. Inserted within the rivet’s core is a stem that is enlarged or serrated on its exposed end when activated by a pulling-type rivet gun. The lower end of the stem extends beyond the inner sheet of metal. This 4-47 Source: http://www.doksinet portion contains a tapered joining portion and a blind head that has a larger diameter than the stem or the sleeve of the

tubular rivet. When the pulling force of the rivet gun forces the blind head upward into the sleeve, its stem upsets or expands the lower end of the sleeve into a tail. This presses the inner sheet upward and closes any space that might have existed between it and the outer sheet. Since the exposed head of the rivet is held tightly against the outer sheet by the rivet gun, the sheets of metal are clamped, or clinched, together. NOTE: Fastener manufacturers use different terminology to describe the parts of the blind rivet. The terms “mandrel,” “spindle,” and “stem” are often used interchangeably. For clarity, the word “stem” is used in this handbook and refers to the piece that is inserted into the hollow sleeve. Friction-Locked Blind Rivets Standard self-plugging blind rivets consist of a hollow sleeve and a stem with increased diameter in the plug section. The blind head is formed as the stem is pulled into the sleeve. Friction-locked blind rivets have a

multiple-piece construction and rely on friction to lock the stem to the sleeve. As the stem is drawn up into the rivet shank, the stem portion upsets the shank on the blind side, forming a plug in the hollow center of the rivet. The excess portion of the stem breaks off at a groove due to the continued pulling action of the rivet gun. Metals used for these rivets are 2117T4 and 5056-F aluminum alloy Monel® is used for special applications. Many friction-locked blind rivet center stems fall out due to vibration, which greatly reduces its shear strength. To combat that problem, most friction-lock blind rivets are replaced by the mechanical-lock, or stem-lock, type of blind fasteners. However, some types, such as the Cherry SPR® 3⁄32-inch Self-Plugging Rivet, are ideal for securing nutplates located in inaccessible and hard-to-reach areas where bucking or squeezing of solid rivets is unacceptable. [Figure 4-102] Friction-lock blind rivets are less expensive than mechanicallock blind

rivets and are sometimes used for nonstructural applications. Inspection of friction-lock blind rivets is visual. A more detailed discussion on how to inspect riveted joints can be found in the section, General Repair Practices. Removal of friction-lock blind rivets consists of punching out the friction-lock stem and then treating it like any other rivet. Mechanical-Lock Blind Rivets The self-plugging, mechanical-lock blind rivet was developed to prevent the problem of losing the center stem due to vibration. This rivet has a device on the puller or rivet head 4-48 Figure 4-102. Friction-lock blind rivet that locks the center stem into place when installed. Bulbed, self-plugging, mechanically-locked blind rivets form a large, blind head that provides higher strength in thin sheets when installed. They may be used in applications where the blind head is formed against a dimpled sheet. Manufacturers such as Cherry® Aerospace (CherryMAX®, CherryLOCK®, Cherry SST®) and Alcoa

Fastening Systems (Huck-Clinch ® , HuckMax ® , Unimatic ® ) make many variations of this of blind rivet. While similar in design, the tooling for these rivets is often not interchangeable. The CherryMAX® Bulbed blind rivet is one of the earlier types of mechanical-lock blind rivets developed. Their main advantage is the ability to replace a solid shank rivet size for size. The CherryMAX® Bulbed blind rivet consists of four parts: 1. A fully serrated stem with break notch, shear ring, and integral grip adjustment cone. 2. A driving anvil to ensure a visible mechanical lock with each fastener installation. 3. A separate, visible, and inspectable locking collar that mechanically locks the stem to the rivet sleeve. 4. A rivet sleeve with recess in the head to receive the locking collar. It is called a bulbed fastener due to its large blind side bearing surface, developed during the installation process. These rivets are used in thin sheet applications and for use in materials

that may be damaged by other types of blind Source: http://www.doksinet rivets. This rivet features a safe-lock locking collar for more reliable joint integrity. The rough end of the retained stem in the center on the manufactured head must never be filed smooth because it weakens the strength of the lockring, and the center stem could fall out. CherryMAX® bulbed rivets are available in three head styles: universal, 100° countersunk, and 100° reduced shear head styles. Their lengths are measured in increments of 1⁄16 inch It is important to select a rivet with a length related to the grip length of the metal being joined. This blind rivet can be installed using either the Cherry® G750A or the newly released Cherry® G800 hand riveters, or either the pneumatichydraulic G704B or G747 CherryMAX® power tools. For installation, please refer to Figure 4-103. The CherryMAX® mechanical-lock blind rivet is popular with general aviation repair shops because it features the one tool

concept to install three standard rivet diameters and their oversize counterparts. [Figure 4-104] CherryMAX® rivets are available in four nominal diameters: 1⁄8, 5⁄32, 3⁄16, and 1 ⁄4-inch and three oversized diameters and four head styles: universal, 100° flush head, 120° flush head, and NAS1097 flush head. This rivet consists of a blind header, hollow rivet shell, locking (foil) collar, driving anvil, and pulling stem complete with wrapped locking collar. The rivet sleeve and the driving washer blind bulbed header takes up the extended shank and forms the bucktail. 1 The CherryMAX® rivet is inserted into the prepared hole. The pulling head (installation tool) is slipped over the rivet’s stem. Applying a firm, steady pressure, which seats the rivet head, the installation tool is then actuated. 2 The pulling head holds the rivet sleeve in place as it begins to pull the rivet stem into the rivet sleeve. This pulling action causes the stem shear ring to upset the rivet

sleeve and form the bulbed blind head. The stem and rivet sleeve work as an assembly to provide radial expansion and a large bearing footprint on the blind side of the fastened surface. The lock collar ensures that the stem and sleeve remain assembled during joint loading and unloading. Rivet sleeves are made from 5056 aluminum, Monel® and INCO 600. The stems are made from alloy steel, CRES, and INCO® X-750. CherryMAX® rivets have an ultimate shear strength ranging from 50 KSI to 75 KSI. Removal of Mechanically Locked Blind Rivets Mechanically locked blind rivets are a challenge to remove because they are made from strong, hard metals. Lack of access poses yet another problem for the aviation technician. Designed for and used in difficult to reach locations means there is often no access to the blind side of the rivet or any way to provide support for the sheet metal surrounding the rivet’s location when the aviation technician attempts removal. The stem is mechanically locked by

a small lock ring that needs to be removed first. Use a small center drill to provide a guide for a larger drill on top of the rivet stem and drill away the upper portion of the stem to destroy the lock. Try to remove the lock ring or use a prick punch or center punch to drive the stem down a little and remove the lock ring. After the lock ring is removed, the stem can be driven out with a drive punch. After the stem is removed, the rivet can be drilled out in the same way as a solid rivet. If possible, support the back side of the rivet with a backup block to prevent damage to the aircraft skin. 3 The continued pulling action of the installation tool causes the stem shear ring to shear from the main body of the stem as the stem continues to move through the rivet sleeve. This action allows the fastener to accommodate a minimum of 1/16" variation in structure thickness. The locking collar then contacts the driving anvil. As the stem continues to be pulled by the action of the

installation tool, the Safe-Lock locking collar deforms into the rivet sleeve head recess. 4 The safe-lock locking collar fills the rivet sleeve head recess, locking the stem and rivet sleeve securely together. Continued pulling by the installation tool causes the stem to fracture at the break notch, providing a flush, burr-free, inspectable installation. Figure 4-103. CherryMax® installation procedure 4-49 Source: http://www.doksinet Driving anvil Safe-lock locking collar Pulling stem Rivet sleeve Bulbed blind head Figure 4-104. CherryMAX® rivet Pin Fastening Systems (High-Shear Fasteners) A pin fastening system, or high-shear pin rivet, is a two-piece fastener that consists of a threaded pin and a collar. The metal collar is swaged onto the grooved end, effecting a firm tight fit. They are essentially threadless bolts High-shear rivets are installed with standard bucking bars and pneumatic riveting hammers. They require the use of a special gun set that incorporates

collar swaging and trimming and a discharge port through which excess collar material is discharged. A separate size set is required for each shank diameter. Installation of High-Shear Fasteners Prepare holes for pin rivets with the same care as for other close tolerance rivets or bolts. At times, it may be necessary to spot-face the area under the head of the pin to ensure the head of the rivet fits tightly against the material. The spotfaced area should be 1⁄16-inch larger in diameter than the head diameter. Pin rivets may be driven from either end Procedures for driving a pin rivet from the collar end are: 1. Insert the rivet in the hole. 2. Place a bucking bar against the rivet head. 3. Slip the collar over the protruding rivet end. 4. Place previously selected rivet set and gun over the collar. Align the gun until it is perpendicular to the material. 5. Depress the trigger on the gun, applying pressure to the rivet collar. This action causes the rivet collar to swage

into the groove on the rivet end. 4-50 6. Continue the driving action until the collar is properly formed and excess collar material is trimmed off. Procedures for driving a pin rivet from the head end are: 1. Insert the rivet in the hole. 2. Slip the collar over the protruding end of rivet. 3. Insert the correct size gun rivet set in a bucking bar and place the set against the collar of the rivet. 4. Apply pressure against the rivet head with a flush rivet set and pneumatic riveting hammer. 5. Continue applying pressure until the collar is formed in the groove and excess collar material is trimmed off. Inspection Pin rivets should be inspected on both sides of the material. The head of the rivet should not be marred and should fit tightly against the material. Removal of Pin Rivets The conventional method of removing rivets by drilling off the head may be utilized on either end of the pin rivet. Center punching is recommended prior to applying drilling pressure. In some

cases, alternate methods may be needed: • Grind a chisel edge on a small pin punch to a blade width of 1⁄8-inch. Place this tool at right angles to the collar and drive with a hammer to split the collar down one side. Repeat the operation on the opposite side Then, with the chisel blade, pry the collar from the rivet. Tap the rivet out of the hole Source: http://www.doksinet • Use a special hollow punch having one or more blades placed to split the collar. Pry the collar from the groove and tap out the rivet. • Sharpen the cutting blades of a pair of nippers. Cut the collar in two pieces or use nippers at right angles to the rivet and cut through the small neck. • A hollow-mill collar cutter can be used in a power hand drill to cut away enough collar material to permit the rivet to be tapped out of the work. The high-shear pin rivet family includes fasteners, such as the Hi-Lok®, Hi-Tigue®, and Hi-Lite® made by Hi-Shear Corporation and the CherryBUCK® 95 KSI

One-Piece Shear Pin and Cherry E-Z Buck® Shear Pin made by Cherry® Aerospace. Hi-Lok® Fastening System The threaded end of the Hi-Lok® two-piece fastener contains a hexagonal shaped recess. [Figure 4-105] The hex tip of an Allen wrench engages the recess to prevent rotation of the pin while the collar is being installed. The pin is designed in two basic head styles. For shear applications, the pin is made in countersunk style and in a compact protruding head style. For tension applications, the MS24694 countersunk and regular protruding head styles are available. Figure 4-105. Hi-Lok® The self-locking, threaded Hi-Lok® collar has an internal counterbore at the base to accommodate variations in material thickness. At the opposite end of the collar is a wrenching device that is torqued by the driving tool until it shears off during installation, leaving the lower portion of the collar seated with the proper torque without additional torque inspection. This shear-off point occurs

when a predetermined preload or clamp-up is attained in the fastener during installation. The advantages of Hi-Lok® two-piece fastener include its light weight, high fatigue resistance, high strength, and its inability to be overtorqued. The pins, made from alloy steel, corrosion resistant steel, or titanium alloy, come in many standard and oversized shank diameters. The collars are made of aluminum alloy, corrosion resistant steel, or alloy steel. The collars have wrenching flats, fracture point, threads, and a recess. The wrenching flats are used to install the collar The fracture point has been designed to allow the wrenching flats to shear when the proper torque has been reached. The threads match the threads of the pins and have been formed into an ellipse that is distorted to provide the locking action. The recess serves as a built-in washer. This area contains a portion of the shank and the transition area of the fastener. The hole shall be prepared so that the maximum

interference fit does not exceed 0.002-inch This avoids build up of excessive internal stresses in the work adjacent to the hole. The Hi-Lok® pin has a slight radius under its head to increase fatigue life. After drilling, deburr the edge of the hole to allow the head to seat fully in the hole. The Hi-Lok® is installed in interference fit holes for aluminum structure and a clearance fit for steel, titanium, and composite materials. Hi-Tigue® Fastening System The Hi-Tigue® fastener offers all of the benefits of the HiLok® fastening system along with a unique bead design that enhances the fatigue performance of the structure making it ideal for situations that require a controlled interference fit. The Hi-Tigue® fastener assembly consists of a pin and collar. These pin rivets have a radius at the transition area During installation in an interference fit hole, the radius area will “cold work” the hole. These fastening systems can be easily confused, and visual reference should

not be used for identification. Use part numbers to identify these fasteners Hi-Lite® Fastening System The Hi-Lite® fastener is similar in design and principle to the Hi-Lok® fastener, but the Hi-Lite® fastener has a shorter transition area between the shank and the first load-bearing thread. Hi-Lite® has approximately one less thread All HiLite® fasteners are made of titanium These differences reduce the weight of the Hi-Lite® fastener without lessening the shear strength, but the Hi-Lite® clamping forces are less than that of a Hi-Lok® fastener. The Hi-Lite® collars are also different and thus are not interchangeable with Hi-Lok® collars. Hi-Lite® fasteners can be replaced with Hi-Lok® fasteners for most applications, but Hi-Loks® cannot be replaced with Hi-Lites®. 4-51 Source: http://www.doksinet 30 32 34 22 24 26 28 14 16 20 6 12 4 10 2 18 36 46 2 48 4 38 6 42 8 40 4 44 6 2 8 INCH SCALE 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

34 36 38 40 42 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 44 4-52 40 Often called huckbolts, lockbolts are manufactured by companies such as Cherry® Aerospace (Cherry® Lockbolt), Alcoa Fastening Systems (Hucktite® Lockbolt System), and SPS Technologies. Used primarily for heavily stressed structures that require higher shear and clamp-up values than can be obtained with rivets, the lockbolt and Hi-lok® are often GRIP SCALE 46 A lockbolt is similar to an ordinary rivet in that the locking collar, or nut, is weak in tension and it is difficult to remove once installed. Some of the lockbolts are similar to blind rivets and can be completely installed from one side. Others are fed into the workpiece with the manufactured head on the far side. The installation is completed on the near side with a gun similar to blind rivet gun. The lockbolt is easier and more quickly installed than the conventional rivet or bolt and eliminates the use of lockwashers, cotter

pins, and special nuts. The lockbolt is generally used in wing splice fittings, landing gear fittings, fuel cell fittings, longerons, beams, skin splice plates, and other major structural attachment. 42 Figure 4-106. Lockbolts 44 Shear and tension stump-type pins 46 Also pioneered in the 1940s, the lockbolt is a two-piece fastener that combines the features of a high strength bolt and a rivet with advantages over each. [Figure 4-106] In general, a lockbolt is a nonexpanding fastener that has either a collar swaged into annular locking groves on the pin shank or a type of threaded collar to lock it in place. Available with either countersunk or protruding heads, lockbolts are permanent type fasteners assemblies and consist of a pin and a collar. Shear and tension pull-type pins The lockbolt requires a pneumatic hammer or pull gun for installation. Lockbolts have their own grip gauge and an installation tool is required for their installation. [Figure 4-107] When installed, the

lockbolt is rigidly and permanently locked in place. Three types of lockbolts are commonly used: pull-type, stump-type, and blind-type. 48 Lockbolt Fastening Systems used for similar applications. Lockbolts are made in various head styles, alloys, and finishes. 8 CherryBUCK® 95 KSI One-Piece Shear Pin The CherryBUCK® is a bimetallic, one-piece fastener that combines a 95 KSI shear strength shank with a ductile, titanium-columbium tail. Theses fasteners are functionally interchangeable with comparable 6AI-4V titanium alloy two-piece shear fasteners, but with a number of advantages. Their one piece design means no foreign object damage (FOD), it has a 600 °F allowable temperature, and a very low backside profile. Figure 4-107. Lockbolt grip gauge The pull-type lockbolt is mainly used in aircraft and primary and secondary structure. It is installed very rapidly and has approximately one-half the weight of equivalent AN steel bolts and nuts. A special pneumatic pull gun is

required for installation of this type lockbolt, which can be performed by one operator since buckling is not required. The stump-type lockbolt, although not having the extended stem with pull grooves, is a companion fastener to the pulltype lockbolt. It is used primarily where clearance does not permit effective installation of the pull-type lockbolt. It is driven with a standard pneumatic riveting hammer, with a hammer set attached for swaging the collar into the pin locking grooves, and a bucking bar. The blind-type lockbolt comes as a complete unit or assembly and has exceptional strength and sheet pull-together characteristics. Blind-type lockbolts are used where only one side of the work is accessible and generally where it is difficult to drive a conventional rivet. This type lockbolt is installed in a manner similar to the pull-type lockbolt. The pins of pull- and stump-type lockbolts are made of heat-treated alloy steel or high-strength aluminum alloy. Companion collars are

made of aluminum alloy or mild steel. The blind-type lockbolt consists of a heat-treated alloy steel pin, blind sleeve, filler sleeve, mild steel collar, and carbon steel washer. These fasteners are used in shear and tension applications. The pull type is more common and can be installed by one person. The stump type requires a two person installation An assembly tool is used to swage the collar onto the serrated grooves in the pin and break the stem flush to the top of the collar. Source: http://www.doksinet The easiest way to differentiate between tension and shear pins is the number of locking groves. Tension pins normally have four locking grooves and shear pins have two locking grooves. The installation tooling preloads the pin while swaging the collar. The surplus end of the pin, called the pintail, is then fractured. Installation Procedure Installation of lockbolts involves proper drilling. The hole preparation for a lockbolt is similar to hole preparation for a Hi-Lok®. An

interference fit is typically used for aluminum and a clearance fit is used for steel, titanium, and composite materials. [Figure 4-108] R Z Y T Lockbolt/Collar kbolt/Collar Acceptan Acceptance Criteria Nominal Fastener Diameter Y Z (Ref.) R Max. T Min. 5/32 .324/161 .136 .253 .037 3/16 .280/208 .164 .303 .039 1/4 .374/295 .224 .400 .037 5/16 .492/404 .268 .473 .110 3/8 .604/507 .039 .576 .120 Lockbolt Inspection After installation, a lockbolt needs to be inspected to determine if installation is satisfactory. [Figure 4-109] Inspect the lockbolt as follows: 1. The head must be firmly seated. 2. The collar must be tight against the material and have the proper shape and size. 3. Pin protrusion must be within limits. Lockbolt Removal The best way to remove a lockbolt is to remove the collar and drive out the pin. The collar can be removed with a special collar cutter attached to a drill motor that mills off the collar without damaging the skin. If

this is not possible, a collar splitter or small chisel can be used. Use a backup block on the opposite side to prevent elongation of the hole. 1 Placed the pin in the hole from the back side of the work and slip the collar on. The hold-off head must be toward the gun. This allows the gun to preload the pin before swaging. Then apply the gun; the chuck jaws engage the pull grooves of the projecting pintail. Hold the gun loosely and pull the trigger. 2 The initial pull draws the work up tight and pulls that portion of the shank under the head into the hole. Figure 4-109. Lockbolt inspection The Eddie-Bolt® 2 Pin Fastening System The Eddie-Bolt® 2 looks similar to the Hi-Lok®, but has five flutes, equally spaced along a portion of the pin thread area. A companion threaded collar deforms into the flutes at a predetermined torque and locks the collar in place. The collar can be unscrewed using special tooling. This fastening system can be used in either clearance or

interference-fit holes. 3 Further pull swages the collar into the locking grooves to form a permanent lock. 4 Continued force breaks the pin and ejects the tail. Anvil returns and disengages from the swaged collar. Figure 4-108. Lockbolt installation procedure 4-53 Source: http://www.doksinet Blind Bolts Bolts are threaded fasteners that support loads through predrilled holes. Hex, close-tolerance, and internal wrenching bolts are used in aircraft structural applications. Blind bolts have a higher strength than blind rivets and are used for joints that require high strength. Sometimes, these bolts can be direct replacements for the Hi-Lok® and lockbolt. Many of the new generation blind bolts are made from titanium and rated at 90 KSI shear strength, which is twice as much as most blind rivets. Determining the correct length of the fastener is critical to correct installation. The grip length of a bolt is the distance from the underhead bearing surface to the first thread. The

grip is the total thickness of material joined by the bolt. Ideally, the grip length should be a few thousands of an inch less than the actual grip to avoid bottoming the nut. Special grip gauges are inserted in the hole to determine the length of the blind bolt to be used. Every blind bolt system has its own grip gauge and is not interchangeable with other blind bolt or rivet systems. Blind bolts are difficult to remove due to the hardness of the core bolt. A special removal kit is available from the manufacturer for removing each type of blind bolt. These kits make it easier to remove the blind bolt without damaging the hole and parent structure. Blind bolts are available in a pull type and a drive type. Pull-Type Blind Bolt Several companies manufacture the pull-type of blind bolt fastening systems. They may differ in some design aspects, but in general they have a similar function. The pull-type uses the drive nut concept and is composed of a nut, sleeve, and a draw bolt.

Frequently used blind bolt systems include but are not limited to the Cherry Maxibolt® Blind Bolt system and the HuckBolt® fasteners which includes the Ti-Matic® Blind Bolt and the Unimatic® Advanced Bolt (UAB) blind bolt systems. Cherry Maxibolt® Blind Bolt System The Cherry Maxibolt® blind bolt, available in alloy steel and A-286 CRES materials, comes in four different nominal and oversized head styles. [Figure 4-110] One tool and pulling head installs all three diameters. The blind bolts create a larger blind side footprint and they provide excellent performance in thin sheet and nonmetallic applications. The flush breaking stem eliminates shaving while the extended grip range accommodates different application thicknesses. Cherry Maxibolts® are primarily used in structures where higher loads are required. The steel version is 112 KSI shear The A286 version is 95 KSI shear. The Cherry® G83, G84, or G704 installation tools are required for installation. Huck Blind Bolt

System The Huck Blind Bolt is a high strength vibration-resistant fastener. [Figure 4-111] These bolts have been used successfully in many critical areas, such as engine inlets and leading edge applications. All fasteners are installed with a combination of available hand, pneumatic, pneudraulic, or hydraulic pull-type tools (no threads) for ease of installation. Huck Blind Bolts can be installed on blind side angle surfaces up to 5° without loss of performance. The stem is mechanically locked to provide vibration-resistant FOD-free installations. The locking collar is forced into a conical pocket between stem and sleeve, creating high tensile capability. The lock collar fills the sleeve lock pocket to prevent leakage or corrosion pockets (crevice corrosion). Flush head blind bolts are designed to install with a flush stem break that often requires no trimming for aerodynamic surfaces. The Huck Blind Bolt is available in high-strength A286 CRES at 95KSI shear strength in 5⁄32-inch

through 3⁄8During the Maxibolt® installation sequence, the Cherry® shift washer collapses into itself, leaving a solid washer that is easily retrieved. Figure 4-110. Maxibolt® Blind Bolt System installation 4-54 Source: http://www.doksinet inch diameters in 100° flush tension and protruding head. Also available are shear flush heads in 3⁄16-inch diameter. A286 CRES Huck Blind Bolts are also available in 1⁄64-inch oversize diameters for repair applications. Break neck Drive anvil washer Expander Gold color = Nominal diameter Silver color = Offset diameter Pull grooves Retention splines Lockring (visible after installation) 1 Rivet inserted into clearance holetool is engaged. engaged Drive Nut-Type of Blind Bolt Jo-bolts, Visu-lok®, Composi-Lok®, OSI Bolt®, and RadialLok® fasteners use the drive nut concept and are composed of a nut, sleeve, and a draw bolt. [Figure 4-112] These types of blind bolts are used for high strength applications in metals and

composites when there is no access to the blind side. Available in steel and titanium alloys, they are installed with special tooling. Both powered and hand tooling is available During installation, the nut is held stationary while the core bolt is rotated by the installation tooling. The rotation of the core bolt draws the sleeve into the installed position and continues to retain the sleeve for the life of the fastener. The bolt has left hand threads and driving flats on the threaded end. A break-off relief allows the driving portion of the bolt to break off when the sleeve is properly seated. These types of bolts are available in many different head styles, including protruding head, 100° flush head, 130° flush head, and hex head. 2 Expander nder enters sleeveupset starts to form. 3 Figure 4-112. Drive nut blind bolt Upset continues to formlock starts to form. Use the grip gauge available for the type of fastener and select the bolt grip after careful determination of the

material thickness. The grip of the bolt is critical for correct installation. [Figure 4-113] 4 Upset completelock completely formed. 5 Pin breaks flush, lock ck visibleinstallation complete. com Figure 4-113. Drive nut blind bolt installation tool Figure 4-111. Huck blind bolt system 4-55 Source: http://www.doksinet Installation procedure: 1. Install the fastener into the hole, and place the installation tooling over the screw (stem) and nut. 2. Apply torque to the screw with the installation tool while keeping the drive nut stationary. The screw continues to advance through the nut body causing the sleeve to be drawn up over the tapered nose of the nut. When the sleeve forms tightly against the blind side of the structure, the screw fractures in the break groove. The stem of Jo-bolts, Visu-lok®, and Composi-Lok® II fasteners does not break off flush with the head. A screw break-off shaver tool must be used if a flush installation is required. The stem of the newer

Composi-Lok3® and OSI Bolt® break off flush. Tapered Shank Bolt Tapered shank bolts, such as the Taper-Lok®, are lightweight, high strength shear or tension bolts. This bolt has a tapered shank designed to provide an interference fit upon installation. Tapered shank bolts can be identified by a round head (rather than a screwdriver slot or wrench flats) and a threaded shank. The Taper-Lok® is comprised of a tapered, conical-shank fastener, installed into a precision tapered hole. The use of tapered shank bolts is limited to special applications such as high stress areas of fuel tanks. It is important that a tapered bolt not be substituted for any other type of fastener in repairs. It is equally as important not to substitute any other type of fastener for a tapered bolt. Tapered shank bolts look similar to Hi-Lok® bolts after installation, but the tapered shank bolts do not have the hex recess at the threaded end of the bolt. Tapered shank bolts are installed in precision-reamed

holes, with a controlled interference fit. The interference fit compresses the material around the hole that results in excellent load transfer, fatigue resistance, and sealing. The collar used with the tapered shank bolts has a captive washer, and no extra washers are required. New tapered shank bolt installation or rework of tapered shank bolt holes needs to be accomplished by trained personnel. Properly installed, these bolts become tightly wedged and do not turn while torque is applied to the nut. Sleeve Bolts Sleeve bolts are used for similar purposes as tapered shank bolts, but are easier to install. Sleeve bolts, such as the two piece SLEEVbolt®, consist of a tapered shank bolt in an expandable sleeve. The sleeve is internally tapered and externally straight. The sleeve bolt is installed in a standard tolerance straight hole. During installation, the bolt is forced into the sleeve. This action expands the sleeve which fills the hole. It is easier to drill a straight tolerance

hole than it is to drill the tapered hole required for a tapered shank bolt. 4-56 Rivet Nut The rivet nut is a blind installed, internally threaded rivet invented in 1936 by the Goodrich Rubber Company for the purpose of attaching a rubber aircraft wing deicer extrusion to the leading edge of the wing. The original rivet nut is the Rivnut® currently manufactured by Bollhoff Rivnut Inc. The Rivnut® became widely used in the military and aerospace markets because of its many design and assembly advantages. Rivet nuts are used for the installation of fairings, trim, and lightly loaded fittings that must be installed after an assembly is completed. [Figure 4-114] Often used for parts that are removed frequently, the rivet nut is available in two types: countersunk or flat head. Installed by crimping from one side, the rivet nut provides a threaded hole into which machine screws can be installed. Where a flush fit is required, the countersink style can be used. Rivet nuts made of alloy

steel are used when increased tensile and shear strength is required. Figure 4-114. Rivet nut installation Hole Preparation Flat head rivet nuts require only the proper size of hole while flush installation can be made into either countersunk or dimpled skin. Metal thinner than the rivet nut head requires a dimple. The rivet nut size is selected according to the thickness of the parent material and the size of screw to be used. The part number identifies the type of rivet nut and the maximum grip length. Recommended hole sizes are shown in Figure 4-115. Drill Size Hole Tolerance No. 4 5/32 .155–157 No. 6 #12 .189–193 No. 8 #2 .221–226 Rivnut® Size Figure 4-115. Recommended hole sizes for rivets and nuts Source: http://www.doksinet Correct installation requires good hole preparation, removal of burrs, and holding the sheets in contact while heading. Like any sheet metal fastener, a rivet nut should fit snugly into its hole. Blind Fasteners (Nonstructural) Pop

Rivets Common pull-type pop rivets, produced for non-aircraftrelated applications, are not approved for use on certificated aircraft structures or components. However, some homebuilt noncertificated aircraft use pull-type rivets for their structure. These types of rivets are typically made of aluminum and can be installed with hand tools. material, the amount of shrinking and stretching almost entirely depends on the type of material used. Fully annealed (heated and cooled) material can withstand considerably more stretching and shrinking and can be formed at a much smaller bend radius than when it is in any of the tempered conditions. When aircraft parts are formed at the factory, they are made on large presses or by drop hammers equipped with dies of the correct shape. Factory engineers, who designate specifications for the materials to be used to ensure the finished part has the correct temper when it leaves the machines, plan every part. Factory draftsmen prepare a layout for each

part. [Figure 4-117] Pull Through Nutplate Blind Rivet Nutplate blind rivets are used where the high shear strength of solid rivets is not required or if there is no access to install a solid rivet. The 3⁄32-inch diameter blind rivet is most often used. The nut plate blind rivet is available with the pullthrough and self-plugging locked spindle [Figure 4-116] Figure 4-117. Aircraft formed at a factory Figure 4-116. Rivetless pull-through nutplate The new Cherry ® Rivetless Nut Plate, which replaces standard riveted nutplates, features a retainer that does not require flaring. This proprietary design eliminates the need for two additional rivet holes, as well as reaming, counterboring, and countersinking steps. Forming Process Before a part is attached to the aircraft during either manufacture or repair, it has to be shaped to fit into place. This shaping process is called forming and may be a simple process, such as making one or two holes for attaching; it may be a complex

process, such as making shapes with complex curvatures. Forming, which tends to change the shape or contour of a flat sheet or extruded shape, is accomplished by either stretching or shrinking the material in a certain area to produce curves, flanges, and various irregular shapes. Since the operation involves altering the shape of the stock Forming processes used on the flight line and those practiced in the maintenance or repair shop cannot duplicate a manufacturer’s resources, but similar techniques of factory metal working can be applied in the handcrafting of repair parts. Forming usually involves the use of extremely light-gauge alloys of a delicate nature that can be readily made useless by coarse and careless workmanship. A formed part may seem outwardly perfect, yet a wrong step in the forming procedure may leave the part in a strained condition. Such a defect may hasten fatigue or may cause sudden structural failure. Of all the aircraft metals, pure aluminum is the most

easily formed. In aluminum alloys, ease of forming varies with the temper condition. Since modern aircraft are constructed chiefly of aluminum and aluminum alloys, this section deals with the procedures for forming aluminum or aluminum alloy parts with a brief discussion of working with stainless steel, magnesium, and titanium. Most parts can be formed without annealing the metal, but if extensive forming operations, such as deep draws 4-57 Source: http://www.doksinet (large folds) or complex curves, are planned, the metal should be in the dead soft or annealed condition. During the forming of some complex parts, operations may need to be stopped and the metal annealed before the process can be continued or completed. For example, alloy 2024 in the “0” condition can be formed into almost any shape by the common forming operations, but it must be heat treated afterward. Forming Operations and Terms Forming requires either stretching or shrinking the metal, or sometimes doing

both. Other processes used to form metal include bumping, crimping, and folding. Stretching Stretching metal is achieved by hammering or rolling metal under pressure. For example, hammering a flat piece of metal causes the material in the hammered area to become thinner in that area. Since the amount of metal has not been decreased, the metal has been stretched. The stretching process thins, elongates, and curves sheet metal. It is critical to ensure the metal is not stretched too much, making it too thin, because sheet metal does not rebound easily. [Figure 4-118] Shrinking Shrinking metal is much more difficult than stretching it. During the shrinking process, metal is forced or compressed into a smaller area. This process is used when the length of a piece of metal, especially on the inside of a bend, is to be reduced. Sheet metal can be shrunk in by hammering on a V-block or by crimping and then using a shrinking block. To curve the formed angle by the V-block method, place the

angle on the V-block and gently hammer downward against the upper edge directly over the ”V.” While hammering, move the angle back and forth across the V-block to compress the material along the upper edge. Compression of the material along the upper edge of the vertical flange will cause the formed angle to take on a curved shape. The material in the horizontal flange will merely bend down at the center, and the length of that flange will remain the same. [Figure 4-119] Figure 4-119. Shrink forming metal Figure 4-118. Stretch forming metal Stretching one portion of a piece of metal affects the surrounding material, especially in the case of formed and extruded angles. For example, hammering the metal in the horizontal flange of the angle strip over a metal block causes its length to increase (stretched), making that section longer than the section near the bend. To allow for this difference in length, the vertical flange, which tends to keep the material near the bend from

stretching, would be forced to curve away from the greater length. 4-58 To make a sharp curve or a sharply bent flanged angle, crimping and a shrinking block can be used. In this process, crimps are placed in the one flange, and then by hammering the metal on a shrinking block, the crimps are driven, or shrunk, one at a time. Cold shrinking requires the combination of a hard surface, such as wood or steel, and a soft mallet or hammer because a steel hammer over a hard surface stretches the metal, as opposed to shrinking it. The larger the mallet face is, the better Source: http://www.doksinet Bumping Bumping involves shaping or forming malleable metal by hammering or tappingusually with a rubber, plastic, or rawhide mallet. During this process, the metal is supported by a dolly, a sandbag, or a die. Each contains a depression into which hammered portions of the metal can sink. Bumping can be done by hand or by machine. Crimping Crimping is folding, pleating, or corrugating a piece

of sheet metal in a way that shortens it or turning down a flange on a seam. It is often used to make one end of a piece of stove pipe slightly smaller so that one section may be slipped into another. Crimping one side of a straight piece of angle iron with crimping pliers causes it to curve. [Figure 4-120] Folding Sheet Metal Folding sheet metal is to make a bend or crease in sheets, plates, or leaves. Folds are usually thought of as sharp, angular bends and are generally made on folding machines such as the box and pan brake discussed earlier in this chapter. Layout and Forming Terminology The following terms are commonly used in sheet metal forming and flat pattern layout. Familiarity with these terms aids in understanding how bend calculations are used in a bending operation. Figure 4-121 illustrates most of these terms. Base measurementthe outside dimensions of a formed part. Base measurement is given on the drawing or blueprint or may be obtained from the original part. Figure

4-120. Crimping metal Legthe longer part of a formed angle. Flangethe shorter part of a formed anglethe opposite of leg. If each side of the angle is the same length, then each is known as a leg. Grain of the metalnatural grain of the material is formed as the sheet is rolled from molten ingot. Bend lines should be made to lie at a 90˚ angle to the grain of the metal if possible. Bend allowance (BA)refers to the curved section of metal within the bend (the portion of metal that is curved in bending). The bend allowance may be considered as being the length of the curved portion of the neutral line. T FL Thickness (T) AN GE F L A T Bend tangent line dimension (BTLD) A MLD Leg Radius (R) Bend tangent line (BL) Mold line (ML) Bend allowance (BA) Mold point Setback (90° bend) R FLAT R+1 Base measurement SB Mold point B SB C BTLD MLD Figure 4-121. Bend allowance terminology 4-59 Source: http://www.doksinet Bend radiusthe arc is formed when sheet metal is bent. This

arc is called the bend radius. The bend radius is measured from a radius center to the inside surface of the metal. The minimum bend radius depends on the temper, thickness, and type of material. Always use a Minimum Bend Radius Table to determine the minimum bend radius for the alloy that is going to be used. Minimum bend radius charts can be found in manufacturer’s maintenance manuals. [Figure 4-123] Whenever metal is to be bent to any angle other than 90° (K-factor of 90° equal to 1), the corresponding K-factor number is selected from the chart and is multiplied by the sum of the radius (R) and the thickness (T) of the metal. The product is the amount of setback (see next paragraph) for the bend. If no K chart is available, the K-factor can be calculated with a calculator by using the following formula: the K value is the tangent of one-half the bend angle. Bend tangent line (BL)the location at which the metal starts to bend and the line at which the metal stops curving. All

the space between the band tangent lines is the bend allowance. Setback (SB)the distance the jaws of a brake must be setback from the mold line to form a bend. In a 90° bend, SB = R + T (radius of the bend plus thickness of the metal). The setback dimension must be determined prior to making the bend because setback is used in determining the location of the beginning bend tangent line. When a part has more than one bend, setback must be subtracted for each bend. The majority of bends in sheet metal are 90° bends. The K-factor must be used for all bends that are smaller or larger than 90°. Neutral axisan imaginary line that has the same length after bending as it had before bending. [Figure 4-122] After bending, the bend area is 10 to 15 percent thinner than before bending. This thinning of the bend area moves the neutral line of the metal in towards the radius center. For calculation purposes, it is often assumed that the neutral axis is located at the center of the material,

although the neutral axis is not exactly in the center of the material. However, the amount of error incurred is so slight that, for most work, assuming it is at the center is satisfactory. SB = K(R+T) Sight linealso called the bend or brake line, it is the layout line on the metal being formed that is set even with the nose of the brake and serves as a guide in bending the work. Flatthat portion of a part that is not included in the bend. It is equal to the base measurement (MLD) minus the setback. Flat = MLD – SB Neutral line Figure 4-122. Neutral line Mold line (ML)an extension of the flat side of a part beyond the radius. Mold line dimension (MLD)the dimension of a part made by the intersection of mold lines. It is the dimension the part would have if its corners had no radius. Mold pointthe point of intersection of the mold lines. The mold point would be the outside corner of the part if there were no radius. K-Factorthe percentage of the material thickness where there is no

stretching or compressing of the material, such as the neutral axis. This percentage has been calculated and is one of 179 numbers on the K chart corresponding to one of the angles between 0° and 180° to which metal can be bent. 4-60 Closed anglean angle that is less than 90° when measured between legs, or more than 90° when the amount of bend is measured. Open anglean angle that is more than 90° when measured between legs, or less than 90° when the amount of bend is measured. Total developed width (TDW)the width of material measured around the bends from edge to edge. Finding the TDW is necessary to determine the size of material to be cut. The TDW is less than the sum of mold line dimensions since the metal is bent on a radius and not to a square corner as mold line dimensions indicate. Layout or Flat Pattern Development To prevent any waste of material and to get a greater degree of accuracy in the finished part, it is wise to make a layout or flat pattern of a part before

forming it. Construction of interchangeable structural and nonstructural parts is achieved by forming flat sheet stock to make channel, angle, zee, or hat section members. Before a sheet metal part is formed, make a flat pattern to show how much material is required Source: http://www.doksinet Degree K Degree K Degree K Degree K Degree K 1 0.0087 37 0.3346 73 0.7399 109 1.401 145 3.171 2 0.0174 38 0.3443 74 0.7535 110 1.428 146 3.270 3 0.0261 39 0.3541 75 0.7673 111 1.455 147 3.375 4 0.0349 40 0.3639 76 0.7812 112 1.482 148 3.487 5 0.0436 41 0.3738 77 0.7954 113 1.510 149 3.605 6 0.0524 42 0.3838 78 0.8097 114 1.539 150 3.732 7 0.0611 43 0.3939 79 0.8243 115 1.569 151 3.866 8 0.0699 44 0.4040 80 0.8391 116 1.600 152 4.010 9 0.0787 45 0.4142 81 0.8540 117 1.631 153 4.165 10 0.0874 46 0.4244 82 0.8692 118 1.664 154 4.331 11 0.0963 47 0.4348 83 0.8847 119 1.697 155

4.510 12 0.1051 48 0.4452 84 0.9004 120 1.732 156 4.704 13 0.1139 49 0.4557 85 0.9163 121 1.767 157 4.915 14 0.1228 50 0.4663 86 0.9324 122 1.804 158 5.144 15 0.1316 51 0.4769 87 0.9489 123 1.841 159 5.399 16 0.1405 52 0.4877 88 0.9656 124 1.880 160 5.671 17 0.1494 53 0.4985 89 0.9827 125 1.921 161 5.975 18 0.1583 54 0.5095 90 1.000 126 1.962 162 6.313 19 0.1673 55 0.5205 91 1.017 127 2.005 163 6.691 20 0.1763 56 0.5317 92 1.035 128 2.050 164 7.115 21 0.1853 57 0.5429 93 1.053 129 2.096 165 7.595 22 0.1943 58 0.5543 94 1.072 130 2.144 166 8.144 23 0.2034 59 0.5657 95 1.091 131 2.194 167 8.776 24 0.2125 60 0.5773 96 1.110 132 2.246 168 25 0.2216 61 0.5890 97 1.130 133 2.299 169 10.38 26 0.2308 62 0.6008 98 1.150 134 2.355 170 11.43 27 0.2400 63 0.6128 99 1.170 135 2.414 171 12.70 28 0.2493 64 0.6248 100 1.191 136 2.475

172 14.30 29 0.2586 65 0.6370 101 1.213 137 2.538 173 16.35 30 0.2679 66 0.6494 102 1.234 138 2.605 174 19.08 31 0.2773 67 0.6618 103 1.257 139 2.674 175 22.90 32 0.2867 68 0.6745 104 1.279 140 2.747 176 26.63 33 0.2962 69 0.6872 105 1.303 141 2.823 177 38.18 34 0.3057 70 0.7002 106 1.327 142 2.904 178 57.29 35 0.3153 71 0.7132 107 1.351 143 2.988 179 114.59 36 0.3249 72 0.7265 108 1.376 144 3.077 180 Inf. 9.514 Figure 4-123. K-factor in the bend areas, at what point the sheet must be inserted into the forming tool, or where bend lines are located. Bend lines must be determined to develop a flat pattern for sheet metal forming. When forming straight angle bends, correct allowances must be made for setback and bend allowance. If shrinking or stretching processes are to be used, allowances must be made so that the part can be turned out with a minimum amount of forming. Making Straight Line Bends When

forming straight bends, the thickness of the material, its alloy composition, and its temper condition must be considered. Generally speaking, the thinner the material is, the more sharply it can be bent (the smaller the radius of bend), and the softer the material is, the sharper the bend is. Other factors that must be considered when making straight line bends are bend allowance, setback, and brake or sight line. 4-61 Source: http://www.doksinet The radius of bend of a sheet of material is the radius of the bend as measured on the inside of the curved material. The minimum radius of bend of a sheet of material is the sharpest curve, or bend, to which the sheet can be bent without critically weakening the metal at the bend. If the radius of bend is too small, stresses and strains weaken the metal and may result in cracking. Using a Formula to Calculate the Setback A minimum radius of bend is specified for each type of aircraft sheet metal. The minimum bend radius is affected by

the kind of material, thickness of the material, and temper condition of the material. Annealed sheet can be bent to a radius approximately equal to its thickness. Stainless steel and 2024-T3 aluminum alloy require a fairly large bend radius. Since all of the angles in this example are 90° angles, the setback is calculated as follows: Bending a U-Channel Using a Setback Chart to Find the Setback The setback chart is a quick way to find the setback and is useful for open and closed bends, because there is no need to calculate or find the K-factor. Several software packages and online calculators are available to calculate the setback. These programs are often used with CAD/CAM programs. [Figure 4-126] To understand the process of making a sheet metal layout, the steps for determining the layout of a sample U-channel will be discussed. [Figure 4-124] When using bend allowance calculations, the following steps for finding the total developed length can be computed with formulas,

charts, or computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software packages. This channel is made of 0.040-inch 2024-T3 aluminum alloy 1.0 .04 04 .16 R= 2.0 2 0 Left view Scale: 3:2 Isometric view Scale: 3:2 Figure 4-124. U-channel example SB = setback K = K-factor (K is 1 for 90° bends) R = inside radius of the bend T = material thickness SB = K(R+T) = 0.2 inches NOTE: K = 1 for a 90° bend. For other than a 90° bend, use a K-factor chart. • Enter chart at the bottom on the appropriate scale with the sum of the radius and material thickness. • Read up to the bend angle. • Find the setback from corresponding scale on the left. Example: • Material thickness is 0.063-inch • Bend angle is 135°. • R + T = 0.183-inch Find 0.183 at the bottom of the graph It is found in the middle scale. • Read up to a bend angle of 135°. • Locate the setback at the left hand side of the graph in the middle scale (0.435-inch) [Figure 4-126] Step

1: Determine the Correct Bend Radius Minimum bend radius charts are found in manufacturers’ maintenance manuals. A radius that is too sharp cracks the material during the bending process. Typically, the drawing indicates the radius to use, but it is a good practice to double check. For this layout example, use the minimum radius chart in Figure 4-125 to choose the correct bend radius for the alloy, temper, and the metal thickness. For 0040, 2024T3 the minimum allowable radius is 016-inch or 5⁄32-inch Step 3: Find the Length of the Flat Line Dimension The flat line dimension can be found using the formula: Step 2: Find the Setback The setback can be calculated with a formula or can be found in a setback chart available in aircraft maintenance manuals or Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability books (SMRs). [Figure 4-126] The flats, or flat portions of the U-channel, are equal to the mold line dimension minus the setback for each of the sides, and the mold line length minus two

setbacks for the center flat. Two setbacks need to be subtracted from the center flat because this flat has a bend on either side. 4-62 Flat = MLD – SB MLD = mold line dimension SB = setback Aircraft Source: http://www.doksinet STRUCTURAL INSPECTION AND REPAIR MANUAL CHART 204 MINIMUM BEND RADIUS FOR ALUMINUM ALLOYS Thickness 5052-0 6061-0 5052-H32 7178-0 2024-0 5052-H34 6061-T4 7075-0 6061-T6 7075-T6 2024-T3 2024-T4 2024-T6 .012 .03 .03 .03 .03 .06 .06 .016 .03 .03 .03 .03 .09 .09 .020 .03 .03 .03 .12 .09 .09 .025 .03 .03 .06 .16 .12 .09 .032 .03 .03 .06 .19 .12 .12 .040 .06 .06 .09 .22 .16 .16 .050 .06 .06 .12 .25 .19 .19 .063 .06 .09 .16 .31 .22 .25 .071 .09 .12 .16 .38 .25 .31 .080 .09 .16 .19 .44 .31 .38 .090 .09 .19 .22 .50 .38 .44 .100 .12 .22 .25 .62 .44 .50 .125 .12 .25 .31 .88 .50 .62 .160 .16 .31 .44 1.25 .75 .75 .190 .19 .38 .56 1.38 1.00 1.00 .250 .31

.62 .75 2.00 1.25 1.25 .312 .44 1.25 1.38 2.50 1.50 1.50 .375 .44 1.38 1.50 2.50 1.88 1.88 Bend radius is designated to the inside of the bend. All dimensions are in inches Figure 4-125. Minimum bend radius (from the Raytheon Aircraft Structural Inspection and Repair Manual) The flat dimension for the sample U-channel is calculated in the following manner: Flat dimension = MLD – SB Flat 1 = 1.00-inch – 02-inch = 08-inch Flat 2 = 2.00-inch – (2 × 02-inch) = 16-inch Flat 3 = 1.00-inch – 02-inch = 08-inch Step 4: Find the Bend Allowance When making a bend or fold in a piece of metal, the bend allowance or length of material required for the bend must be calculated. Bend allowance depends on four factors: degree of bend, radius of the bend, thickness of the metal, and type of metal used. The radius of the bend is generally proportional to the thickness of the material. Furthermore, the sharper the radius of bend, the less the material that is needed for the

bend. The type of material is also important. If the material is soft, it can be bent very sharply; but if it is hard, the radius of bend is greater, and the bend allowance is greater. The degree of bend affects the overall length of the metal, whereas the thickness influences the radius of bend. Bending a piece of metal compresses the material on the inside of the curve and stretches the material on the outside of the curve. However, at some distance between these two extremes lies a space which is not affected by either force. This is known as the neutral line or neutral axis and occurs at a distance approximately 0.445 times the metal thickness (0.445 × T) from the inside of the radius of the bend. [Figure 4-127] The length of this neutral axis must be determined so that sufficient material can be provided for the bend. This is called the bend allowance. This amount must be added to the overall length of the layout pattern to ensure adequate material for the bend. To save time in

calculation of the bend allowance, formulas and charts for various angles, radii of bends, material thicknesses, and other factors have been developed. Formula 1: Bend Allowance for a 90° Bend To the radius of bend (R) add 1⁄2 the thickness of the metal (1⁄2T). This gives R + 1⁄2T, or the radius of the circle of the neutral axis. [Figure 4-128] Compute the circumference of this circle by multiplying the radius of the neutral line (R + 1⁄2T) by 2π (NOTE: π = 3.1416): 2π (R + 1⁄2T) Since a 4-63 Source: http://www.doksinet T SB = DIstance from mold line to bend line BA = Line to bend line BA = Bend angle R = Bend radius T = Thickness ne Bend line BA Outside mold line R Setback (SB) 1. Enter chart at bottom on appropriate scale using sum T + R 2. Read up to bend angle 3. Determine setback from corresponding scale on left Example: T (0.063) + R (012) = 0183 BA = 135° Setback = 0.453 Bend line Bend Angle (BA) 160° 150° 140° 135° 130° 120° 2.0 1.0 5.0 170°

0.18 0.90 4.5 110° 0.16 0.80 4.0 100° 70° 60° 50° 0.04 0.20 1.0 45° 40° 30° 0.02 0.10 0.50 20° 10° 0.50 1.0 0.10 0183 020 0.02 0.04 1.5 0.30 0.06 2.0 0.40 0.08 2.5 0.50 0.10 Thickness (T) + Radius (R) Flat Pattern Setback Graph Figure 4-126. Setback chart 4-64 3.0 0.60 0.12 3.5 0.70 0.14 Bend Angle (BA) 0.08 0.10 0.40 0453 050 2.0 2.5 0.12 0.60 3.0 80° 0.06 0.30 1.5 Setback Distance (SB) 0.14 0.70 3.5 90° Source: http://www.doksinet 0445T Distance from inner radius of bend Shrinking Neutral axis Stretching Figure 4-127. Neutral axis and stresses resulting from bending Formula 2: Bend Allowance for a 90° Bend This formula uses two constant values that have evolved over a period of years as being the relationship of the degrees in the bend to the thickness of the metal when determining the bend allowance for a particular application. By experimentation with actual bends in metals, aircraft engineers have found that accurate bending results

could be obtained by using the following formula for any degree of bend from 1° to 180°. Bend allowance = (0.01743R + 00078T)N where: R = the desired bend radius T = the thickness of the metal N = number of degrees of bend T To use this formula for a 90° bend having a radius of .16inch for material 0040-inch thick, substitute in the formula as follows: B Bend allowance = (0.01743 × 016) + (00078 × 0040) × 90 = 027 inches Radius R + 1/2T C 90° Figure 4-128. Bend allowance for a 90° bend Use of Bend Allowance Chart for a 90° Bend In Figure 4-129, the radius of bend is shown on the top line, and the metal thickness is shown on the left hand column. The upper number in each cell is the bend allowance for a 90° bend. The lower number in the cell is the bend allowance per 1° of bend. To determine the bend allowance for a 90° bend, simply use the top number in the chart. 90° bend is a quarter of the circle, divide the circumference by 4. This gives: Example: The material

thickness of the U-channel is 0.040inch and the bend radius is 016-inch 2π (R + 1⁄2T) 4 This is the bend allowance for a 90° bend. To use the formula for a 90° bend having a radius of 1⁄4 inch for material 0.051inch thick, substitute in the formula as follows Reading across the top of the bend allowance chart, find the column for a radius of bend of .156-inch Now, find the block in this column that is opposite the material thickness (gauge) of 0.040 in the column at the left The upper number in the cell is (0.273), the correct bend allowance in inches for a 90° bends. Bend allowance = (2 × 3.1416)(0250 + 1⁄2(0051)) 4 = 6.2832(0250 + 00255) 4 = 6.2832(02755) 4 = 0.4327 Several bend allowance calculation programs are available online. Just enter the material thickness, radius, and degree of bend and the computer program calculates the bend allowance. Use of Chart for Other Than a 90° Bend If the bend is to be other than 90°, use the lower number in the block (the

bend allowance for 1°) and compute the bend allowance. The bend allowance, or the length of material required for the bend, is 0.4327 or 7⁄16-inch 4-65 Source: http://www.doksinet RADIUS OF BEND, IN INCHES Metal Thickness 1/32 .031 1/16 063 3/32 094 1/8 125 5/32 156 3/16 188 7/32 219 1/4 250 9/32 281 5/16 313 11/32 344 3/8 375 7/16 438 1/2 500 .020 .062 .113 .000693 001251 .161 .001792 .210 .002333 .259 .002874 .309 .003433 .358 .406 .455 .003974 004515 005056 .505 .005614 .554 .006155 .702 .799 .603 .006695 007795 008877 .025 .066 .116 .000736 001294 .165 .001835 .214 .002376 .263 .002917 .313 .003476 .362 .410 .459 .004017 004558 005098 .509 .005657 .558 .006198 .705 .803 .607 .006739 007838 008920 .028 .068 .119 .000759 001318 .167 .001859 .216 .002400 .265 .002941 .315 .003499 .364 .412 .461 .004040 004581 005122 .511 .005680 .560 .006221 .708 .805 .609 .006762 007862 007862 .032 .071 .121 .000787 001345 .170 .001886 .218 .002427 .267

.002968 .317 .003526 .366 .415 .463 .004067 004608 005149 .514 .005708 .562 .006249 .710 .807 .611 .006789 007889 008971 .038 .075 .126 .00837 001396 .174 .001937 .223 .002478 .272 .003019 .322 .003577 .371 .419 .468 .004118 004659 005200 .518 .005758 .567 .006299 .715 .812 .616 .006840 007940 009021 .040 .077 .127 .000853 001411 .176 .001952 .224 .002493 .273 .003034 .323 .003593 .372 .421 .469 .004134 004675 005215 .520 .005774 .568 .006315 .716 .813 .617 .006856 007955 009037 .051 .134 .001413 .183 .002034 .232 .002575 .280 .003116 .331 .003675 .379 .428 .477 .004215 004756 005297 .527 .005855 .576 .006397 .723 .821 .624 .006934 008037 009119 .064 .144 .001595 .192 .002136 .241 .002676 .290 .003218 .340 .003776 .389 .437 .486 .004317 004858 005399 .536 .005957 .585 .006498 .732 .830 .634 .007039 008138 009220 .072 .198 .002202 .247 .002743 .296 .003284 .436 .003842 .394 .443 .492 .004283 004924 005465 .542 .006023 .591 .006564

.738 836 .639 .007105 008205 009287 .078 .202 .002249 .251 .002790 .300 .003331 .350 .003889 .399 .447 .496 .004430 004963 005512 .546 .006070 .595 .006611 .745 .840 .644 .007152 008252 009333 .081 .204 .002272 .253 .002813 .302 .003354 .352 .003912 .401 .449 .498 .004453 004969 005535 .548 .006094 .598 .006635 .745 .842 .646 .007176 008275 009357 .091 .212 .002350 .260 .002891 .309 .003432 .359 .003990 .408 .456 .505 .004531 005072 005613 .555 .006172 .604 .006713 .752 .849 .653 .007254 008353 009435 .094 .214 .002374 .262 .002914 .311 .003455 .361 .004014 .410 .459 .507 .004555 005096 005637 .558 .006195 .606 .006736 .754 .851 .655 .007277 008376 009458 .102 .268 .002977 .317 .003518 .367 .004076 .416 .464 .513 .004617 005158 005699 .563 .006257 .612 .006798 .760 .857 .661 .007339 008439 009521 .109 .273 .003031 .321 .003572 .372 .004131 .420 .469 .518 .004672 005213 005754 .568 .006312 .617 .006853 .764 .862 .665 .008394 008493

009575 .125 .284 .003156 .333 .003697 .383 .004256 .432 .480 .529 .004797 005338 005678 .579 .006437 .628 .006978 .776 .873 .677 .007519 008618 009700 .355 .003939 .405 .004497 .453 .502 .551 .005038 005579 006120 .601 .006679 .650 .007220 .797 .895 .698 .007761 008860 009942 .417 .004747 .476 .525 .573 .005288 005829 006370 .624 .006928 .672 .007469 .820 .917 .721 .008010 009109 010191 .568 .617 .006313 006853 .667 .007412 .716 .007953 .863 .961 .764 .008494 009593 010675 .156 .188 .250 Figure 4-129. Bend allowance 6" 3 1.1 Example: The L-bracket shown in Figure 4-130 is made from 2024-T3 aluminum alloy and the bend is 60° from flat. Note that the bend angle in the figure indicates 120°, but that is the number of degrees between the two flanges and not the bend angle from flat. To find the correct bend angle, use the following formula: 120° R = 1.98 0.1 0.04 Bend Angle = 180° – Angle between flanges Figure 4-130. Bend allowance for bends

less than 90° 4-66 Source: http://www.doksinet Go to the right and locate the bend radius of 0.16-inch (0.156-inch) 3. Note the bottom number in the block (0.003034) 4. Multiply this number by the bend angle: 0.27 Flat 2 Flat 3 2. Flat 1 Go to the left side of the table and find 0.040-inch Bend allowance 1. 0.27 Bend allowance The actual bend is 60°. To find the correct bend radius for a 60° bend of material 0.040-inches thick, use the following procedure. 0.003034 × 60 = 018204 Step 5: Find the Total Developed Width of the Material The total developed width (TDW) can be calculated when the dimensions of the flats and the bend allowance are found. The following formula is used to calculate TDW: TDW = Flats + (bend allowance × number of bends) For the U-channel example, this gives: TDW = Flat 1 + Flat 2 + Flat 3 + (2 × BA) TDW = 0.8 + 16 + 08 + (2 × 027) TDW = 3.74-inches 0.80 1.60 0.80 Figure 4-131. Flat pattern layout NOTE: A common mistake is to draw

the sight line in the middle of the bend allowance area, instead of one radius away from the bend tangent line that is placed under the brake nose bar. Using a J-Chart To Calculate Total Developed Width Note that the amount of metal needed to make the channel is less than the dimensions of the outside of the channel (total of mold line dimensions is 4 inches). This is because the metal follows the radius of the bend rather than going from mold line to mold line. It is good practice to check that the calculated TDW is smaller than the total mold line dimensions. If the calculated TDW is larger than the mold line dimensions, the math was incorrect. The J-chart, often found in the SRM, can be used to determine bend deduction or setback and the TDW of a flat pattern layout when the inside bend radius, bend angle, and material thickness are known. [Figure 4-133] While not as accurate as the traditional layout method, the J-chart provides sufficient information for most applications. The

J-chart does not require difficult calculations or memorized formulas because the required information can be found in the repair drawing or can be measured with simple measuring tools. Step 6: Flat Pattern Lay Out After a flat pattern layout of all relevant information is made, the material can be cut to the correct size, and the bend tangent lines can be drawn on the material. [Figure 4-131] When using the J-chart, it is helpful to know whether the angle is open (greater than 90°) or closed (less than 90°) because the lower half of the J-chart is for open angles and the upper half is for closed angles. Step 7: Draw the Sight Lines on the Flat Pattern The pattern laid out in Figure 4-131 is complete, except for a sight line that needs to be drawn to help position the bend tangent line directly at the point where the bend should start. Draw a line inside the bend allowance area that is one bend radius away from the bend tangent line that is placed under the brake nose bar. Put the

metal in the brake under the clamp and adjust the position of the metal until the sight line is directly below the edge of the radius bar. [Figure 4-132] Now, clamp the brake on the metal and raise the leaf to make the bend. The bend begins exactly on the bend tangent line. How To Find the Total Developed Width Using a J-Chart • Place a straightedge across the chart and connect the bend radius on the top scale with the material thickness on the bottom scale. [Figure 4-133] • Locate the angle on the right hand scale and follow this line horizontally until it meets the straight edge. • The factor X (bend deduction) is then read on the diagonally curving line. • Interpolate when the X factor falls between lines. 4-67 Source: http://www.doksinet Br ak in es e Be nd ta ng en tl Sight line looking straight down the nose radius bar Sig ht lin e The sight line is located one radius inside the bend tangent line that is placed in the brake. Brake nose Bend tangent

lines Figure 4-132. Sight line • Add up the mold line dimensions and subtract the X factor to find the TDW. Example 1 Bend radius = 0.22-inch Material thickness = 0.063-inch Bend angle = 90º ML 1 = 2.00/ML 2 = 200 Use a straightedge to connect the bend radius (0.22-inch) at the top of the graph with the material thickness at the bottom (0.063-inch) Locate the 90° angle on the right hand scale and follow this line horizontally until it meets the straightedge. Follow the curved line to the left and find 0.17 at the left side The X factor in the drawing is 0.17-inch [Figure 4-134] Total developed width = (Mold line 1 + Mold line 2) – X factor Total developed width = (2 + 2) – .17 = 383-inches Example 2 Bend radius = 0.25-inch Material thickness = 0.050-inch Bend angle = 45º ML 1 = 2.00/ML 2 = 200 Figure 4-135 illustrates a 135° angle, but this is the angle between the two legs. The actual bend from flat position is 45° (180 – 135 = 45). Use a straightedge to connect the

bend radius (0.25-inch) at the top of the graph with the material thickness at the bottom (.050-inch) Locate the 45° angle on the right hand scale and follow this line horizontally until it meets the straight edge. Follow the curved line to the left 4-68 and find 0.035 at the left side The X factor in the drawing is 0.035 inch Total developed width = (Mold line 1 + Mold line 2) – X factor Total developed width = (2 + 2) – .035 = 3965-inch Using a Sheet Metal Brake to Fold Metal The brake set up for box and pan brakes and cornice brakes is identical. [Figure 4-136] A proper set up of the sheet metal brake is necessary because accurate bending of sheet metal depends on the thickness and temper of the material to be formed and the required radius of the part. Any time a different thickness of sheet metal needs to be formed or when a different radius is required to form the part, the operator needs to adjust the sheet metal brake before the brake is used to form the part. For this

example, an L-channel made from 2024 –T3 aluminum alloy that is 0.032-inch thick will be bent. Step 1: Adjustment of Bend Radius The bend radius necessary to bend a part can be found in the part drawings, but if it is not mentioned in the drawing, consult the SRM for a minimum bend radius chart. This chart lists the smallest radius allowable for each thickness and temper of metal that is normally used. To bend tighter than this radius would jeopardize the integrity of the part. Stresses left in the area of the bend may cause it to fail while in service, even if it does not crack while bending it. The brake radius bars of a sheet metal brake can be replaced with another brake radius bar with a different diameter. [Figure 4-137] For example, a 0.032-inch 2024-T3 L channel needs to be bent with a radius of 1⁄8-inch and a radius bar with a 1⁄8-inch radius must be installed. If different brake radius bars are not available, and the installed brake radius bar is Source:

http://www.doksinet Bend Radius 0.50 0.47 044 040 038 034 031 028 025 022 019 016 012 009 006 003 000 X = Amount to be reduced from sum of flange dimension A + B − X = Developed length 0.063 0.12 45° X= 1.60 1.40 B R Material Bend raduis Angle 0.035 ngle da Example Be n A 1.70 150° 1.20 1.00 140° 130° 0.90 Factor X 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 90° 85° 0.30 80° Angle 120° 115° 110° 105° 100° 95° 0.80 75° 0.25 70° 0.20 65° 60° 0.15 55° 50° 0.10 45° 0.04 0.09 0.08 40° 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.01 35° 0.06 30° 0.05 Instruction Place a straightedge across the chart connecting the radius on the upper scale and thickness on lower scale. Then, locate the angle on the right hand scale and follow this line horizontally until it meets the straight edge. The factor X is then read on the diagonally curving line. Interpolate when the factor X falls between lines 0.130 0.120 0.110 0.100 0.090 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.050 0.040 0.030 0.020

0.010 0.000 Thickness Figure 4-133. J chart 0.063" 2.00" " .22 135° R = =0 " 25 0. 0" 2. R 0.5" 2.00" Figure 4-134. Example 1 of J chart 2.0" Figure 4-135. Example 2 of J chart 4-69 Source: http://www.doksinet smaller than required for the part, it is necessary to bend some nose radius shims. [Figure 4-138] If the radius is so small that it tends to crack annealed aluminum, mild steel is a good choice of material. Experimentation with a small piece of scrap material is necessary to manufacture a thickness that increases the radius to precisely 1⁄16-inch or 1⁄8-inch. Use radius and fillet gauges to check this dimension. From this point on, each additional shim is added to the radius before it. [Figure 4-139] Figure 4-136. Brake radius nosepiece adjustment Example: If the original nose was 1⁄16-inch and a piece of .063inch material (1⁄16-inch) was bent around it, the new outside radius is 1⁄8-inch. If another

063-inch layer (1⁄16-inch) is added, it is now a 3⁄16-inch radius. If a piece of 032-inch (1⁄32-inch) instead of .063-inch material (1⁄16-inch) is bent around the 1 ⁄8-inch radius, a 5⁄32-inch radius results. Step 2: Adjusting Clamping Pressure Figure 4-137. Interchangeable brake radius bars The next step is setting clamping pressure. Slide a piece of the material with the same thickness as the part to be bent under the brake radius piece. Pull the clamping lever toward the operator to test the pressure. This is an over center type clamp and, when properly set, will not feel springy or spongy when pulled to its fully clamped position. The operator must be able to pull this lever over center with a firm pull and have it bump its limiting stops. On some brakes, this adjustment has to be made on both sides of the brake. This radius shim builds radius to precisely 1/16"R UPPER JAW NOSE RADIUS BAR BENDING LEAF Each of these nose radius shims is 0.063 inch thick,

which gives radius choices of 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" LOWER JAW BED Figure 4-138. Nose radius shims may be used when the brake radius bar is smaller than required 4-70 Source: http://www.doksinet Pull forward to clamp (no sponginess felt when evenly set on BOTH sides) Radius shims Limiting stop Material to be bent Lifting nut Nut to adjust clamping pressure Note: Bending leaf counterbalance omitted for clarity Figure 4-139. General brake overview including radius shims Place test strips on the table 3-inch from each end and one in the center between the bed and the clamp, adjust clamp pressure until it is tight enough to prevent the work pieces from slipping while bending. The clamping pressure can be adjusted with the clamping pressure nut. [Figure 4-140] Clamping pressure adjustment nut Brake nose gap adjustment knob Figure 4-140. Adjust clamping pressure with the clamping pressure nut. Step 3: Adjusting the Nose Gap Adjust the nose gap by turning the

large brake nose gap adjustment knobs at the rear of the upper jaw to achieve its proper alignment. [Figure 4-140] The perfect setting is obtained when the bending leaf is held up to the angle of the finished bend and there is one material thickness between the bending leaf and the nose radius piece. Using a piece of material the thickness of the part to be bent as a feeler gauge can help achieve a high degree of accuracy. [Figures 4-141 and 4-142] It is essential this nose gap be perfect, even across the length of the part to be bent. Check by clamping two test strips between the bed and the clamp 3-inch from each end of the brake. [Figure 4-143] Bend 90° [Figure 4-144], remove test strips, and place one on top of the other; they should match. [Figure 4-145] If they do not match, adjust the end with the sharper bend back slightly. Folding a Box A box can be formed the same way as the U-channel described on in the previous paragraphs, but when a sheet metal part has intersecting bend

radii, it is necessary to remove material to make room for the material contained in 4-71 Source: http://www.doksinet the flanges. This is done by drilling or punching holes at the intersection of the inside bend tangent lines. These holes, called relief holes and whose diameter is approximately twice the bend radius, relieve stresses in the metal as it is bent and prevent the metal from tearing. Relief holes also provide a neatly trimmed corner from which excess material may be trimmed. Figure 4-141. Brake nose gap adjustment with piece of material The larger and smoother the relief hole is, the less likely it will be that a crack will form in the corner. Generally, the radius of the relief hole is specified on the drawing. A box and pan brake, also called a finger brake, is used to bend the box. Two opposite sides of the box are bent first Then, the fingers of the brake are adjusted so the folded-up sides ride up in the cracks between the fingers when the leaf is raised to bend

the other two sides. same thickness as part to be formed. Scrap of material to be bent Should slip snugly in and out BENDING LEAF NOSE GAP Hold bending leaf at the finished angle of bend 90°(in this case) Figure 4-142. Profile illustration of brake nose gap adjustment Figure 4-143. Brake alignment with two test strips 3-inches from each end. 4-72 Figure 4-144. Brake alignment with two test strips bent at 90° Source: http://www.doksinet 1" 2" 2" Intersection of inside bend tangent lines Flat Area of bend (BA) The size of relief holes varies with thickness of the material. They should be no less than 1⁄8-inch in diameter for aluminum alloy sheet stock up to and including 0.064-inch thick, or 3 ⁄160-inch in diameter for stock ranging from 0.072-inch to 0.128-inch thickness The most common method of determining the diameter of a relief hole is to use the radius of bend for this dimension, provided it is not less than the minimum allowance

(1⁄8-inch). Bend relief radius Area of bend (BA) Figure 4-145. Brake alignment by comparing test strips Flat Flat Figure 4-146. Relief hole location Relief Hole Location Relief holes must touch the intersection of the inside bend tangent lines. To allow for possible error in bending, make the relief holes extend 1⁄32-inch to 1⁄16-inch behind the inside bend tangent lines. It is good practice to use the intersection of these lines as the center for the holes. The line on the inside of the curve is cut at an angle toward the relief holes to allow for the stretching of the inside flange. Layout Method Lay out the basic part using traditional layout procedures. This determines the width of the flats and the bend allowance. It is the intersection of the inside bend tangent lines that index the bend relief hole position. Bisect these intersected lines and move outward the distance of the radius of the hole on this line. This is the center of the hole Drill at this point and

finish by trimming off the remainder of the corner material. The trim out is often tangent to the radius and perpendicular to the edge. [Figure 4-147] This leaves an open corner If the = = = = = 0.250 (1⁄4) 0.063 (1⁄16) 0.313 (5⁄16) 0.437 (7⁄16) 0.191 (3⁄16) If 5⁄16 R is required, punch 5⁄8 hole ⁄ 11 16 ⁄ 7 16 2 13⁄16 ⁄ ⁄ 1 11⁄16 11 16 Normal trim tangent to radius 7 16 The positioning of the relief hole is important. [Figure 4-146] It should be located so its outer perimeter touches the intersection of the inside bend tangent lines. This keeps any material from interfering with the bend allowance area of the other bend. If these bend allowance areas intersected with each other, there would be substantial compressive stresses that would accumulate in that corner while bending. This could cause the part to crack while bending. R T SB BA MG If necessary for flanges to touch 1 2 2 13⁄16 Notice overlapping mold lines (by 1 MG) Figure 4-147.

Relief hole layout corner must be closed, or a slightly longer flange is necessary, then trim out accordingly. If the corner is to be welded, it is necessary to have touching flanges at the corners. The 4-73 Source: http://www.doksinet length of the flange should be one material thickness shorter than the finished length of the part so only the insides of the flanges touch. Open and Closed Bends Open and closed bends present unique problems that require more calculations than 90° bends. In the following 45° and a 135° bend examples, the material is 0.050-inch thick and the bend radius is 3⁄16-inch. Open End Bend (Less Than 90°) 2. SB = K(R + T) SB = 2.4142-inch(01875-inch + 0050-inch) = 057inch 3. Look up K-factor in K chart. K-factor for 45° is 0.41421-inch 2. Calculate setback. 3. 4. Calculate flats. Flat = Mold line dimension – SB Flat 1 = 0.77-inch – 057-inch = 020-inch Flat 2 = 1.52-inch – 057-inch = 095-inch 5. Calculate TDW. SB = K(R + T) TDW =

Flats + Bend allowance SB = 0.41421-inch(01875-inch + 0050-inch) = 0.098-inch TDW = 0.20-inch + 095-inch + 0496-inch = 165inch Calculate bend allowance for 45°. Look up bend allowance for 1° of bend in the bend allowance chart and multiply this by 45. 0.003675-inch × 45 = 0165-inch 4. Calculate bend allowance for 135°. Look up bend allowance for 1° of bend in the bend allowance chart and multiply this by 135. 0.003675-inch × 135 = 0496-inch Figure 4-148 shows an example for a 45° bend. 1. Calculate SB. Calculate flats. 135° 77 0. 9 R .1 45° 1.52 0.05 Flat = Mold line dimension – SB Flat 1 = .77-inch – 0098-inch = 0672-inch Flat 2 = 1.52-inch – 0098-inch = 1422-inch 5. Calculate TDW TDW = Flats + Bend allowance Figure 4-149. Closed bend It is obvious from both examples that a closed bend has a smaller TDW than an open-end bend and the material length needs to be adjusted accordingly. TDW = 0.672-inch + 1422-inch + 0165-inch = 2259‑inch R .19

135° 77 0. 1.52 Figure 4-148. Open bend Observe that the brake reference line is still located one radius from the bend tangent line. Closed End Bend (More Than 90°) Figure 4-149 shows an example of a 135° bend. 1. 4-74 Look up K-factor in K chart. K-factor for 135° is 2.4142-inch Hand Forming All hand forming revolves around the processes of stretching and shrinking metal. As discussed earlier, stretching means to lengthen or increase a particular area of metal while shrinking means to reduce an area. Several methods of stretching and shrinking may be used, depending on the size, shape, and contour of the part being formed. For example, if a formed or extruded angle is to be curved, either stretch one leg or shrink the other, whichever makes the part fit. In bumping, the material is stretched in the bulge to make it balloon, and in joggling, the material is stretched between the joggles. Material in the edge of lightening holes is often stretched to form a beveled

reinforcing ridge around them. The following paragraphs discuss some of these techniques. Source: http://www.doksinet Straight Line Bends The cornice brake and bar folder are ordinarily used to make straight bends. Whenever such machines are not available, comparatively short sections can be bent by hand with the aid of wooden or metal bending blocks. After a blank has been laid out and cut to size, clamp it along the bend line between two wooden forming blocks held in a vise. The wooden forming blocks should have one edge rounded as needed for the desired radius of bend. It should also be curved slightly beyond 90° to allow for spring-back. Bend the metal that protrudes beyond the bending block to the desired angle by tapping lightly with a rubber, plastic, or rawhide mallet. Start tapping at one end and work back and forth along the edge to make a gradual and even bend. Continue this process until the protruding metal is bent to the desired angle against the forming block. Allow

for springback by driving the material slightly farther than the actual bend. If a large amount of metal extends beyond the forming blocks, maintain hand pressure against the protruding sheet to prevent it from bouncing. Remove any irregularities by holding a straight block of hardwood edgewise against the bend and striking it with heavy blows of a mallet or hammer. If the amount of metal protruding beyond the bending blocks is small, make the entire bend by using the hardwood block and hammer. Formed or Extruded Angles Both formed and extruded types of angles can be curved (not bent sharply) by stretching or shrinking either of the flanges. Curving by stretching one flange is usually preferred since the process requires only a V-block and a mallet and is easily accomplished. Stretching With V-Block Method In the stretching method, place the flange to be stretched in the groove of the V-block. [Figure 4-150] (If the flange is to be shrunk, place the flange across the V-block.) Using a

round, soft-faced mallet, strike the flange directly over the V portion with light, even blows while gradually forcing it downward into the V. Begin at one end of the flange and form the curve gradually and evenly by moving the strip slowly back and forth, distributing the hammer blows at equal spaces on the flange. Hold the strip firmly to keep it from bouncing when hammered. An overly heavy blow buckles the metal, so keep moving the flange across the V-block, but always lightly strike the spot directly above the V. Lay out a full-sized, accurate pattern on a sheet of paper or plywood and periodically check the accuracy of the curve. Figure 4-150. V-block forming Comparing the angle with the pattern determines exactly how the curve is progressing and just where it needs to be increased or decreased. It is better to get the curve to conform roughly to the desired shape before attempting to finish any one portion, because the finishing or smoothing of the angle may cause some other

portion of the angle to change shape. If any part of the angle strip is curved too much, reduce the curve by reversing the angle strip on the V-block, placing the bottom flange up, and striking it with light blows of the mallet. Try to form the curve with a minimum amount of hammering, for excessive hammering work-hardens the metal. Workhardening can be recognized by a lack of bending response or by springiness in the metal. It can be recognized very readily by an experienced worker. In some cases, the part may have to be annealed during the curving operation. If so, be sure to heat treat the part again before installing it on the aircraft. Shrinking With V-Block and Shrinking Block Methods Curving an extruded or formed angle strip by shrinking may be accomplished by either the previously discussed V-block method or the shrinking block method. While the V-block is more satisfactory because it is faster, easier, and affects the metal less, good results can be obtained by the shrinking

block method. In the V-block method, place one flange of the angle strip flat on the V-block with the other flange extending upward. Using the process outlined in the stretching paragraphs, begin at one end of the angle strip and work back and forth making light blows. Strike the edge of the flange at a slight angle to keep the vertical flange from bending outward. 4-75 Source: http://www.doksinet Occasionally, check the curve for accuracy with the pattern. If a sharp curve is made, the angle (cross section of the formed angle) closes slightly. To avoid such closing of the angle, clamp the angle strip to a hardwood board with the hammered flange facing upward using small C-clamps. The jaws of the C-clamps should be covered with masking tape. If the angle has already closed, bring the flange back to the correct angle with a few blows of a mallet or with the aid of a small hardwood block. If any portion of the angle strip is curved too much, reduce it by reversing the angle on the

V-block and hammering with a suitable mallet, as explained in the previous paragraph on stretching. After obtaining the proper curve, smooth the entire angle by planishing with a soft-faced mallet. If the curve in a formed angle is to be quite sharp or if the flanges of the angle are rather broad, the shrinking block method is generally used. In this process, crimp the flange that is to form the inside of the curve. When making a crimp, hold the crimping pliers so that the jaws are about 1⁄8-inch apart. By rotating the wrist back and forth, bring the upper jaw of the pliers into contact with the flange, first on one side and then on the other side of the lower jaw. Complete the crimp by working a raised portion into the flange, gradually increasing the twisting motion of the pliers. Do not make the crimp too large because it will be difficult to work out. The size of the crimp depends upon the thickness and softness of the material, but usually about 1 ⁄4-inch is sufficient. Place

several crimps spaced evenly along the desired curve with enough space left between each crimp so that jaws of the shrinking block can easily be attached. After completing the crimping, place the crimped flange in the shrinking block so that one crimp at a time is located between the jaws. [Figure 4-151] Flatten each crimp with light blows of a soft-faced mallet, starting at the apex (the closed end) of the crimp and gradually working toward the edge of the flange. Check the curve of the angle with the pattern periodically during the forming process and again after all the crimps have been worked out. If it is necessary to increase the curve, add more crimps and repeat the process. Space the additional crimps between the original ones so that the metal does not become unduly work hardened at any one point. If the curve needs to be increased or decreased slightly at any point, use the V-block. After obtaining the desired curve, planish the angle strip over a stake or a wooden form.

Flanged Angles The forming process for the following two flanged angles is slightly more complicated than the previously discussed 4-76 Figure 4-151. Crimping a metal flange in order to form a curve angles because the bend is shorter (not gradually curved) and necessitates shrinking or stretching in a small or concentrated area. If the flange is to point toward the inside of the bend, the material must be shrunk. If it is to point toward the outside, it must be stretched. Shrinking In forming a flanged angle by shrinking, use wooden forming blocks similar to those shown in Figure 4-152 and proceed as follows: 1. Cut the metal to size, allowing for trimming after forming. Determine the bend allowance for a 90° bend and round the edge of the forming block accordingly. 2. Clamp the material in the form blocks as shown in Figure 4-96, and bend the exposed flange against the block. After bending, tap the blocks slightly This induces a setting process in the bend. 3. Using a

soft-faced shrinking mallet, start hammering near the center and work the flange down gradually toward both ends. The flange tends to buckle at the bend because the material is made to occupy less space. Work the material into several small buckles instead of one large one and work each buckle out gradually by hammering lightly and gradually compressing the material in each buckle. The use of a small hardwood wedge block aids in working out the buckles. [Figure 4-153] 4. Planish the flange after it is flattened against the form block and remove small irregularities. If the form blocks are made of hardwood, use a metal planishing hammer. If the forms are made of metal, use a softfaced mallet Trim the excess material away and file and polish. Source: http://www.doksinet Hardwood wedge block Form blocks Figure 4-152. Forming a flanged angle using forming blocks Figure 4-154. Stretching a flanged angle previous procedure, and trim and smooth the edges, if necessary. Curved

Flanged Parts Curved flanged parts are usually hand formed with a concave flange, the inside edge, and a convex flange, the outside edge. Figure 4-153. Shrinking Stretching To form a flanged angle by stretching, use the same forming blocks, wooden wedge block, and mallet as used in the shrinking process and proceed as follows: 1. Cut the material to size (allowing for trim), determine bend allowance for a 90° bend, and round off the edge of the block to conform to the desired radius of bend. 2. Clamp the material in the form blocks. [Figure 4-154] 3. Using a soft-faced stretching mallet, start hammering near the ends and work the flange down smoothly and gradually to prevent cracking and splitting. Planish the flange and angle as described in the The concave flange is formed by stretching, while the convex flange is formed by shrinking. Such parts are shaped with the aid of hardwood or metal forming blocks. [Figure 4-155] These blocks are made in pairs and are designed

specifically for the shape of the area being formed. These blocks are made in pairs similar to those used for straight angle bends and are identified in the same manner. They differ in that they are made specifically for the particular part to be formed, they fit each other exactly, and they conform to the actual dimensions and contour of the finished article. The forming blocks may be equipped with small aligning pins to help line up the blocks and to hold the metal in place or they may be held together by C-clamps or a vise. They also may be held together with bolts by drilling through form 4-77 Source: http://www.doksinet In Figure 4-157, the concave flange is difficult to form, but the outside flange is broken up into smaller sections by relief holes. In Figure 4-158, note that crimps are placed at equally spaced intervals to absorb material and cause curving, while also giving strength to the part. Holes Figure 4-155. Forming blocks blocks and the metal, provided the holes

do not affect the strength of the finished part. The edges of the forming block are rounded to give the correct radius of bend to the part, and are undercut approximately 5° to allow for spring-back of the metal. This undercut is especially important if the material is hard or if the bend must be accurate. The nose rib offers a good example of forming a curved flange because it incorporates both stretching and shrinking (by crimping). They usually have a concave flange, the inside edge, and a convex flange, the outside edge. Note the various types of forming represented in the following figures. In the plain nose rib, only one large convex flange is used. [Figure 4-156] Because of the great distance around the part and the likelihood of buckles in forming, it is rather difficult to form. The flange and the beaded (raised ridge on sheet metal used to stiffen the piece) portion of this rib provide sufficient strength to make this a good type to use. Flange Figure 4-156. Plain nose rib

4-78 Figure 4-157. Nose rib with relief holes Crimps Figure 4-158. Nose rib with crimps In Figure 4-159, the nose rib is formed by crimping, beading, putting in relief holes, and using a formed angle riveted on each end. The beads and the formed angles supply strength to the part. The basic steps in forming a curved flange follow: [Figures 4-160 and 161] 1. Cut the material to size, allowing about 1⁄4-inch excess material for trim and drill holes for alignment pins. 2. Remove all burrs (jagged edges). This reduces the possibility of the material cracking at the edges during the forming process. 3. Locate and drill holes for alignment pins. Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 4-159. Nose rib using a combination of forms 45° Figure 4-160. Forming a concave flange 4. Place the material between the form blocks and clamp blocks tightly in a vise to prevent the material from moving or shifting. Clamp the work as closely as possible to the particular area being hammered to

prevent strain on the form blocks and to keep the metal from slipping. Concave Surfaces Bend the flange on the concave curve first. This practice may keep the flange from splitting open or cracking when the metal is stretched. Should this occur, a new piece must be made. Using a plastic or rawhide mallet with a smooth, slightly rounded face, start hammering at the extreme ends of the part and continue toward the center of the bend. This procedure permits some of the metal at the ends of the part to be worked into the center of the curve where it is needed. Continue hammering until the metal is gradually worked Figure 4-161. Forming a convex flange down over the entire flange, flush with the form block. After the flange is formed, trim off the excess material and check the part for accuracy. [Figure 4-160] Convex Surfaces Convex surfaces are formed by shrinking the material over a form block. [Figure 4-161] Using a wooden or plastic shrinking mallet and a backup or wedge block, start

at the center of the curve and work toward both ends. Hammer the flange down over the form, striking the metal with glancing blows at an angle of approximately 45° and with a motion that tends to pull the part away from the radius of the form block. Stretch the metal around the radius bend and remove the buckles gradually by hammering on a wedge block. Use 4-79 Source: http://www.doksinet the backup block to keep the edge of the flange as nearly perpendicular to the form block as possible. The backup block also lessens the possibility of buckles, splits, or cracks. Finally, trim the flanges of excess metal, planish, remove burrs, round the corners (if any), and check the part for accuracy. 1 2 Forming by Bumping 3 As discussed earlier, bumping involves stretching the sheet metal by bumping it into a form and making it balloon. [Figure 4-162] Bumping can be done on a form block or female die, or on a sandbag. Templates for workingthe form block Either method requires only one

form: a wooden block, a lead die, or a sandbag. The blister, or streamlined cover plate, is an example of a part made by the form block or die method of bumping. Wing fillets are an example of parts that are usually formed by bumping on a sandbag. Form Block or Die The wooden block or lead die designed for form block bumping must have the same dimensions and contour as the outside of the blister. To provide enough bucking weight and bearing surface for fastening the metal, the block or die should be at least one inch larger in all dimensions than the form requires. 4 Hollow the block out with tools, such as saws, chisels, gouges, files, and rasps. 2. Smooth and finish the block with sandpaper. The inside of the form must be as smooth as possible, because the slightest irregularity shows up on the finished part. 3. Prepare several templates (patterns of the crosssection), as shown in Figure 4-162 so that the form can be checked for accuracy. 4. Shape the contour of the form at

points 1, 2, and 3. 5. Shape the areas between the template checkpoints to conform the remaining contour to template 4. Shaping of the form block requires particular care because the more nearly accurate it is, the less time it takes to produce a smooth, finished part. After the form is prepared and checked, perform the bumping as follows: 1. Cut a metal blank to size allowing an extra 1⁄2 to 1-inch to permit drawing. 2. Apply a thin coat of light oil to the block and the aluminum to prevent galling (scraping on rough spots). 3. Clamp the material between the block and steel plate. Ensure it is firmly supported yet it can slip a little toward the inside of the form. 4-80 2 3 4 Follow these procedures to create a form block: 1. 1 Form block Holddown plate Finished part Figure 4-162. Form block bumping 4. Clamp the bumping block in a bench vise. Use a softfaced rubber mallet, or a hardwood drive block with a suitable mallet, to start the bumping near the edges of the

form. 5. Work the material down gradually from the edges with light blows of the mallet. Remember, the purpose of bumping is to work the material into shape by Source: http://www.doksinet stretching rather than forcing it into the form with heavy blows. Always start bumping near the edge of the form. Never start near the center of the blister 6. 7. Before removing the work from the form, smooth it as much as possible by rubbing it with the rounded end of either a maple block or a stretching mallet. If the part to be formed is radially symmetrical, it is fairly easy to shape since a simple contour template can be used as a working guide. The procedure for bumping sheet metal parts on a sandbag follows certain basic steps that can be applied to any part, regardless of its contour or shape. 1. Lay out and cut the contour template to serve as a working guide and to ensure accuracy of the finished part. (This can be made of sheet metal, medium to heavy cardboard, kraft paper, or

thin plywood.) 2. Determine the amount of metal needed, lay it out, and cut it to size, allowing at least 1⁄2-inch in excess. 3. Place a sandbag on a solid foundation capable of supporting heavy blows and make a pit in the bag with a smooth-faced mallet. Analyze the part to determine the correct radius the pit should have for the forming operation. The pit changes shape with the hammering it receives and must be readjusted accordingly. 4. Select a soft round-faced or bell-shaped mallet with a contour slightly smaller than the contour desired on the sheet metal part. Hold one edge of the metal in the left hand and place the portion to be bumped near the edge of the pit on the sandbag. Strike the metal with light glancing blows. 5. Continue bumping toward the center, revolving the metal, and working gradually inward until the desired shape is obtained. Shape the entire part as a unit 6. Check the part often for accuracy of shape during the bumping process by applying the

template. If wrinkles form, work them out before they become too large. 7. Remove small dents and hammer marks with a suitable stake and planishing hammer or with a hand dolly and planishing hammer. 8. Finally, after bumping is completed, use a pair of dividers to mark around the outside of the object. Trim the edge and file it smooth. Clean and polish the part Remove the blister from the bumping block and trim to size. Sandbag Bumping Sandbag bumping is one of the most difficult methods of hand forming sheet metal because there is no exact forming block to guide the operation. [Figure 4-163] In this method, a depression is made into the sandbag to take the shape of the hammered portion of the metal. The depression or pit has a tendency to shift from the hammering, which necessitates periodic readjustment during the bumping process. The degree of shifting depends largely on the contour or shape of the piece being formed, and whether glancing blows must be struck to stretch, draw,

or shrink the metal. When forming by this method, prepare a contour template or some sort of a pattern to serve as a working guide and to ensure accuracy of the finished part. Make the pattern from ordinary kraft or similar paper, folding it over the part to be duplicated. Cut the paper cover at the points where it would have to be stretched to fit, and attach additional pieces of paper with masking tape to cover the exposed portions. After completely covering the part, trim the pattern to exact size. Joggling Figure 4-163. Sandbag bumping Open the pattern and spread it out on the metal from which the part is to be formed. Although the pattern does not lie flat, it gives a fairly accurate idea of the approximate shape of the metal to be cut, and the pieced-in sections indicate where the metal is to be stretched. When the pattern has been placed on the material, outline the part and the portions to be stretched using a felt-tipped pen. Add at least 1-inch of excess metal when cutting

the material to size. Trim off the excess metal after bumping the part into shape. A joggle, often found at the intersection of stringers and formers, is the offset formed on a part to allow clearance for a sheet or another mating part. Use of the joggle maintains the smooth surface of a joint or splice. The amount of offset is usually small; therefore, the depth of the joggle is generally specified in thousandths of an inch. The thickness of the material to be cleared governs the depth of the joggle. In determining the necessary length of the joggle, allow an extra 1 ⁄16-inch to give enough added clearance to assure a fit between the joggled, overlapped part. The distance between the two bends of a joggle is called the allowance. This dimension is normally called out on the drawing. However, a general rule of thumb for figuring allowance is four times the thickness of the 4-81 Source: http://www.doksinet displacement of flat sheets. For 90° angles, it must be slightly more due

to the stress built up at the radius while joggling. For extrusions, the allowance can be as much as 12 times the material thickness, so, it is important to follow the drawing. Material being joggled Clamping device Joggle block There are a number of different methods of forming joggles. For example, if the joggle is to be made on a straight flange or flat piece of metal, it can be formed on a cornice break. To form the joggle, use the following procedure: 1. Lay out the boundary lines of the joggle where the bends are to occur on the sheet. 2. Insert the sheet in the brake and bend the metal up approximately 20° to 30°. 3. Release the brake and remove the part. 4. Turn the part over and clamp it in the brake at the second bend line. 5. Bend the part up until the correct height of the joggle is attained. 6. Remove the part from the brake and check the joggle for correct dimensions and clearance. When a joggle is necessary on a curved part or a curved flange, forming

blocks or dies made of hardwood, steel, or aluminum alloy may be used. The forming procedure consists of placing the part to be joggled between the two joggle blocks and squeezing them in a vice or some other suitable clamping device. After the joggle is formed, the joggle blocks are turned over in the vice and the bulge on the opposite flange is flattened with a wooden or rawhide mallet. [Figure 4-164] Since hardwood is easily worked, dies made of hardwood are satisfactory when the die is to be used only a few times. If a number of similar joggles are to be produced, use steel or aluminum alloy dies. Dies of aluminum alloy are preferred since they are easier to fabricate than those of steel and wear about as long. These dies are sufficiently soft and resilient to permit forming aluminum alloy parts on them without marring, and nicks and scratches are easily removed from their surfaces. When using joggling dies for the first time, test them for accuracy on a piece of waste stock to

avoid the possibility of ruining already fabricated parts. Always keep the surfaces of the blocks free from dirt, filings, and the like, so that the work is not marred. [Figure 4-165] Lightening Holes Lightening holes are cut in rib sections, fuselage frames, and other structural parts to decrease weight. To avoid weakening 4-82 Joggle block STEP 1 Place material between joggle blocks and squeeze in a vice or other clamping device. Wooden mallet Bulge caused by forming joggle STEP 2 Turn joggle blocks over in vice and flatten bulge with wooden mallet. Figure 4-164. Forming joggle using joggle blocks the member by removal of the material, flanges are often pressed around the holes to strengthen the area from which the material was removed. Lightening holes should never be cut in any structural part unless authorized. The size of the lightening hole and the width of the flange formed around the hole are determined by design specifications. Margins of safety are considered in the

specifications so that the weight of the part can be decreased and still retain the necessary strength. Lightening holes may be cut with a hole saw, a punch, or a fly cutter. The edges are filed smooth to prevent them from cracking or tearing. Source: http://www.doksinet Figure 4-165. Samples of joggled metal Flanging Lightening Holes Form the flange by using a flanging die, or hardwood or metal form blocks. Flanging dies consist of two matching parts: a female and a male die. For flanging soft metal, dies can be of hardwood, such as maple. For hard metal or for more permanent use, they should be made of steel. The pilot guide should be the same size as the hole to be flanged, and the shoulder should be the same width and angle as the desired flange. When flanging lightening holes, place the material between the mating parts of the die and form it by hammering or squeezing the dies together in a vise or in an arbor press (a small hand operated press). The dies work more smoothly if

they are coated with light machine oil. [Figure 4-166] When working with stainless steel, make sure that the metal does not become unduly scratched or marred. Also, take special precautions when shearing, punching, or drilling this metal. It takes about twice as much pressure to shear or punch stainless steel as it does mild steel. Keep the shear or punch and die adjusted very closely. Too much clearance permits the metal to be drawn over the edge of the die and causes it to become work hardened, resulting in excessive strain on the machine. When drilling stainless steel, use an HSS drill bit ground to an included angle of 135°. Keep the drill speed about one-half that required for drilling mild steel, but never exceed 750 rpm. Keep a uniform pressure on the drill so the feed is constant at all times. Drill the material on a backing plate, such as cast iron, which is hard enough to permit the drill bit to cut completely through the stock without pushing the metal away from the drill

point. Spot the drill bit before turning on the power and also make sure that pressure is exerted when the power is turned on. Working Inconel® Alloys 625 and 718 Inconel® refers to a family of nickel-chromium-iron super alloys typically used in high-temperature applications. Corrosion resistance and the ability to stay strong in high temperatures led to the frequent use of these Inconel® alloys in aircraft powerplant structures. Inconel® alloys 625 and 718 can be cold formed by standard procedures used for steel and stainless steel. Normal drilling into Inconel® alloys can break drill bits sooner and cause damage to the edge of the hole when the drill bit goes through the metal. If a hand drill is used to drill Inconel® alloys 625 and 718, select a 135° cobalt drill bit. When hand drilling, push hard on the drill, but stay at a constant chip rate. For example, with a No 30 hole, push the drill with approximately 50 pounds of force. Use the maximum drill rpm as illustrated in

Figure 4-167. A cutting fluid is not necessary when hand drilling. Figure 4-166. Lightening hole die set Working Stainless Steel Corrosion-resistant-steel (CRES) sheet is used on some parts of the aircraft when high strength is required. CRES causes magnesium, aluminum, or cadmium to corrode when it touches these metals. To isolate CRES from magnesium and aluminum, apply a finish that gives protection between their mating surfaces. It is important to use a bend radius that is larger than the recommended minimum bend radius to prevent cracking of the material in the bend area. Drill Size Maximum RPM 80–30 500 29–U 300 3/8 150 Figure 4-167. Drill size and speed for drilling Inconel The following drilling procedures are recommended: • Drill pilot holes in loose repair parts with power feed equipment before preassembling them. • Preassemble the repair parts and drill the pilot holes in the mating structure. 4-83 Source: http://www.doksinet • Enlarge the pilot

holes to their completed hole dimension. When drilling Inconel®, autofeed-type drilling equipment is preferred. Working Magnesium Warning: Keep magnesium particles away from sources of ignition. Small particles of magnesium burn very easily In sufficient concentration, these small particles can cause an explosion. If water touches molten magnesium, a steam explosion could occur. Extinguish magnesium fires with dry talc, calcium carbonate, sand, or graphite. Apply the powder on the burning metal to a depth of 1⁄2-inch or more. Do not use foam, water, carbon tetrachloride, or carbon dioxide. Magnesium alloys must not touch methyl alcohol. Magnesium is the world’s lightest structural metal. Like many other metals, this silvery-white element is not used in its pure state for stressed application. Instead, magnesium is alloyed with certain other metals (aluminum, zinc, zirconium, manganese, thorium, and rare earth metals) to obtain the strong, lightweight alloys needed for structural

uses. When alloyed with these other metals, magnesium, yields alloys with excellent properties and high strengthto-weight ratios. Proper combination of these alloying constituents provide alloys suitable for sand, permanent mold and die castings, forging, extrusions, rolled sheet, and plate with good properties at room temperature, as well as at elevated temperatures. Light weight is the best known characteristic of magnesium, an important factor in aircraft design. In comparison, aluminum weighs one and one half times more, iron and steel weigh four times more, and copper and nickel alloys weigh five times more. Magnesium alloys can be cut, drilled, and reamed with the same tools that are used on steel or brass, but the cutting edges of the tool must be sharp. Type B rivets (5056-F aluminum alloy) are used when riveting magnesium alloy parts. Magnesium parts are often repaired with clad 2024-T3 aluminum alloy. While magnesium alloys can usually be fabricated by methods similar to

those used on other metals, remember that many of the details of shop practice cannot be applied. Magnesium alloys are difficult to fabricate at room temperature; therefore, most operations must be performed at high temperatures. This requires preheating of the metal or dies, or both. Magnesium alloy sheets may be cut by blade shears, blanking dies, routers, or saws. Hand or circular saws are usually used for cutting extrusions to length. Conventional shears and nibblers should never be used for cutting magnesium alloy sheet because they produce a rough, cracked edge. 4-84 Shearing and blanking of magnesium alloys require close tool tolerances. A maximum clearance of 3 to 5 percent of the sheet thickness is recommended. The top blade of the shears should be ground with an included angle of 45° to 60º. The shear angle on a punch should be from 2° to 3°, with a 1° clearance angle on the die. For blanking, the shear angle on the die should be from 2° to 3° with a 1° clearance

angle on the punch. Hold-down pressures should be used when possible. Cold shearing should not be accomplished on a hard-rolled sheet thicker than 0.064-inch or annealed sheet thicker than 1⁄8-inch. Shaving is used to smooth the rough, flaky edges of a magnesium sheet that has been sheared. This operation consists of removing approximately 1⁄32-inch by a second shearing. Hot shearing is sometimes used to obtain an improved sheared edge. This is necessary for heavy sheet and plate stock. Annealed sheet may be heated to 600 °F, but hardrolled sheet must be held under 400 °F, depending on the alloy used. Thermal expansion makes it necessary to allow for shrinkage after cooling, which entails adding a small amount of material to the cold metal dimensions before fabrication. Sawing is the only method used in cutting plate stock more than 1⁄2-inch thick. Bandsaw raker-set blades of 4- to 6-tooth pitch are recommended for cutting plate stock or heavy extrusions. Small and medium

extrusions are more easily cut on a circular cutoff saw having six teeth per inch. Sheet stock can be cut on handsaws having raker-set or straight-set teeth with an 8-tooth pitch. Bandsaws should be equipped with nonsparking blade guides to eliminate the danger of sparks igniting the magnesium alloy filings. Cold working most magnesium alloys at room temperature is very limited, because they work harden rapidly and do not lend themselves to any severe cold forming. Some simple bending operations may be performed on sheet material, but the radius of bend must be at least 7 times the thickness of the sheet for soft material and 12 times the thickness of the sheet for hard material. A radius of 2 or 3 times the thickness of the sheet can be used if the material is heated for the forming operation. Since wrought magnesium alloys tend to crack after they are cold-worked, the best results are obtained if the metal is heated to 450 °F before any forming operations are attempted. Parts formed

at the lower temperature range are stronger because the higher temperature range has an annealing effect on the metal. The disadvantages of hot working magnesium are: 1. Heating the dies and the material is expensive and troublesome. Source: http://www.doksinet 2. There are problems in lubricating and handling materials at these temperatures. The advantages to hot working magnesium are: 1. It is more easily formed when hot than are other metals. 2. Spring-back is reduced, resulting in greater dimensional accuracy. When heating magnesium and its alloys, watch the temperature carefully as the metal is easily burned. Overheating also causes small molten pools to form within the metal. In either case, the metal is ruined To prevent burning, magnesium must be protected with a sulfur dioxide atmosphere while being heated. Proper bending around a short radius requires the removal of sharp corners and burrs near the bend line. Layouts should be made with a carpenter’s soft pencil

because any marring of the surface may result in fatigue cracks. Press brakes can be used for making bends with short radii. Die and rubber methods should be used where bends are to be made at right angles, which complicate the use of a brake. Roll forming may be accomplished cold on equipment designed for forming aluminum. The most common method of forming and shallow drawing of magnesium is to use a rubber pad as the female die. This rubber pad is held in an inverted steel pan that is lowered by a hydraulic press ram. The press exerts pressure on the metal and bends it to the shape of the male die. The machining characteristics of magnesium alloys are excellent, making possible the use of maximum speeds of the machine tools with heavy cuts and high feed rates. Power requirements for machining magnesium alloys are about one-sixth of those for mild steel. Filings, shavings, and chips from machining operations should be kept in covered metal containers because of the danger of

combustion. Do not use magnesium alloys in liquid deicing and water injection systems or in the integral fuel tank areas. Working Titanium Keep titanium particles away from sources of ignition. Small particles of titanium burn very easily. In sufficient concentration, these small particles can cause an explosion. If water touches molten titanium, a steam explosion could occur. Extinguish titanium fires with dry talc, calcium carbonate, sand, or graphite. Apply the powder on the burning metal to a depth of 1⁄2-inch or more. Do not use foam, water, carbon tetrachloride, or carbon dioxide. Description of Titanium Titanium in its mineral state, is the fourth most abundant structural metal in the earth’s crust. It is light weight, nonmagnetic, strong, corrosion resistant, and ductile. Titanium lies between the aluminum alloys and stainless steel in modulus, density, and strength at intermediate temperatures. Titanium is 30 percent stronger than steel, but is nearly 50 percent lighter.

It is 60 percent heavier than aluminum, but twice as strong. Titanium and its alloys are used chiefly for parts that require good corrosion resistance, moderate strength up to 600 °F (315 °C), and light weight. Commercially pure titanium sheet may be formed by hydropress, stretch press, brake roll forming, drop hammer, or other similar operations. It is more difficult to form than annealed stainless steel. Titanium can also be worked by grinding, drilling, sawing, and the types of working used on other metals. Titanium must be isolated from magnesium, aluminum, or alloy steel because galvanic corrosion or oxidation of the other metals occurs upon contact. Monel® rivets or standard close-tolerance steel fasteners should be used when installing titanium parts. The alloy sheet can be formed, to a limited extent, at room temperature. The forming of titanium alloys is divided into three classes: • Cold forming with no stress relief • Cold forming with stress relief • Elevated

temperature forming (built-in stress relief) Over 5 percent of all titanium in the United States is produced in the form of the alloy Ti 6Al-4V, which is known as the workhorse of the titanium industry. Used in aircraft turbine engine components and aircraft structural components, Ti 6Al-4V is approximately 3 times stronger than pure titanium. The most widely used titanium alloy, it is hard to form. The following are procedures for cold forming titanium 6Al4V annealed with stress relief (room temperature forming): 1. It is important to use a minimum radius chart when forming titanium because an excessively small radius introduces excess stress to the bend area. 2. Stress relieves the part as follows: heat the part to a temperature above 1,250 °F (677 °C), but below 1,450 °F (788 °C). Keep the part at this temperature for more than 30 minutes but less than 10 hours. 3. A powerful press brake is required to form titanium parts. Regular hand-operated box and pan brakes cannot

form titanium sheet material. 4-85 Source: http://www.doksinet 4. A power slip roller is often used if the repair patch needs to be curved to fit the contour of the aircraft. Titanium can be difficult to drill, but standard high-speed drill bits may be used if the bits are sharp, if sufficient force is applied, and if a low-speed drill motor is used. If the drill bit is dull, or if it is allowed to ride in a partially drilled hole, an overheated condition is created, making further drilling extremely difficult. Therefore, keep holes as shallow as possible; use short, sharp drill bits of approved design; and flood the area with large amounts of cutting fluid to facilitate drilling or reaming. When working titanium, it is recommended that you use carbide or 8 percent cobalt drill bits, reamers, and countersinks. Ensure the drill or reamer is rotating to prevent scoring the side of the hole when removing either of them from a hole. Use a hand drill only when positive-power-feed

drills are not available. The following guidelines are used for drilling titanium: • • The largest diameter hole that can be drilled in a single step is 0.1563-inch because a large force is required Larger diameter drill bits do not cut satisfactorily when much force is used. Drill bits that do not cut satisfactorily cause damage to the hole. Holes with a diameter of 0.1875-inch and larger can be hand drilled if the operator: - Starts with a hole with a diameter of 0.1563-inch - Increases the diameter of the hole in 0.0313-inch or 0.0625-inch increments • Cobalt vanadium drill bits last much longer than HSS bits. • The recommended drill motor rpm settings for hand drilling titanium are listed in Figure 4-168. Hole Size (inches) Drill Speed (rpm) 0.0625 920 to 1830 rpm 0.125 460 to 920 rpm 0.1875 230 to 460 rpm Figure 4-168. Hole size and drill speed for drilling titanium • 4-86 The life of a drill bit is shorter when drilling titanium than when drilling

steel. Do not use a blunt drill bit or let a drill bit rub the surface of the metal and not cut it. If one of these conditions occurs, the titanium surface becomes work hardened, and it is very difficult to start the drill again. • When hand drilling two or more titanium parts at the same time, clamp them together tightly. To clamp them together, use temporary bolts, Cleco clamps, or tooling clamps. Put the clamps around the area to drill and as near the area as possible. • When hand drilling thin or flexible parts, put a support (such as a block of wood) behind the part. • Titanium has a low thermal conductivity. When it becomes hot, other metals become easily attached to it. Particles of titanium often become welded to the sharp edges of the drill bit if the drill speed is too high. When drilling large plates or extrusions, use a water soluble coolant or sulphurized oil. NOTE: The intimate metal-to-metal contact in the metal working process creates heat and friction that

must be reduced or the tools and the sheet metal used in the process are quickly damaged and/or destroyed. Coolants, also called cutting fluids, are used to reduce the friction at the interface of the tool and sheet metal by transferring heat away from the tool and sheet metal. Thus, the use of cutting fluids increases productivity, extends tool life, and results in a higher quality of workmanship. Basic Principles of Sheet Metal Repair Aircraft structural members are designed to perform a specific function or to serve a definite purpose. The primary objective of aircraft repair is to restore damaged parts to their original condition. Very often, replacement is the only way this can be done effectively. When repair of a damaged part is possible, first study the part carefully to fully understand its purpose or function. Strength may be the principal requirement in the repair of certain structures, while others may need entirely different qualities. For example, fuel tanks and floats

must be protected against leakage; cowlings, fairings, and similar parts must have such properties as neat appearance, streamlined shape, and accessibility. The function of any damaged part must be carefully determined to ensure the repair meets the requirements. An inspection of the damage and accurate estimate of the type of repair required are the most important steps in repairing structural damage. The inspection includes an estimate of the best type and shape of repair patch to use; the type, size, and number of rivets needed; and the strength, thickness, and kind of material required to make the repaired member no heavier (or only slightly heavier) and just as strong as the original. Source: http://www.doksinet When investigating damage to an aircraft, it is necessary to make an extensive inspection of the structure. When any component or group of components has been damaged, it is essential that both the damaged members and the attaching structure be investigated, since the

damaging force may have been transmitted over a large area, sometimes quite remote from the point of original damage. Wrinkled skin, elongated or damaged bolt or rivet holes, or distortion of members usually appears in the immediate area of such damage, and any one of these conditions calls for a close inspection of the adjacent area. Check all skin, dents, and wrinkles for any cracks or abrasions. Nondestructive inspection methods (NDI) are used as required when inspecting damage. NDI methods serve as tools of prevention that allow defects to be detected before they develop into serious or hazardous failures. A trained and experienced technician can detect flaws or defects with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. Some of the defects found by NDI include corrosion, pitting, heat/stress cracks, and discontinuity of metals. be placed there, material one gauge thicker than the original shall be used for the repair. Replace buckled or bent members or reinforce them by attaching a

splice over the affected area. A buckled part of the structure shall not be depended upon to carry its load again, no matter how well the part may be strengthened. The material used in all replacements or reinforcements must be similar to that used in the original structure. If an alloy weaker than the original must be substituted for it, a heavier thickness must be used to give equivalent cross-sectional strength. A material that is stronger, but thinner, cannot be substituted for the original because one material can have greater tensile strength but less compressive strength than another, or vice versa. Also, the buckling and torsional strength of many sheet metal and tubular parts depends primarily on the thickness of the material rather than its allowable compressive and shear strengths. The manufacturer’s SRM often indicates what material can be used as a substitution and how much thicker the material needs to be. Figure 4-169 is an example of a substitution table found in an

SRM. When investigating damage, proceed as follows: • Remove all dirt, grease, and paint from the damaged and surrounding areas to determine the exact condition of each rivet, bolt, and weld. • Inspect skin for wrinkles throughout a large area. • Check the operation of all movable parts in the area. • Determine if repair would be the best procedure. In any aircraft sheet metal repair, it is critical to: • Maintain original strength, • Maintain original contour, and • Minimize weight. Maintaining Original Strength Certain fundamental rules must be observed if the original strength of the structure is to be maintained. Ensure that the cross-sectional area of a splice or patch is at least equal to or greater than that of the damaged part. Avoid abrupt changes in cross-sectional area. Eliminate dangerous stress concentration by tapering splices. To reduce the possibility of cracks starting from the corners of cutouts, try to make cutouts either circular or oval

in shape. Where it is necessary to use a rectangular cutout, make the radius of curvature at each corner no smaller than 1⁄2-inch. If the member is subjected to compression or bending loads, the patch should be placed on the outside of the member to obtain a higher resistance to such loads. If the patch cannot Care must be taken when forming. Heat-treated and coldworked aluminum alloys stand very little bending without cracking. On the other hand, soft alloys are easily formed, but they are not strong enough for primary structure. Strong alloys can be formed in their annealed (heated and allowed to cool slowly) condition, and heat treated before assembling to develop their strength. The size of rivets for any repair can be determined by referring to the rivets used by the manufacturer in the next parallel rivet row inboard on the wing or forward on the fuselage. Another method of determining the size of rivets to be used is to multiply the thickness of the skin by three and use the

next larger size rivet corresponding to that figure. For example, if the skin thickness is 0.040-inch, multiply 0040inch by 3, which equals 0120-inch; use the next larger size rivet, 1⁄8-inch (0.125-inch) The number of rivets to be used for a repair can be found in tables in manufacturer’s SRMs or in Advisory Circular (AC) 43.13-1 (as revised), Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and PracticesAircraft Inspection and Repair. Figure 4-170 is a table from AC 4313-1 that is used to calculate the number of rivets required for a repair. Extensive repairs that are made too strong can be as undesirable as repairs weaker than the original structure. All aircraft structure must flex slightly to withstand the forces imposed during takeoff, flight, and landing. If a repaired area is too strong, excessive flexing occurs at the edge of the completed repair, causing acceleration of metal fatigue. 4-87 Source: http://www.doksinet Shape Replacement Material Initial Material Sheet 0.016 to 0125

Clad 2024–T42 F Clad 2024–T3 2024–T3 Clad 7075–T6 A 7075–T6 A Clad 2024–T3 2024–T3 Clad 7075–T6 A 7075–T6 A Clad 7075–T6 Formed or extruded section 7075–T6 2024–T42 F 7075–T6 A B Material Replacement Factor Sheet Material To Be Replaced Clad 7075–T6 7075–T6 C C F 2024–T4 2024–T42 F Clad 2024–T4 Clad 2024–T42 D E D E D E D E 1.10 1.20 1.78 1.30 1.83 1.20 1.78 1.24 1.84 1.00 1.13 1.70 1.22 1.76 1.13 1.71 1.16 1.76 1.00 A 1.00 1.00 1.09 1.10 1.00 1.10 1.03 1.14 A 1.00 A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.00 2024–T42 1.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.14 Clad 2024–T42 1.00 A 1.00 A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7178–T6 1.28 1.28 1.50 1.90 1.63 2.00 1.86 1.90 1.96 1.98 Clad 7178–T6 1.08 1.18 1.41 1.75 1.52 1.83 1.75 1.75 1.81 1.81 1.00 A 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7075–T6 1.00 Clad

7075–T6 1.00 2024–T3 1.00 A Clad 2024–T3 1.00 5052–H34 G H 1.00 A H Clad 2024–T3 2024–T3 Notes: • All dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise specified. A Cannot be used as replacement for the initial material in areas that are pressured. B Cannot be used in the wing interspar structure at the wing center section structure. It is possible for the material replacement factor to be a lower value for a specific location on the airplane. To get that value, contact Boeing for a case-by-case analysis. C Use the next thicker standard gauge when using a formed section as a replacement for an extrusion. D For all gauges of flat sheet and formed sections. • Refer to Figure 4-81 for minimun bend radii. E For flat sheet < 0.071 thick • Example: To refer 0.040 thick 7075–T6 with clad 7075–T6, multiply the gauge by the material replacement factor to get the replacement gauge 0.040 x 110 = 0045 F For flat sheet ≥ 0.071 thick and for formed

sections G 2024–T4 and 2024–T42 are equivalent. H A compound to give protection from corrosion must be applied to bare material that is used to replace 5052–H34. • • It is possible that more protection from corrosion is necessary when bare mineral is used to replace clad material. Figure 4-169. Material substitution Shear Strength and Bearing Strength Aircraft structural joint design involves an attempt to find the optimum strength relationship between being critical in shear and critical in bearing. These are determined by the failure mode affecting the joint. The joint is critical in shear if less than the optimum number of fasteners of a given size 4-88 are installed. This means that the rivets will fail, and not the sheet, if the joint fails. The joint is critical in bearing if more than the optimum number of fasteners of a given size are installed; the material may crack and tear between holes, or fastener holes may distort and stretch while the fasteners

remain intact. Source: http://www.doksinet No. of 2117–T4 (AD) Protruding Head Rivets Required per Inch of Width “W” Thickness “T” in inches No. of Bolts Rivet Size 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 AN–3 .016 6.5 4.9 -- -- -- -- .020 6.5 4.9 3.9 -- -- -- .025 6.9 4.9 3.9 -- -- -- .032 8.9 4.9 3.9 3.3 -- -- .036 10.0 5.6 3.9 3.3 2.4 -- .040 11.1 6.2 4.0 3.3 2.4 -- .051 -- 7.9 5.1 3.6 2.4 3.3 .064 -- 9.9 6.5 4.5 2.5 3.3 .081 -- 12.5 8.1 5.7 3.1 3.3 .091 -- -- 9.1 6.3 3.5 3.3 .102 -- -- 10.3 7.1 3.9 3.3 .128 -- -- 12.9 8.9 4.9 3.3 Notes: a. For stringer in the upper surface of a wing, or in a fuselage, 80 percent of the number of rivets shown in the table may be used. b. For intermediate frames, 60 percent of the number shown may be used c. For single lap sheet joints, 75 percent of the number shown may be used Engineering Notes a. The load per inch of width of material was calculated by

assuming a strip 1 inch wide in tension b. Number of rivets required was calculated for 2117–T4 (AD) rivets, based on a rivet allowable shear stress equal to percent of the sheet allowable tensile stress, and a sheet allowable bearing stress equal to 160 percent of the sheet allowable tensile stress, using nominal hole diameters for rivets. c. Combinations of shoot thickness and rivet size above the underlined numbers are critical in (ie, will fail by) bearing on the sheet; those below are critical in shearing of the rivets. d. The number of AN–3 bolts required below the underlined number was calculated based on a sheet allowable tensile stress of 55.000 psi and a bolt allowable single shear load of 2126 pounds Figure 4-170. Rivet calculation table Maintaining Original Contour Form all repairs in such a manner to fit the original contour perfectly. A smooth contour is especially desirable when making patches on the smooth external skin of highspeed aircraft. Keeping Weight to a

Minimum Keep the weight of all repairs to a minimum. Make the size of the patches as small as practicable and use no more rivets than are necessary. In many cases, repairs disturb the original balance of the structure. The addition of excessive weight in each repair may unbalance the aircraft, requiring adjustment of the trim-and-balance tabs. In areas such as the spinner on the propeller, a repair requires application of balancing patches in order to maintain a perfect balance of the propeller. When flight controls are repaired and weight is added, it is very important to perform a balancing check to determine if the flight control is still within its balance limitations. Failure to do so could result in flight control flutter. Flutter and Vibration Precautions To prevent severe vibration or flutter of flight control surfaces during flight, precautions must be taken to stay within the design balance limitations when performing maintenance or repair. The importance of retaining the

proper balance and rigidity of aircraft control surfaces cannot be overemphasized. The effect of repair or weight change on the balance and CG is proportionately greater on lighter surfaces than on the older heavier designs. As a general rule, repair the control surface in such a manner that the weight distribution is not affected in any way, in order to preclude the occurrence of flutter of the control surface in flight. Under certain conditions, counterbalance weight is added forward of the hinge line to maintain balance. Add or remove balance weights only when necessary in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Flight testing must be accomplished to ensure flutter is not a problem. Failure to check and retain control surface balance within the original or maximum allowable value could result in a serious flight hazard. 4-89 Source: http://www.doksinet Aircraft manufacturers use different repair techniques and repairs designed and approved for one type of aircraft are

not automatically approved for other types of aircraft. When repairing a damaged component or part, consult the applicable section of the manufacturer’s SRM for the aircraft. Usually the SRM contains an illustration for a similar repair along with a list of the types of material, rivets and rivet spacing, and the methods and procedures to be used. Any additional knowledge needed to make a repair is also detailed. If the necessary information is not found in the SRM, attempt to find a similar repair or assembly installed by the manufacturer of the aircraft. an investigation of the substructure in the vicinity should be made and corrective action taken. Inspection of Damage When visually inspecting damage, remember that there may be other kinds of damage than that caused by impact from foreign objects or collision. A rough landing may overload one of the landing gear, causing it to become sprung; this would be classified as load damage. During inspection and sizing up of the repair

job, consider how far the damage caused by the sprung shock strut extends to supporting structural members. Aluminum alloy surfaces having chipped protective coating, scratches, or worn spots that expose the surface of the metal should be recoated at once, as corrosion may develop rapidly. The same principle is applied to aluminum clad (Alclad™) surfaces. Scratches, which penetrate the pure aluminum surface layer, permit corrosion to take place in the alloy beneath. A shock occurring at one end of a member is transmitted throughout its length; therefore, closely inspect all rivets, bolts, and attaching structures along the complete member for any evidence of damage. Make a close examination for rivets that have partially failed and for holes that have been elongated. Warped wings are usually indicated by the presence of parallel skin wrinkles running diagonally across the wings and extending over a major area. This condition may develop from unusually violent maneuvers, extremely

rough air, or extra hard landings. While there may be no actual rupture of any part of the structure, it may be distorted and weakened. Similar failures may also occur in fuselages. Small cracks in the skin covering may be caused by vibration and they are frequently found leading away from rivets. A simple visual inspection cannot accurately determine if suspected cracks in major structural members actually exist or the full extent of the visible cracks. Eddy current and ultrasonic inspection techniques are used to find hidden damage. Types of Damage and Defects Types of damage and defects that may be observed on aircraft parts are defined as follows: Whether specific damage is suspected or not, an aircraft structure must occasionally be inspected for structural integrity. The following paragraphs provide general guidelines for this inspection. • Brinellingoccurrence of shallow, spherical depressions in a surface, usually produced by a part having a small radius in contact with

the surface under high load. When inspecting the structure of an aircraft, it is very important to watch for evidence of corrosion on the inside. This is most likely to occur in pockets and corners where moisture and salt spray may accumulate; therefore, drain holes must always be kept clean. • Burnishingpolishing of one surface by sliding contact with a smooth, harder surface. Usually there is no displacement or removal of metal. • Burra small, thin section of metal extending beyond a regular surface, usually located at a corner or on the edge of a hole. • Corrosionloss of metal from the surface by chemical or electrochemical action. The corrosion products generally are easily removed by mechanical means. Iron rust is an example of corrosion. • Cracka physical separation of two adjacent portions of metal, evidenced by a fine or thin line across the surface caused by excessive stress at that point. It may extend inward from the surface from a few thousandths of an inch

to completely through the section thickness. While an injury to the skin covering caused by impact with an object is plainly evident, a defect, such as distortion or failure of the substructure, may not be apparent until some evidence develops on the surface, such as canted, buckled or wrinkled covering, and loose rivets or working rivets. A working rivet is one that has movement under structural stress, but has not loosened to the extent that movement can be observed. This situation can sometimes be noted by a dark, greasy residue or deterioration of paint and primers around rivet heads. External indications of internal injury must be watched for and correctly interpreted. When found, 4-90 Source: http://www.doksinet • Cutloss of metal, usually to an appreciable depth over a relatively long and narrow area, by mechanical means, as would occur with the use of a saw blade, chisel, or sharp-edged stone striking a glancing blow. • Dentindentation in a metal surface produced by

an object striking with force. The surface surrounding the indentation is usually slightly upset. • Erosionloss of metal from the surface by mechanical action of foreign objects, such as grit or fine sand. The eroded area is rough and may be lined in the direction in which the foreign material moved relative to the surface. • Chatteringbreakdown or deterioration of metal surface by vibratory or chattering action. Although chattering may give the general appearance of metal loss or surface cracking, usually, neither has occurred. • Gallingbreakdown (or build-up) of metal surfaces due to excessive friction between two parts having relative motion. Particles of the softer metal are torn loose and welded to the harder metal. • Gougegroove in, or breakdown of, a metal surface from contact with foreign material under heavy pressure. Usually it indicates metal loss but may be largely the displacement of material. • Inclusionpresence of foreign or extraneous material wholly

within a portion of metal. Such material is introduced during the manufacture of rod, bar or tubing by rolling or forging. • Nicklocal break or notch on an edge. Usually it involves the displacement of metal rather than loss. • Pittingsharp, localized breakdown (small, deep cavity) of metal surface, usually with defined edges. • Scratchslight tear or break in metal surface from light, momentary contact by foreign material. • Scoredeeper (than scratch) tear or break in metal surface from contact under pressure. May show discoloration from temperature produced by friction. • Staina change in color, locally causing a noticeably different appearance from the surrounding area. • Upsettinga displacement of material beyond the normal contour or surface (a local bulge or bump). Usually it indicates no metal loss. Classification of Damage Damages may be grouped into four general classes. In many cases, the availabilities of repair materials and time are the most

important factors in determining if a part should be repaired or replaced. Negligible Damage Negligible damage consists of visually apparent, surface damage that do not affect the structural integrity of the component involved. Negligible damage may be left as is or may be corrected by a simple procedure without restricting flight. In both cases, some corrective action must be taken to keep the damage from spreading. Negligible or minor damage areas must be inspected frequently to ensure the damage does not spread. Permissible limits for negligible damage vary for different components of different aircraft and should be carefully researched on an individual basis. Failure to ensure that damages within the specified limit of negligible damage may result in insufficient structural strength of the affected support member for critical flight conditions. Small dents, scratches, cracks, and holes that can be repaired by smoothing, sanding, stop drilling, or hammering out, or otherwise

repaired without the use of additional materials, fall in this classification. [Figure 4-171] Crack Stop-drill cracks Figure 4-171. Repair of cracks by stop-drilling Damage Repairable by Patching Damage repairable by patching is any damage exceeding negligible damage limits that can be repaired by installing splice members to bridge the damaged portion of a structural part. The splice members are designed to span the damaged areas and to overlap the existing undamaged surrounding structure. The splice or patch material used in internal riveted and bolted repairs is normally the same type of material as the damaged part, but one gauge heavier. In a patch repair, filler plates of the same gauge and type of material as that in the damaged component may be used for bearing purposes or to return the damaged part to its original contour. Structural fasteners are applied to members and the surrounding 4-91 Source: http://www.doksinet accomplished. Figure 4-172 shows a typical aircraft

jig Always check the applicable aircraft maintenance manual for specific support requirements. Damage Repairable by Insertion 3 5/8 7 5/8 4 3 5/8 7 1/4 4 3 5/8 6 7/8 3 9/16 3 5/16 3 2 1/8 6 1/4 5 5/8 4 3/4 5 5/8 2 1/8 4 24 CL 3/8 2 3/4 5 1/4 5 1/4 30 Damage Necessitating Replacement of Parts Components must be replaced when their location or extent of damage makes repair impractical, when replacement is more economical than repair, or when the damaged part is relatively easy to replace. For example, replacing damaged castings, forgings, hinges, and small structural members, when available, is more practical than repairing them. Some highly stressed members must be replaced because repair would not restore an adequate margin of safety. CL 16 8 Damage must be repaired by insertion when the area is too large to be patched or the structure is arranged such that repair members would interfere with structural alignment (e.g, in a hinge or bulkhead). In this type of

repair, the damaged portion is removed from the structure and replaced by a member identical in material and shape. Splice connections at each end of the insertion member provide for load transfer to the original structure. 2 22 4 structure to restore the original load-carrying characteristics of the damaged area. The use of patching depends on the extent of the damage and the accessibility of the component to be repaired. 1/4 felt glued on Canvas or strong cloth tacked on to cover felt 2X8 1/4 plywood both sides 2X3 Repairability of Sheet Metal Structure The following criteria can be used to help an aircraft technician decide upon the repairability of a sheet metal structure: • Type of damage. • Type of original material. • Location of the damage. • Type of repair required. • Tools and equipment available to make the repair. The following methods, procedures, and materials are only typical and should not be used as the authority for a repair. Structural

Support During Repair During repair, the aircraft must be adequately supported to prevent further distortion or damage. It is also important that the structure adjacent to the repair is supported when it is subject to static loads. The aircraft structure can be supported adequately by the landing gear or by jacks where the work involves a repair, such as removing the control surfaces, wing panels, or stabilizers. Cradles must be prepared to hold these components while they are removed from the aircraft. When the work involves extensive repair of the fuselage, landing gear, or wing center section, a jig (a device for holding parts in position to maintain their shape) may be constructed to distribute the loads while repairs are being 4-92 30 Figure 4-172. Aircraft jig used to hold components during repairs Assessment of Damage Before starting any repair, the extent of damage must be fully evaluated to determine if repair is authorized or even practical. This evaluation should identify

the original material used and the type of repair required. The assessment of the damage begins with an inspection of riveted joints and an inspection for corrosion. Inspection of Riveted Joints Inspection consists of examining both the shop and manufactured heads and the surrounding skin and structural parts for deformities. During the repair of an aircraft structural part, examine adjacent parts to determine the condition of neighboring rivets. The presence of chipped or cracked paint around the heads may indicate shifted or loose rivets. If the heads are tipped or if rivets are loose, they show up in groups of Source: http://www.doksinet several consecutive rivets and are probably tipped in the same direction. If heads that appear to be tipped are not in groups and are not tipped in the same direction, tipping may have occurred during some previous installation. Inspect rivets that are known to have been critically loaded, but that show no visible distortion, by drilling off the

head and carefully punching out the shank. If upon examination, the shank appears joggled and the holes in the sheet misaligned, the rivet has failed in shear. In that case, determine what is causing the stress and take necessary corrective action. Countersunk rivets that show head slippage within the countersink or dimple, indicating either sheet bearing failure or rivet shear failure, must be replaced. Joggles in removed rivet shanks indicate partial shear failure. Replace these rivets with the next larger size. Also, if the rivet holes show elongation, replace the rivets with the next larger size. Sheet failures, such as tearouts, cracks between rivets, and the like, usually indicate damaged rivets, and the complete repair of the joint may require replacement of the rivets with the next larger size. The presence of a black residue around the rivets is not an indication of looseness, but it is an indication of movement (fretting). The residue, which is aluminum oxide, is formed by a

small amount of relative motion between the rivet and the adjacent surface. This is called fretting corrosion, or smoking, because the aluminum dust quickly forms a dark, dirty looking trail, like a smoke trail. Sometimes, the thinning of the moving pieces can propagate a crack. If a rivet is suspected of being defective, this residue may be removed with a general purpose abrasive hand pad, such as those manufactured by Scotch Brite™, and the surface inspected for signs of pitting or cracking. Although the condition indicates the component is under significant stress, it does not necessarily precipitate cracking. [Figure 4-173] Rivet head cracking are acceptable under the following conditions: • The depth of the crack is less than 1⁄8 of the shank diameter. • The width of the crack is less than 1⁄16 of the shank diameter. • The length of the crack is confined to an area on the head within a circle having a maximum diameter of 11⁄4 times the shank diameter. •

Cracks should not intersect, which creates the potential for the loss of a portion of a head. Inspection for Corrosion Corrosion is the gradual deterioration of metal due to a chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. The reaction can be triggered by the atmosphere, moisture, or other agents. When inspecting the structure of an aircraft, it is important to watch for evidence of corrosion on both the outside and inside. Corrosion on the inside is most likely to occur in pockets and corners where moisture and salt spray may accumulate; therefore, drain holes must always be kept clean. Also inspect the surrounding members for evidence of corrosion. Damage Removal To prepare a damaged area for repair: 1. Remove all distorted skin and structure in damaged area. 2. Remove damaged material so that the edges of the completed repair match existing structure and aircraft lines. 3. Round all square corners. 4. Smooth out any abrasions and/or dents. 5. Remove and

incorporate into the new repair any previous repairs joining the area of the new repair. Repair Material Selection The repair material must duplicate the strength of the original structure. If an alloy weaker than the original material has to be used, a heavier gauge must be used to give equivalent cross-sectional strength. A lighter gauge material should not be used even when using a stronger alloy. Figure 4-173. Smoking rivet Airframe cracking is not necessarily caused by defective rivets. It is common practice in the industry to size rivet patterns assuming one or more of the rivets is not effective. This means that a loose rivet would not necessarily overload adjacent rivets to the point of cracking. Repair Parts Layout All new sections fabricated for repairing or replacing damaged parts in a given aircraft should be carefully laid out to the dimensions listed in the applicable aircraft manual before fitting the parts into the structure. 4-93 Source: http://www.doksinet

Rivet Selection Normally, the rivet size and material should be the same as the original rivets in the part being repaired. If a rivet hole has been enlarged or deformed, the next larger size rivet must be used after reworking the hole. When this is done, the proper edge distance for the larger rivet must be maintained. Where access to the inside of the structure is impossible and blind rivets must be used in making the repair, always consult the applicable aircraft maintenance manual for the recommended type, size, spacing, and number of rivets needed to replace either the original installed rivets or those that are required for the type of repair being performed. Rivet Spacing and Edge Distance The rivet pattern for a repair must conform to instructions in the applicable aircraft manual. The existing rivet pattern is used whenever possible. Corrosion Treatment Prior to assembly of repair or replacement parts, make certain that all existing corrosion has been removed in the area and

that the parts are properly insulated one from the other. Approval of Repair Once the need for an aircraft repair has been established, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) defines the approval process. 14 CFR part 43, section 4313(a) states that each person performing maintenance, alteration, or preventive maintenance on an aircraft, engine, propeller, or appliance shall use the methods, techniques, and practices prescribed in the current manufacturer’s maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness prepared by its manufacturer, or other methods, techniques, or practices acceptable to the Figure 4-174. 4-94 FAA Form 337. Administrator. AC 4313-1 contains methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the Administrator for the inspection and repair of nonpressurized areas of civil aircraft, only when there are no manufacturer repair or maintenance instructions. This data generally pertains to minor repairs. The repairs identified in this AC may

only be used as a basis for FAA approval for major repairs. The repair data may also be used as approved data, and the AC chapter, page, and paragraph listed in block 8 of FAA Form 337 when: a. The user has determined that it is appropriate to the product being repaired; b. It is directly applicable to the repair being made; and c. It is not contrary to manufacturer’s data. Engineering support from the aircraft manufacturer is required for repair techniques and methods that are not described in the aircraft maintenance manual or SRM. FAA Form 337, Major Repair and Alteration, must be completed for repairs to the following parts of an airframe and repairs of the following types involving the strengthening, reinforcing, splicing, and manufacturing of primary structural members or their replacement, when replacement is by fabrication, such as riveting or welding. [Figure 4-174] • Box beams • Monocoque or semimonocoque wings or control surfaces • Wing stringers or chord

members • Spars • Spar flanges Source: http://www.doksinet • Members of truss-type beams Patches • Thin sheet webs of beams Skin patches may be classified as two types: • Keel and chine members of boat hulls or floats • Lap or scab patch • Corrugated sheet compression members that act as flange material of wings or tail surfaces • Flush patch • Wing main ribs and compression members • Wing or tail surface brace struts, fuselage longerons • Members of the side truss, horizontal truss, or bulkheads • Main seat support braces and brackets • Landing gear brace struts • Repairs involving the substitution of material • Repair of damaged areas in metal or plywood stressed covering exceeding six inches in any direction • Repair of portions of skin sheets by making additional seams • Splicing of thin sheets • Repair of three or more adjacent wing or control surface ribs or the leading edge of wings and control surfaces

between such adjacent ribs For major repairs made in accordance with a manual or specifications acceptable to the Administrator, a certificated repair station may use the customer’s work order upon which the repair is recorded in place of the FAA Form 337. Repair of Stressed Skin Structure In aircraft construction, stressed skin is a form of construction in which the external covering (skin) of an aircraft carries part or all of the main loads. Stressed skin is made from high strength rolled aluminum sheets. Stressed skin carries a large portion of the load imposed upon an aircraft structure. Various specific skin areas are classified as highly critical, semicritical, or noncritical. To determine specific repair requirements for these areas, refer to the applicable aircraft maintenance manual. Minor damage to the outside skin of the aircraft can be repaired by applying a patch to the inside of the damaged sheet. A filler plug must be installed in the hole made by the removal of the

damaged skin area. It plugs the hole and forms a smooth outside surface necessary for aerodynamic smoothness of the aircraft. The size and shape of the patch is determined in general by the number of rivets required in the repair. If not otherwise specified, calculate the required number of rivets by using the rivet formula. Make the patch plate of the same material as the original skin and of the same thickness or of the next greater thickness. Lap or Scab Patch The lap or scab type of patch is an external patch where the edges of the patch and the skin overlap each other. The overlapping portion of the patch is riveted to the skin. Lap patches may be used in most areas where aerodynamic smoothness is not important. Figure 4-175 shows a typical patch for a crack and or for a hole. Original damage Stop holesdrill 3/32" diameter holes in each sharp corner or crack or break and clean up edges Skin Reinforcement materialALCLAD 2024-T3 same gauge or one gauge heavier

Rivetsmaterial thickness of 0.032 inch or less Use 1/8 " rivetsmaterial thickness greater than 0.032", use 5/32" rivets. Space rivets aproximately 1" apart in staggered rows 1/2" apart. Maintain minimum edge distance of 1" when skin thickness is 0.032" or less and 1/8" when skin thickness is more than 0.032" Minimum edge distance using 1/8" rivets is 1/4" and using 5/32" rivets is 5/16". Figure 4-175. Lap or scab patch (crack) When repairing cracks or small holes with a lap or scab patch, the damage must be cleaned and smoothed. In repairing cracks, a small hole must be drilled in each end and sharp bend of the crack before applying the patch. These holes relieve the stress at these points and prevent the crack from spreading. The patch must be large enough to install the 4-95 Source: http://www.doksinet required number of rivets. It may be cut circular, square, or rectangular. If it is cut square or rectangular, the

corners are rounded to a radius no smaller than 1⁄4-inch. The edges must be chamfered to an angle of 45° for 1⁄2 the thickness of the material, and bent down 5° over the edge distance to seal the edges. This reduces the chance that the repair is affected by the airflow over it. These dimensions are shown in Figure 4-176. Edge distance 5° 45° Neutral axis Damage Doubler Rivet hole T 1/2 T Damaged area cut to a smooth rectangle with corner radil Figure 4-176. Lap patch edge preparation Fillerr Flush Patch A flush patch is a filler patch that is flush to the skin when applied it is supported by and riveted to a reinforcement plate which is, in turn, riveted to the inside of the skin. Figure 4-177 shows a typical flush patch repair. The doubler is inserted through the opening and rotated until it slides in place under the skin. The filler must be of the same gauge and material as the original skin. The doubler should be of material one gauge heavier than the skin. Open

and Closed Skin Area Repair The factors that determine the methods to be used in skin repair are accessibility to the damaged area and the instructions found in the aircraft maintenance manual. The skin on most areas of an aircraft is inaccessible for making the repair from the inside and is known as closed skin. Skin that is accessible from both sides is called open skin. Usually, repairs to open skin can be made in the conventional manner using standard rivets, but in repairing closed skin, some type of special fastener must be used. The exact type to be used depends on the type of repair being made and the recommendations of the aircraft manufacturer. Design of a Patch for a Nonpressurized Area Damage to the aircraft skin in a non-pressurized area can be repaired by a flush patch if a smooth skin surface is required or by an external patch in noncritical areas. [Figure 4-178] The first step is to remove the damage. Cut the damage to a round, oval, or rectangular shape. Round all

corners of a rectangular patch to a minimum radius of 0.5-inch The minimum edge distance used is 2 times the diameter and the rivet spacing 4-96 Doubler riveted in place Filler riveted in place Figure 4-177. Typical flush patch repair is typically between 4-6 times the diameter. The size of the doubler depends on the edge distance and rivet spacing. The doubler material is of the same material as the damaged skin, but of one thickness greater than the damaged skin. The size of the doubler depends on the edge distance and rivet spacing. The insert is made of the same material and thickness as the damaged skin. The size and type of rivets should be the same as rivets used for similar joints on the aircraft. The SRM indicates what size and type of rivets to use. Source: http://www.doksinet E examination for damage due to corrosion, collision with other objects, hard landings, and other conditions that may lead to failure. E Insertion NOTE: Blind rivets should not be used on

floats or amphibian hulls below the water line. Sheet-metal floats should be repaired using approved practices; however, the seams between sections of sheet metal should be waterproofed with suitable fabric and sealing compound. A float that has undergone hull repairs should be tested by filling it with water and allowing it to stand for at least 24 hours to see if any leaks develop. [Figure 4-179] Skin P Corrugated Skin Repair Some of the flight controls of smaller general aviation aircraft have beads in their skin panels. The beads give some stiffness to the thin skin panels. The beads for the repair patch can be formed with a rotary former or press brake. [Figure 4-180] Doubler Insertion Replacement of a Panel Doubler Skin Insertion patch method Damage to metal aircraft skin that exceeds repairable limits requires replacement of the entire panel. [Figure 4-181] A panel must also be replaced when there are too many previous repairs in a given section or area. Patch Skin

Skin 1/4 inch deep dent Cover patch method Figure 4-178. Repair patch for a non-pressurized area Typical Repairs for Aircraft Structures This section describes typical repairs of the major structural parts of an airplane. When repairing a damaged component or part, consult the applicable section of the manufacturer’s SRM for the aircraft. Normally, a similar repair is illustrated, and the types of material, rivets, and rivet spacing and the methods and procedures to be used are listed. Any additional knowledge needed to make a repair is also detailed. If the necessary information is not found in the SRM, attempt to find a similar repair or assembly installed by the manufacturer of the aircraft. Floats To maintain the float in an airworthy condition, periodic and frequent inspections should be made because of the rapidity of corrosion on metal parts, particularly when the aircraft is operated in salt water. Inspection of floats and hulls involves In aircraft construction, a panel

is any single sheet of metal covering. A panel section is the part of a panel between adjacent stringers and bulk heads. Where a section of skin is damaged to such an extent that it is impossible to install a standard skin repair, a special type of repair is necessary. The particular type of repair required depends on whether the damage is repairable outside the member, inside the member, or to the edges of the panel. Outside the Member For damage that, after being trimmed, has 8 1⁄ 2 rivet diameters or more of material, extend the patch to include the manufacturer’s row of rivets and add an extra row inside the members. Inside the Member For damage that, after being trimmed, has less than 81⁄2 manufacturer’s rivet diameters of material inside the members, use a patch that extends over the members and an extra row of rivets along the outside of the members. Edges of the Panel For damage that extends to the edge of a panel, use only one row of rivets along the panel edge,

unless the manufacturer used more than one row. The repair procedure for the other edges of the damage follows the previously explained methods. 4-97 Source: http://www.doksinet Extrusion angle stiffener Repair to step station Replace skin Splice in new portion Replace skin A Replace skeg Detail A Splice Station 5 Splice Shims Repairs to keelson Figure 4-179. Float repair 4-98 Repair to step Source: http://www.doksinet Patch 0.016" AlcladTM 2024-T4 0.25" edge distance 0.7 5˝ r spa ivet cin g 0.25" radius Cut out damaged area Skin Use MS20470AD4 or MS20600 self-plugging rivets or equivalent Figure 4-180. Beaded skin repair on corrugated surfaces The procedures for making all three types of panel repairs are similar. Trim out the damaged portion to the allowances mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. For relief of stresses at the corners of the trim-out, round them to a minimum radius of ½-inch. Lay out the new rivet row with a transverse pitch

of approximately five rivet diameters and stagger the rivets with those put in by the manufacturer. Cut the patch plate from material of the same thickness as the original or the next greater thickness, allowing an edge distance of 21⁄2 rivet diameters. At the corners, strike arcs having the radius equal to the edge distance. Chamfer the edges of the patch plate for a 45° angle and form the plate to fit the contour of the original structure. Turn the edges downward slightly so that the edges fit closely. Place the patch plate in its correct position, drill one rivet hole, and temporarily fasten the plate in place with a fastener. Using a hole finder, locate the position of a second hole, drill it, and insert a second fastener. Then, from the back side and through the original holes, locate and drill the remaining holes. Remove the burrs from the rivet holes and apply corrosion protective material to the contacting surfaces before riveting the patch into place. 4-99 Source:

http://www.doksinet Repair seam same as strongest parallel adjacent seam. Repair seam same as strongest parallel adjacent seam. Use original holes and add as needed. Additional Rivets 3/16" 5/32" Trimmed hole radiused corners 1/8" Figure 4-181. Replacement of an entire panel Repair of Lightening Holes As discussed earlier, lightening holes are cut in rib sections, fuselage frames, and other structural parts to reduce the weight of the part. The holes are flanged to make the web stiffer. Cracks can develop around flanged lightening holes, and these cracks need to be repaired with a repair plate. The damaged area (crack) needs to be stop drilled or the damage must be removed. The repair plate is made of the same material and thickness as the damaged part. Rivets are the same as in surrounding structure and the minimum edge distance is 2 times the diameter and spacing is between four to six times the diameter. Figure 4-182 illustrates a typical lightening hole

repair. Repairs to a Pressurized Area The skin of aircraft that are pressurized during flight is highly stressed. The pressurization cycles apply loads to the skin, and the repairs to this type of structure requires more rivets than a repair to a nonpressurized skin. [Figure 4-183] 1. Remove the damaged skin section. 2. Radius all corners to 0.5-inch 4-100 3. Fabricate a doubler of the same type of material as, but of one size greater thickness than, the skin. The size of the doubler depends on the number of rows, edge distance, and rivets spacing. 4. Fabricate an insert of the same material and same thickness as the damaged skin. The skin to insert clearance is typically 0.015-inch to 0035-inch 5. Drill the holes through the doubler, insertion, and original skin. 6. Spread a thin layer of sealant on the doubler and secure the doubler to the skin with Clecos. 7. Use the same type of fastener as in the surrounding area, and install the doubler to the skin and the

insertion to the doubler. Dip all fasteners in the sealant before installation. Stringer Repair The fuselage stringers extend from the nose of the aircraft to the tail, and the wing stringers extend from the fuselage to the wing tip. Surface control stringers usually extend the Source: http://www.doksinet Stop drill ends of crack use #40 drill Repair for crack on lightening hole flange A A View A - A Patch is same material and thickness as web Repair for crack between lightening holes Figure 4-182. Repair of lightening holes length of the control surface. The skin of the fuselage, wing, or control surface is riveted to stringers. Stringers may be damaged by vibration, corrosion, or collision. Because stringers are made in many different shapes, repair procedures differ. The repair may require the use of preformed or extruded repair material, or it may require material formed by the airframe technician. Some repairs may need both kinds of repair material. When repairing a

stringer, first determine the extent of the damage and remove the rivets from the surrounding area. [Figure 4-184] Then, remove the damaged area by using a hacksaw, keyhole saw, drill, or file. In most cases, a stringer repair requires the use of insert and splice angle. When locating the splice angle on the stringer during repair, be sure to consult the applicable structural repair manual for the repair piece’s position. Some stringers are repaired by placing the splice angle on the inside, whereas others are repaired by placing it on the outside. Extrusions and preformed materials are commonly used to repair angles and insertions or fillers. If repair angles and fillers must be formed from flat sheet stock, use the brake. It may be necessary to use bend allowance and sight lines when making the layout and bends for these formed parts. For repairs to curved stringers, make the repair parts so that they fit the original contour. Figure 4-185 shows a stringer repair by patching. This

repair is permissible when the damage does not exceed two-thirds of the width of one leg and is not more than 12-inch long. Damage exceeding these limits can be repaired by one of the following methods. Figure 4-186 illustrates repair by insertion where damage exceeds two-thirds of the width of one leg and after a portion of the stringer is removed. Figure 4-187 shows repair by insertion when the damage affects only one stringer and 4-101 Source: http://www.doksinet If damage has been cut away from center section of stringer length, both ends of new portion must be attached as shown below. E Insertion Use AN470 or AN456 AD3 rivets P Skin 0.064" 245-T4 AlcladTM strip Removed damage A Doubler 0.10" rad 0.58" 0" 0.4 0.58" Sealer Doubler 5" 3.3 0" 0.9 5" 3.3 0" 0.9 Insertion A Skin .90" 0 " 0.90 " 0 2 . 0 Figure 4-183. Pressurized skin repair exceeds 12-inch in length. Figure 4-188 illustrates repair

by an insertion when damage affects more than one stringer. 0.04" 245-T4 AlcladTM Stringer CS-14 and CS-15 Former or Bulkhead Repair Bulkheads are the oval-shaped members of the fuselage that give form to and maintain the shape of the structure. Bulkheads or formers are often called forming rings, body frames, circumferential rings, belt frames, and other similar names. They are designed to carry concentrated stressed loads. 0.50" 0.35" Original structure Repair parts 0.35" A - A Repair parts in cross section Figure 4-184. Stringer repair There are various types of bulkheads. The most common type is a curved channel formed from sheet stock with stiffeners added. Others have a web made from sheet stock with extruded angles riveted in place as stiffeners and flanges. Most of these members are made from aluminum alloy. Corrosion-resistant steel formers are used in areas that are exposed to high temperatures. Bulkhead damages are classified in the same manner

as other damages. Specifications for each type of damage are established by the manufacturer and specific information is given in the maintenance manual or SRM for the aircraft. Bulkheads are identified with station numbers that are very helpful in locating repair information. Figure 4-189 is an example of a typical repair for a former, frame section, or bulkhead repair. 4-102 1. Stop drill the crack ends with a No. 40 size drill 2. Fabricate a doubler of the same material but one size thicker than the part being repaired. The doubler should be of a size large enough to accommodate 1⁄8inch rivet holes spaced one inch apart, with a minimum edge distance of 0.30-inch and 050-inch spacing between staggered rows. [Figure 4-190] 3. Attach the doubler to the part with clamps and drill holes. 4. Install rivets. Most repairs to bulkheads are made from flat sheet stock if spare parts are not available. When fabricating the repair from flat sheet, remember the substitute material

must provide Source: http://www.doksinet Damage area Rein Reinforcement Damage area Damaged area cut out smooth Reinforcement Damaged area cut out smooth with corner radil Filler Filler Assembled repair Assembled repair Figure 4-186. Stringer repair by insertion when damage exceeds two-thirds of one leg in width. Figure 4-185. Stringer repair by patching Spar Repair cross-sectional tensile, compressive, shear, and bearing strength equal to the original material. Never substitute material that is thinner or has a cross-sectional area less than the original material. Curved repair parts made from flat sheet must be in the “0” condition before forming, and then must be heat treated before installation. The spar is the main supporting member of the wing. Other components may also have supporting members called spars that serve the same function as the spar does in the wing. Think of spars as the hub, or base, of the section in which they are located, even though they are

not in the center. The spar is usually the first member located during the construction of the section, and the other components are fastened directly or indirectly to it. Because of the load the spar carries, it is very important that particular care be taken when repairing this member to ensure the original strength of the structure is not impaired. The spar is constructed so that two general classes of repairs, web repairs and cap strip repairs, are usually necessary. Longeron Repair Generally, longerons are comparatively heavy members that serve approximately the same function as stringers. Consequently, longeron repair is similar to stringer repair. Because the longeron is a heavy member and more strength is needed than with a stringer, heavy rivets are used in the repair. Sometimes bolts are used to install a longeron repair, due to the need for greater accuracy, they are not as suitable as rivets. Also, bolts require more time for installation If the longeron consists of a

formed section and an extruded angle section, consider each section separately. A longeron repair is similar to a stringer repair, but keep the rivet pitch between 4 and 6 rivet diameters. If bolts are used, drill the bolt holes for a light drive fit. Figures 4-190 and 4-191 are examples of typical spar repairs. The damage to the spar web can be repaired with a round or rectangular doubler. Damage smaller than 1-inch is typically repaired with a round doubler and larger damage is repaired with a rectangular doubler. 1. Remove the damage and radius all corners to 0.5-inch 2. Fabricate doubler; use same material and thickness. The doubler size depends on edge distance (minimum of 2D) and rivet spacing (4-6D). 4-103 Source: http://www.doksinet Damage area Damage area Splice angles an Reinforcements Damaged area cut out smooth Stringer insertion Damaged area cut back so joints will be staggered Rib repaired d Insertion Damaged skin cut back to smooth contour with corner radii

Assembled repair Figure 4-187. Stringer repair by insertion when damage affects only one stringer. 3. Drill through the doubler and the original skin and secure doubler with Clecos. 4. Install rivets. Assembled repair Skin Rib and Web Repair Web repairs can be classified into two types: 1. Those made to web sections considered critical, such as those in the wing ribs. 2. Those considered less critical, such as those in elevators, rudders, flaps, and the like. Web sections must be repaired in such a way that the original strength of the member is restored. In the construction of a member using a web, the web member is usually a light gauge aluminum alloy sheet forming the principal depth of the member. The web is bounded by heavy aluminum alloy extrusions known as cap strips. These extrusions carry the loads caused by bending and also provide a foundation for attaching the skin. The web may be stiffened by stamped beads, formed angles, or extruded sections riveted at

regular intervals along the web. 4-104 Rib Section A-A Figure 4-188. Stringer repair by insertion when damage affects more than one stringer. The stamped beads are a part of the web itself and are stamped in when the web is made. Stiffeners help to withstand the compressive loads exerted upon the critically stressed web members. Often, ribs are formed by stamping the entire piece from sheet stock. That is, the rib lacks a cap strip, but does have a flange around the entire piece, plus lightening holes in the web of the rib. Ribs may be formed with stamped beads for stiffeners, or they may have extruded angles riveted on the web for stiffeners. Source: http://www.doksinet Leading Edge Repair Stop drill #40 drill hole Bulkhead Crack 5 1. " m im in um Doubler The construction of the leading edge section varies with the type of aircraft. Generally, it consists of cap strips, nose ribs, stringers, and skin. The cap strips are the main lengthwise extrusions, and they stiffen

the leading edges and furnish a base for the nose ribs and skin. They also fasten the leading edge to the front spar. Radius to rest in bulkhead OR Stop drill #40 drill hole Crack Bulkhead 5" 1. um im in m Doubler The leading edge is the front section of a wing, stabilizer, or other airfoil. The purpose of the leading edge is to streamline the forward section of the wings or control surfaces to ensure effective airflow. The space within the leading edge is sometimes used to store fuel. This space may also house extra equipment, such as landing lights, plumbing lines, or thermal anti-icing systems. Radius to rest in bulkhead Figure 4-189. Bulkhead repair Most damages involve two or more members, but only one member may be damaged and need repairing. Generally, if the web is damaged, cleaning out the damaged area and installing a patch plate are all that is required. The patch plate should be of sufficient size to ensure room for at least two rows of rivets around the

perimeter of the damage that includes proper edge distance, pitch, and transverse pitch for the rivets. The patch plate should be of material having the same thickness and composition as the original member. If any forming is necessary when making the patch plate, such as fitting the contour of a lightening hole, use material in the “0” condition and then heat treat it after forming. Damage to ribs and webs, that require a repair larger than a simple plate, probably needs a patch plate, splice plates, or angles and an insertion. [Figure 4-192] The nose ribs are stamped from aluminum alloy sheet or machined parts. These ribs are U-shaped and may have their web sections stiffened. Regardless of their design, their purpose is to give contour to the leading edge. Stiffeners are used to stiffen the leading edge and supply a base for fastening the nose skin. When fastening the nose skin, use only flush rivets. Leading edges constructed with thermal anti-icing systems consist of two

layers of skin separated by a thin air space. The inner skin, sometimes corrugated for strength, is perforated to conduct the hot air to the nose skin for anti-icing purposes. Damage can be caused by contact with other objects, namely, pebbles, birds, and hail. However, the major cause of damage is carelessness while the aircraft is on the ground. A damaged leading edge usually involves several structural parts. FOD probably involves the nose skin, nose ribs, stringers, and possibly the cap strip. Damage involving all of these members necessitates installing an access door to make the repair possible. First, the damaged area has to be removed and repair procedures established. The repair needs insertions and splice pieces. If the damage is serious enough, it may require repair of the cap strip and stringer, a new nose rib, and a skin panel. When repairing a leading edge, follow the procedures prescribed in the appropriate repair manual for this type of repair. [Figure 4-193] Repairs to

leading edges are more difficult to accomplish than repairs to flat and straight structures because the repair parts need to be formed to fit the existing structure. Trailing Edge Repair A trailing edge is the rearmost part of an airfoil found on the wings, ailerons, rudders, elevators, and stabilizers. It is 4-105 Source: http://www.doksinet Damage cutout 0.50R minimum all corners A B 2D m mu nu mi al) pic (ty Web A B 3 1 Spar chord AF T 2 Note: Use this repair at the inboard end of the spar when the damage is near the upper or lower chord. Web 0.050 Gap (typical) 0.070 3 Fillet seal (typical) Make a laying surface seal refer to SRM 51-20-05 2 1 Seal heads (typical) Figure 4-190. Wing spar repair usually a metal strip that forms the shape of the edge by tying the ends of a rib section together and joining the upper and lower skins. Trailing edges are not structural members, but they are considered to be highly stressed in all cases. Damage to a trailing

edge may be limited to one point or extended over the entire length between two or more rib sections. Besides damage resulting from collision and careless handling, corrosion damage is often present. Trailing edges are particularly subject to corrosion because moisture collects or is trapped in them. 4-106 Thoroughly inspect the damaged area before starting repairs, and determine the extent of damage, the type of repair required, and the manner in which the repair should be performed. When making trailing edge repairs, remember that the repaired area must have the same contour and be made of material with the same composition and temper as the original section. The repair must also be made to retain the design characteristics of the airfoil. [Figure 4-194] Source: http://www.doksinet Upper flange Case A Case B Spar web Damage Lower flange Patch Patch Same material and thickness Figure 4-191. Wing spar repair If web stiffener is within 1/2" of hole and is not damaged.

Drill out stiffener rivets. After repair is made, rivet stiffener at original location. Add new stiffener if stiffener is damaged. Rib Original damaged web area Reinforcement materialsame as original and of same gauge or one gauge ge heavier. heav Clean holes smooth Cle Reinforcement plate Re Pick up rivets along g flange flange add reinforcing rivets spaced 3/4" as shown, maintaining 21/2 times rivet diameter for proper edge Figure 4-192. Wing rib repair 4-107 Source: http://www.doksinet Specialized Repairs Inspection Openings Figures 4-195 through 4-199 are examples of repairs for various structural members. Specific dimensions are not included since the illustrations are intended to present the basic design philosophy of general repairs rather than be used as repair guidelines for actual structures. Remember to consult the SRM for specific aircraft to obtain the maximum allowable damage that may be repaired and the suggested method for accomplishing the repair. If

it is permitted by the applicable aircraft maintenance manual, installation of a flush access door for inspection purposes sometimes makes it easier to repair the internal structure as well as damage to the skin in certain areas. This installation consists of a doubler and a stressed cover plate. A single row of nut plates is riveted to the doubler, and the doubler is riveted to the skin with two staggered rows of rivets. [Figure 4-200] The cover plate is then attached to the doubler with machine screws. Rib access hole in nose beam 0.50 R minimum (typical) Nose rib 0 ed .35" ge m ma inim rgi um n 0.63" to 094" spacing two evenly staggered rows at 0.55" minimum pitch Repair plate Figure 4-193. Leading edge repair 4-108 Nose beam Doubler Source: http://www.doksinet Patch to be 0.016" 24S-T4 ALCLAD Filler strip 0.016" 24S-T4 ALCLAD " 0.70 70" 40" " 0 0. 40 0 0" 0.7 0" 0.7 " " A 0.9 " "

0.9 D cu ama t-a ge wa d p y 6 or .00 tion "m ax im um 0.9 0.6 0" Original structure 0.9 min imu um im ax m 0" 5.0 m Repair parts 0.6 0" Repair parts in cross section Use AN470 or AN456 AD3 or equivalent nt Cherry self-plugging CR-163 rivets min imu m Bottom skin A 15° " 0.8 25" Replacement section of trailing edge strip p 0.032" 24ST4 ALCLAD 1. 11.60" min 2.80" minimum 3.0" minimum 3.0" minimum 2.80" minimum 0.06" R 0.38" 0.25" 4.8" A - A Figure 4-194. Trailing edge repair 4-109 Source: http://www.doksinet Remaining portions of existing member e mm Tri Continuous line of fasteners at uniform spacing required full

Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook, Airframe, VOL 1 (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.